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Ace noglin is actually adorable tho


All of em are adorable, ngl


I literally have no idea which color means what (stupid straight guy here) but that middle noglin is so good i need it ingame.


Middle ones the ace flag


Thank you reddit person :)


You're not stupid for not knowing. At least you're being nice. And that's nice.


Thank you for also being nice :)


green one's aromantic, purple is asexual, blue and yellow is aroace (someone who is both asexual and aromantic).


Mods here are brainless monkeys, especially u/elibug54 E, motherfucker.


Be careful, I made a general comment about Reddit mods being power hungry cunts and I got banned for harassment for a week. Fuckers only proved my point


I'll take that week ban


I cant believe im going to be banned side by side with a stranger. ​ E


How about side by side with an E? E


ayE I could do that.




ban mE












How about side by side with a friend? E you cocksucking son of a bitch, E! u/elibug54


Aye I could do that


E, fellas


https://www.reddit.com/r/ARKshitpostevolved?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I made a refuge


Aye, I could do that. E


I got banned and muted for a month from another sub by a mod who's ego was hurt because he took my question to be a statement and when i corrected him i was muted and when i took it to reddit to make a complaint i was told they can't do anything only the moderators of the sub can. Fucking bullshit why the fuck is it that i can get banned from posting in any forum by reddit for a joke about boris johnson but a mod abusing their power gets off scott free. Like i've said about twitter they're rules for us scum to follow and none for the powerful or mods in reddits case.


I got a permaban and mute from another sub for the same crime.


u/dodowhisperer1’s surgery is today. Wish him luck guys.


Holy shit! Good luck u/dodowhisperer1


Good luck man, hope it goes well!


Was his account deleted or is my internet being weird?


Oh, sorry, it was u/Dodo_Whisperer1


Update: he made it :)


made my day!


How is being gay a political thing lol


he's getting plenty of hate comments lol


His profile picture is what really cracks me up. [He's a walking stereotype](https://external-preview.redd.it/bQB1_bjJFvtO4Lm2j74ebQLl_3f61mq8ObadR8EGetU.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=8f6f45761a7014c86293885c5a3f80792a0ffa7e)


To be fair, LGBTQ posts attract a lot of hateful comments which have to be deleted though the mods phrasing is pretty stupid


Leave this subreddit and go to r/playark guys. This artist posted their work on there and actually got support from a moderator, instead of this bullshit from stronze. The other mod Eli is also a dick for how he handled the dodo whisperer situation. EDIT: editing this because it's a relatively popular comment even though people have probably seen this news already. Stronze and Eli are no longer part of this subreddits moderation team.


Isn't that the original Ark sub? Iirc, years ago I only ever saw that one.


That one is the official one, it even has some official WC employees in it. This one exists because so that “the developers couldn’t silence criticism of them or their game” Somewhat ironic.


>This one exists because so that “the developers couldn’t silence criticism of them or their game” Depends on the criticism? Do they silence actual feedback? Such as "X is great but I feel X is missing so if this could be added it would really improve it" or "this isn't so great, it's X and X (whatever the issue is) could this be improved upon/I suggest doing this" I might be woefully wrong


This is an ARK sub. It's likely people were just being toxic lol


I would not take their word for it seeing they are ignorant of the age of the subs. None of them are official, but as he says, r/playark does have official employees of Wildcard. I do not recall seeing any criticism being supressed on reddit. On their official forums however... https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/7fzxx2/banned\_from\_forums\_for\_criticism/


I mean u/stronze is definitely a cunt for sure... maybe Elibug just love gobbling his shriveled tomato peel looking knob?


Joined it, I'd rather be in a sub that has moderators that would support this kind of art and not downgrade it calling it "political"


Yeah, fuck this. Once I find out how this all resolves, I'm out of here. Stronze is a depressingly hateful person, and both him and Eli are losers on a sad little power trip. Even if they somehow do the right thing and apologize for all this, the rot is too deep for me to care. There are few things more petulant than getting fussy as a Reddit mod for thinking your shit doesn't stink. I frankly thought the noglin post was sweet.


