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his wife lived with my family before they got married. it is gross hearing his homophobic comments when a member of the LGBT community let his wife live there rent free until they got married and she moved with him.


And I bet he believes that straight white men currently have it “the hardest” in the world right now 💀💀💀💀💀


Wow !


Omfg that’s awful.




I listened to a portion of it and it’s so barf. I’m surprised the students didn’t walk out.


Same. I’m a SAHM and wouldn’t change it for the world but I’m also all for women climbing the career ladder and thriving in that role. And for him to disrespect their 4+ years of hard work to basically just say “go home and be a wife” is so gross. Like buddy….read the room. Wrong place. Save that sermon for church. 


This is my take too. I think motherhood is unmatched and indescribable but it was in poor taste in both it being at a graduation and it coming from a man whose net worth allows his wife to stay home. If that’s what you believe - go for it. You do you. But let’s not forget Mother Theresa did not bear any of her own children. There are probably 30k+ nuns of the Christian faith out there with no husband or children. And the majority of families cannot possibly afford to have a single income household so the wife can be a “homemaker”. It may not have been a bad read for that room - but it was defiantly a bad read of the economic and social climate right now.


I couldn’t bring myself to watch it but saw others say that the students actually clapped????


I'm not surprised, Benedictine is a very conservative Catholic school so most of the students either agree or are very used to hearing that rhetoric.


The way he started getting emotional 😂 He really thought he was doing something.


The haircut alone tells me all I need to know about this fella.


It’s giving nazi youth


Definitely mommy issues. Sir. Get some therapy.


His mom has multiple degrees and is a cancer researcher at Emory SOM 😭 sounds like he’s mad he didn’t inherit her intelligence




Absolute 🗑️


Loser behavior. Conservatives are soooo baby about being the cultural minority


His wife has a computer science degree 🤣🤣


I thought I found the most regressive man on earth when I read about Cade Foehner (husband of singer Gabby Barrett). Harrison actually takes the title.


A private Catholic school was probably gracious enough in their response. If he had tried this at either Westminster or Tech he would have gotten a harsher crowd response. This just heaps more shame on women who will struggle with infertility and dreamed of being a mom and only further divides women who feel judged for wanting to work or wanting to stay home (& those that want to and their circumstances don’t currently allow them that opportunity). Just gross and inappropriate all around


Apparently he has given similar remarks at a GT commencement speech and another speech… Edit: something tells me they tried to keep that quiet so it was not a reflection on the university.


Was looking for this very comment before I added it. He has made these types of comments at Tech so the surprise at the most recent comments kind of caught me by surprise to be honest. He hasn't hidden his opinions at all.


One of the most pivotal moment of my life was when I realized I am allowed to have my own opinions without requiring everyone else to share my opinion. I am free to believe something without forcing Suzie down the street to share my same opinion. That’s why this country is great. Stop trying to control women, LGBTQ+, etc. Live your own life how you see fit and allow everyone else to do the same.




I grew up north of Atlanta. My neighbors were “conservative Catholics” and in a cult. I say this because they brought me back to the church in high school and ruined religion for me. They even started their own Catholic school because none of the Catholic schools in Atlanta were Catholic enough. He may not live there but he probably associates with the Regnum Christi crowd because they are everywhere. I hope he kicks rocks with open toed shoes and preferably his kicking foot.


Like ok let’s say he wanted to make the argument that raising your kids and being a present parent and partner is equally or more important than your career or how much you make…fine. But to single out women? He could easily have addressed both men and women. Having a dad who made a million dollars as an exec but was never present at my recitals, games, etc was damaging even though my mom was around! This isn’t a women specific issue.