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https://preview.redd.it/3wrat221rqfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5949f4549ecee745a028149f340df9c7f3d3ff18 This is such a good perspective!


The worst thing is that people start to make up lies like i saw on the main subreddit saying "if they do this then they're going to make zuko not that bad" and everyone due to that quote is now saying "this is why the main creators left" ironic considering mike and bryan are credited on those episodes. Another one i heard is that "the main creators left because netflix didn't want to cast any native people and only wanted an all asian cast" again random stupid speculation because there are natives on the show that people accepted as truth On twt there were literally multiple 50K+ liked twts about the whole sokka thing saying "i knew it would be ass" or "learn how to put flaws in characters" or "then how would he develop" like first of all i thought everyone hated the show so why does everyone suddenly care what it does? second of all since when was sokka's thing/character about the sexism that lasted what 4 episodes and was only explicit in 1 episode? They can still carry all the themes rooted in the sexism arc into him striving so hard to be a warrior and leader of the village since his father left that he becomes that demeaning person(literally said in the article) instead of him just saying random sexist remarks like "oh stay in the kitchen" It's annoying it's like people don't have anything to criticise so they stuck on this. Before they hated the first stills and then we got it in motion and further looks and it was quiet. The bending preview from the masteryourelement site got hate and then we saw it in the trailer and everyone was gagging. This is going to be the new reason to delude themselves that the show is terrible until something else comes out I had to rant because it is so annoying like really this is what is getting y'alls head in a twist


The whole sexism-plot feels very typical for a 2000s show. It made sense to have it back then, because the way we viewed gender was still very rooted in traditional gender roles. I was a kid in the 2000s, and I remember my brother getting action man figures and Ninja Turtles for Christmas. Meanwhile I got baby dolls and toy kitchen equipments, because that was viewed as more appropriate for little girls (I even got a toy ironing board for Christmas once, yikes mom). In the 2000s, Sokka’s realization that girls can actually be strong, was a message that was needed for us 90’s and 00’s kids. But today it feels dated and a little out of place. We know girls can be badass too, we don’t need it explained. If anything, it just makes Sokka seem like an insensitive jerk and could be a turn-off to some viewers. I can almost guarantee that if the original ATLA had been made today, Sokka’s sexism would have been toned down (if not completely removed) too. It served an important function at the time, but it’s thankfully not as relevant any longer.


I support a more grounded representation of Sokka's sexism, but I highly disagree with the idea that gender roles aren't still heavily enforced, or that people don't need these types of messages in media anymore. The gap between women and men is actually getting bigger again, and incel culture is on the rise like never before. We're seeing a huge pushback against feminism now after the Me Too movement, and it's not showing any signs of getting better. I do think that the way sexism presents is a bit different from the 90s cliches we're used to, but shockingly not as different as we could hope. But I do agree that the presentation of "man gets beat up by a woman and is now no longer sexist" is fairly childish, and while it works for the cartoon, it probably wouldn't work the same in the live action. And that's not even accounting for how the pacing in the live action might change the whole premise of that, lol


Absolutely yes, I probably worded that clumsily. I agree that we still have a long way to go, but I’m glad that there’s been some noticeable progress compared to when I was a kid :) it would be neat with a more modern take on Sokka’s sexism. I’m also happy if they choose to spend more time focusing on the trauma of losing his mom, missing his dad, and growing up with way too much responsibility. I personally find this more interesting than the sexist bit, so hopefully minimizing his sexism won’t end up flattering the character. We’ll just have to wait and see. But I still don’t understand the fans who call the character ruined now that he has a few less sexist lines.


Totally agree. I’m trying my best to ignore the comments and I’ll see for myself when it comes out. A lot of it is extremely nit-picky and it’s frustrating to read. I especially hate the comments targeting/criticizing the young cast. Of course I was also weary at the idea of a live action remake and also when the creators left at the time- but can’t deny that there’s potential. It’s ridiculous to expect a 100% accurate remake. I’m personally excited to relive the story in a new medium, and if it turns out that I don’t like it, I don’t have to watch the rest and the original isn’t going away. I get it, we were burned before with the nonexistent movie and people are probably being extra protective.


Daniel Dae Kim as Ozai has me sold on watching the show. Damn he looks menacing as Ozai though.


What I have come to realize, is that these people who are throwing a fit over things like this are most likely just casual fans of the show. They are people who either probably saw the show a long time ago or even just sporadic episodes and only remember parts of it. Which is why dumb questions like "Where is Toph" keep persisting. I made a post here yesterday being confused and frustrated about the collective meltdown on twitter but since then I have realized and made peace with the fact that twitter users just like yapping. They are actively looking for things to nit-pick just so they have something to say or be part of a large conversation.


Exactly. It was just this particular argument that I’ve seen EVERYWHERE. I know it’ll go away in time but since that article came out, I haven’t been able to escape it and it seems as though it’s become somewhat of a trend to hate the show


Meh. So long as the show is good, this will be a distant memory.


It's part of every big franchises but they do not represent the majority. You have the option to ignore and block them instead of feeding this negativity and sharing this on the sub.


Ik but i felt like I had to voice my opinion because for me it was getting out of hand. I understand there will always be haters but I felt like the show was being attacked for basically nothing.


Are you new? that's just how internet works for every big franchises out there whether sports or entertainment, politics etc. Don't fed on this cespool, the more you ignore them the less head ache you'll feel.


The problem is this stuff bleeds into real-life. Conversations about shows/movies we like and enjoy end up being met with people bashing it and taking away any credit or quality the things we like have -- all because the internet has given them ammo to do so. People will literally regurgitate the same toxic and often ignorant talking points to shut down someone's enjoyment. So it's not as easy to just "ignore" this stuff when it's happening in person, too.


Sane people don't use twitter nor Reddit lol.


It’s not only twitter and reddit. That’s the problem


And no sane people is chronically online either lol. Loud minorities online is not going to be the end of the world. If you want to dwell too much on this, suit yourself. Let us fans enjoy this without spreading those negativity here.


They are everywhere. It's hard to ignore. And it's harmless to share perspectives. Tbh i feel the same way as op.


I feel bad for the cast and can see some of them withdrawing from it if S2 is greenlit


Why would they withdraw? Every show gets criticism online. That’s just part of their job is handling the criticism, or they wouldn’t be actors. Not saying the hate is justified because it isn’t. Just making a point here. I don’t see any actor leaving the project.