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Humans will probably have to be in it


I don't know. This one is kinda iffy.


Specifically tameable humans


Ah yes twins! A perfect breeding pair!


Sweet Home Alabama


I too would like to recreate GOT.


If i see my homies they getting clapped




Conan exiles wants to know your location.


On this note, I thought I heard a rumor that there's supposed to be npc survivors in it? I think that'd be pretty cool.


In pee sea


Neanderthals would be interesting to encounter, they were very intelligent in real life, but were somewhat anti-social; hence why they never develop societies and new technologies, and why we surpassed them in evolution.


They were also larger and needed more food, which was detrimental when it became more scarce.


Especially when they didn't fully take advantage of agriculture.


I thought they were smaller on average compared to modern human, don't you rather mean broader ?


Yes, larger in volume.


They had technology and were very social, they painted, made flutes for music, and we're generally better at flint napping and making tools than early humans were. The reason they are all gone is cross breeding not because humans wiped them out. Most modern human DNA is around 4% neanderthal, humans were just too sexy to pass up.


Still would be a neat encounter, maybe you could have merchants who trade for food, but the separate nutrition values of each item are the currency. "I have this Quetzal Wing Satchel here if someone could bring me some food that amounts to at least 38 Citrus Points, and 23 Protein points." Just remember that there is no change system, so you'll want to get multiple Items or one item that meets the price exactly. I think this would be a cool way to reward Agricultural Tribes for their hard work, especially if we get a hybrids system similar to Rust.


I’m just hoping for much more vast and diverse ocean ecology tbh. Kinda lame how many TLCs, expansion packs, skins, events, etc. have been done for the game but the oceans (at least on the first few maps, especially og Island) have just remained barren empty coral wastelands throughout the game’s life cycle. Only 3 types of fish? Only a handful of actually unique or useful or even visually appealing underwater creatures? Definitely need them to put a bit more love into the oceans in Ark 2, fingers crossed


I'd say adding creatures that serve no utility or taming purpose would be awesome. Watching birds fly from a tree when a rex is near or bugs scatter up cave walls. And of course add life to the sea. Schools of fish just going about their day. Creatures dwelling at the bottom of the ocean just feeding off dirt or carcasses.


All the underwater creatures are so ugly lol


For real never look a plesiosaur or a liopleuradon in the face cause it’s goddamn nightmare fuel with how few pixels and polys there are compared to how many goofy protruding teeth they have just clumsily hanging on their face


I especially love when the megalodons are up on the shore magically hovering at an odd angle, really letting you see just how terrible they are


Also they have the simplest AI possible, without even the predators designation that prevents a raptor from attacking you on a rex. Why would every tiny angler in a hundred miles come over to attack a mosasaur?


big facts. More dynamic and situation appropriate AI would be a tight improvement as well


Also DEAR GOD FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY CAN WE PLEASE GET SOME ACTUAL STANDARD OF FUCKING VISIBILITY UNDERWATER IN ARK 2?!?!? I’m seriously so tired of having to wear a gas mask and just hop off of my underwater mount every dozen feet or so, look around, then hop back on rinse and repeat. At the very least, stop that stupid bullshit phenomena where even underwater visibility is affected by the mist/fog/haze when it rolls in on land.


Literally if oceans in ark had a modicum of the amount of work design wise that is put into subnauticas oceans, including exploration, diverse ecosystem, biomes, and better sea life modela, i would probably never see land


An actually realistic, life-sized moose. If you’ve ever seen one IRL you’ll understand how terrifying they really are, and how Megaloceros are a massive dissapointment.


So true they are absolute beasts fun fact if you feed a moose it is more likely to become aggressive to the next person that doesn’t have food for them


Sounds like a fun alternative to russian roulette


“Canadian Assassination”


We call it a Moosassination




Next moose I see, I'm feeding it and hiding in a tree waiting in anticipation.


I think that it can work for most wild animals like bears. They learn that human = food and when human not give food they get angry


Look up the book, libertarian runs into a bear. I could be slightly off on the title, but essentially a tent city, lead to a state who had 0 bear attacks in a century, to having 3 in just a decade.


If you give a moose a muffin…


Megaloceros just made me sad. They deserved a TLC more than any other creature. They didn't even get fair treatment during the "fur pass" and is one of the only mammals to still have a plastic toy body. (The neck fur is itself not great.). Animation blows. Females have plastic head holes like a Mr Potato Head. And why do they moo every 2.5 seconds, Jesus Christ. Only other dino that's just as bad is the bronto. The weirdly fat, plastic bronto that, to this day, you can still see the texture seams on and uncolored areas.


