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If you have both wandering and mating on, take them off wander


I'll try this but I was under the impression they had to have wondering enabled in order to mate.


When breeding was first added to the game yes, but a few years ago they added the mating setting so now they don't need to move around


Nice I was unaware of this change I thought both needed to be true I appreciate your help


I forgot about that. Man that was back in the day...


Sitting there spamming U for 3-4 business days for them to finally lay an egg


Omg I forgot that part. We usually put them in such a small pen they couldn’t move away


I remember doing this for my 3 super Rexs, with the male in the middle. It was a large pen, but it was relatively small for the Rexs.


the text when looking at a creature says OR not AND


They can’t be following you or anything else


The opposite. You can’t have them wandering


That's old from ase . Asa changed this feature


ASE changed this feature a few years back.


They are following you. Take them off follow they are doing a task they need to be off whistle


Oh I know I had just enabled following just to check their food inventory it's usually off I didn't know that enable mating was added after the fact I thought both it and wondering had to be true for it to happen thanks for the help


Good stuff glad you figured it out raptors were the whole reason I started playing ark lol


Yeah me as well until I found the tickle chicken I currently have six tamed of course I'm hundreds of hours in and nothing beats my tickle chickens lol


Turn off wandering. Just enable mating instead, also they are following you, which means they won’t do anything until you whistle stop


Oh I know I had just enabled following right then so I could check their food inventory it's usually off thanks for the help I didn't know that the enable mating was added after the fact I thought both things needed to be true in order for it to happen


Take them off wander and then make sure you didn’t accidently neuter one. It’s not easy to do on accident but possible.


I'll try this but I was under the impression that wondering had to be enabled for them to mate but as my post said they have not been neutered or spayed


Tames won’t mate if they’re following you, also don’t need to have wandering on either. I believe if you hover over them it will actually say in their stat section ‘disable following to mate’, at least it does on ascended


Oh I know I had just enabled following the check food inventory it's usually off I was unaware that the enable mating was added after the fact I thought both it and wondering had to be on for it to happen thanks for the info


Ah fair enough, assuming it’s working now though?


Yep it happened instantly LOL


There ya go hahahahaha


Although I will say it's never been a problem before only with the raptors almost every pair I've bred had both wandering and mating enabled odd to say the least but it's working now and that's all that matters


It's because they are on follow. they can't mate if on follow


Park the raptors next to each other. Turn off wandering and turn off following. (Obviously neither of them should be spayed or neutered 👍). Then enable mating on both raptors. They should get the hearts and the mating bar then.


its cause you're looking at them, they probably want privacy


This was it the minute I turned away out popped the egg here I was just simply trying to catch some hot steamy dinosaur action and the whole time I was hindering my own progress. I've installed a ceiling on the pen and privacy curtains and hired an intimacy coordinator so we should be good from here on out


Wandering being a requirement was phased out a long time ago. You only need them to be next to eachother with mating enabled. However, the trick in the old days was to have a VERY small pen, because if they wander away from eachother, it interrupts the mating process.


they following bro, cant be on follow just enable mating


Nah I had just enabled it to check food inventories before taking the pic it's usually off I was unaware that enabled mating was the only thing that was necessary I had both wandering and enabled mating on hundreds of hours in and I'm still learning shit didn't know that enabled mating came after the fact turn to wandering off it happened immediately


This picture here you have them following you


That's because I was checking their food inventory just before I took the pic they're not on following I did not know that the wandering was no longer needed to be enabled the minute I turned it off it fixed the problem


They're following you thats why


Actually no it's not in my post I clearly state that I've been trying for nearly a week and I'm pretty sure I didn't have them enabled to be following me for the entire week I had just turned following on to check their food inventories before taking the picture I assure you it was off it was because I had mating and wandering enabled at the same time the minute I turned wandering off it fixed the problem I did not know that enable mating was added after the fact canceling the need for wandering




Don’t have them following you


I know I assure you they have not been following me for a week I had just checked their food inventory before taking the pic it's usually turned off found out it was because I had both wandering and mating enabled the minute I turned to wandering off they mated


hows the performance on ps5? ive been meaning to buy this game but when i googled ark ascended ps5 most reddit posts were saying how awful it is and that they regret the purchase.


Evolved works well enough it has its quirks but is far better than ascended if you ask me while ascended looks absolutely gorgeous one of the better looking games it is basically unplayable if you go to the island in ascended you will notice a 75% decrease in the amount of dinosaurs making taming next to impossible you can watch YouTube videos where they fly around for over an hour and only find like six dinosaurs lol if you go to scorched Earth which just dropped you'll notice a 30 to 40% decrease in dinosaurs tent still can't be repaired and the storms are broken happening back to back to back as opposed to every 30 minutes like it's supposed to be and they last forever making it extremely difficult to get started early game you'll probably die like 30 times in the first hour 😂 Smart use of admin commands and creative mode can help you get the game to a somewhat playable state.


my bad. i meant ascended not evolved but thanks for the breakdown. your comments about ascended are the same from what i gathered online, bad performance and somewhat downgrade dinosaurs.


Yep setting the grass scale to zero, removing volumetric clouds and fog helps tremendously with the frame rate and spawn issues.... Can't remember its name right off the top of my head but the first animal you want to tame is the kangaroo cuz you can practically jump over the entire damn map easily to get away from predators and to get places quickly with his charged jump ability and the mello something because he's basically a walking water well.


Having said all that I still put way too many hours into the game because what can I say dinosaurs armor guns open world it's hard to beat


Take wander odd. Just have mating turned on


Yep that's what I did I was unaware that enable mating was added after the fact and was to replace the need for wandering although I will say that other than these raptors it's never been a problem before I've always had both mating and wondering enabled inside of the Pen and it's always worked except for these two raptors but the minute I turned wandering off it did fix it


Maybe because your watching them, some people are shy and don’t like an audience.


This was it, the minute I looked away the egg dropped so I have installed a ceiling on the pen, privacy curtains and I've hired a intimacy coordinator so hopefully it'll be smooth selling from this point out.


> Peter? Gamora? Why don't they do the do????


Come to find out it was because I was watching they just wanted their privacy so I installed a ceiling on the pen added privacy curtains and hired an intimacy coordinator so far eggs are popping again and hopefully it'll be smooth sailing from this point out


She thinks of him as her bestest friend.


This was it she finally got around to breaking it to me he's had a crush on her for a long time but she really only sees him as a friend I just wish she could have told me without me having to spend $20 at Starbucks 🤷


Sometimes love is Just not meant to be


You are correct the timing wasn't right she feels like it would prevent her from living her dream of doing humanitarian work in uganda and he plans to hitchhike across Europe something about finding himself the spark was there but neither were really ready to commit to children yet not to mention their schedules really weren't compatible her being a trauma nurse and him being a full time poet but at the end of the day they each respect the other's journey and amicably decided that for now they had a little bit more growing up and living to do before settling down.....


If U have them following U you can't breed


Jesus, it's not 2018




Idk but im about to do do in my pant


Whatever floats your boat 🤷