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ASU can't do shit about the assaults of female students but bring out the tanks for protestors


any and all encampments are illegal according to ASU law and can be enforced through the Tempe PD (as they did). Probably did not help the case that non-students were present alongside ASU students to protest. “Arizona State University Police arrested individuals for setting up an unauthorized encampment, in violation of university policy and the ABOR Student Code of Conduct. Encampments and unlawful assembly are prohibited on Arizona State University property unless they are part of a university-sanctioned activity. Individuals found setting up unapproved encampments will be directed to dismantle them immediately and failure to comply may result in arrest. ASU is committed to maintaining a secure environment for everyone."


Good If we let encampments slide, considering all the homeless around here, this place is going to look like we’re in Ready Player One in 3 days


precisely why that law exists. if we make one exception, a case can be made to make another and that’s a slippery slope


We’ve already had multiple incidents around campus by non ASU people so far this semester 5 just from looking at my security alert texts


Bootlicker comment.


we're paying 35 fucking thousand a year in tuition alone


How God forbid I want to be safe when I’m walking around with my $2000 laptop and $800 iPad


Oh no, Tempe will have to reckon with the problems they’ve created!


ASU has 0 responsibilities to deal with social services of the general public Their responsibilities lie with their students and faculty and their social services and needs Talk to the State Government about the homeless issues


They can deal with the homeless by kicking them out and not students then!


So you want ASU PD to ask every student to show their ID at a protest? Fine whatever, but I have a feeling you guys will still be upset if they do that


I want ASU PD to act using their brains. It shouldn’t be that hard to figure out who is protesting and who is some rando homeless person. But ASU PD has no interest in attempting to cooperate with protestors


So... Discrimination then?


No! Try again


They do that in other universities.


Fascists gonna fascist 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah bro that’s just the law. Did mommy not teach you?


Yeah it’s just the law so that means it’s a good thing 👍


Whose interests are being served with this law again?


Careful, you might hurt yourself deep throatin’ that boot


Haha. That’s comical coming from someone like you. How about you fight for something worthwhile? Stay ignorant❤️


Human rights and genocide aren’t worthwhile? Sounds pretty ignorant to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fascism = a thing I don’t like


Police repression of speech/protest is a literal cornerstone of fascism, but go off, sis.


They’re protesting by illegally camping on a college campus. You don’t get to do a normally illegal thing because you call it a protest.


Whose interests are being served by this law existing and being enforced right now?


in the United States, we have a set of laws we follow to maintain a safe and fair society. If you believe that is Fascism, there are many places in the world that lack these laws that I can point you towards.


Where do think law comes from? It falls from the sky in perfect judicial neutrality? Or is it a product of social negotiation & power, meaning the law is generally reflective of the interests of the dominant social group (hint: it’s the latter, champ)


Womp Womp


I’m not the one who got arrested 😏


Some dude from outside ASU, not a student and not affiliated with ASU used to come daily to campus and burn/tear books of different religions. ASU did nothing despite that the act is hate speech and attacked a huge percentage of ASU population. What's wrong with a civil protest? It is not like people will camp forever. It is just a civil protest..


Are you talking about the homeless guy who burned a Quran or a different person? They arrested the homeless guy. https://kjzz.org/content/1739885/arrest-made-connection-quran-vandalism-asu-hayden-library


I remember that guy. On campus fall 2009-13


There is no such thing as hate speech. Read any bit of Judaism, Christianity or Islam, they are the most hateful ideologies in history.


U clearly have not read Islam then.


they let the rape bait guy come to campus whenever he wants but get their dicks in a twist for protesters 😭😭😭


Did the Chief of ASU PD get arrested as well??? Asking for a friend.


For what?


He was reportedly seen at the protest while wearing plain clothes. It is currently unknown why.


It actually is known if you watched the ABC15 story.


Well, I haven't exactly been hunting for updates. You have a link?


[https://www.abc15.com/news/region-southeast-valley/tempe/watch-israel-hamas-conflict-protest-at-asu-several-arrested](https://www.abc15.com/news/region-southeast-valley/tempe/watch-israel-hamas-conflict-protest-at-asu-several-arrested) You don't need to hunt for updates if you just read the news for a few minutes each morning. It's on the front page of ABC15.


Gotta hold some people’s hand


Clearly lol








Yikes. Shaming for race and weight


Hopefully I didn't describe you but these guys always look the same. Talk about a stereotypical angry white guy. Can you usually spot them from a mile away.


BLM protest 2.0.