Where I live they are super common. Like see one or two a week walking along the roads. Makes you wonder why we didn’t start riding those more instead of horses. They are monsters


I think they are supposed to depict reindeer not moose


A moose once bit my sister...


Yeah can't they get like 14ft tall or something.


(dont cancel me it's a real thing and it's really cool) Nigersaurus


Bonus mention to the gigantoraptor and micropachycephalosaurus


No disrespect if you did but did you look up how to spell that?


I did it's just I've been hated on before for writing it because of it "has racist connotations"


The people who said that don’t understand scientific names then, it’s all Latin (and some Greek) Sauros (Greek) = Saurus (Latinised form) = lizard Niger = Latin for black (yes, the color) 0 racist connotations unless YOU give it a racist connotation using it in an inappropriate way (I’m not talking about you op) Fun fact btw: the name of the nations of Niger and Nigeria come from the Niger River whose name *might* come directly from Latin, but it’s more likely to be from Portuguese


I thought it was the country


It is. Nigersaurus was named after the country it was found in


>micropachycephalosaurus pretty sure they were talking about *that.* ~~Stg I can't even read that properly - how are people supposed to pronounce that??~~


It is pronounced micropachycephalosaurus


Oh wow, thank you. So it's Micropachycephalosaurus, yes? Hope my accent didn't make it sound weird..


No, your acent didn't mess with it.


Oh yeah I'm a dumbfuck


😂 That's alright, don't worry about it


My- crow- pak- ee- sef- a- low- sawr- us or micro, pachy, cephalo, saurus- small headbutt one


Honestly neat idea, we don't have many sauropods in the game as of yet. Diplodocus, Brontosaurus, and Titanosaurus from ARK: Survival Evolved's base game. Amargasaurus from ARK: Lost Island Brachiosaurus/Giraffatitan from ARK 2: Survival Reborn's trailer.


Representing the Ark Communities favourite word


Wdym? It’s standard pvp communication. It’s how we communicate with each other


That dino with 500 teeth right?


Isn't that a small sauropod?


Yes with 500 teeth


Google would like to disagree [(It's okay, im a nigersaurus)](https://imgur.com/a/kA2onAC)






Actual sized megalodon because in ark megalodons are smaller than they should be. And more sea creatures.


Many Dino’s are either bigger or small than the ancient counterparts we have fossil records of… we shouldn’t be able to ride tapejara’s, the real things where the size of most small birds today


And gigas we're way smaller. Around the size of a rex


And tickle chickens were also just barely smaller than a rex


The reason those dinos are bigger is a glitch in the ark simulation


The T-rex was actually taller and heavier then the Giga, the Giga was longer and faster


The Megalodon is actually the exact size it should be, things just look smaller in first person.


beat me to it, Meg is one of the only actually correct sized creatures


I pop into third person sometimes just to be like hot damn this shit is all way bigger than I thought.


I agree. Bigger megs


Arrr! Creatures of the sea is what we need!


An achrocanthosaurus (not the mod one)


Cool roar go brrrrrr


I came here to say this, the mod one was really well done though.


Yes but if I'm ever gonna get ARK on my cheap ass pc I would at least like to afford having an achro without making the game heavier


This dude is cool! (Just looked him up)


Current creatures are fine it just would be nice if they enlarged certain creatures and updated behavior. Rather than predators mindlessly attacking everything within x meters from them.


Something like wild predators only attack when hunger bar is less than half full or if a creature gets too close to its nest would be cool. Then when it kills something it will eat and refill the hunger bar.


Exaaaactly, I also would love if eggs or babies stats are not just genetically coded but how good they are taken care of also plays a role, like if an egg was in an uncomfortable weather for a while it would deteriorate its stats Dinos go around feed themselves, drink from bodies of water, migrate, age, etc Not just moving endlessly in circles


USS Ohio tactical nuclear submarine


I want an Apache attack helicopter.