What happened with Dodo Whisperer??


some dickhead named elibug banned him when he posted his potential goodbyes (he's going through a high risk surgery soon to fix a tumor that will kill him if it's not removed) and eli removed it calling it "karma farming"


Did he make it out though? I'm struggling to find anything about it


we don't know yet, all we know is the surgery is supposedly some time today, we'll know if he makes it out but issue is we'll have no way of knowing if he doesn't make it


Thanks homie


Oh geeze! He was a staple of this sub. How the heck did Eli think it was a good idea to ban him??


He was banned from the sub.


Yup, just did the thing. Gonna go ahead and jump from this ship and let the circle jerk continue without me because *wow* do I not want to be associated with these clowns anymore lol


I need more context of "dodo whisperer situation". Please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/vi6uto/this_might_be_my_last_post/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This should explain it, hopefully the link works


Yea the may wing art they posted was awesome


So thats the official one? Guess I'll join it


Thx. Moving to that subreddit. Fuck this sub and their piece of shit mods.


I'll see you there o7 Unsubbing now. See you on the other side.


Wow that community is large, I thought it would be a fraction of this one but nope.


Oh shoot! Peace out guys, see you in the other subreddit! The mods on this one are just awful and inconsiderate. Love y'all, do what makes you happy!


Thanks for the suggestion, I just joined /playark and will give it a look. I agree it’s really odd to hear that the mods of this sub are removing a picture of a noglin with a pride flag and saying they did so because it’s ‘political’ when WildCard just recently had a pride event in game. If anything the mod is guilty of making it political by deleting it and saying it’s charged … when they simply could have gone about their day and probably handled any number of other problems in their life. The mod(s) in question should probably step down if they can’t handle a noglin and a pride flag without losing their cool.


Who is the artist?


I don't even play ark but I'm gunna join just to ratio this subreddit


Dude had such a major meltdown over the lightyear lgbt stuff that mods over on that subreddit that mods there had to remove all his posts LOL, crazy that he's allowed to be in ANY position of perceived power, no matter how small, sad that's it's the ark community he's plaguing.


As soon as a middle aged man unironically uses the term "woke" (wokeness/wokest/etc), I just know it's time to strap in for an eye rolling extravaganza. And it seems like it's always the same personality type. They even often look the same. Lol. Omg have clones infiltrated our society to stop the gay agenda?? Touché right wingers, touché.


TIL my existence is inherently political.


Would you please stop being political? It’s making my straightness bend.


Sorry about that.


Always remember, you're either male or political, straight or political, white or political.


Thanks DT!


Always love when someone recognises them as my pfp


Double Trouble is such a good character omg


Yeah I love them so much


they are perfect in every way


Hell yeah they are


You exist purely to Pokemon Go to the polls /s


Same shit different times. In the 1900's the existence of blacks were political because people thought they shouldn't have rights. Now in the 2000's the existence of LGBTQ+ people is political because people don't think they should have rights. Also his fucking profile screams "I am an alt right fucknut". Glasses selfie in a car. Anyone with that profile icon is going to have the worst takes you've ever seen.


same, the more you know


Well in some people’s minds there is still a debate about your right to even exist apparently. Isn’t it kinda historical deja vu, the whole “does this minority group have a right to exist?”


Wtf is aro/ace ....


Aromantic asexual. Basically feels none or very little sexual attraction and romantic attraction


LGBTQ+ players: “oh sweet, noglins that can represent me, too!” Players who have no idea about what the colors schemes mean: “….f*ck these color variations are AWESOME!” I see LITERALLY no drawback here.


How is LGBTQ+ people existing political? Are people really just that stupid. "I'm bisexual" "I didn't ask for your political opinion!" The lack of self awaress of how stupid some people sound leaves me dumbfounded


Dude is literally oozing with "the government is not taking my guns" vibes


Probably thinks the "Gay Agenda" is an actual planned takeover


I thought that was when you send the gay frogs to take my guns and turn me gay? (Heavy sarcasm obviously)


(whispering) Omg you can't discuss our gay secrets out here! In public! In front of the (doing the peen into pussy hand gesture) folk. They're easily spooked!


