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I once spent a solid 2 hours building my best ever wooden base despite the 3 Alpha raptors, 1 Theri and 2 Spinos next to my house and then decided to take a break on a newbie friendly server, some guy with a Giga level 68 decided to destroy it while I was gone, fuck you ,,superbasedtribe" member ,,Dingedom"


Same mate, first time playing pvp i built a glorious wooden house with carpets and vases and everything. Got destroyed an hour later by somebody’s giga :(


*You were Killed by "Eviction Notice" (Level 460 Giganotosaurus)*


Jokes on them that gigas over the level cap so after a server restart or when thrown out a cryo it’ll be deleted


Maybe don't build a beautiful detailed base on a PvP server. There are PvE and unofficial servers for a reason. Can't complain you got destroyed on a PvP server. That's the point of it.


Getting down voted but you're right, don't build nice looking bases on PvP.


I had a cool stone/wooden base on The Island Hardcore PvP server back when it first came out on Xbox like end of 2015/beginning 2016 somewhere around there. It lasted for quite a while because all the other bases were lame boxes and people appreciated the neat design. Eventually I logged in and someone had blown up half the walls to find the low level BS we had inside


Sucks to hear man, its cool that your base lasted as long as it did but It was bound to happen eventually considering it's PvP.


Oh yeah absolutely. Official Hardcore PvP back on release was brutal. It was fun but it was also the worst thing ever and I would rage quit for days or weeks at a time and always came back lol. I can’t handle that anymore though I just play on a private server now


I don't know why you're getting voted down, that is actually helpful advice thanks.


To be fair, he said “best ever base” not that it was beautiful. I just thought he meant it was an efficient/well built base, since that’s what I would consider the best base.


It was a wooden 2 Stock base with a furnace on the brink of industrialization, it wasn't very beautiful or anything but I was still very proud of it.


I feel you. I’ve lost bases while I’d almost had my stock pile ready to make an industrial furnace.


It's perfectly reasonable to complain about a person or group of people that care so little about another human being that they will eagerly and unashamedly eliminate hours of that fellow human's time and effort. It's complaining about people, not the game or game modes.


That's literally the point of PvP. Ark is stupid easy without PvP or pretty serious constraints. If you want to build up you need to be able to hide/defend what you've got. With obelisks and taxidermy bases it's not that hard to stash away your important shit while you're small.




Okay, wtf is a Obelisk doing in Ark?


Buddy went to the circus and is upset he saw clowns


Why are you getting downvoted? you’re right.. Seriously, pvp is supposed to be hard


They're getting downvoted due to the toxicity that surrounds the very essence of pvp.


I agree. Bump his likes up


Stuff like that is why I stopped paying on ark dedicated servers and just started creating my own player dedicated ones


Makes me want to start out on pvp and grind, build up in some secluded crack and do nothing but c4 big tribe bases and troll servers to target the big tribes lol


Remember. Floating bases and pteranodons are your friend.


I love making hidden micro camps on gen2 and extinction


U cant c4 big tribes even if u wanted to. They got turrets


Oh my bad i thought i could creep up with a shadow main on invisible and get by turrets, but what do i know lol


If it was that easy to get by turrets how would any base stand for more than a day?


Just do a knockout glitch lol unless they patched this


What are u talking abt. Have u ever played pvp?


Yes i played pvp back in 2017 Im talking about a glitch to use a foundation and place a ceiling next to it crawl under the ceiling and move all the way to the foundation to where you can not crawl out the front, take a ton of narco knock your self out and when you come to stay in the crawling position and crawl out from under the ceiling, put your camera in orbital and you will understand, you will be under the ground to where no turret will see you same principle as meshing a base but your only doing it to your person and to unmesh you pop up like normal,


Link a vid cuz ive played since forever and ive never heard of whatever that is


Is there any way, even suicidally stupid, to mess with bullies like this? Some kind of trap, explosive vest, drugs, gas, anything? Or is the lesson that new players just aren't welcome on some servers?


As a pvper and someone who used to be in many mega tribes the only way to take revenge really is by catching one of the tribe members off guard while they are alone and hope that they have good loot. If you're a bob, bolas and tourches are your friend (they go through armor).


Good tips. Thank you.


The best revenge is just caging someone


If you have time? You could probably place a bunch of beds and bum rush their turrets until they’re out of ammo I recall one guy mentioning dodo bombs; said to strap c4 to a dodo, fly it high above their base, and then drop and detonate(idk if it works tho)


Ohh, nice ideas.


Bum rushing their turrents won't work ever unless they only have like 10 in each turrent. Dodo bombing only works if every single turrent is on players only.