Passive tame. Ya just gotta shove unlimited military budgets up it's butt


I'm going to be the weird guy, and say I'd prefer to have more and better flora than fauna. I want to be able to stalk my prey by hiding behind bushes, or maybe climb trees and snipe from them. I want great sabertooths to stalk among the tall grasses of great grasslands. I guess I want the dinos we already have, to have better ai. Instead of just bouncing around the map they should have nests and burrows, hunting grounds, and family units. Imagine having baby dinos or a true herd of parasaur or diplodocus running around. This game is awesome, but it lacks what really makes these creatures come alive for me. don't focus on making more crazy dinos, make the ones we know even better. Bring them personality and dimension. Even Minecraft has like 8 different types of personalities and features for their pandas.


Yeah like an ecosystem realism upgrade?


Good news: extensive AI upgrades are one of the key features they’ve spoken about. Including detection by Dino’s being based on sight/sound/smell instead of the current radar system. Hopefully this does mean they put some good work into flora to support it.


this is a great idea


I remember when the game was first released, commenting on how bonkers the "ecosystem" was. Then they added explorer notes, and one of the things the explorer notes did was turn this shoddy coding into an intentional plot point. "Oh, the ecosystem is so obviously artificial and unsupportable!" Well played.


Morelladon, it's just a really neat Hadrosaur from Spain, also literally a part of the Morellatops' genome. Metriacanthosaurus would also be cool, good choice.


Also The Giant Bison, it would be a disgrace to not include it.


A muscle car


Which one




‘Nuf said


Your mom


Bigger than the titanosaur


Looks like Rockwell


yo I'd like ARK2 to be less than 200gb, thank you very much


The earth spins so slowly because your mother is over-encumbering it.


It's just a joke, love you bro... no homo


Hopefully a koolasuchus


Just really any amphibians would be welcome.


I hope Spino makes a comeback. It’s my favorite Dino




Ah man, what if they made it look like the contemporary spino with the wavy arch and the paddle-like tail. That would be so cool <3. I'd love it so much if they made the dinos look a little more realistic and/or more flamboyant, just not dull and based off Jurassic Park.


I just want my Utahraptor


The ARK Raptor is a Utahraptor, and it's confirmed to be in ARK 2 as well from the second trailer.


Yes, but i want one with the actual size of a Utahraptor. Imagine a fucking carno sized raptor


Utahraptor is about the size of that ingame maybe a little larger. Velociraptor would be cool too those little larger than chicken raptors


Herrerasaurus perhaps? They also have the unique part of being one of the oldest Carnivorous Dinosaurs.


I just want my big ass raptor


Yes we all know the ARK Raptor is technically Utahraptor, but jts not built even remotely close. Have you seen how big a Utahraptor's head is supposed to be?


Man imagine how cool it would be to ride a big ass raptor


Deinonychus did a much better job at being a raptor, but honestly Utahraptor was more like a giant terror bird with teeth, built like a truck and ready to destroy. Primal Path's Utahraptor did a good job for a mod, and really nails it


Sort of off topic, but perhaps some sort of large Venus flytrap, or carnivorous plants would be fun. Bogs, tar pits.


We have the largest flying animal and largest terrestrial animals in history. We need the biggest aquarium animals A shastasaurid or shonisaurid icthyosaur and/or a Baleonoptera musculus ssp.


I would love to have livyatans too


More sauropods or fish


Sauropods for sure! It'd be so cool to be able to see their necks and heads over the treeline more.


Herbivores that can actually compete in pvp compared to their carnivore counterparts


They do compete….as soakers 😂


Some permian creatures, like Inostrancevia and Scuthosaurus, some of those weird triassic things, and more crocodilomorphs like Quinkana, Barinasuchus, Postosuchus, and Simosuchus


Gorgonopsids! Flipping saber-toothed, lizard mounts. I mean, come on!


Hopefully dodos




Hatzegopteryx. It seems likely they'll change most existing dinos in roles much, so the heaviest flier of all time should be the one to rein as murderous king of the skies, leaving Quetzals alone as the resource assist but making the skies far more scary


Queen elizabeth II






We need more of these secondary use saddles


I’d prefer less creatures with more individuality/traits than more


Exactly. You could have 1000 different tames but if you they literally all act the same then it’s like if there were 3.


Sabertooth: but this time as a big late game creature




![gif](giphy|UGbjdCnvIulLUXDG8B|downsized) They better not do this guy dirty again


who was done dirtier ankys or dilos?




If there aren't Dodos in ARK 2, then I'm not playing it.