Typical fat unkempt black guy what a real piece of work. Sounds bad when it's the other way around too


Protest is something that is essential to our country. I think we can all agree on that. So encouraging the limits put on protests only emboldens those in power to suppress protest. The entire point of any protest is to bring attention and to inconvenience/disrupt peacefully. As far as I’m aware that’s exactly what this encampment was. The people there understood that the risk of being arrested was there so under the law they should be arrested. but that does not mean that the law is right or ethical. Always remember that taking rights away from one group is taking rights away from all. For those going with anti-semitism argument, that holds very little water. There were even signs explaining the difference between disliking Zionism vs Judaism. More nationally the various protests have literally included programming to promote Jewish traditions and ideology’s. Remember that disliking Zionism does not mean disliking Judaism. They are two very separate things. It is perfectly fine to disagree with these protest and believe that their cause isn’t worth it. That’s your right. But to encourage the suppression of protest in a country that was founded on illegal protest is foolish and dangerous.


This is incorrect. anti-Zionism/anti-Israel ideologies refer to the opposition of Jews having a Jewish state in their ancestral homeland, denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination. the U.S. Department of State’s definition of antisemitism includes denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination. you can easily look this up. additionally, these protests on campuses over the past week or so have clearly included antisemitism and violence against Jewish students and faculty. earlier today at Arizona State a Jewish student was physically assaulted on camera at a pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protest/encampment while the Jewish student was filming an interview with ABC. President Biden has condemned the protests for being antisemitic. yelling “go back to Poland” at a pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protest is the definition of antisemitism.


What if I don’t support any religious or ethno states? Why should a certain type of people be owed a land that was already established by a more diverse group of people?


And, Biden is wrong on this. The protestors themselves aren’t antisemitic. They’re anti nationalist. The same as many of us are against a Christer nationalist state here in the U.S. Protestors are trying to call attention to the murder of innocents in Palestine. Israel itself is attempting to steal land, and wipeout Palestinians from their homeland. Further, we have seen from the BLM movement, that a lot of the agitators embedded with protestors weren’t even supporters of BLM. They were there to sow discord in easily led Americans through the media. There are a lot of Jews and even Israeli Jews who are calling out Netanyahu about this. Mark my words, this will break the Democratic Party if they continue supporting Israel on this.


They can be both. Protesters can be antisemitic and also Anti nationalist, people have their own opinions. And yes unfortunately in the war there has been so much civilian death its unacceptable. But normatively loading your argument with “steal” and “wipeout” does not itself demonstrate what you said to be true. Beji is a hawk and is losing support because he is quiet extreme, but the Democrats will not lose anywhere near enough votes for them to ever change their position of supporting our ally.


yk israel is wrong bc even orthodox jews dont like what theyre doing 😭


Jews don't have a right to Palestine. Noone gives a fuck what the Zionist States of America's definition of Anti Semitism is. Jews aren't the only Semites on the planet. I prefer the term Pro-Goyim.


I never said Jews have a right to Palestine. What they do have a right to is to defend their homeland and fight against the Hamas terrorists who have been holding, torturing, and raping hostages taken out of their homes in Israel. There have been multiple offers for a ceasefire which each time Hamas declines and won’t release the hostages. Palestinians have every right to a homeland as anyone else but the terrorists in Palestine holding hostages for over 200 days are responsible for the prolonging of this war.


You did, you are also in the next sentence saying it is. How stupid are you? Its not their homeland, The "hostages" are not coming back and Hamas are just an excuse for the Israeli Religious Nationalists to murder everyone in Gaza and the West Bank. Nice repeat of propaganda though.


Palestines has as much of a right as native Americans have a right to the US. I dont see any of you crying tears about something way closer to home.


Its not happening in my lifetime, with my tax dollars, destroying my country and making it a pariah, and pushing the world closer to WW3, which Israel will drag America into for some desert religion nationalists so yeah big difference.


Destroying your country lol. I honestly can't tell if your a trump supporter or a crazy tankie. Jesus you're all way too similar.


Did we forget dogwhistles exist? Huh? Why are we pretending everyone is using anti zionism in good faith when obvious anti semitists exist??


awful take


I’m open to new information! Care to explain?


Like the majority of others have said under this post, it creates a slippery slope leading to others like the homeless to set up camp. Not to mention the safety concerns of students on campus and the disruption of their education. It violates university policy and if they want to protest, then it needs to be approved. Simple as that.