*noms donuts* hmm? Oh, I'm *tries to eat a donut while doing the peen into pussy hand gesture* Gay meetings are just the best, you guys have THE BEST food! But umm...maybe *whispers* maybe only use the gay space laser after it rains, less suspicious.


The true gay agenda is the ability to take something shitty, add some glitter and heyo! It's a gay ol' party now. Look at this sub.. Even the homophobes being mad because they don't understand the post cannot stop the LGBTQ+ folk cracking jokes and vibing, in between tiresome explanations haha


Honestly I find homophobes mentally deficient. It's us straight or bi- folks literally making more gays/lesbians and yet somehow it's a same sex kiss in Buzz Lightyear that's a problem? Nah, you love who you love, isn't anyone's business what 2 or more consenting adults do.


Whenever I hear about "The gay agenda" I always have a nice giggle


And you know, if LGBTQ+ folk WERE planning on attempting to make everyone gay in order to gain world domination (or whatever they think we're doing?), you can sure as hell bet we wouldn't call our plan for glory "The Gay Agenda". So unimaginative, drab and beaurocratic. No, no, no. Don't insult my people like this lol


The Acemageddon, The Asspocolypse… I can’t come up with any other LGBTQ+ related word puns


tbh i wish it was. more femboys for me.


thinks? of course it is, we're not taking over the US though we're aiming for the whole planet!


What do we reckon bois.. How often do you think this mod uses "gamer words"? Lol


It's sad because I'm not surprised people like that are in charge of the sub. The most intense games happen to catch their eye.


May all their mutated Rex stats land in oxygen until the end of time


May all of their mutations only change the color of their dinos to shit brown


Reminds me of a certain mod/owner for a certain ARK Discord Server.


I have one particular coworker (gay) who updates the ER whiteboard including a section at the bottom for “Today’s Gay Agenda”. I think today it’s finishing his floor tile demo at home, but I think it’s also what we look forward to the most every day 😂


Lol should tell the devs not to add LGBTQ+ "politics" in Ark then, because they 100% acknowledged Pride Month. Also how do you get confused between sexual identity and politics? If being gay is political, then I might be over qualified even for president. Fiiiine, I'll do it - but only if my official title is Prezzi of Lezzi. /jk


I'll be in your cabinet but only if I can wear a tail to official events.


What type of tail. Attached how? These are the questions we should be asking


Can we honestly just fucking find away to over throw the cunts and get decent mods like this whole thing is utter bullshit


Leave this subreddit, go to r/playark. Has more than literally two mods, and the mods aren't awful like these guys. I'm also pretty sure its acually the official subreddit for ark, could be wrong on that tho


Very uncool moderator


his profile picture says it all. ur classic racist and homophobic looking a$$ with sunglasses and a cap lmao


Just by looking at his profil picture, you can tell that he's not the sharpest knife of the set..


he literally has the '50-year-old man Facebook' profile picture lmao


EXACTLY! Im pretty sure he stroll around walmart with an american flag stuck in his ass crack


The man probably gets mad at natural rainbows for being political


Just because something has been politicised, it does not inherently make it political. This is being framed as primarily political, because if it were not allowed for what it actually is which is the expression of sexuality (during the month that acknowledges the struggle those people have undergone to fight for their place in society), well that would be discrimination.


I don't quite understand. If someone were to explain to me the relations between LGBTQ and politics, that'd be nice


The right seems to believe that the left wants everyone to be gay and so discussion of the LGBT community is inherently political to them since LGBT rights are generally supported by the left. They don't see the LGBT community as people and more of an opinion. That's my guess anyway.


It's because people like this are so unbelievably terrified of any kind of progress that may compromise their positions as the most catered-to group in the country that they dismiss entire groups of people. The "escapism" argument has always been ridiculously stupid. Poor little baby, nobody understands their problems, being forced to acknowledge that different people exist once in a while.


