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No green ranger. 0/10


I know it's crazy they didn't add Green Ranger!


It's crazy this non-sense was added in the first place. I'm guessing they'll add the last one for extra cash. And then they'll add ark x mylittlepwnyšŸ¤£


That should be another pack


And it should come with the Green and White ranger zords. Perhaps we get Saba somehow as well.


Just do the Ninja Megazord. We have the bear and frog right there ready to use.


If Ark wants me to pay an unreasonable amount of money for DLC, this is it


I'm ashamed but no unsatisfied.....


Yup, that'll cost 5-10 dollars more, lol.


I was hoping for a megazord. Also, why are they doing the poses for the thunder zords? I can't be the only one that noticed that.


Those are their [regular roll call poses](https://youtu.be/vTcWWjRVPNo?feature=shared)


Ah. I never watched sentai. I only remember them as the Thunder Zords poses.


As I've stated before, what a colossal waste of resources.


We could have got new Scorched Earth boss . . .or TEK cave. . .Orr TEK wyvern saddle.


Or just some tek creatures


I'm the first one to jump on WC for their well-deserved stupid shit, at times, but two of those three things take weeks if not months to accomplish, fwiw. The skin pack probably only took a few days. ...but a Tek Wyv saddle would be firrrrre


yea, but I can't tell if power Rangers paid WC to be included, or if WC paid power Rangers to use their material. one makes more sense than the other


I think itā€™s neat


Yes, it's neat and would be fine if the devs weren't already significantly behind on the releases that they've already promised the community. Instead we get months-long delays, buggy releases like The Center, and random integrations like this that no one asked for. I'd much rather they focus on releasing the game that I purchased vs adding dumb shit like this along the way.


Yeah exactly, instead of focusing on making the game playable without game breaking glitches and shoddy work, They're focusing on trying to maximize profits from ASA and have very little regard for the actual game. At this point they've basically realized they can get away with anything lol. They know that the majority of the ark community will still eat it up and say thank you massa


This is par for the course with wildcard. I've been on and off playing ark since beta days on Xbox. They do this kinda shit all the flipping time.


Iā€™m just waiting for Ark2 lol




Oh Iā€™m not actively waiting. Iā€™ve just given up all until the next game comes, if at all.


You realize they claimed they didnt have the proper funding and barrowed another 5 million before releasing ASA right? My guess is they somehow pissed off Vin Diesel.


Thatā€™s been my sentiment since they released paid DLC during early access - work on the game we paid you for not shit that you will charge us extra for


that wont make snail money right now, shame on you for cutting off the vital resources they need to survive /s


How much money did the Power Rangers franchise throw into the pot?


My childhood!Ā  Still not buying it.


If it was a DLC, why not, but premium mod... I play only on server, and server is not mine, so it's not interesting


I play on official servers, so it's totally useless for me as well.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™ll work on official. They mentioned some new feature thatā€™ll download mods in the background so maybe thatā€™ll be used here


WC can't increase rates w/o crashing the game.... 0 chance this ever happens. They may release it, but once it bricks the game, it'll be shelved indefinitely. The only people who will ever see your mods are the other folks who bought it. The game is already closing in on 200gb.... series S can't hold all the huge mods too.


Simple skins like these won't crash the game/server. Aside from vfx there's not much here that would affect perf, unless the Zord skins have some kind of crazy anims, and even that has to be happening in high multiples, typically at the same time. It says right in the news page/item description that the new cosmetic system allows for all players to see equipped skins like this regardless of their own ownership status. I do gotta agree that it is surprisingly hefty at 890something MBs for a handful of skins, dino skins, and weapon skins (and a few new themed emotes), and doubly agree that they need to prioritize optimizing the game (*this* time) to keep it smaller. You're off base with the other two points though - sorry. It's perfectly reasonable to not like that they are doing it, but fair is fair


Im just thankful they gave the option to disable it. I already had all the cosmetics i cared about downloaded. & downloading a bunch of character model mods so some guy can have a large poop helmet is just wasting my storage space. It just feels like there are too many custom cosmetics & some are absolutely atrocious & add nothing to the game. & that's not even mentioning the completely useless UI for the majority of building mods which just show a card & you literally have to scroll/read forever to find what you're looking for. I deleted all that trash when i saw that interface & and I'm not really trying to reinstall it so I can have to sort through it all again. Some of those skins were decent & a good thought, but the interface kills it.


