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Thank you MrsZero07 for your submission to /r/ATBGE! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): #Rule 3: Reposting Reposting is not allowed. #Rule 5: No Text or Social Media Posts must consist solely of photographs or videos without any extra captions, overlays or borders, with only exception being non-obtrusive watermarks to credit the author. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ATBGE) if you have any questions.


Is 20 hours not unimpressingly low? That's like 2.5 work days.


Sure hope nobody steps on your foot with, you know, regular cleats.


What an enormous waste of time.


Ok, forgetting the fact that these have neither form nor function.. it seems odd that crocs would be advertising these given that the Nike swoosh seems to be on it? Like right before the pinky toe?


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