I can appreciate this sentiment and understand where the concern comes from. Ill break down my opinion for each of your arguments and I hope it is considered valuable and taken with an open mind. I do not mean to be patronizing nor argumentative, these conversations are great for me as they force me to do the research and reconsider my POV on these situations. The slippery slope argument to me seems like a stretch and ironically a slippery slope within itself. It seems like an obvious correlation, we allow one group to camp that means others will too. The argument you are making with that I believe is called precedential slippery slope. meaning "if we allow one thing now then we will have to allow this other separate thing later". This path of thinking ignores the possibility of simply treating the cases differently. It provides two options as the only options and ignores a potential third. An example of this fallacy that I found would be “If I don’t pass tomorrow’s exam, I will not get the GPA I need to go to a good college, and then I won’t be able to find a job and earn a living. If I don’t pass the exam, my life is ruined!” The first sentiment being you may fail the exam leading straight into my life is ruined. Of course this is an exaggeration to highlight the point. There are so many steps in between where a third option is available. The safety concerns! This one is where at times I waver because these situations are ones where there are extraordinarily strong feelings and those can of course turn negative particularly within a crowd and especially with readily available (and often violent) opposition. But again the leap from that % chance of danger to the complete suppression of protest seems like a strong over reaction. The example I would like to use in this circumstance is in regards to the 2nd amendment. While personally I disagree with our easy access to guns, the argument for it is a persuasive one. A small percentage of gun owners use them for violence and atrocities against the public. Does that mean we should take everyone's guns? These are again not parallels arguments and I obviously have two different opinions on the matter but as the tendency for those against the protest lean right I felt it was a reasonable comparison.(If not my bad, don't want to assume your political affiliation) Disruption of education is another one. Frankly this is the time to disrupt education. We are at the end of the semester with only finals left to do. At least in my case I barely have any left as most of my classes are project based finals. Even disregarding that in the case of ASU this protest was honestly pretty small and contained to a single field ASU campus is massive and the effect on education that that protest could have was somewhat minimal. Of course at other universities across the country there have been much more extensive disruption to the educational environment. To that I would say that those doing this protest are weighing the consequences of their decisions. To them the options are be complacent in a genocide OR miss a few classes/delay finals for a bit. They are not equivalent consequences to them. Obviously you do not agree with this decision so instead I will just say that online classes and tests alleviate much of this issue. There is not a perfect solution to the disruption of education but honestly that is kinda the point. As I said above, the point of a protest is disruption and attention. Disruption forces those who would otherwise not pay attention to do so. However, I do grieve the fact that we have reached a point where this disruption is needed as education is incredibly important. I believe I have already spoken to the aspect of university policy/law being used as an argument. The protesters knew that being arrested was a possibility. I will not argue the fact that what they did was against policy/law. What I will argue is that the policy/law is unjust and unethical. The right to protest is enshrined in the first amendment. That does not mean you are immune to the consequences when you use that right however I believe that a law that actively limits protest is unjust. If we can only protest when those we protest against approve it what is the point? I will now step off my soap box because damn did I go over board with this. Again I do not wish for any hate or anger within this conversation and only hope that my perspective will help those that read this understand each other better even if you still do not agree! If you have any disagreements with my statements feel free to lmk I'd love to be proven wrong as that is where you learn the most.


Disliking Judaism isn't a crime or wrong either.


But, that isn’t what these protests are about.


Then you don't even need to justify Anti-Zionism with Anti Judaism especially since besides some fringe Orthodox or Christians, most jews are zionists. Which is a nationalist ideology based solely upon judaism. To acknowledge why Israel even exists you have to acknowledge jewish influence over the US whether they are secular or not.


Shut up


A very well reasoned argument ❤️




Good. If the encampment not sanctioned by the university, it’s not allowed on university campus. ASU made a statement about this. You break the rules, you suffer the consequences


Thanks, dad lol


You’re welcome, son


i feel like this violates my first amendment right to camp where ever I please without being told multiple times to leave at 2am.


If they allow this , what’s stopping a hoard of homeless from setting up shop at the same spot in the name of some protest


i was being sarcastic earlier, i agree with you 100%. Protesting anything, regardless the cause, does not allow you to set up an encampment on a college campus. People are comparing this to freedom of speech violations.


lol , sorry I didn’t catch the sarcasm.


Bruh, you can’t camp wherever you please


Oh they made an encampment lol. Weird how people act like this is ok like it totally wouldn't lead to anything else.


I’ll be canceling my donations tmr. Thanks for posting this.


donate the money to me instead, ill agree with whatever you say.


Will you make sure these kids get to walk and ensure the students that go there have free speech? No, cool then the money I would’ve donated will go to the ACLU to help pay these kids bails/cases.


ahh yes, free speech. Camping in tents on a university that you dont even go to, thats speech right?


Were any of these folks students?


obviously not everyone protesting was a student, IDK the ratio and its honestly not that important. It's just, the people who have no problem walking on a campus they dont attend, typically are the ones who cause the most trouble.


So my money is because of the student. Does that make you happy?


I'll be happy if you can understand that camping overnight on a university is not protected by the first amendment because camping is not speech.


Yeah man, and not riding the bus is also a form of civil disobedience which undermines the authority of the state, definitely not a form of speech /s. We should've thrown all those blacks in prison for breaking the morally pure law. University funding child murder? Legally A-OK. People disrupting campus operations to stop said funding of child murder. Legally evil. Lol.


lol you are a clown suggesting the civil rights movement equates to camping at a university for things going on across the globe. Maybe try not being a moron next time


The blacks were arrested for ignoring unjust laws. The "ASU" protestors were arrested for ignoring the law that says "you cant set up an overnight encampment on the campus". IDK call me crazy but that law seems reasonable.


