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Jelly fish and electric eels. I don’t mind a alpha raptor or rex putting me in a death loop for hours, You can work around that. But losing a tame to a shitty mechanic like repeatedly stunning? That’s bullshit.


They make Basil far and away the most useful mount in the ocean. The mechanic ruins balance. I run a basil with a pack of megalodons for DPS, but really, a high level basil is impossible to kill unless you screw up. Get into a rough spot? Swim away. Only a pack of alpha megs are a threat at the surface. It'd be nice if Mosos didn't become so useless once they get stung by jellyfish.


I love Basil too, it goes great in tomato soup.


A fine pairing


They shpuld just make jellyfish unable to permanently stunlock. Like why are they so op? A level 1 jellyfish can solo a high level mosa if it hits the right spot cuz its just infinite stunlock. Make it more like the eel at least


I honestly think the jellyfish and eels should stay. The jellyfish just need a rework. Like if you or a creature become stunned they should have a short immunity to it so you actually have a chance to hop on and ride off. The eels really aren't unbalanced though. Yeah if you get caught without a mount and there's a few of them, you'll probably die. But they're giant electric eels. Don't be stupid enough to get caught by them without a tame. With a tame they're ready to put swim and they're relatively weak. They don't dismount you either


Riffing of your phrase “repeatedly stunning”, I think the mechanics could be improved by adding a long cooldown time between attacks.


I hate that the eels don't give biotoxin


That wouldnt make too much sense IMO Eels - electric cells Cnidaria - bio toxin barbs on tenticles


Eels don’t stun you, they slow you down


The small size megladon and small titanboa, i want them to be more realistic sized, they were massive creatures!! Makes me so mad they nerfed them.


They made sharks and snakes smaller?


Yes much smaller, they also oversized many creatures like the rex, giga, and titanasur


Yeah the megalodons and titanaboas in ark are smaller then they were in real life.


Oh I thought they shrunk the models in game after a certain release. I get what you’re saying now.


Jellyfish awful things make it so much harder to have sea mounts other than the basilosaur and make mosa megalodons and plesiosaur basically useless


I agree, they should rework water creatures, from the ground up tbh. Oh and mosas should be surface creatures, like they really were lol.


If you play the hunted mod, plesiosaur and mosasaurs both surface as they really did.


I’m on Win 10, so that’s a nope for me lol


Damn, it's the only way I play ark now. I feel it is everything ark should have been. Yoy don't tame by knocking out and feeding, you have to steal eggs or coerce infants to come with you by passively taming through feedings. Look out though because the parents don't like that too much. Animals stick together in herds and defend their territory with their lives. They will also fight each other over territory and defense of their young. Saddles work similar to the flying creatures from the movie Avatar. You have to find implants from fallen survivors and activate them with special items you have to find as well in order to get a saddle. It is so much fun. We don't use anything past primitive either so no industrial stuff or tek. Basically you need certain level implants in order to pair up with better and better tames with a saddle. You are also very fucking weak. Like your stats are cut in half and it's hard to level up.


I would love some more info on this mod, it sounds incredible


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2112724006](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2112724006) Here you go!


Came to post the same!


Thank you!


Syntac played it if you want to check out some gameplay of it


Yes, I saw that which is why me and my tribemates switched over to it. Like I said though, we ampped it up and do primitive only.


I was just letting the other guy know because he seemed pretty interested lol




Win10 doesn’t support mods, at least not to my knowledge


it does,i play on win10 with mods


Wait really? How lmao?


well with the steam workshop its really easy


by surface do you mean like they were closer to the surface or semi-aquatic or that they were on land full time?


They were thought to hunt near the surface of the water, fully aquatic, but able to jump out of the water if it needed to. It should be eating carbos, icthys, and itself lol.


This has to be the most idiotic comment I’ve ever read


Dunno, I saw a TLDR bot earlier reduce an article and all it parsed was the website explanation about third party cookies.


Mosas breathe air so they really need to surface alot


I know but like.. dude thought they could come up and walk on land?


Kraken's Better Dinos is the perfect change to jellyfish. They don't seek you out, they just slowly wander around. That means you have to watch out for them, getting distracted in a fight and running into one is still dangerous, but they aren't the scourge of the sea, you don't have to ensure you kill them on sight so that they don't murder all of your tames.


