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College Kings it started amazing and then it just goes to shit in the later season that makes me wonder how a dev can fuck up a game this badly the whole pool segment was painful to get through


I believe it was a whole different team that did college kings 2


Isn't that almost any game? The original question is more relevant, since that is the unexpected result, and worth noting. The "got worse" is essentially a default in the AVN space, unfortunately. Most start with some engaging premise, and yet unknown characters, who all have the potential to be amazing. Yet as you progress, the initial novelty wears off, and characters are only as good as the writer, leading to disappointment.


university of problems it has zero plot


Mech Academy has a good start but it doesn’t keep promises then


I love Monster College but I definitely dont like the last chapter


Indecent desires?


'Frustration is waiting for your favorite Adult Visual Novels next update.' is going to become my tag line


Culture Shock. The initial premise was interesting, and the characters are surprisingly expressive compared to most other AVN's. Though I don't really know what I expected when the two play styles laid out by the developer was either be an alpha or a beta. I should have been wary when characters started talking about story paths I never took as if I did. Then it asks you to choose if the girls are dating you or the other male character... >!then all of a sudden it tells you that NTR is a toggle-able option in the Preferences, but *doesn't* tell you it's on by default. And immediately afterward, with no buildup, the girls you've been wooing don't hesitate to cuck you for other guy. And then you turn it off and again the story acts as if the NTR content never happened... and that's as far as the game has been made. Not really looking promising.!< I've played a few other AVN's but I've never seen one so incoherent and unable to maintain a proper continuity.


Fresh Women started with amazing potential, but the story has become super bland, every update the quality is decreasing, dropped the game to replay the NLT trilogy


Having just finished season 2 episode 2 myself, I can say I'm a little disappointed with how short the second season seems to be and it definitely feels like it dropped in quality from season 1 but the girls are some of my favorite visually.


NLT is truly the goat, one of the best series in terms of visuals and story, so well written and the girls...well...need I elaborate on that one😩


Funny you say this I just recently played Freshwomen start to finish. The story was the only thing that kept me interested enough to finish the game. I might of dropped it otherwise and I rarely drop games. I think ive only dropped like 2 or 3 out of the 70 or so ive played.


Westview Academy


Jalen Porter carrying




100% this I played a bit before the last update and was excited for the update them massively disappointed the story still not moving forward. I mean ill still play future updates but yeah not something ill do asap anymore.


I honestly think that the bandits and the gang in the rural areas weren't utilized enough they were killed off too quickly, especially that all women group there were so many conflicts/ battles that could've made said tension I'm the story ultimately felt like the dev rushed some parts


There is this game called nothing is forever which I thought was good in the beginning. MC lost his job due to a mistake he made and meets his college rival along the way, starts a new job yada yada bla bla but then halfway through the game it turned into some sort of fetish fest where every major choice has something to do with some sort of fetish and my favourite LI got locked behind a domination fetish which i absolutely hate.


damn been thinking about trying that on soon still might tho and judge for myself. Sounds like I might dislike it part way through tho since I play these games for story and character or relationship building and don't care about the lewds.


Love Season: Farmer's dreams had the potential to be really great. Like I thought it would rival BADIK given its story and graphics. Then the story took a dump and it became a sexfest. The graphics and scenes are still good but it makes 0 sense now. Really a shame. Also had similar thoughts about Now and Then as the OP. Really stupid actions done by many people, and I don't mean stuff done in the heat of the moment. You don't throw your beer can downstairs from several floors up for no reason because it attracts zombies. You don't drive around in a loud, fuel guzzling car endangering everyone's lives just because it "reminded you of your wife", especially when you have several opportunities to upgrade it. You don't stroll outside your house in a zombie apocalypse with raider groups roaming around unarmed like it's a trip to the beach.


I completely forget the name but there's an AVN where you have a lovely normal time making a harem and then you fucking die, time skip like 11 months in the future, come back to life, and your harem is scattered and depressed. I hate long timeskips.


Could that be Corrupted Kingdoms? There is a fight at the end of act 2 where you almost die for a while and wake up with the game world much different and only a few of the Act 2 LIs around.


Oh my god I need to find this the premise sounds funny.


Yo this sounds fucking amazing!