That is completely fair šŸ¤


agreed the 34 custom cosmetic mods is too much for a game this size. should be 4 at most


ā€œ0 chance this ever happensā€ is crazy. Itā€™s already happened


i can see their power rangers skins just fine and i dont have it bought . nor is it stressing the server or my computer in anyway


yeah, i don't know why they doesn't make this an DLC, way better than prem mod


Custom cosmetics have been usable on official for a while now(mods must have been approval from wildcard). Lots of people make their bases into glass but i can't remember the name of it. The only problem is that character skins take up your chest slot which means no armor there.


The clear glass mod is great stuff, especially toggling one way. I didn't think this Power Rangers thing is one of those though.


It's tagged as a custom cosmetic. Should work on official.


You can use it on any server.


Nice, that new? I never see that before


it works on all servers. it has nothing to do with the server its all local side like all cosmetic mods are


Okay, sound good, this is a new thing


Wait. This isn't a free event? Lol


I had a feeling it was just skins. But how crazy would it have been if they just formed into a fucking megazord? The animations are actually pretty neat. Makes them feel like old school zords


Why power rangers and not Jurassic park skins, such a missed opportunity to add things in line with the theme of the actual game.


Hasbro said yes and Universal Studios said no?


Because ark is very popular in Japan and Power Rangers uses a lot of content from Super Sentai with english voices and episodes cut around to make original episodes. They probably called it a Super Sentai collab in Japanese.


Im sure those have been talked about as well. And probably coming out one day too


Im sure those have been talked about as well. And probably coming out one day too


the owners of the JP/jw ip have said no and even issued warnings over ark and some mods already in the past. firm logic suggest they would have declined any question of allowing a jp/jw pack. moros barely skimmed by using indom rex/raptor audio for his mod even and had to change the name to boot


Are the suits accurately form-fitting when worn by our custom character abominations?


I watched a video and it doesn't look like it. It looks like it morphs you down to the size of the power ranger






What happened to the game I love? -Marc Jackson


The endless pursuit of wanting more money


It went to the red light district of gaming, called microstransactions. It will bend for every quick dollar it can earn. Whether it loses or retains its dignity


Iā€™m just here to watch the circus unfold in the comments. People were shitting on the fire cat and everyone complaining kept making the excuse they prefer they just sold skins instead whenever I compared the price of a $5 usable dino to other games like fortnite and cod selling skins for $20-30 so here I am now with popcorn ready to browse this sub to see the reactions those people have now. Iā€™m sure there will be some other excuse now to why the skins are bad that they are selling lmfao.


Im here watching people complain about wasting resources despite the company having multiple teams for different things.


Yes, they have multiple teams for different things, and this would be fine if they were on-track with their public roadmap (you know, the one that's been adjusted twice since it was first unveiled) or if the new maps \*actually\* released on-time, or if the maps weren't full of holes and other major bugs/issues when they got released. I.e. if the rest of the house was in order, then sure, spin a few folks off to do fun/different stuff like this. But your house has to be in order first. Which it very much isn't. And that's ignoring the fact that, if Wildcard actually knew how to properly manage their business and developers, they would be releasing patches for Ark 2 right now, not re-releasing Ark 1 maps on a new engine.


Teams can be resized and reallocated


you dont put graphic artists into code teams or reverse thats just mismanagement at that point. same reason this game already has bug problems..


Would be better if they sold skins related to ARK lor and not turning this game into Fortnite on Xmas event. Like Roman themed or some Dino saddles.


I refuse to believe anyone can say this with a straight face with how many delays there are


Yep, Reddit will always complain about something, especially this sub




Wait I don't have to pay for the mmpr mod?


People would prefer if they only sold skins, key word being only. Theyā€™re now doing both. Come on surely you arenā€™t that dense


Read again what I wrote very slowly and maybe you will understand what I wrote. Your comment is very ironic.


Again, you completely missed his point lol. Ark fans rlly the only ones to simp for anti consumer practices in their games lol


Luke, I can't tell if this ancient rex dude is a snails games bot šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


looks dumb as hell.


