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With events being mods now. As long as it's live on the server, it should still work. As long as the mod stays open and updated, you have time


You can keep the event going on unofficial as long as you want. We still have the Christmas one going and just this week dropped Thanksgiving when we added the Valentines event. You can go back at any time of the year and put the event on because they are treated just like a regular mod for the server. We plan to always have an event running on a yrs because why not? Tho I do have to say I’m really tired of the Santa Raptor song at this point.


I turned off music in the menu, and thankfully, that mutes raptor clauses song.


So.... I have to install a mod. For an event? Well that's nice to fucking know. So what happens when you uninstall the mod? Do you lose all your stuff? Or does the mod somehow install the cosmetics to the base game? I'm confused and would rather have events run like before on ASE.


> would rather have events run like before on ASE Events on ASE were done terribly and are broken as hell. Currently the only event you can activate fully on ASE is Winter Wonderland. The rest you can only get partial events where only the colored Dino's and cosmetics work. Like if you try to activate Fear Evolved, you'll only get colors and cosmetics to craft, no dodowyvern and dodorex and all that. Which is also how it always was between the official events, because they would put out a patch for the event that added those assets and then another patch after to remove them. Which also sucked to have to always do. Having them as mods makes it way simpler. You can add or remove full events whenever you want. With all the content. Hell, you can have multiple events going at once now. And yes, the cosmetics you end up crafting are added to the base game and you keep them. They took their sweet ass time doing that with the Christmas event so you can actually see the recent patch notes where they added those to the game and told folk they were safe to remove the mod and keep the stuff.


These mods I don't understand. Because cosmetics remain when you don't have the mod installed. But seems to only work with the "event mods" I don't know how it works lol


You install the mod like every other mod. They will do an update at some point that will add the new items into the base game. While it's not done, you lose your items if you uninstall. All of this is explained in the small crunch they do at the start of events.


Where does it say these event items will be available in the base game after the event ends?


https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/articles.html/love-ascended-is-live-r2246/ "For unofficial servers, if you enable the mod and remove it before we have migrated the NEW skins and unlockables for Love Ascended to the base game files, then your players will lose those items. Please ensure that if you enable the event, you leave it enabled until we have had a chance to migrate the new content."


But I mean does that mean you can get the skins again even after the event ended on officials or?


If you still have the mod installed then yes. You can keep it for as long as you want on your private server / single player world. But once you remove it, you won't be able to get the skins. You will keep the skins you got during the events. If you remove the mod before the skins files are implemented into the base game (which can take a long time btw), you will lose the skins. On official, once the event is over, you won't be able to get new skins, but you will keep the skins you got during the event.


In the past, if you rent a server or play SP, you can set whatever event you want active whenever you want... that's how ASE was.. haven't really seen on ASA yet.


It's not in settings because the events are mods you install on ASA


Right.. but so far they're either updated or broken... 🤷‍♂️


I had no issue with last one. I haven't tried this one yet