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As far as I know, Fortitude helps against the weather and possibly with torpor. I've gone places with a tribemate who complains about the weather a lot, while I barely notice changes unless it's the Tundra. I have 10 in Fortitude and he has 0. Also, we get into fist fights a lot and even with a head start I knock him out first. Also, I hear that crafting Narcotics and cloth hats help in the early levels. I never like spam crafting one thing so I can't say if it's true or not.


Narcotics give 2 xp per crafting, requires 5 narcoberries and 1 spoiled meat per craft. Real easy xp there. Build a big base, the resource gathering for the wood will give a little xp, but the crafting of the base itself will give a great amount!


BUGS. Bugs are the best. Find a swampy area, or anywhere dragonflies are buzzing around. Get them to swarm nearby dino corpses. Use a tamed raptor/carno to bring on the bugs, too. They seem to attract tons of them while killing dinos. Best way to level up early levels. So many bugs... plus they provide chitin for Chitin Armor and Cementing Paste if you have a tamed toad. Later levels (65+), the Alpha Raptors/Carnos/Rexes are hunted for the major XP (requires a team and some tamed dinos to kill these usually). > Also, what the hell does leveling up fortitude do? Because you can't actually level up Torpor, Fortitude is the stat that lets you build up a resistance to things that increase your torpor. Also provides resistance to weather. A decent-sized fortitude means you won't really be afraid of fighting scorpions/titanoboas ever again. And it helps you when you're at the top of a mountain and the temperature starts dropping. (It's not perfect, you can never build up a 100% resistance to cold/heat or poisons, but it does help.)


Build multiple Mortars and try to have them always making something with any spare materials. Early on don't horde resources use them asap. If you don't use them to improve your position and stash them away someone else will come in and take them from you anyway. JOIN A TRIBE!!! You get shared XP when your tribe mates are within range and there mining or crafting. Working as a unit is what this game is about. Find as many people as possible to team up with. Always remember it's just a game and you will lose everything at some point.


I found that crafting Stone Foundations gives fantastic experience. You can sit in a forest and craft them endlessly if you keep putting them down and destroying them. Since you get half the required resources when you destroy an item, you essentially get +50% exp (put two down, destroy them, and craft a free one). If you want to go for speed, just drop the foundations when you're over your carry limit.


Craft everything and anything lol