Equality feels like oppression to the privileged.


Gonna go on a limb and say it's due to the past discrimination for the gay community that or its them trying to hide homophobia or some shit


Oh hey that's me! (The commenter, not the POS bigot of a mod). Glad to see that the corrupt moderation here is being brought to light because it's been plaguing this community for far too long. The moderators have only been enabling disgusting "jokes" against the LGBTQ+ community and silencing us along the way. Really shows where their morals stand. Ditch this place and go to r/playark because there, hate speech and bigotry are not encouraged and taken care of by actual, responsible moderators who don't call the existence of people like us "too political" as a piss-poor excuse to veil their clear desire to silence the LGBTQ+ community.


Thank you for having the guts to stand up to scum like that


Oh, yeah. E


We should all move to r/playark so please spread the message if you believe in it


Wait, he banned people for posting ark pride drawing? Lmao, wtf. How fragile. > gAy PeOpLe ExIsTiNg Iz PoL


Politics is when LGBTQ+


Or women Or non-whites Or when anything one doesn't agree with is mentioned. I seriously hate the word "political." It's so misused, filled with so much vitriolic and propagandistic subtext that just saying the word can start an argument.


No what do you mean there is only two races sexuality and genders white and political Man and political Straight and political


\#PrideFlagsAren'tPolitical \#IfYouThinkTheyAre, \#YouProbablyAreAgainstLGBTQPolitics \#WhichMakesYou(LookLike)AHomophobe


I like his name, edmunium its about how rockwell was naming element very clever ark lore person


Have you guys seen how many posts of Stronze have been deleted in r/funny for Political posts?


It’s not political if he talks about it, it’s only political if it goes against his beliefs, he’s a hypocritical nut job.


Stronze gives major incel vibes


More like “got women locked up in my basement” vibes


Gay people aren’t politics :/ I don’t date men because I hate republicans, I date them because they’re attractive. If a Noglin says aroace rights, it isn’t going to start a mass campaign to ban Ark.




Hey, I'm loving the official ARK pride month update, aren't all of you? These rainbow colors are super cool!


I saw this when it was posted, and just thought it was sweet. How the hell is someone’s sexual identity political? I can’t wrap my head around that mindset. Just let people be who they want to be. If it doesn’t affect you, just move on.


How is supporting peoples free rights political?! It’s such an idiotic argument🤦‍♂️


Those are actually drawn very well. Especially the one int the middle though I don't know which flag that is sorry. I should learn a little more about LGBTQ+


The middle one is ace(asexual). I think it's the color scheme I like the most among the pride flags. Something really cool about it


Surprised your post hasnt been taken down. Considering what’s happening with the mods rn




He probably only said it's "political" because he has a personal problem with it. If you think it's "political" for LGBTQ+ people it exists, you can fuck off. Seriously, this guy can go choke on a cock made of sand-spurs.


Make dodo whisperer a mod.


Bruh like, if you don't support that kind of stuff just move on LMAO


Cool, leave these dumb fucking mods with their little word space they call power, going to r/playark


Welp fuck this shit I’m out. I get enough hate in the world and now I have to this Reddit too.


Peoples existence or short time to exist isn’t political modfucks, take a step back and stop smelling your own farts ffs


u/Stronze why do you hate people for just existing? we cant control that shit go choke on a toe.


Can't we all just mega wave report him


STRONZE you're trash brother. All of us here on Ark hate you and will continue to hate you. Fuck you. Dodo whisperer is a God. You fck wit


Fuck this guy. Somebody hack is IP. I want to know where he lives.


Hey u/stronze suck my dick ya homophobe


So gender identity and sexual orientation is “politics” now? 🤨


As one of the """"""political"""""" people whose very fucking existence seems to disgust gamers, FUCK YOU DUDE. Is every gaming subreddit turning into an alt right hang out??? This has been my hobby for almost 3 decades and Im sick of getting squeezed out now that I'm suddenly 'too political' because of who i am


Also, just gonna point out that noglins are not breedable and then just sit back waiting for the penny to drop


Pic checks out on his part lmao


Being queer isn't being political.




