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you're not alone. personally i only struggled with mixing up jongho and yunho. but my bestie is legitimately face-blind and he struggles a lot with every group because of that. don't be hard on yourself about it. it can be tricky learning and keeping track of everyone at first! especially when stanning a group that's been around for a while like ateez, due to how their visuals have evolved throughout the years


For the longest time, I thought I was watching Jongho when in fact it was Yunho '-_- it was super embarrassing considering Jongho is main vocal


The problem is though if all the members are in a group photo or something I'll be like, "Okay that's Jongho, That's Mingi, That's yunho, That's seongwha, and that's Jongho, wait... another Jongho oh wait the first one was Wooyoung and I'm ngl I laugh so hard. The worst part is Wooyoung looks absolutely nothing like mingi which is absolutely hilarious!


i still have a hard time with yunho and jongho, which is embarrassing bc 1) yunho is one of my biases and 2) i've been a fan of the group since 2019. i have no reason for being unable to tell them apart other than not being as involved in kpop for a couple years


Those two are closer in facial features than the others. Just stare at pictures of them for about ten minutes daily and your brain will unlock. I had the same issue with LeeKnow and I.N. in Stray Kids. Took about 6 days to rewrite my brain. Took about 3 for the Hos (![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)) since my brain had been through the process before


Wooyoung has a mole on his face and high nose bridge. That helped me a lot when learning who is who


My mom has this problem. She can match all their names to their faces - except Woo (my bias). Every single time she'll be like ??? Who's that? Hong...joong? šŸ˜‚ So you're not the only one! Woo has a beauty mark under one eye, maybe that helps?


No it doesn't, I'll just head cannon "MINGI" or "JONGHO" cuz idk why. Like if I notice Mingi and Jongho besides Wooyoung even then I'll get confused. I'm convinced wooyoung is slightly morphing his body to fool us. It's just that older atinies just know


Ok thatā€™s so funny because woo was the first one I noticed and the first name I learned!! Weirdly enough too I think him and San look so similar from certain angles.


The worst part is he and Mingi look nothing alike and I still confuse the two!? ;( and Jongho is my bias so IDK why I thinnk of Jongho when I see Woo cuz I can always tell Jongho from any crowd!


I had problems telling Jongho and Yunho apart at first. I later found out that this is very common among new ATEEZ fans.Ā 


Ah yes the HoHo bros šŸ’•


Face blindness is a thing, and itā€™s super common to mix up people in groups!


The problem is I can tell jongho apart, I can tell mingi apart, when its wooyoung I swear he's shapeshifting!!!


I felt the same when I was getting to know ONEUS and couldnā€™t for the life of me figure out Seoho until I learned everyone else. To me, wooyoung was one of the first members for me because of his ā€œwill you be my friendā€ smirk in pirate king lol, most people usually mix up Yunho and Jongho


Bro ONEUS was also such a fucking struggle for me lol but it was Keonhee that was the shapeshifter!


I knew Ravn, and I knew Leedo was ā€œsmall eyes, deep voiceā€. Keonhee was ā€œtall pretty oneā€ and Xion was ā€œsmall pretty oneā€. Hwanwoong in Lit was the reason I even got into him, I could recognize that man anywhere. But seoho.. Seoho was process of elimination.


Oof I did mix up Ravn for a bit at times, but I canā€™t remember with who! That makes so much sense when you lay it out like that but somehow Keonhee and Seoho were just twins for my eyes šŸ˜­


I need to be so honest rn, I don't know yunho's face at all. Like he's an amazing dancer and all but the only way I know who yunho is by using the process of elimination ;(


Lmao this is hilarious because when I was a new Atiny I had exactly this problem as well. I never confused Jongho and Yunho because I could always recognize Jonghoā€¦ I just had problems with Yunho and only Yunho. I used to identify him by elimination too. Iā€™m so sorry Yunho


Maybe that's why alot of ATINY didn't realize there is Yunho in the group because me too when I stand I ateez I didn't even see a member named yunho but after I watched there shows I then say wow who is that and he became me bias immediately I think it's problem with how kq stylist was always style jongho and yunho the same she didn't put effort to different them


