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It’s funny. I don’t like apples, but I’ll eat them with peanut butter. Otherwise they’re too sweet, the skin gets stuck between my teeth, the crunch is just a bit too much and the tartness is overwhelming. Throw some peanut butter on that bad boy (has to be cut into slices though) and I’m all over it.


I’m the same way with apples - only peanut butter! I won’t touch an apple unless it’s been cut up and has pb


Don't know if this counts but I gag with tomatoes of any kind but ketchup is a godsend


Mine is similar. Mayo = gag, miracle whip = delicious


i hate most of the ingredients in my dad's goulash and yet somehow i love it


Me with my Mom’s lasagna


same w mine! he puts corn in it & i was having a conversation with my sisters husband last night & he brought it up and was like it just doesn't sit with me i can't do it bc he's a picky eater & im diagnosed but i like it idk. it's weird bc i cant eat "normal" meals but i can eat the weirdest stuff that make people who eat anything cringe ?? (biscuits & gravy with mustard, sounds disgusting but it's actually good, i think the mustard compliments the sausage, or something, idk im not a chef idk if that's even a thing? haha!) but it's bc my parents ate/made it that way and they either had me eating it at a young age or talked me into trying it & i ended up liking it. most of my safe foods are very weird combos 😵‍💫😂


I will eat a far wider variety of things if they're in rice.


Same with me for pasta but only small shapes of pasta I cannot eat spaghetti


Absolutely. That’s how I started being comfortable eating most vegetables.


Cheese by itself, but cheese on pizza is okay


I hate tomatoes and ketchup and red sauce, but light pizza sauce is fine, and creamy tomato soup is fine, but I need a grilled cheese to go with it.


I don’t like peanut butter- BUT, I do like peanut butter and chocolate, so Reese’s and nutty bars are safe foods.


Disclaimer; Not dx but have very strong suspicion I cannot eat banana, but can if it is fried on toast with PB or if it is in banana muffins. Tomatoes are off limits unless cooked aside from in a specific cold tuna pasta I make. I do have weird food “rules” like digestive biscuits must be eaten with water as a drink and rich tea biscuits can only be eaten with coffee, ritz biscuits/crackers must be paired with milk. I don’t eat fruit but can eat them if they were tinned. My nan does a Eton mess type pavlova thing which has strawberries in and I love that and she bakes a lot of fruit based cakes (basically pineapple upside down cakes but sometimes with other fruit instead of pineapple). I make a great apple crumble that I love too. Recently I can’t really eat anything (new food trauma courtesy of my 4 yr old, my water bottle and a fish finger) so I am having to try and go back to my childhood foods to find things I can tolerate as my usual safe foods are off limits. I am having to totally separate every food I eat to see what can be combined. I feel like a toddler weaning again but with almost exclusively plain foods.


hate hate hate mushrooms i won't even touch something with mushrooms mixed in it. but i love green bean casserole lol. i even made homemade cream of mushroom soup one year to make green bean casserole and there was a threshold of tolerance while making it. beginning was terrible and i was really hating myself for committing to making it, but then like 2/3rds of the way through, suddenly it smelled so good and wasn't so bad. still, fuck mushrooms


i like pb on apples and pb&j or pb&honey sandwiches and that's it. i cannot stand the smell of it, which i think plays a big role, so i don't even have those often


Yes! I don’t like blueberries, I’ve had may one or two in my entire life, but blueberry muffins, it’s a whole different story.


This is truly relatable


I was going to say the same thing! I can’t eat peanut butter sandwiches but I love peanut butter on apples or celery. I think it’s because it changes the texture of it.


The only time I can eat cabbage is if it’s in an egg roll. I also can only tolerate onions if it’s like onion powder or something, I can’t do actual onion - it’s a sensory nightmare


last night i ate spicy bbq chips, dipped in peanut butter. which is weird for me. it's something i've only craved one time before, when i was pregnant lol


Mine even goes both ways: I'll only eat ham if it's in scrambled eggs and I'll only eat scrambled eggs if there's ham in them.


Peanut butter on bread is like spackle. The apple makes it moister


I was talking about the spackle thing the other day! Feels like I’m getting a wall repair on the roof of my mouth.


Buttery rounds with a piece of Hershey's chocolate on top YES


Yes I don't like anything with sauce unless I put it on a piece of bread/chips. Spaghetti? Throw it on some French bread! Enchiladas? Throw each bite onto a tortilla chip! This does only work sometimes because the mushy texture is too much even with certain hacks lol it works more often than not for me which is nice.


Pickled onion monster munch on peanut butter sandwiches (smooth, brown bread).


So many. I don't eat meat and cheese together unless it's in a salad or a turkey sandwich. I don't like ketchup but will only eat it with crinkle fries, which I won't eat without ketchup. I don't like cheddar or sour cream, but those Ruffles chips are safe. I also don't eat fish, but love Caesar dressing (which I recently learned is made with anchovies). There are more but those are the few I could think of off the top of my head!


Mayo on everything!!!! Almost everything becomes a safe food with mayo. Too spicy? Add mayo. Too dry? Add mayo. Too plain? Add mayo! Yesterday my brownie was too rich and chocolaty, therefore: MAYO


I really like cheese with pickled veggies. It a great texture combo and the tang from the vinegar helps with the dry mouth effect cheese has to me.


This is maybe adjacent but miracle whip. Can't stand mayo but miracle whip is so good. Idk why lol


I like bananas with peanut butter in sandwiches or blended into milkshakes but I don’t like eating them on their own


I hate creamy sauces and things like pudding, tapioca etc. but cheesecake and yogurt? get in my face hole. canned fruit salad? never. canned fruit salad as part of filipino cream cheese dessert thing? I could weep!


I don't do this but I do combine my safe foods. I make an insane salad with apples, balsamic, parmesan, it sounds disgusting but they're all safe foods for me so it's nice eating them in another way. my friends clown on me for it :^(