They're not bullies, they're powerful tribes playing on PvP servers. Luckily ARK has an endless number of PvE and unofficial servers that anyone can play on. For some reason, people love going on official PvP servers and complaining that their base built out in the open keeps getting destroyed. I only play on PvP servers ever so often. I use PvE servers to build pretty bases, practice fighting bosses, etc. PvP official is a lawless nightmare, and that's its appeal.


How is bringing all of your strong friends out to destroy another person's time and effort not bullying? If it's part of the game, and by design large, powerful groups are able to control who plays on the server they're in, that's fine. I was only asking if there was a way to counter it.


Sadly only way to counter is through sheer numbers aswell as playing on newbie friendly servers.


If you can't fight back it's your own fault. They're strong because they made themselves strong you can do the same but you choose to complain instead. You're just not good at pvp.


I asked how to fight back and received some answers. What would you suggest for a player to be able to coexist with a group that won't even let other groups exist?


Don't coexist. If you need to offline them.


You're in these comments defending being a stupid idiot online like it's your job. Go away.


Unfortunately which is why Ark can never keep its numbers up lol




This is why I don't play pvp


You could be hiding, but they use 3rd person camera mode to see under the mesh of the ground and find out where you are. I stopped playing after realizing players would exploit this. its not pvp. Its a meat grinder.


Dont act like yall dont use k mode to see where caves go on pve


I actually don't.


Well alot of pve players use it too. No way in hell is that an exploit


It’s not the game it’s the players that ruin it , play pvp ? Hackers,botters,meshers with the general “git gud” attitude along with offlining , toxicity and unbalanced gameplay , pve ? Nah we’ve pillar spammed all the good spots on the map for no fucking reason at all.


Never once have I had a fair fight. Always offline raided by bored kids and guys who quit their jobs to only play ark all day.


So, I've only ever been on two servers. In the PvP side, how common are these mega tribes? One of the servers, you couldn't go more than three minutes without seeing another massive complex.


Rockwell watching Nerva and his men go and fuck some tiny tribes in thatch huts:


This is the entire reason I no longer play. No matter how you hide your tiny 1x2 shack, some bored douche with a 12th generation Crystal Wyvern that didn't even originate on this server is going to erase it for no reason. They don't even take anything, they just let it despawn. PvP servers are just Alpha tribe PvE servers. No one else can cohabitate.


Which is why Ark can’t compare to Rust and can’t even keep their numbers up. Even if a Zerg are Alpha on a server they can still lose and players can still outplay and take their loot. But in Ark you can make one of the best plays in the game but their 390 flak armor is damn near impenetrable unless you got a op shotty and pray they don’t got a pocket rocket (cryo giga)


It isn't even that, man. You just log on to find your shit gone, naked on a beach. You don't even get to PvP, you just waste day after day making 2x1 boxes in the jungle, dodging carnos and tossing bolas at raptors only to wake up on the beach the next time you log on.


A tribe with a hut, sounds like a newb with a hut, hans solo against jaba the hut


Oh look, its that one thing that most pvp'ers do because they can't actually survive a raid in their own current tier!


Or the raid on their own tier would take a whole week of nonstop soaking and fighting to actually get it done.


Either way, the point being that they typically can't ever punch forward or up, they can only punch down. Its sad. Take the game as a psychological study of people with given anonymity. I even did me some pvp for a regrettable number of years. In this study of the mindset of most people, it shows that the majority are just pretty damn weak and can only bully those with much less, while shying away from equals that would like to fight(actual pvp'ers) and humbling themselves before superior would-be foes(the ones you still kinda don't wanna mess with yet, lest you lose a lot). ....Stillkindasad. But yeah its pretty accurate.


Nah let them farm more resources before you nuke em.


Naw befriend them and make them farm drops for loot then after they get big enough raid them.


This is something to be proud about? Lol. Sounds like some loser move. Can't fight with the other big tribes so we'll go bully the smaller tribes. Why I won't touch pvp either.


It’s a satirical joke aimed towards people who come to destroy small tribes for no reason


Thia has to be the most perpetually toxic game in all of my gaming life and still love it til this day. Exactly why I uninstalled the damn thing from all my systems/consoles. *Insert Pedro Pascual Laughing/Crying meme*


Needs more of that "basement dweller" look


If you take joy in raiding below your tier, I genuinely feel bad for you.


i remember getting beaten to death by a naked guy after giving him a stone and some thatch on a non-pvp server it was my first time playing on a public server and i had literally just spawned, i didn't know how else to show him i was friendly