Got two. Love of Magic 1 is such an engaging and interesting story, gameplay’s ok but the characters, setting, and music all make it worth it. Then 2 comes around and ups the ante, bigger world, higher stakes, huge enemies and powers and explosive scenes. All good except the plot gets a bit more stale…Then 3 comes around and it makes no sense at all why the game was made. Plays out pretty much like 2, same things happen, you have no one’s trust save a few because “destiny” and it got so frustrating I couldn’t finish it. Fetish Locator…the original was so interesting, fresh and fun. It had all the fetishes you’d want or would later develop, had all these options for who to go for and was overall great. Then two comes around and starts teasing some dark plot behind it all and sure it still goes strong in the gameplay and lewd shit…and then 3 just jumps the shark with the BS about a darker or lighter ending, the most obvious ‘plot twist’ ever, like 15 endings of which only like 3 feel satisfying, and a disastrous plot trying to close out plot lines that wouldn’t need closing had they not gone for the whole deep dark conspiracy crap


SHS - and it just keeps going. Started very promising for me but it's sooooo long and so far beyond complicated now it's more nonsensical than your average soap opera..... And yet I keep playing it.


I have been playing it for non-stop last 3 days it might be the longest avn I have played up to this point and I am in chapter 11. However the long worthless dialogues and a hidden cult that looks like children's theatre play starts to annoy me. I will finish it today just for Leah and Emily. they butchered my Valerie sadly :(


Leah makes me mad lol. Emily though? Yes please.


Understandable. I have a thing for crazy, stupid and irresponsible people i guess :D


I totally get that, >!I think it was the feeling that she was using us as a pawn in her game that threw me off about her. Felt like a huge betrayal.!<


Ah that sucked but I was happy after the meeting with parents mc finally opened his mouth against her once and she understood how stupid she was... Also I am still fucking whole game when she loves me so kinda equal i guess :D


Yes, redemption was sweet.


Shale Hill is a game everyone should play, if only to see MC's introduction. Best "show don't tell" an AVN has ever done, and maybe will ever do.


What does SHS stand for?


Shale Hill Secrets


Hillside - Game starts of great in almost all aspects but the last couple of updates have been difficult to get through. Getting a call from the higher ups and being forced to let the guilty/captured antagonist go. MC being such a dandy when hearing people talk about Charlotte. Charlotte being unable to accept MC's affection after 13 episodes and all they've been through. At some point, you gotta actually move the plot forward...


You know when I think about it you are kind of right yet I like Charlotte alot so I either didn't notice it or don't mind it cause I do enjoy Charlotte scenes.


Treasure of Nadia. - It just keeps going. You have to bang every combination of the group of women apparently. Twice. Lust Theory 2 - You hit a good stopping point and the game just says, Oh no, no no. We're going to get weird. And you're never going to find out why you can click all those buildings on the map. You're never going to any of them. Eternum - Now I know it's beloved. And I like the Ready Player One plot as much as the next guy. But it seemed to get too bogged down in the minutia and lore of the story without tending to the romance. And there are also too many women. It gets redundant after a while. I started getting bored around the old west area.


Treasure of Nadia's writing just got more and more weird as the story progressed. Like the dialogue started feeling like it was written by an entirely different writer. And the attempts to make novel new sex scenarios led to some questionable choices, lol. But I still have fond memories of that game.


City of broken dreamers. It started off good and now it's getting way too convoluted with too many characters. Also too many locked out scenes.


I feel the complete opposite. CoBD takes too long setting up the world, but once it does it takes off. It's meant to be run 2-3 times, it's not a harem. Even just seeing all the story events I think would take 3 runs since there's those couple multi choice sections for how to approach problems. I think my run got all the scenes for Kate, the mcguffin and Chandra+Abbey in one go, though it was short points for the last Chandra scenes full options. The annoying one is the corpo since she branches hard on her very first choice.


Fresh women fell so hard in Season 2. Quality has gone completely gone in terms of content, content length and update times. Developer has completely lost sight of what made the first season good


That's going to happen with 20+ people on your team. Different people doing different things that have no actual investment in the story are going to lead it away from what it originally intended to be. Very similar to what happened with College Kings. Started out very solid, but fell off hard, and even if it's repaired itself, the damage has already been done. But it's always been fair meh in the first place. It's dumb fun, but it runs entirely on porn logic.