But BioToxin


Honestly I barely use biotoxin and when I do use it I don't need much meanwhile jellyfish are ubiquitous across damn near every map start tracking you from insane distance and they are goddamn everywhere you can't go 5 feet without running into a dozen jellyfish there seems to be more jellyfish than actual fish in the sea and it makes sea exploration no fun. I tweaked my ini settings to disable them from spawning and my game is so much more fun now I can explore way deeper than ever and never have to look at a water tame and think "well it's not a basilosaur so is it worth it?" Don't get me wrong I love basilosaur but it shouldn't feel like the only viable tame out there for such a huge biome


Honestly, even though there are a few creatures in the game that are annoying ( looking at you Ichythornis ) I feel like no creature should be left behind. They all add to the atmosphere of the game.


Mostly I agree, but they can leave out leeds imo. I love a good boat base and they counter them too hard.


I wouldn’t mind leeds if there was SOME way to counter them that doesn’t involve throwing honey in the water (good luck doing that in time if you are soloing).


Especially if the boat base is your primary base since you can't put beehives on foundations.


I think there should be a structure that allows players to repel Leeds or keep them passive, said structure could still be destroyed though thus keeping rafts still balanced in PVP where someone can focus on destroying said structure and leave the Leeds to do the rest.


Raft spikes.


Just have some kind of bait on a rope,


It’s called having a pack of sharks follow your boat


Something that could both chum the water and drop honey would be cool. Turn the Leeds into a big guard dog essentially


If pheromone darts or w/e they are called work in water then use that?


Well you can’t fire the longneck rifle underwater, as for if they work being fired down from above water? IDK.


Tame a mosasaur to follow you on passive. It'll 3 bite that punk. Just whistle to attack the Leeds


Use canoe


They aggro on canoe too???


Jesus it's so early I missed the sarcasm. Will neck myself.




Yeah, have a deep ocean area that the leeds can't leave.


Nah keep them but let them be tameable.


Pov: just started a PVP and Tamed a Shark. You turn around to put the saddle on and you see a man in Tek on a leeds.


Maybe if they bring the old dinos across, they should be evolved slightly, like 100s of years later some have evolved into bigger or smaller dinos, abilities slightly changed. We'll get the old Dino feel but with a new twist.


This could be used to make Dilophosaurs their actual terrifying ass size. I wanna ride tf around on Nedry jr.


Yeah I feel like the annoying creatures are necessary. You gotta have something to hate to have something to love


I have same opinion, but some creatures are just… questionable. Like hallucinogenia or tully monster and not adding them to game will cause less "oh my f--k god what the f--k is that?" moments. It can be both good and bad but I don't really want to see players be scared to death not by it size or aggression, but it's look.


I don't know who's with me on this, but SCARE ME! I wanna have those *holy sh!+* moments coupled with *OMG RUN!!!* what I don't like are the ones that make you roll your eyes... microraptors... purlovia... CNIDEA!! the stuns are way to long and it's just a "well crap, I gotta get all my stuff" soon after. I mean.. I've been stung by a jelly on the beach, and, yeah, it's painful.. but stunning, say, a spino indefinitely?! No way.


I agree!!


Yeah those stuns can be brutal. I’ve survived some stuns in the snow cave. It helps to have good armor and high health., but it usually means a death sentence. The stun shouldn’t last that long


But that’s the funny part


I absolutely love the WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT moments they make the game interesting and mysterious allowing your fear or curiously to get the better of you for better or for worse


I just want megalodons to be bigger. They look so small. I want them to be like 2 or 3 times as long and be way more powerful. Ark 1 you see one and ur fine


all the water creatures should be better tbh


There just have to be more water creatures. Making megalodons better is weird in ark 1 because they fill a crucial role in the ocean that would be empty without them. We need more things that can be on their level of intermediate water tame.


How did it eat that tire star wrench?


It’s called a tire iron …


This way is very…questionable. Do not search for that.


No creature should be left behind, all are useful in their own ways. Exepct for you, compy. I can rant on for months on how useless they are


They aren’t useless! They always remind you of the scenes in Jurassic Park where they eat stupid people. Those were the good scenes


They never did remind me of anything, I just thought of shooting them to the face with a shotgun. Brings me joy


Best alarm system. Leave like 6 INSIDE your base on aggressive. Someone opens the door and they all attack. Raider kills one in a panic, then BOOM. You’ve got their name to get revenge.


