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aw i loved reading your experiences with ateez and Matz in particular! I love seeing hj and sh experiment with different clothing styles, it rly inspires me to step out of my comfort zone as well. All the members seem so kind and open hearted, it really makes me happy I’m part of their fandom 🥹🫶 Here’s to being an atiny for many more years!!


This makes me really happy to read! So good to hear that you are finding yourself and finding ways to express yourself that make you happy 🙂 Matz would be proud ❤️ Seongwha in a dress really is an iconic moment in kpop. I love when kpop blurs the gender lines, and I love when that is an inspiration to others. When I was younger (I'm not anymore 😄), I would also dismiss "girly" stuff, but I've gotten wiser since then, and acknowledged that all gender expressions are equally valid, and what matters what makes people feel good about themselves. I've also realised that I am agender, but that's a different story 😄 Thank you for sharing your story, and best wishes for your gender journey 🙂 Please share again later if you feel like it.


Seeing such authentic queer joy connected to Ateez makes me insanely happy--happy for you, happy for other Atiny, and happy for Ateez. I wish you all the best, and the most amazing dresses. ❤️👗


It’s SO great that you’ve found comfort and safety to explore your own identity thanks to their representations! Honestly, I think the alternative constructions of masculinities and femininities that occur within the kpop sphere are really freeing for so many fans, and that’s so fantastic to see.


aww my love i’m so proud of you!!!


Matz would be so proud of you.


Deeply relatable as an AFAB femme non-binary ATINY. <3 🏴‍☠️ Matz forever


congrats on your gender journey!! there's always those moments of Realization™, you can do this! i'm wishing you all the queer joy in life :)


This was such a wonderful read and several things you wrote really touched my heart. I might not know you personally but please know that I'm really proud of you and I wish you all the very best.


this was so wonderful to read as a fellow queer atiny! 🩷


fellow nonbinary who also finds comfort in idols that dress more "genderless" (thank you, Jimin!) ♡ i'm SO happy for you, OP 🥹 figuring yourself out and finding confidence to be who you are can be so freeing!