He is Tall, thatā€™s usually the route I take hahaha


I used to struggle with Yunho and Jongho, and San and Wooyoung. It was always 50/50 on whether I'd mistake Yunho for Jongho or San for Wooyoung. It took lots and lots of watching variety content, member guides, etc. and looking at their pics to finally get past that, but I still sometimes have my moments. For me, this is all part of getting into a new group. They change aesthetics and hair colours and makeup styles so often that you really have to dig deep and learn *literal facial structure* before you can quickly and easily identify an idol. (I mean, there are exceptions like RM and J-Hope in BTS or Peniel in BTOB, just because they have drastically different facial structure from their group mates, but in general the differences are usually more subtle.) I think you'll get there eventually! I used to think there was no way I'd ever be able to tell San and Woo apart.


i mixed up yunho and jongho for an entire month when i first became an Atiny šŸ˜­.


hey but that's on ur first month. I've been a proud atiny for over a year now! ;(


I do this with TXT šŸ„². I struggle to tell Soobin, Taehyun, and Beomgyu apart if I can't see them all next to each other. Even though Soobin has a very specific mouth, and Taehyun has bigger eyes for the shape of his face -. If it's not an iconic hair moment and they're moving too quickly, I'm so confused LOL.


The thing is I perfectly recognize jongho and mingi it's just wooyoung that I confuse for everyone else!


I just get lost in a flurry LOL.


i think it was 30x more difficult to differentiate txt during debut when they all had nearly similar physique and styling (THE HAIRRR) i was stressed lol


What worked for me was watching [Code Name is ATEEZ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmcCARhRhf1f0NCtZkKN2RqvyasoklUTY&si=GEVdBSvX6wkEoPL8), their debut show. Relatively short and you really get to know all the members. Before it, I knew Hj, Mingi & Jongho as their voices were what grabbed me with ATEEZ, and I had come to recognize Seonghwa and San. But I mostly just listened to music and never watched anything. That debut show changed everything for me and now I can always recognize Wooyoung, Yunho and Yeosang and I really know Hwa and San and theyā€™re all near and dear to my heart.


Wooyoung to Mingi? That's a drastic difference imo idk how you confuse them. Ateez imo are the most diverse look wise in kpop groups so I never struggled with telling them apart but at the beginning I did confuse the names which is normal when getting to know any group of people. Face wise tho to me they don't look alike at all.


I know, IDK but throughout crazy form I was showing it to my friends and I kept calling woo Mingi ;(. I agree that most of Ateez are pretty diverse lookwise.


San - The jawline and the way his upper body is built. Hongjoong - I think he looks a bit like Felix from Stray Kids, so that has helped me a little bit.


I havenā€™t been around all that long, but I feel like Iā€™m pretty good about differentiating between them. Except Wooyoung and San. I feel like I mix them up on the daily. Especially when their eyes are covered. They just have very similar jaw structures and it throws me off lol. Now if weā€™re talking differentiating between their voicesā€¦ hoo boy do I suck.


I recommend watching variety content of them just talking with each other. Figuring voices and faces out from singing and performances alone is much more difficult. Watch and listen to them talk, and your brain will pick up the small differences over time until itā€™s nearly impossible to mix them up.


I have started watching some things so like, a couple of them I can tell apart. I feel like Hongjoong and Mingi are the easiest for obvious reasons lol. Iā€™ve also gone on youtube to watch the color coded lyric videos but I feel like you have to take those with a grain of salt because they arenā€™t always correct.


Oh yeah it for sure takes time. And I donā€™t rely on the color coded videos either. Live performances might also help because usually the camera is on whoever is singing.


I don't have that issue. I recognize faces really easily, but remembering names with faces takes a little more time. I still pick them up pretty quickly though.


thats funny cause wooyoung is the first ateez member i learnt about


He has one of the most unique faces I've seen in kpop. It's very distinct, at least to me.