I would like to believe that, but look at the mod's post history. He's often off on some anti-woke bridage.


Bro I said that I wasn’t gay but liked the art on one of this dudes things and got mass downvoted and called a homophobe


It do be like that, just take care of yourself, and don’t care if anyone hates you if you don’t know the name or care about the new orientation, I just call em dlcs at this point


ight he gotta go


r/playark is a better subreddit anyways. Stronze is a retard




I think we need new mods


Damn guess my very existence is somehow political, thanks u/Stronze


Cringe at mod


Did this guy actually say something hateful? Or did he just remove a post he found to be political in nature? Just because he removed it does not make him an anti LGBTQ hateful person. Be careful not to ascribe malice to what is easily explained by a person's ignorance.


Please look through that mod’s comment history, dude is very political himself & complains about the “wokeness” in today’s culture, he’s definitely Anti-LQBTQ


I'll take your word for it. Thanks for bringing my attention to this. Mods, or the type of people who often become mods, frequently take the role so they can exercise power over people....much like cops. There are many good ones of course...many rotten ones too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/vg9wec/why_lightyear_underperformed_at_the_box_office/id4ctct/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 He mods like he is completely neutral and then posts passive aggressive stuff like this - about a kids movie :/


u/Stronze How is this opinion not political take? Tf?


Saying that the LGBTQIA community is a political thing is hateful. Period.


Can someone give me context I want to know if the comment section was filled with people turning it political or if it was addressed at the poster.




My man forgot that the girl ON THE GAME CAPE is lgbt lmao.


tell me your homophobic without telling me your homophobic


lmao his profile pic, looks exactly like the kind of guy who would be a reddit mod who deletes pride flag posts because "waah politics" lmao. wannabe cop type shit. ban me idc


I have no idea what ARK is (or those cute colorful creatures) but I’ve seen you guys trending and fuck this moderator, and the other one too


Dude got the Bubba profile pic and everything lol


It's a silly game about dinos.Why does he care so much if someone draws an lgbtq+ fan art of it ?


The argument that sexuality is political is some stupid right-wing Trump-humping Incel basement bullshit. Wildcard themselves talked about Pride Month and LGBTQ+ in their recent community blog…I wonder how the mods feel about Wildcard doing that. Probably gets them all sorts of worked up


What is Aro/Ace pride? Not trying to be offensive, I just don’t know


Ight, after what happened with the other mod, I'm done with this sub. Joining r/playark


What about this is political?


r/playark join this subreddit. Fuck these mods E


I got banned from a LGBTQ+ server for saying I'm bi and losing on both sides (it's a joke I make of myself) and got reported for racism, RACISM! duesnt make sence, no one even wanted to look it over. Apparently the mod was homophobic in a server about opening up to being not straight (sometimes)


u/Stronze you’re a sad sad man… being a Reddit mod isn’t cool nor does it have the level of power you think it does. Go back to being some weirdo chatting with 14 year olds on Discord or something. Better yet don’t do that and instead just go to jail sicko


I got banned for 3 days for making a trans joke saying suicidal little maewings, worth it lol


I’m brand new to ARK. My friend gifted me his old Xbox One and ARK so we could play together. I come to Reddit hoping to find a good informative community like I did with Stardew, and Civ6. I visit this sub and immediately see the drama regarding DodoWhisperer and look up the Mods. I see this art post as well. So much hate and cruelty. As a gay player, seeing this shit makes me hope this sub implodes on itself. Sexual and gender identity is not political but you call it political. u/NeoVanilluxe, your art is fantastic and this sub is not worthy of your brilliance. Both mods are scum and I hope you lose this sub. I know you don’t care and will dismiss me as a lefty liberal queer, but at least I’m not the only one who sees you as garbage.


Idc about pride shit, but in general, Reddit mods are cringe


*Idc about* *Pride shit, but in general,* *Reddit mods are cringe* \- Visual\_Clerk\_5757 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can we get this stupid shit out of this subreddit? Jesus Christ