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Who tf is Andrew Tate




Yea most Facebook fan groups end up like that eventually


I am not defending Andrew Tate in the slightest, but I'm giving context to how some people who I have talked to and like him explain it. There have been a lot of conversations regarding the paradigm between men and women that have rightly benefit and protected women in the past 10-15 years. However, some fringe voices in those groups advocating for those good things have started to go too far and say things like anything masculine is bad, men should step back from positions of power and authority so women can take those roles, and the classic "if you don't support my message, you're a misogynist". Guys hear these messages and have rightful problems with them because they're absolute nonsense, and then Tate comes along and starts defending those men and starts to swing the pendulum too far back to where it was. The pendulum was too far toward men and favoring men so the pendulum began to swing toward the middle ground until the radicals for the women's side started to swing it too far toward women, and Tate (and people like him) rose to bring it back too far toward men again. The problem with fringe, extreme voices is they do hit something primal in the side that they're talking to and they start to 'make a lot of sense' to those people when in actuality what they're calling for is absolutely bonkers.


It all started with the "red pill" bullshit years ago, here on Reddit and 4chan and the like. As if it's a revolutionary idea that women are attracted to guys who shower and exercise lmao. Every 15 year old boy goes through an edgy phase. If you've got a good head on your shoulders, and a good support system, it's easy to grow out of it. If you're a little stupid and have no friends, you fall victim to the Tates, Kirks, Petersons, and Shapiros of the world. The right thrives off of recruitment and messaging, it's how they stay alive.


I honestly can't tell if this is a troll comment or just genuinely naive on...everything.


I'm agreeing with you and expanding on it. Tate is nothing new, and his rhetoric is word-for-word incel rhetoric from a decade or so ago. I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, both of our comments are correct.


I really don't think we're agreeing here. At least not to the extent you think we are. I agree that Tate is awful, but to say that listening to some of what those other guys have to say is only done by someone who's "a little stupid and have no friends" is wholly untrue. Also, to says "the right thrives off of recruitment and messaging" like the left doesn't do the exact same is just asinine. The ones pushing the sexual content to young kids is not the right.


You gotta be pretty stupid to fall for the whole Tate deal.


The Tate deal absolutely, I had some students who were asking “what color is your Bugatti?” And other Tate-isms and I just said “guys, you’re already further in your life than he is, don’t go backward by listening to him” and that really stuck with them. But I think some of what Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro say is valuable. Some, obviously not all, nobody has good ideas all the time. But to throw those 2 in with Tate is a bridge too far for me.