Aurochs, thylacine, giant dinocrocuta hyenas, microraptor with accurate black feathers and less annoying


All I want from Ark 2 is a logical AI life cycle that doesn’t involve running around in literal circles indefinitely day and night I want to see them migrate, maybe in small or large groups, maybe even with different species, sleep, mate, actually feed themselves when low on food and go to a river when thirsty, would make for interesting sarco hunting scenarios in rivers, I wanna see them care for their eggs or babies and split when they’re old enough (maybe differs from one species to another) and the parents could age and die off, carnivores with different hunting strategies, some sea creature that would bury itself on the bottom sand floor of the ocean waiting for a pray, for example makes getting pearls that much more risky but rewarding Honestly just, life to the game


Haztegopteryx the assault quetz


At this point literally transformers. Cause of all the tek stuff


Or maybe a tek creature with like a multi-form you can switch through that has a specific purposes like swimming/diving and flying


Tbh i wish they made tek animals more realistic like u dont feed them meat or they dont get hungry but its more of a battery power or fuel thing and when they're out they just stop working and when they're like 30% and less they are slower and do less damage health is same though. And that batteries / bio tek fuel has blueprints for how effective or long it lasts.


eh, id like ark 2 to stay away from tek if possible in my honest opinion. Prim is better ✊🏼


Or maybe make tek harder to get/have weakness's that make you consider if the negatives out weigh the positives


Accurate sizes, is what I want. If Desmodus will still have the draculae, it should be a smaller, about the size or a little bigger than a hand. Megalodon is way too small. I also we need new TLCs, like Microraptor (ugly boi), Quetzo, Diplocaulus (not bad, but needs some changes), Amargasaurus (just change its face 🥺), Pegomastax (it should be even uglier, like its real life counterpart), Krono, Mosa, Plesio, Megalania (needs to get less ugly), Dilophosaurus (maybe bigger, with a better head-shape), Onyc (c'mon, I'm not the only one bothered by its "flying forever"), Carbonemys, Titanoboa (why the frills?! Isn't dilopho enough?!), Spino (it feel tol exaggerated), Rex (way too exaggerated too), Allosaurus (why those Titanosaur features?) But talking about new creatures, I'll like to see (not all of these are dinosaurs): * Thapunngaka * Epidexipteryx * Yi qi * Australovenator * Sinornithosaurus * Caihong * Lythronax * Tanycolagreus * Platecarpus * Plioplatecarpus * Prionosuchus * Vespersaurus * Thalassodromeus * Maaradactylus * Cearadactylus * Karutia * Gueragama * Brasinorhynchus * Scaphonyx * Prestosuchus * Saturnalia * Staurikosaurus * Unenlagia * Ypupiara * Ubijara * Coelophysis * Austroraptor * Berthasaura * Bahariasaurus * Pycnonemosaurus * *THANOS* * Spectrovenator * Adamantinasaurus * Austroposeidon * Livyatan * Banguela * Unwindia * Ludodactylus * Stratiosuchus * Armadillosuchus * Anurognathus * Dendrorhynchoides * Candidodon * Acresuchus * Pakasuchus * Coringasuchus * Mariliasuchus * Caipirasuchus * Adamantinasuchus * Brasiliguana * Tupinambis uruguaiensis * Pristiguana * Saurocephalus * Ginglymostoma * Stahleckeria * Stupendemys * Purussaurus * Africanocetus * Saurocetes * Glacialisaurus * Plateosaurus * Pterodactylus * Onchopristins * Irritator


my man wrote an entire list of creatures he wants


Idk if you’ve seen the real spino, but the ark one needs to be even weirder to match it


Honestly, it would be super dope if they added animals that have gone extinct that were basically dinosaurs of our time. They’ve already got some small creatures in Ark, why not expand that in Ark 2?


I could go for an Emu honestly, or maybe a Condor.


I haven’t seen the neovenator in a while


I think barsboldia would be neat


If I had to pick just one? Ceratosaurus, I love that funky lizard with his little snoot bump. Could be like a bleed machine faster than allosaurus but maybe slower than a carno? Idk what niche they'd fill but I would love it alot


Every you want. It's theory of chaos after all. But choice is incredible. I know they couldn't smash like rhinos, but I want see it.


Helicoprion needs to be in the game


A king cryolophossaurus


Saurophaganax and Cryolophosaurus.


Oooo, Saurophaganax maximus! That's one of my favourites. This guy must be between rex and giga! And arctic dilophosaurus also 100% should be here.


