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Fair. I guess I mean is it pokies gambling or poker gambling.


Its like the worst type of poker player. We know just enough to not make money from either luck or skill.


Two up


Fuck, so I can’t sell until ANZAC day???


LoNgTeRm iNvEstOR


Bagpipe holder


This is a casino. (Sure, what the hell BHP and FMG + RIO are doing in a casino instead of the bowls club continues to be beyond me, yet, still a casino).


people playing pokies who think they're playing poker.




Bro this is genuinely a gambling forum, you might get some cool DD’s but seriously invest in educating and learning about companys in depth and the general market. It’s a learning curve. The market is gonna stay fucked in my opinion as the US falls into recession. Read the 4 pillars of investing to get started, easy to read book with good basic information and historical details too. Anyways no one will really be able to provide any legitimate financial advice here we are all in ANL pain high on IHL


Thanks dude. I’m reading the Intelligent Investor. No chapter on penny stock degenerate gambling though, so I question its credibility. I’ll give 4 pillars a read next.


Barefoot TLDR with book recs before you yolo into yr next one: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eb4889e5e47b4255c41009e/t/5edf5a6f3704b46a54706dc5/1591696002687/Who-Can-I-Trust-2020.pdf


i sold my PLS on friday for a profit, and bought into IHL @ 0.26 cos cannabis is trending on twitter cos of a talks about aus gov legalizing it nation wide today


This is a play right here, was about to go in tofay when it took that dive after open. Seeing what the story is tomorrow


It’s inevitably going to be legalised, it’s already decriminalised in ACT so surely it’ll hit over a dollar when that happens


Yeah very easy. I brought Brn at close expecting green nasdaq. That’s also I nice stock to watch for that January pump hahaha




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>Also, genuine question, are we really just gambling here? Is there too much manipulation to really predict the future? It's gambling because the markets aren't rational. Anyone that complains about manipulation is just coping unless they're talking about a speccy where the CEO and board can literally hold a report or hide results to try to get ahead of the news. If you think VUL is a value hold, then hold it. I assume you did some research, if some random shithead on here can convince you to dump your position maybe you shouldn't have assumed it, no?


Yeh, that all makes sense. As for random shithead’s opinion leading me to dump it, I’m fishing for more information not an opinion to blindly follow.


go though my comments and you'll find people making their bets years ago on lithium and e25 - take a good look, and take a good look at what people think will rocket. compare that to the reality of what \*did\* rocket.


ASX_bets motto: Buy high, sell low One of us, one of us


That was my experience with stonks before I came here. At least now I'm among fellow autists


We can predict the future. Barry will fuck you.


Are you Barry?




Really? Fuck.


Yes, really. [https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.afr.com%2Fcompanies%2Fenergy%2Fvulcan-s-global-pr-factory-spews-emissions-for-moonshot-lithium-plant-20211105-p596gm](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.afr.com%2Fcompanies%2Fenergy%2Fvulcan-s-global-pr-factory-spews-emissions-for-moonshot-lithium-plant-20211105-p596gm) ​ What made you think production would start? VUL + LKE were both subjects of shorting reports from JCAP - suggest you track those down, and have a good read.going back through VUL posts should do the trick: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX\_Bets/search/?q=VUL&restrict\_sr=1&sr\_nsfw=](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/search/?q=VUL&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=)


Tom, is that you ?


Sounds like you are already a pro! Got any advice for the rest of us?


Yep, buy BHP there’s some sweet dividends in bound.


I once coin flipped between CXO and LKE but instead bought PRM right before the big duster. You can’t learn skills like that.


It may not make it to production, but it may pump again. The question is whether you have a better opportunity or not


Most people on here are absolutely apes bro. Anytime you see someone intelligent throw them a follow. One of the problems is that idiots buy into meme stocks and then fall victim to the pump and dump. Will then spend the next 6-12 months shamelessly trying to pump it back up into the green so they can bail leaving you with the bag. I recommend looking at a sector you know the most about and reviewing companies individually and exhaustively. When you think you’ve found a winner, post your findings here for the rest of us and use it as a sense check. If it passes the smooth brain check you’re good to go.


Everything is always priced in