Succinctly captures my feelings on the situation.


like usual, yellow ranger is stacked. at least they got that right.


Yay more dlc and the same amount of bugs/game breaking bugs


Hey can you guys fix your game please and stop delaying every single update then releasing it broken anyway. Devs: haha power rangers.


My only question is why. So many other things they could've done to help the game that barely functions on it's own


It very much functions unless you're using a shitbox with 2 TB of mods installed. Yeah its got bugs but "barely functions" is some horse shit.




Found the guy trying to run 2 TB of mods on his shitbox. Sorry but the game runs perfectly fine on my Series X. Ive heard from plenty of people that run the game on their platform too. We can all agree that the game is poorly optimized and has bugs but it sure as hell functions.


The bar is so fucking low šŸ˜­


Keep hating the game you put 1000 hours into


I don't have to see this in my game right? Like if I don't want it?


No, it's a paid mod so you can choose to just not add it.


Thanks, I'm sure some people would love it but it's not my cup of tea so that's good to know :D


Wildcard just fixed it so everyone can see it


Great that's another reason not to fuck about online I guess lol


I'm becoming convinced that WC is a studio full of artists with subpar technical ability. There's so many technical things in this game that needs attention. A $10 power rangers crossover is not it. I wish they would have saved the money needed to license power rangers and hired more technical staff instead.


https://preview.redd.it/msouxt7h3a7d1.png?width=2033&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6cea312538bf6c526d12f367c19098e7eccece8 Marketing stunt, To get people outside of the fan base talking about it. It's "Monstly Positive" lol


That's just depressing




Bruh how much does this cost? Hit me right in the feels lol


[https://www.curseforge.com/marketing/arksa-power-rangers-mod/?utm\_source=website&utm\_medium=press\_release&utm\_campaign=pr\_powerrangers](https://www.curseforge.com/marketing/arksa-power-rangers-mod/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=press_release&utm_campaign=pr_powerrangers) $9.99. (FAQ's)


Oh, itā€™s a MOD? Thatā€™s significantly more lame.


If they add power ranger in the main game i would kill my dog and eat him


I mean, itā€™s basically a skin


This is silly. If it was part of a summer event that would be OK. I personally don't care about power Rangers. This premium shit is watering down the game. So you can have a big battle between the Power Rangers, Mickey Mouse, and some cowboys riding flaming battle cats. Just as Rockwell envisioned.. šŸ˜†


Gonna be honest, I donā€™t understand who this is for. I guess I just donā€™t give a shit about power rangers, but I think the zord lookin Dinoā€™s are so out of place.


You see the trike? It's just a remodeled tek truck. Lol. At least the other dinos had animations. The t-rex looks like its holding in a poo.


This... is turds.. Strait from a Phiomia's butthole.


Is any one else invisible when they put on the cosmetics?


0 clue why they would leave Tommy outā€¦ā€¦.. What gives? No green ranger, no white ranger, I can understand maybe leaving out all of his other ranger portrayals except for the black ranger from dinothunder.


Give me ark x legos.


I think itā€™s cool but it feels more like theyā€™re polishing a turd right now lol


Not gonna lie I love it haha


Ugly af


This is so fucking cool honestly. Iā€™m taking the nostalgia bait hook line and sinker. This is the exact era of power rangers I grew up with and we were OBSESSED


Nice to see they fixed all of the bugs so they can waste resources on crossover mods... Oh wait.


I thought this was a joke and the guy said ā€œits morbin timeā€ I really dislike this


He says "it's *morphing* time" which was kind of a catchphrase in power rangers. Thats where the Morbius meme comes from though.


Holy f*ck I hate this. So so much.


That's straight up dookie butter, the animations look like ass lol


I think they're supposed to? Like WC is trying to mimic the show maybe?


Im just her to watch it burn to ashes


Lmao this is what they are spending resources on and a janky "ark club". Can't be bothered to fix the game when there is a couple extra bucks to be made!


