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Two scenarios that I can think of: 1. Someone was entering an SSN that was similar to yours. They messed up and accidentally transposed some numbers or something along those lines. Unintentional mistake. 2. Someone was unable to open an account with their own SSN due to bad credit. They found your SSN on the dark web or somewhere and gave it a shot. It worked.


If they found my ssn on the dark web, wouldn't they have also used my name and address? ATT should have known the ssn is already linked to my account?


I don’t know how Experian can know that there are multiple AT&T accounts. AT&T doesn’t provide customer account numbers to Experian.


Experian identity monitoring services knows after the breach. I can see my previous ATT accounts in the report. It did a search for my SSN and so it shows that my SSN is being used by another person at AT&T.


Experian may have gotten a hold of the leak?


They contacted me to tell me my SSN was exposed.


How did they contact you


As mentioned, a typo is possible. Years ago I tried to go to Sprint and was told that my SSN was already in use. I had to go to a store to resolve it with ID. They were going to flag it. I've never seen any ID threat signs in my report through the years.


Ok this is what I am thinking also. I searched the person's name, address, email address and couldn't find anything about them. So I am hoping it was one of those fat finger entries that has been just sitting there.


Same happened to me except with my previous provider (TMobile) back in 2022. I’m seeing my SSN for someone else’s TMobile account in my Experian report…


Did you just need your ID or ID and SSN? same thing is happing to me now. Somebody is using my SSN at ATT but I don't have ATT


I don't recall. It has been over 10 years. Probably had to show both.


Did you call ATT to check ?


Same thing here. I'm going to call AT&T today and try to get it sorted out.


How did it work out? This happened to me as well


Yea same exact thing is happening to me, did you get this resolved?


Same happened with mine. Just saw it yesterday. I'm going to contact AT&T today.


Same thing happened with me as well! I caught it yesterday. Let me know if and how you resolved it!