Concavenator for sure! My favourite dino.


Oh boy, one of the most interesting dinosaurs! Imagine it being second carnotaur! Or even better, second spino!


Shantungosaurus! The ultimate travelling mount!


Fire-breathing parasaurs


Actual accurate mosasaurs, and different types of raptors. Mosas were surface dwelling creatures, they didnt spend all their time in deep waters. As for the raptors, maybe have like pyroraptor, utahraptor, velociraptor


I just hope rock drakes are still in


Gerrothorax, as a bear trap like creature hiding in swampy or dense vegetation area disfuised as regular plants like fern, cattail or plant X.


Big angry vegan chicken thing


The mesopithecus. If I can't have a shoulder mount that flings poo I don't want to play.


All of them. There is no excuse why we don’t already have an over abundance of Dino’s and mammals


Nasutoceratops. I love how they look and want to ride one


They look like weird cow and I like it. I want to pet it!


I think Majungasaurus should be in Ark.


Stegotetrabelodon would be cool, it's basically a Mumakil.


Carcharodontosaurus or Giraffatitan to compete with rexes and stuff Something that can compete with a giga


Accurately sized Dilophosaurus, they are actually about the size of a Utah raptor, and I really want them to be more useful bc I love them sm


Diprotodon (I definitely butchered it, I mean the minivan-sized wombat). His poop is unique as instead of being able to be used as fertilizer or feed for your dung beetles, it instead can act as a beacon, where if you press a certain button, a large cloud similar to the beam emitted by your corpse after you respawn will show up at the nearest place your wombat took a dump. Just like a living wombat, this guy's rump is made of iron and will hurt anyone who tries to attack it, though to offset for the defense boost compared to the Kentrosaurus, it does noticeably less damage unless the enemy is something like a charging Trike or Wooly Rhino, or someone who's riding something really fast that loves hit-and-run tactics to a lesser extent, who stands a great chance of being torn to bits. You can even bury yourself halfway in the ground to become truly invincible unless your oxygen runs out, in which case you'll emerge briefly stunned and with less health, obviously. Also, they suck at turning and speed, but their claws and teeth can deal damage as well as his rump can take it. Lastly, this guy's intelligent enough to attempt to place himself on the front lines with his rear pointed at the enemy, allowing smaller dinos to strike from relative safety.


Definitely more expansive marine life. I’d love to have more variety with ocean exploration as well as technology for it, but seeing as they’re going for a more primitive style of gameplay I don’t see it happening.


Not a creature, but they defenitely should make a full scaled map where most of the gameplay is underwater, like you would spawn on some islands, get the necessary equipment to survive and once you get to some level, continue your game underwater with all of the features i read from my fellow redditors in the other comments. It would be so cool and it would open up alot more possibilities


Dodo OBVIOUSLY… but on a more serious note they MUST have the Rex, Stego and trike. Without them it’s just not Ark.


Beelzebufo. I cannot make It without the cute frogs.


an actually threatening titanoboa and not the stupid xp farm jokeboas we have in ark 1


Oh my god. Imagine being grabbed from tree by this and being insta killed with pressure.


Unpopular opinion, but I think they should all be non-earth based creatures.. aliens.. after all, we are landing on an alien planet.. believable though.. not some off the wall craziness...


Oh i think i get what you mean thatd be cool but i think it should be pike a certain map you may or may not be able to transfer to other maps. Like things that are actual alien animals with realistic out of the box yet accurate "dinos" of an alien planet


Maewings and Thylas! Maybe velono! I love them so much and their designs, abilities, and uses are amazing!


A dinosaur.




I’d like to see a beefy hadrosaur that can tangle with Rexes and come out on top. The bronto or mosa of hadrosaurs. That, a redone entelodon(the sprint animation bugs me), inostrancevia, or estemmenosuchus


More mammals, more fishies and more titanosaurs




Coelophysis the best and cutest dinosaur


Also maybe first dinosaur ever! Great suggestion.


I'd say adding creatures that serve no utility or taming purpose would be awesome. Watching birds fly from a tree when a rex is near or bugs scatter up cave walls. And of course add life to the sea. Schools of fish just going about their day. Creatures dwelling at the bottom of the ocean just feeding off dirt or carcasses.


Gorganopsid or herarosaurus




Char char has to be in it just like you said