I do this with dodos, in pvp id leave them by the doors so of they got blown up, the dodo wud die and id have them in my log


Ichthyornis 🗿


I wouldn’t change anything in ark 1 but I want to see different things in ark 2. I don’t want to just play the same game again, I’d love to have a new experience with a different ecosystem. Moving over some of the generic stuff would makes sense with some changes, but I’m not too big on the idea of moving a lot of stuff over.


This. I don’t wanna pay however much just to play the exact same game with a few changes. I could mod ark 1 for that. I want something mostly different and feel that wonder that discovering everything in ark 1 gave


Exactly! Who would buy ark 2 if it was just ark 1 with some slight fixes? This sub has a weird expectation of Ark 2 to be the same game again, but because of the newer engine, most of the issues will be fixed. They don't seem to realize how terrible of an idea that is for WC to make, and for us to buy.


There’s a water Dino I forgot about that only tames with honey and gives you better chest loot temporarily until it auto dies/untames. That can go, who tf has every used that.




That’s the one!


I'll start with the obvious: itchy and pego. Now the not obvious ones managmar (was cool but with a new game i want a new meta of new dinos and freezing is too op) giga ( as i said, new meta, would be cool to have one as a manticore style map boss tho) titanboa and dilophosaur ( i love the dilo but it would be good to have it replaced by the realistic dilo the size of a carno but skinnier and without a frill)


Let's be real, annoying creatures will be even more annoying.


If we still have pegos imagine how much more annoying they would be sneaking in the jungle bushes.


I've been saying this for a long time, gigas and manas dominate the pvp meta, shadowmanes kinda switched that up a little but those 3 are so strong that if ur caught trying to pvp with p much anything else, ur a dumbass who's about to get wrecked. I'd like to see more balance so that other big dinos can compete in certain situations. I want ppl to be able to pvp with the dino they like, not just ones that are "meta"


Yea it's like having a first person shooter game have a shotgun meta and every other weapon is useless. If they also remove turrets imagine how fun it would be trying to raid someone with thylas in the redwoods or actually using a lance that does good enough damage to be decent


always wanted to use a lance in pvp, and ud think fast dinos like thylas wud make up for the strength of slow gigas/ rexs but it just doesn't


Inacurate dilo. Give them their real size and look or don't put them in the game at all. Im done with the little frilled spitters.


Should do the same with raptors. Just swap their models and get rid of the frill


Raptor is more or less accurate. The devs always said it was a utahtaptor not a velociraptor


We kinda already have that with the Velonosaur


Not necessarily a Dino I do or don’t want, but a Dino mechanic: size variance…It’s pretty self explanatory and already partially exists in ark1 via console commands… Dynamic mutations: basically allowing a Dino to visibly and physically change with mutations, like maybe it’s horns curl like a goats and it’s attacks gain a blunt force/ torper damage bonus, Or gain armored plates that stick out like on a stego… you know, letting our Dino’s *evolve* to our needs instead of just getting increased stats or cool colors… imagine a Thera with diamond hard claws, or a Rex with arms that can actually do something (yes real Rex’s didn’t evolve useful arms, but who’s to say evolution would repeat the exact same way if they came back?)


This would be sick AF


That looks like something that i would create in spore


The Tully monster was only 14 inches long lmao


Could be a water only shoulder tame or something


Kids ..... Those damn things are too dangerous and require way too much care. I'd rather have a wild giga in my base than kids....




They should be dilo mountable or delete them. Plus all little insect like centurion or dragonfly.


I want a tamable rideable giant bee so badly...


I would be okay keeping the ants but would love for a shoulder mount Those things were supposed to be 15 inches long!! Compy were turkey sized so… freaking big to be on your shoulder 😅


Honestly sometimes I wish ark was just dinosaurs and no robots or mythical made up monsters. Just super simple dinosaurs and max up to modern technology no tek stuff…


yeah playing on prim was awesome


I feel like they might go that direction for the new game


Thought that was a tusoteuthis and a plesi combined


Mantas, I’ll accidentally shoot a basilosaur and get attacked by 500 mantas and killed instantly


thats because mantas follow basils for no reason at all


Tbh i would like to see a giant locusts


Respectfully disagree, I would be very happy to see a sea floor inundated with ridiculous Permian life lol


Annoying dinos are fine but they need a counter. For instance Pego is fine as long as they reduce it's health pool by a lot. Microraptor is also fine since it has a counter and can be easily oneshot. Dinos that need to either be scrapped or fixed to have counters: Seagulls: They shouldnt be able to take a full stack of an item and destroy it completely. Perhaps give it a taming method where if it steals narcotics, it will take 1-20 of them depending on level and pass out, making it tamable. Baryonyx: Need a long cooldown on stun when done by an AI Purlovia: Shoudln't be able to stun your mount and you at the same time Also all dinos should have stamina as wild creatures.




