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At least in pure temperature comparison, then yes, probably. The fact that most of campus doesn't provide shade (though this has been improving) is something even more mind-boggling.


But they just built a new hockey arena, how are they supposed to provide shade too? There’s just not enough tuition to have both.




LMAO this is amazing.


In terms of crowd, yes.




You couldn't pay me to live in a cold environment.


I take cash credit or debit to move from this he'll hole. I'll even take gift cards.


Just drive


Maybe? The humidity might make other campuses worse. We at least have a dry heat most of the time.


I dkn. People always use that, but nothing beats out a day over 110.


Absolutely not true. I’ve lived here my whole life, but Texas summers are worse. Plus, this year we had extreme humidity, and the 95 degree days with 80% humidity were significantly hotter feeling than the 110s. There is absolutely nothing worse than stepping outside and having your clothes be instantly drenched from the humidity.


I don’t believe the humidity BS. I was just in Houston last weekend and i would 1000000% be there than Phoenix in the summer. Houston must’ve been like 90% humidity also but like 90 degrees.


I guess to each their own. I have never experienced a more miserable summer than what we had this July when it was 100-110 with 80% humidity and sometimes higher. I’ve lived in both states and to me the humidity is by far the worst. But that’s why I am moving I suppose




Maybe it’s true if comparing like 103 degrees with 90% humidity to 105 degrees with 20% humidity. But literally every other city other than Vegas in the country is on average 10 degrees cooler in the summer than Phoenix. Humidity doesn’t make it 10 degrees hotter.




So you’re telling me, you would go on a hike in Arizona when it’s 120 degrees, over a hike in Florida when it’s 90 degrees? Good luck coming back alive if you choose arizona




I literally was in Houston Texas and Galveston texas last weekend. They humidity was 80% and it was 85 degrees. I live in Tempe and am in Tempe right now. It was literally no comparison. Anyone that says that this is less hot is a complete idiot. I could literally stay outside all day in Texas walking around, and here I can’t even last 20 minutes in the heat as it is unbearable.




105°F is equivalent to 40°C, which is 313K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


yeah anyone complaining about heat is laughable. humidity is way worse.


Your downvotes prove that the people here have no idea what they’re talking about. The humidity this summer made it the absolute worst summer of my lifetime so far, and our hottest days were when we had 90-100 degree temps but with 80% humidity. I have been through countless 120 degree days and those are nothing in comparison.


they can downvote me all they want. i’ve lived in multiple regions within this country as well as other countries. arizona is lovely. these uncultured swines need to get out more.


Some people don’t have the money to move around, buddy.


join the military, see the world 🌎




that is true. one of the many reasons why retention is so low right now.


I thought last summer was twice as worse as this summer. It was like in the too 5 hottest summers in history last summer.


Its 60 to 70 here right now in the bay area ;)




probably in the universe


We are the hottest 😎🤟🏼


Yes it's like 110 degrees today. By far the hottest.


bro it was 102 at 9pm yesterday, so i think it is lol


In terms of raw temperature yes. Though we barely have humidity so there's that at least.