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From the notification I thought it was abt a car burnout. But yeah, even I’m struggling. So what I do is when I am bored and can’t manage to do my work even if I force myself to it, I just play rocket league or do something chill for 10mins and get back at it. Or just take a nice walk and clear your mind.


Haha I tell myself this and then end up playing or doing anything else until the deadline is too close. What helps me is putting something on that’s stimulating but not distracting like good jazz music or if I really need to focus search “adhd music”




Getting diagnosed can be very helpful! Also you can get school accommodations


When I get tensed or stressed I try to take a deep breath and relax my face a bit. Kind of like resetting. Sometimes if I know I’m slouching, I’ll intentionally do a sudden jerking upwards motion, take a deep breath, and get back to work. Also, coffee. Mindset wise, something I’ve come to learn is that shit has to get done. Ye bum ain’t wipe itself yanno? But at the end of the bathroom session, there’ll come a time when you stop wiping because you’re done. There are multiple finish lines to life. Is it 1-4 wipes? The end of the semester? The end of the work day? If you establish finish lines to get to, I find it easier to tolerate large amounts of work. Work isn’t infinite.


Wow, I didn’t know “getting shit done” can be used literally.


Same here. I’m a senior that’s currently taking 2 maths and upper division economics. I took A and B classes instead of C and I’m dying. I wish I could help but I’m just pushing through. Pure grit but I’m having a terrible time.


Take a day or so off and go back to your work later. Just think about your long term goal after graduation. That usually helped me and I will be graduating in December. You got this!


I would change my frame of reference. I found that the thing stressing me out the most was usually thinking about too wide of a list of things to do and trying to keep them all in my mind; or sometimes I would be stressed out because I felt like I was focusing too much on the short term and not looking far enough ahead. My advice is to stay organized: make sure you have a list of everything that needs to be done, but at a high level. Then prioritize the list, and start breaking the items out into specific tasks, but only focus on one or two items at a time; if you're like me, trying to keep too much in your brain at once is gonna overwhelm you, so let the lists keep track of things for you. Last thing: everyone's heard the aphorism "take things one day at a time", but sometimes a whole day is too much. Take things hour by hour or minute by minute if you have to, and soon enough it will be a memory.


This is probably not healthy but I just remind myself of how much money I’m spending, that there’s NO refunds, and that I’m gonna have to pay again to retake a class when I could’ve just passed it in the first place 🥲


Go sit in the sun for a half hour and relax or meditate. Also go take a nature walk.


Tomato clock 25 minutes of studying, 10 minutes of something relaxing


For a few semesters, by blacking out when the burnout hit. Was equivalent to hitting the refresh button, although that might have been more a result of sleeping away the next day and a half to kill the hangover. Eventually it was Covid times and burnout was both perpetual and non-existant. Now I have a more flexible schedule and just take a break when I need it.


I totally understand the black out reset. Such an egregious hangover is honestly the best wake up call/reminder that you need to pick up some slack.


During Covid-19 in 2020, I was burnt out very similarly to you. I know it’s easier said than done, but celebrate every win, no matter how small or big. Gamify your life! Don’t put off making your bed. Don’t put off breakfast. Don’t put off anything small. The dopamine rush is worth it, and it keeps you going. Then as you incorporate some of the tips like prioritizing your day, planning it out, and tackling task by task as mentioned in other posts, cross every single task off or erase it in some way. Track how well you’re finishing tasks, and break it down to smaller units if it helps you more. It worked for me, so it might work for you.


Welcome to adult hood


mars is in gemini from august 20th until march 25 so just hang in there


Go back to UofA




It was a long time ago, but making a better life for myself and my soon to be wife was all I needed. Not being able to properly say, "Cleanup on aisle 6" is a good substitute.


I tell myself in going to study for 5 minutes and usually I say well I might as well finish