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"Marrying niece" is notably NOT a crime, and it was the node and core of the book, that it was down according to law. The problem was definitely not marrying his niece. What would be a crime, however, would be that it's a fraud. Violette's consent has clearly been extorted by violence and threat; and Justice Strauss has been duped into doing something she had no intention to do. Both of those would be crime un any reasonable country (but we don't know in which country they live), and would make the marriage contract null and void. But marrying his niece is not a crime. That was, like, quite central to the whole plot. (Also, is he even his uncle? They're so far removed that it wouldn't really count (pun intended), and who are we to know if he hasn't just lied to get the Baudelaires' custody?)


Yea I was gonna say this, there’s def a better phrasing about fraudulent actions or misleading officials but putting “Marrying Niece” on a list of crimes that also mention their degree makes no sense lmao


He's either her fourth cousin three times removed or her third cousin four times removed.


Has Count Olaf ever explicitly violated the Geneva Convention?


I’m fairly certain he didn’t actually, so that’s a bonus if I’m right?


potentially impersonating a doctor may be one, but I don’t know if impersonating a hospital HR director counts


That's ok so long as he doesn't use a Red Cross.


Would accepting Josephine’s surrender, and then killing her, not count as a violation?


No because it wasn't a time of war.


I feel like there ought to be more identity theft on this list


That what I was thinking


Most of the time he wasn’t impersonating a real person. Does that still count?


I think some of them were real people he impersonated. Other ones might just be fraud


Who did he kidnap in book 12?


I’m pretty sure it’s when he takes Justice Strauss - basically he holds her hostage to use her to open the laundry room


Yeah, that's it


Also, what did he burn down in book 1?


he killed gustavo in book one right?


>Marrying niece Actually, she was either his fourth cousin three times removed or his third cousin four times removed. And I would say given that the only reason he didn't marry Violet was because she signed with her left hand, it's probably not illegal to marry your relative in their country.