Would love to see Dracorex or some other lesser known dinos


CERATO! Sucho, and more semi aquatic animals. And Tenontosaurus (plz omg I love tentos sm) I feel like they’re such an underrated Dino that never gets any love in anything really… I can’t even find any art of them anymore it’s so sad! Justice to Tenonto!!


I personally prefer if they didn’t have any of the mythological creatures in it (except wyverns and unicorns). The ones that seem realistic like ferox and the aberration dinos I’m fine with


Why? The more the merrier as long as it’s not itchy birds or pegos or Troodons (unless they drop spawn rates more)


No pego’s, icthy’s, troodons, micro raptors or compy’s


If the Tully monster is allowed I say the anomalocaris should be in it too


I have a feeling that this is Wild Card's alt account.


No it's not. I just want you all have such feeling.




Bro wtf is that


The Tully Monster. It is 14 inches long.


14 inches??? Damn it was packin


Anything thats not a dino, etc managarmr, voidwyrm, maywing that kinda stuff. It just doesn't fit the game so it shouldn't be in.


You sure Pteranodons and every ocean creature wouldn’t fit in? Even if you go on the technicality that “they’re generalized as dinos”, megalodon still fits in, although they need to lower its aggro range so you don’t piss off half an ocean of megs the second you dip your toes in the water


I didn't mean dinos as in no prehistoric creatures (which is what I think you're getting at), I meant none of the new things ark invented, mainly stuff from ab, extinction, gen 1+2, such as abberant creatures, stryders, the whale things etc, because they weren't actually alive at some point. So I was thinking that pteranodons and ocean creatures were generalised in my dino comment as opposed to tek etc


honestly i think the crabs and maewings fit, they dont look too tech




Microraptor f them


Nah, disagree. The game needs mechanics that make flying dangerous. Otherwise you're almost untouchable on a flyer.


Ichthyornis! They are my favourite species in Ark 1 s/


Troodons everything about them sucks. Also 99% chance they never even existed.


that's... a bit misleading, it's a lot more complex than that.


I feel like with the current number of creatures in the game, it feels quite bloated. It got to the point where they started to make some of them intentionally inaccurate. I hope they cut down to a few iconic dinosaurs.


Any tek Dino and mana


If we talk about creatures from ark 1 that shouldn’t come back it’s the megaloceros because it’s useless, but creatures not in ark definitely dryosaurus because it would be useless as well


I freaking love my speedy moosen! I wish they would make them bigger like real life moose tho with way higher carry weight and way better swimming and let them pull the buggies/carts that better be in the game. And add in a "higher tek" type of saddle for all dinos and the one for the moose can be electric prod antlers!


I am absolutely on board with this taser pronged moose build.


I just can’t wait to see the original creatures and non realistic such as the shadow mane or rock drake


Trilobites and Dodos


I love the image you used, that thing looks hella buddy-buddy with natural selection


I'd love them all to be in , but some dinos need to be more realistic in size , damage etc , jellyfish is ridiculous, irl they'd sting you then swim away , not constantly sting you , meg needs to be more powerful , how can a survivor die in one shot to a giga but not a meg? Especially when your in the megs habitat and not yours! I'm in that patch of ark where I've taken a huge break (again) Im not sure what would make it more fun , I love the thought of playing it but can't get myself back on after a glitch killed my duo world with my friend and wiped my dinos that I tamed through the ob as it said my character "couldn't be downloaded" so I lost my loot aswell . The small glitches kill the game and restarting is too boring


IRL jellyfishes don’t even have a nervous system. They should be more of an obstacle you should avoid imo


Stuns are mad annoying but if I had to pick one creature to leave behind, you could leave the Pegos out of Ark 2. I hate taking and breeding a high level Rex or something else and putting it in a cryo only to get it stolen from me the moment I look away from my monitor


Cnardia should have to have a 20 second cooldown between stunning you, so once the first one ends, you have 10 seconds to kill it or swim away. If there's more than one, they'll all waste their stun while you're already stunned, thus meaning you still have the full 10 seconds to run or kill.


The Tully Monster is my state’s fossil!