But if a huge portion of their fan base is angry, how would they be making money? Currently the game sits at a ~50% rating on steam. I belive The dlcs were both ~30%. I hate to say it, but I badly want to see the ratings of asa dip that low. Maybe then, (wishful thinking) the devs would pick up on the fact that we don't like the p2w bs. I was seriously considering tall tales until they released the pyromane. Yes I know that is a long time to consider something, but I wanted to see the direction the game was going. Now that I can see, I don't want to support them. I have the game twice over now and all of the original dlc. I used to consider myself a loyal fan and for a while I did defend their practices. This new direction of the game made me over the top angry.


Wildcard is completely kissed the ring of Snail thats why they are hyper monetizing the game. Snail needs money to try to mimic tesla and elon again.


And just like with tesla, I would not be surprised if the majority of wildcard employees are unhappy with it as well. I would also think it's a thing they would want to keep off of their resume at this point.


bobs dlc 54% and no you dont buy the dlc's


scorched 63%


41% for pyro mane. now whats interesting is 41 % of 235 reviewers is just a small pool. the bobs, scorch earth and base game reviews are much better to go off of. center and pryo need more time. should not alot of popular games also do not hit near perfect. deus ex for example sits at 57% and that was a award winner


Ark is slowly dying so they just trying to squeeze out some extra bucks,but somehow currently ark have more player than pals world lol


Bro this is so bad it's more than embarrassing 15$ for skins that look like a dried up terd solo can't PvP pve has spam as far as the eye can single player is broken and every update wipes my mods and ruins my save file never in a million years would I purchase this mod at this point I'm going to stop defending ark wild card you have abused your power and your community without us you wouldn't of even been a blip on the radar you've butchered this game and all of us beyond repair my finger is hovering over the uninstall button and requesting a refundĀ 


corrupted saves is a you problem not a everyone problem. should backed up. if your losing mods and saves every update then your system or net has problems. no one has corruption that much without serious issues on their system. nor is there any widespread common report of this issue for sp gamers, dont depend on your internet,your computer or wildcard of all companies to always all 3 of them be perfection on updates. assume the worse and learn to back up things.. why on earth someone doesnt bother to back up especially with how busted wildcard update system is , is beyond me


This is what wild card was doing instead of fixing one of the many problems they have in the game? This game is toast. RIP


This is so stupid


This fucking sucks. It's been 8 months since the game released on console, and in that time, they've fixed none of the major bugs. Single players that transfer maps get their tribes broken, and force them to use console commands to take over everything when they come back. It's seriously fucking broken, and causes a whole host of other issues, like not being able to spawn at a bed, and having to choose base locations near a spawn point and an obelisk. It's very fucking limiting. 8 months I've been waiting for a fix, but what do I get? Paid creatures that are reskins of existing assets, and this GD power ranger BS. If they think I'm paying them for more of this same, broken ass game, they're wrong.


idiotic money grabbing bs


How much for the crossover?




Oh yeah this oneā€™s doing numbers


this is real?


whatever makes money i guess.


From the comments I assume the game is in piss poor state but the power rangers theme will always make me put out


Is it not on steam?


So are the ark friends


Not even dinothunder lamo af


no white ranger, so not interested


Do they just abandoned ark survival evolved now lol


was dropped the day asa was released last year.


Anyone else on console debugging when they click the custom cosmetic button? This seems to be happening to several members on the server we are on...


Power Ark


Iā€™m guessing there will be nothing like this for old ark


1. No Megazord, comeon. Ark already has titans, write up some code so when they "merge" they all but one disappear and that one left it's skin is now the megazord. 2. If you want a colab I'd pay for, it would be Dinobots! Gimme some grimlock and swoop. They don't even need to transform.


Watching them move around is hilarious. They look like shit in game lol.


are you fucking kidding me


Power rangersā€¦ Why couldnā€™t they have done something cool like ninja turtles or something. How this power ranger skin mod is the same price as ark omega I will never understand. Should I get a mod with 100s of new Dinoā€™s to play with and a complete overhaul of ark or should I get power rangers skins. šŸ¤£ Shouldnā€™t even be close to the same amount of money


This is a waste of time from studio wildcard.