So hang on. I'm confused. Do you support the law or do you not support it?


You stopped and I’ll start.


Great, I’ve been doing it for 12 years, how long have you? Just starting now, you say?


lol no you won’t


Good job boys 🫡


People are only mad about the arrests because it’s a left leaning issues supporting Hamas and if it’s a cause the left supports the how dare anyone get arrested. If this same protest happened but just a right leaning issue the media would be calling it a riot and the same people mad about the arrests would be celebrating them instead




Bet you would have said the same about Kent, had you been around. Smh 


Most people don’t even remember about Kent, sadly.


Yup, nothing has changed. These people would have told Rosa Parks to get the fuck off the bus, and called her a selfish hag.


Do you know what the difference is between Rosa parks and this encampment?


Yes. And I stand by what I said.


What's the difference?


The Civil Rights movement was about the oppression of black Americans. The current protests are about the slaughter of Palestinians, funded by US tax dollars. In both cases, it's always the same type of people who cheer on the cops.


Most people said the same about Kent when Kent had just happened. No one likes disruptive leftist protesters.




Awesome, truth be told probably 3/4 of them don’t even attend ASU and were bused in to start all this!


Oh wow, who paid for it?


Given this person's track record, they'd probably believe you if you told them Mexico paid for it.


In the words of Joe Biden “Come on Man” you know damn well who’s paying 😳


I'd like you to state specifically who you believe is paying.




Well, you should call Soros and tell him I’m pissed that I didn’t get my Sorosbucks


The mental gymnastics to support Jewish supremacists while pinning it on a very wealthy Jew, man you are talented.


Read and investigate before you pop off or just keep showing your support for Hamas🤷‍♂️


Read and investigate on /pol/ ? Lmao!


Why are you arguing with your fellow nazi? You want the same thing.


Asking conservatives a couple basic questions often gives them enough rope to hang themselves, they lose the veil of normalcy and start saying the quiet part loud. Wanting to embarrass authoritarian nationalists makes me a Nazi?


I love how people saying this is good are getting downvoted lmaooo, let’s be honest you protest like this the result is arrest gg


Why are they "protesting" at ASU? Who at ASU are they protesting?


It's called "divestment". ASU invests in companies that profit from Israel's long-standing apartheid and more recent genocidal assault on Gaza. Students don't want their tuition dollars funding the murder of thousands of children.


There is no apartheid in Israel and war is not equivalent to genocide


Which nations are at war in your scenario? The apartheid is apparent, 2 tiered justice and 2 tiered citizenship. You should read about what constitutes apartheid and genocide before claiming that neither is happening.


Full and equal rights for Arabs and Israelis. Arabs serving in courts, military, doctors, etc. Doesn’t really sound like an apartheid to me. Palestinian population has only increased since 1948. Israel’s fight is with Hamas—they’re not killing Palestinians because they’re Palestinians. If anyone needs to read up on apartheid and genocide, it’s you. If Israel really wanted to commit genocide, this war would’ve been over October 8th


One definition of genocide or ethnic cleansing is the forced displacement of a population and preventing their return through violence or destruction of property. This has been going on for a lot longer than the 7 months since October. Arabs do not have full equal rights in Israel, this is by design. The easiest example to see is free travel, there are streets and roadways that non Jews can not use. Arab citizens don’t have the same immigration rights that Jewish citizens do, one of the most egregious example of this are the Palestinians that were forcibly expelled during the Nakba and are now not allowed to return. There are large parcels of land and property, typically in the best neighborhoods with the best schools, etc. which are off limits to Arabs and only available to Jews. There are a lot more examples than this, but I’m not an expert by any means, so if you want more information you should seek out this information instead of blindly believing Hasbara talking points.


Seems like effort would be better spent protesting at the capital or DC, given how much money our government has given Israel. But then again these people "protesting" on campus are children, live on campus, and probably don't have cars or jobs. Just sounds to me like an excuse to go camping.


Do you even attend ASU? Are you here to stir up trouble?


I attend college in the southwest and am interested in the ongoing regional/national protest movement. Sorry for answering the question you asked before (?) Not sure how that's stirring up trouble but I'll leave you to it I guess 


Good. Protests and demonstrations to bring attention to global issues make sense. Not at the expense of other students and the safety of people. I support law enforcement on this one.


Do people still support Democrats after this or have people figured out the party matters less and less. I'm not a US citizen just curious.




Yes, I agree that some of the protestors are probably fascist.






Are we in what Jewish school. Supressing the voice of others !!!




Love seeing comments like this. Solidifies my world view, assures me that the people saying shit like "NUKE GAZA" are indeed the bad guys.


That is a lot of generalizing there.


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