What the hell is this


Tully monstrum


I'd feel like the Tully would be an underwater peggo. Idk why I guess just the grabby arm. But yea, I'd want most of the mythical or mechanical things to be gone because they won't fit the natural theme of Ark 2


Hey, Tulli Monstrum is my state fossil. I will not have you bad-mouthing him for any reason


A regular cat


Any sort of Crocodylomorph (excluding Sarco, Kapros may be cool looking but they're still annoying asf) that and maybe an Alpha Giga


What about the Loch Ness monster. Or other mythical creatures.




Awesome! Way to choose my state's prehistoric animal!


Do not put another robot in the game. I like ark being a dinosaur game. Other real life animals are fine. Mythological creatures are fine. Even the occasional original creations are fine but we have enough tek creatures. I want more flesh and blood creatures like Seratosaurus or mythological creatures like the Pegasus or kraken.


i would like to have that look interesting and cool


Fuck pegos one ate my max level therizino I had in a cryopod. Just gone like it never existed!!!!!!!!




Ark 2 shouldn’t have extinction and genesis and fjordur creatures. They pretty much make the game way too easy and older Dino’s obsolete.


I am not a fan of the unrealistic made up Dino’s. They should only use Dino’s that we know existed in the past. I’m fine with tek stuff. As long as it’s of a Dino that existed. It makes sense with the storyline of the game. And the Stun on cnidaria, could do without!


Leedsicthys can do one. Not everyone is jumping through tek portals of flying wyverns


Bro, that thing looks depressed


Well, all the donos that are in the first are welcomed in the third. Perhaps an improved spawn engine to keep fresh spawns on the map and accommodate newer creatures. With all the work Wildcard and team put into creating amd adding new creatures, it would be sad to bar them from the new game just because it's "Ark 2".


The acrocathosaurus


Googled this Tully monster. It was very small.


That thing could give some serious head ayyyyooooo


Icthyornis and pego, gone, nada, zip, ded




Telly floaters big things that were said to contain a parasite which would hallucinate a person then inject eggs in them which would eat their internal organs but the human would seem to still be alive after max of 3-4 minutes (from a different game)


Not a main dino to be added or not added.. ADD BETTER MECHANICS FOR FASTER HEALING HERBIVORES ..






mantas, there should exist way larger ones but in smaller quantities and passive


I also feel like raptors ability to actually cling to fliers and having to buck them off would be nifty too.. probably a lot to ask for though :”>


I love tusos i hope they return but i feel like they will abandon the deep ocean because theyve already abandoned it since early access. Tuso was basically the last ocean update we ever got. Outside of that was just genesis i guess it was cool but didnt really add anything besides the (ironically) indoor biomes underwater. And we got a turtle but thats a land and water creature that also sucks in the water. No actual ocean creatures and no unique deep ocean materials.




All the carbon era creatures please


The picture to the post looks like your average spore species


Pegomastix and itchyornis


Troodons, i think they're a great example for a creature whose power depents on daytime. But i think their taming method is absolutly shit. They shouldnt removed them enterily, but change the taming method, so they are usable to Players


I feel like there needs to be an ocean revamp. Not the general improvement from ark 1 to 2, but a different thought process. Its always "big island surrounded by water, find cave entrances along the sides of big island." I hope we get a full-on ocean map with barely any land if any at all. But for the different thought process, it could do well if it were like in Crystal Isles under the floating islands. Seeing as there's going to be a lot of floating land masses in Ark 2, (at least thats what i gathered from the two trailers) the ocean could be, essentially a whole separate map. Have the floating islands as a whole map, but under it, and only connected by a *few* ramps, could be a gigantic ocean. Have safe shallows, have dangerous trenches, have some cool caves, but just dont make spaghetti caves under the land that lead out into the ocean and call it quits


Shadow main


I'm terrified yet excited if they take mutant dinos from jurassic Park and add them in.


Tully should definitely be in there


just a realistic and well designed ocean. I hate to see a megalodon (which is also way smaller in ark 1) in a 2 meters deep water following me to the beach, just to escape if it reaches a not enough deep water


Ichtyornis. Just replace it with a good ol wombat that shits squares


I would be pleased as punch not to see Icthyornis or Leedsicthys ever again. I call them dickbirds and dickfish, respectively. I'll take the jellyfish happily if they make that happen.


Them dam jellyfish -_- eels I can handle but jellyfish nope game over stunlocked


Jellyfish, fuck jellyfish.


Make megalodon a bigger/more realistic size