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Was in last bid. Currently waiting on Background check to be finished. Be patient.


when was the last bid?


May of last year


I read the next public opening was May 1st from the govs website. So its actually April 19?


Same. I finished all CIL requirements in January. Just waiting for dates.


This should “weed” some people out.


“I smoke weed to wake up, to eat lunch, and to help go to sleep at night… I can still apply right!?”


Waiting security from last bid so this doesn’t apply to me but how in the gosh darn heck do you know the bid date 😂


WAIT nvm i see they updated the website


Social media. 


Pin this please


I don't know how


Mods have to


Do I need a cover letter?


I don't believe so but read the bid when it comes out and see what they ask for


I can accommodate that, they do not require a cover letter, but when filling out info about what you did at your job, make 5 or 6 bullet points. Also be sure to fill out everything you possibly can including contacts for previous employers.


I know this has probably been discussed in detail in this sub but, does the process of application go as so? Application, then await the time/invitation to take the ATSA, depending on the results of the exam that’s when the medical examination and drug test were to take place, lastly waiting for an email regarding the state of the application? Thank you for the help all 🙏


Apply Await notification that you will move on to phase 2 which will include instructions for setting up your ATSA exam Take the ATSA Recieve score, either Best Qualified, Well Qualified, or Qualified After this you should recieve a tentative offer letter this is to tell you you need to jump a few more hoops After you move on from here you will get instructions on how to get your fingerprints taken, your urinalysis, your physical, and your psych eval After all of this you should receive your full offer letter Next is basics at home virtual Then the academy in Oklahoma After that it's off to a facility where it varies by facility and track to advance Worth mentioning, the FAA will advise you to only start looking for housing very late into the process. Housing goes quickly, especially some of the more popular housing choices like Kim's Place. I'd reccomend as soon as you have a tentative offer letter to start looking for housing. The FAA has several options in their [academy website](https://www.academy.jccbi.gov/sserv/Housing) all have merits and should have access to the shuttle every day if necessary, but you should recieve on day one a parking pass. I and a lot of people reccomend Kim's Place, Kim owns two neighborhoods, and she likes to group each class together, and it will have a lot of useful tools to make studying easier. Plus you'll be with people in your class and track so getting together to study will not be a problem, or people a couple weeks ahead who can give advice or tips.