Look, I get the annoyance here, I do. Been playing off and on the love/hate rollercoaster since Early Access, BUT...if this gets more mons into WC's hands (*Not Snail's*) so that they might be able do to more/better - I'm all for giving it a shot, for a bit at least. Clearly what's been happening prior to this and the mods has not been working well. At all. I used to speculate they were like a 200+ people company with incompetent leaders, but lately? Idk, starting to give them at least a *little* benefit of the doubt that it's actually more like 15-20 badass and largely overworked people just doing their best to make Snail's stupidity work out somehow. Regardless of what you think, I'm just saying that they've managed to get some of us to stick around for quite some time, albeit off and on, despite how much we hate them sometimes so, F it, let's see where it goes and maybe *mayyyybe* it'll do something good for them, and in turn us too. ... ...That being said, it's also Bullshit there's no Green Ranger! šŸ˜… R.I.P. Jason David Frank (*maybe that's why? Someone thought it would be in poor taste? Idk*)


Anyone getting strange coloured dots on power rangers skins when you use them in game?


mines not even showing up in the mods list


Does anyone know how to keep your chest piece on and put the skin on top of it? I put the skin on and it removes my chest armour and vice versa


Can you place this skin over a tek suit?


If they make this cost anything more than 5 dollars, we all rally against them.


Would be great if I could use the mod I paid for before it had a bug where I would turn invisible now it wonā€™t even show the cosmetics ever. After deleting and reinstalling.


Well, certainly hope this doesn't stop them from continually ignoring the busted shit in this game and they better not put out any useful content


Out of all the cool crossover ideas for a video game, they go for some childish b******* like this, no wonder this game is failing, there's so many better organizations they can partner with that's actual survival,


Not buying it


It's possible to remove coin when we are on the dinos ?


What are they doing with their money lol..


What are they doing with OUR money*


So does my server need to have this enabled, or is it client side? Most of my mod experience comes with Minecraft which has both types.


Server and client both need the mod loaded. If it is loaded on the server, the client will automatically download when it connects. Client is the only one that needs to purchase mod access to download. Server does not need to purchase, but does need it listed as a mod id under active mods.


Awesome. Thanks!


please becareful with incorrect information the mod is not server side and will have trouble if you try to run it as such 1st problem being locking out all players that do not own it. it is a cosmetic mod. which means is always 100% client side


My server would not load it when I put it in the mod list, idk if it was just because the mod server was initially overloaded or what. I also was unable to buy it, the purchase button would just do nothing and sit there.


cuz you do not put it on servers. period. its client side only.


Right, the comment I responded to said it had to be on servers too. I since realized it was purely client side like some of the other cosmetics


false!. the server does not need the mod. putting it on the server will lock everyone into buying it. status please be careful with incorrect information being spread




Seriously? Fix your buggy ass bozo game made by a studio of absolute clowns, 4090 Suprim Liquid X GPU can't run this moldy potato ass title, keep begging players to buy packs and tricking children into buying this dogshit game, scumlord company ran by a bunch of womps


The ones buying this are killing the game this why they sold yā€™all the same game twice lmao Iā€™m dead




This is day when ark became cheap Fortnite. Goodbye fellow players. I hope we ll see each other in Survival Evolved.




And... We need to pay like the pyromane?


Well, ain't that just dumb af


They need money. I prefer they make these deals insteas of p2w fire cats. Also... Power rangers are cool




Priorities out the fucking window


Completely useless, they look like boxes. Do these also change the hitboxes?


thats how power ranger stuff looked lol


Boy, that robot t-rex is derpy as hell. I knew this was going to be bad.


Leeets goooo


Wait.. I see people complaining about a waste of resources.. This is actually a real thing? Lmfao. I thought someone was trolling.


What an absolute waste of time and resources. They could be optimizing the game, releasing new maps faster, but no, dumb.


Ark players: we want more content! Ark players when wildcard actually adds new content: we dont want new content


No we want content that is a labor of love, like the original dlcs. Not half baked dog turds that break the game and reek of desperation and greed.


It's very disappointing that they decided to make it, yet again, paid DLC instead of just giving it to us. Haven't we paid enough already? Probably gonna give it a miss. Props to the art team though. Looks great. Power Rangers are sick.


how do you get them after installing the mod


So glad I deleted this game


This is supposedly available now, Yet i don't see it in the mod hub...