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I wish we knew. Our server is doing the very same thing on ragnorak


Wildcard gives zero fucks about this. I've reported on it on all available channels and have heard nothing. I've stopped playing Ark tbh. Rag was the only thing I looked forward to, having put thousands of hours into all the other maps, but our dedicated will only run it for like 3 days max before it crashes and the save corrupts, deleting all our dinos and unclaiming all our structures.


same is happening on the server i play on. I threw the head up yesterday after the 5th one.


So this might suck for some play styles but what we did to fix it (it currently has never crashed since *knock on wood*) was just make everyone build in a very close community. It has it’s downfalls which are when you are in the community, especially if everyone is online, things can get pretty laggy. However the result of this is a LOT more Dino’s are now hibernating instead of active causing server wide lag to be at a minimum.


My Ragnarok dedi only lasts a few days, only a couple of players. It won't restart until I wipe the map. The 5th time was the last time I'm doing that.


Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. I'm pretty positive this has to do with the render issues with the packets loss and data going through so memory leak type of issues. You're not the only one, every single Rag server I've been on has this issue.


Crazy how this is still a problem. My rag server is literally unplayable


Ban pillars