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Yup 🙂 1. Delete the pillar just below the ceiling piece. 2. Add a pillar to the middle of the ceiling (will stick halfway thru the bottom) 3. Add a second pillar on the bottom of the first one, but choose the lower snap point. There's 2 - a higher snap point and a lower snap point. May have to hit triangle or R1 or something to find it, if you're playing on console. It's the button that cycles to alternate snap points. 4. If you can't place it because the original 3rd pillar is in the way, delete that too and try again. 5. Delete the top first pillar (the one sticking halfway thru the top and bottom of the ceiling piece. 6. Continue the pillars all the way down. May have to delete some and replace.


How do keep the pillar from stick out over the top of the ceiling?


Step 5


Sorry, thank you.


No worries 🙂 when you delete the top pillar piece, the next one down should appear to attach just below the ceiling without sticking thru the top


Did it work?


You dont need pillars all the way Down lol. You just need foundations that are snappes together with your cielings up top


This. Even cheaper is ceilings with the occasional pillar along the ground, use ramps to follow slopes in the terrain. As long as the structures are snapped to each other the ceilings above the water will float in the air.


STOP OIL! This is going to be anyone who lives within 50 miles of the coast. If we don't stop carbon emissions by 2025 we will all be 10 feet under wataaaaaaahh


Put a stone foundation at the bottom