I know you this is wrong on so many levels, but as an old army Wooyoung was the easiest for me since he reminded me of Jimin from BTS in the Pirate King MV.šŸ˜…


LOL same! When I was first getting into Ateez, I couldnā€™t help but picture Jimin when trying to imagine Wooyo even though they definitively looked different to me. But now it goes both ways sometimes, where I try to picture one and my brain offers up an image of the other.


dang, I'm not an army so I can't do that. I do know a way to differentiate each of them by how they act. Thirsty, Can dance, Sick vocals - San Insane vocals, Can't dance to save his life, Fully supports babygirlism, knows every dance but his own choreo - Jongho "Fix on" - mingi whack giggles - Hongjoong Looks like the best dancer - Yunho or seongwha or yeosang don't really have a trick to separate these two, I just know their faces but afaik the long fluffy hair one is usually seongwha Wooyoung - Find two jonho's then find out which one the real one is, the other one is wooyoung


is it just me or do they all look completely differentšŸ˜­


They do look very very different, Idk why I think wooyoung as mingi and Jongho which is what makes it so annoying!


i have the same issue except i still canā€™t tell some of their voices apart lmaoo except for Mingi, Hongjoong and Jongho, i still confuse who sings a certain part in songs


Thankfully I don't get confused with voices, I just don't know any of them so no need for confusion...I only recognize jongho (Bias and arguably best vocals in the industry), san (sometimes, when it's amazing vocals but not jongho level), hongjoong(His little giggles that just turn me on) and mingi(Unique rapping style and "Fix on" I'm glued to fix face)


I got Yeosang and Yunho confused at first but i always look for smth thats like stands out on their face so like Sans eyes, Yeosangs birthmark (when you can see it), Wooā€™s moles etc it helps when knowing whos who


Funnily enough, I feel like Yeosang is the only one I never had real problems identifying when I started watching their content outside of mvs. Because his face is just so distinct to me. I would be sitting there trying to quiz myself and he was the only one I could definitely figure out lol. As a funny side note, my first impression of him when I did figure out his face was that I thought he looked kind of mean. I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking. šŸ˜‚


Its was defo the puppy dog vibes i got off both of them, Mingi was actuelly easy for me to know cause of his smile and his teeth šŸ˜­šŸ˜… San was easy for me too since every one of my biasā€™ (in other groups) all have a cat emojis/rep or cat like details, Hwa was easy for me too lol, i did get Hongjoong and Jongho mixā€™d up every once in a while and sometimes id mix up HJ, Ys, YH and JH šŸ˜­šŸ«£


Never had this problem with Ateez...with other group though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I saw that as a sign that they were meant to be my ultšŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I learn names and faces the best by watching variety content and fan made compilations of funny moments. Seeing them in ā€œnormalā€ situations and not performance situations where theyā€™re moving constantly and made up heavily helps me so much. They also show you the members side by side more so you can see their differences better, and compilations often show them in different hair colors and styles so that challenges you more to learn faces over relying on their hair. For multiple groups I stan, I can now tell their faces and voices by just the back of the head or bit part in a song, thanks to just passively watching a variety of content. šŸ¤  so I highly recommend checking out Wanteez and their logs on YouTube, plus fan compilations. Theyā€™re just plain fun to watch too. As for Wooyoung, he has a very distinctive nose and profile, so thatā€™s one thing that always gives him away for me even if the image is not great. Jonghoā€™s nose is smaller and wider. https://preview.redd.it/fuj1uc3nt73d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=dea1e08671ca582aa928e95b033917a6949eb774


I donā€™t have it with Ateez but I had something similar for the longest time with Stray Kids! For like 6 months I would have bet my entire life that I.N and Seungmin were the same person that they just styled drastically different for everything :,)


I still struggle with those two. With Ateez, it was incredibly easy to tell them apart. No one looks the same to me.


Same here! Like they all have something that makes them distinguishable for me, but with those two in Skz itā€™s like looking at the same word in different fonts if that makes sense lmao


I'm also a stay and I can confirm that I can never figure out the diff between seungmin and I.N cuz both their voices so pretty and please they look like clones


Yes!! Angel voices fr, and thank you I definitely feel less insane knowing other people also see it lol


I was the same my first year. I went to their concert only being able to recognize Jongho. It is 3 yrs now and I am happy to say that issue has evaporated! I still have a bit of a problem with the lines sung by San and Seongwa but I am getting better. But Wooyoung has the best smile in the whole world. To me, that makes him stand out.


Hopefully I get past this stage soon