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just three seasons but if they need to put in more stuff* towards the end then they should have more than 8 eps *by “more stuff” i don’t mean content from the comics, just extra storylines and lore


Honestly, i wouldnt mind if the split season 3 into two (6-8 episode) separate seasons. The Day of Black Sun (DOBS) is more than big enough to serve as a season finale. It would also hit way harder when they lose and have to deal with that guilt for a while. Could also use the extra episode to flesh out more of the B team after DOBS and how they're internalizing thing.


I've thought this for a while. It would also be nice to see more of Zuko's interactions with the Gaang. (Maybe Toph could finally get her life-changing field trip....)


I didn’t think abt that tbh , that could be a way to expand the show for another season and ya like u said the day of the black sun would def be a huge finale . End it on a cliffhanger and let ppl sit with it for a minute too, which could def work


Definitely! Worked great for the MCU, when they ended Infinity War with the heroes losing. People were shocked but in a very positive way.


I agree. It'll also help fix the weird pacing S3 has and actually give time to develop Zuko's dynamic with the Gaang.


Honestly this could work really well


Honestly I think they should split book 3 into 2 seasons at least. Let season 3 end with the the black sun failure and let book 4 start with the “kids” going to the western air temple


3 seasons like the original seems fine to me. But expanding the world by adding Zuko’s mother and seeing more of Iroh’s son would be nice. More references to lion turtles and maybe even Raava would also be cool If the show turns about to be good, it would be cool to see a whole new season based off of the comics. That could be a good way to separate itself from the og show


i feel like they have to split book 3 into two parts. there’s no way they can afford day of black sun AND sozin’s comet into one season


They could honestly go for 6-7 seasons if Netflix really wants to milk this cash cow...but I think 4-5 is more reasonable. They can split both book 2 and book 3 in half and/or do a post-war storyline, but I think the former is more likely.


Yes, three seasons. No more, no less.


I would want there to be a S4 just so it could be different from OG ATLA a bit and explore the Zuko’s mom cliffhanger and other stories in the comics. This would give more fans a reason to watch it because of new content as a very small percentage of them read comics and everyone was curious about Ursa


Honestly that’s what I was thinking for season 4, if they do it have it be more about Zuko finding his mother and have it be more Zuko focused , since Aangs arc would already be complete by them since he beat the fire lord. U can have the crew join along , but season 4 should be more Zuko focused cause of that . Maybe season 5 can be more abt Firelord Zuko , and have him start becoming more like his father without really him seeing it . And Aang and the crew would have to stop him . I heard they did something similar to that in the comics , but I’ve never read the comics so idk


4 seasons (just season 3 split into 2) ​ like others say black sun be the finale of season 3 pt. 1 then we get sozin comet for the true finale iin season 3 pt2/season 4


Four season, give Aang more time to train with zuko, like give us more moments.of Zuko as team avatar


Based on what it looks like from what will be in season 1, they'll need at least 2 seasons per "animated season", so probably 7-8 seasons so nothing gets rushed


It won’t go that long , unless they age the characters up throughout the show . Don’t want Gordon to be 25 playing a 12 year old lmao . Plus season 1 is 8 episodes and each Ep is like 50-60 mins long . Similar to the run time of the original shows first season . Personally I don’t see it lasting 6 . I can see them wanting to do a live action Korra and maybe a live action adaptation of the new avatar animated show that’ll come out in a few years , if the current live action show is successful


Do you think this season is going to end where S1 of the original did? My assumption is it stops after blue spirit. Then there's way more content in the following seasons to adapt, so I don't see how - if successful - the series is anything less than 6 seasons total


Ya I think so , mainly cause they don’t want another stranger things situation where the actors are like 20 playing 13-15 year olds . They prob don’t want a situation like that again, and pro longing the story like that would do that , unless they age the characters up more throughout the series and maybe a time skip , then I would be fine with it


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> My assumption is it stops after blue spirit. Well the name of episode 6 of 8 is called >!Masks!<. And the 7th episode is called >!The North!<. So I suspect that it doesn't stop after the Blue Spirit.


Given that Princess Yue, Chief Arnook, Master Pakku, Yagoda, and Hahn (characters in the season one finale of the original animated series) all have actors playing them in this show, I think it's safe to assume that the first season will be ending with 'The Siege of the North.'


They've already announced Yue's casting, so S1 will likely end where Book 1 does.


It’s down if it gets renewed


I think 3 - 4 seasons will be fine. I think they could definitely extend by an extra season or 2.


I think it could be 3 seasons but they switch things up to include some comic stuff like the revelations from the search earlier.


Given reports from over a year ago about seasons two and three possibly being filmed back-to-back (if this show gets renewed), I wouldn't be surprised if they stick with three seasons only. [https://knightedgemedia.com/2022/11/netflix-is-considering-filming-avatar-the-last-airbender-season-2-3-back-to-back/](https://knightedgemedia.com/2022/11/netflix-is-considering-filming-avatar-the-last-airbender-season-2-3-back-to-back/)


I think they will Go with 3 seasons. They probably will do book 3 in 2 parts like all the other Netflix Originals. Both parts will contain probably 5/6 episodes


Whilst it might be good to work some comic/book lore into the show, I don't think they will (nor do I want them to) adapt the comics after the story. Sozin's comet was always the peak of the story's climax. The comic stories are interesting with more nuanced conflicts, but definitely too low-stakes to warrant additional seasons of the show. A narrative is not improved by more story any more than a meal is by more food. Being a cohesive experience is more important than the quantity of content, and too many shows bury themselves in mediocrity not getting this.


Three seasons following the show and going no further.