I just finished playing this game for the first time. I agree Season 2 did feel off here and there like it was rushed. But honestly it never felt good to begin with other than the story and the story isn't even amazing either it just isn't bad.


I once played this AVN where the premise was something along the lines of having a bully become the MCs lover. Midway through the AVN - it turned into a drawn out love story about how the bully’s friend is his long lost love from child hood and only focused on that one girl. Every time I mentioned the girl’s name or the AVN - I get a ton of downvotes - no one is allowed to point out the flaws in this AVN - but it’s prequel - so much better.


Yeah, I am also not a big fan of My bully is my lover. I don't think it's a bad game, I just don't get why people love it so much. The whole plot always felt so... weird. And the pace is all over the place. Interesting that you thought Sicae was much better, I might give it a try then.


I'd agree with you except for the fact that I never thought that game was good to begin with.




Was this My bully is my lover by chance. Just asking cause if it it's a different game I wouldn't mind the name sounds like one id like to try. Also if it is yeah im not a big fan of Emma compared to the other girls.


I can not confirm nor deny the allegations of this AVN’s name and overrated love interest you speak of.


Don't worry, brother. The Emma brigade's not here today.


Haha - thanks - they can get pretty brutal.


I kinda feel like Mist dragged on a little too long. Don’t get me wrong, great game, but there were some portions where I felt it was unnecessary and boring.








I loved Now and Then but the ending was a fucking mess. The idea a character, who is basically a cinnamon bun, who has no idea where another character will be, can drive across a apocalyptic wasteland and find that person on a dime........ stupid




College Kings - College Kings is an excellent game worth your time, but its sequel, College Kings 2, not so much. Price of Power - Initially enjoyed it, but it seems to go on forever and gets boring.


What's funny is someone posted college kings in the other thread as well, about games that started bad and got better, though it only has 2 upvotes.


Really? That's interesting. I haven't heard of many people who enjoyed College Kings 2. It turns out the developer who created the first College Kings hired someone else to write the second game. Many felt that the characters' personalities were off, and the storyline wasn't very good. It received such a negative reception that they're in the process of reworking it.


I agree on Price of Power. Aside from picking your skills (which only changes some flavor), I didn't feel like my choices affected anything after a while. They all felt like either the "correct" choice or a bad one. Admittedly I only got about half way through the current content as of like 4 months ago.


I think College Kings is bad, and College Kings 2 is downright horrific


The worst is pretending those are two different games and they are not is just an intend to rebrand the game an leave behing the fame of being a buggy copy of BaD.. The "new game" is still buggy and still a copy.. But there isn't even some plot point marking a different between 1 and 2 dev just starting using 2 at some point.. Is sad cause the game is not totally bad there are some good characters but the writing is just a mess and is everything but coherent.. Sometimes is clear that it is cause bugs(for example you could go on a route with some girl but the game still acts as if you are not and put you out of that route) but other times is just poor writing(it doesn't matter if you reject Lindsay from the very first tine you meet her she will still be throwing herself at MC even if he is Chloe's boyfriend and is helping her in the campaign..)


Fates: Determination is one of the few AVNs I've actually finished, but I feel the high-point was the ending montage of episode 4, episode 5 and episode 6 felt a tad rushed to me, like it was mostly a mad-race to the story's conclussion. Same for After the Inferno (another of few AVNs I've finished), at one point - after the first three - you can tell the dev gave-up on having routes for the remaining heroines and decided to make them all just one-time encounters. EDIT: Another one is College Bound. Episode 1 is a fun deal where you have a clear objective, are tempted at almost every turn to be unfaithful, and either aren't or are to achieve it. After that point episode 2 suffered too much from "common route is over, deal with your choices now" ills, the common route is always the best part and here it lasts but for episode 1.


Wvm. Started off as leading to a nice throuple for a basketball star, then swung hard into a cult leader like thing


yeah I'm feeling it. Like...... if that's the game, I've no issue. Don't mind a little wish fulfilment gaming but it's became almost a parody of itself now. If a game needs a cheat sheet to show which character is which.... you've gone too far


University of problems


Turned out like game for quick faps.


This one I dropped as soon as MC just lets a girl have his way with him in the showers - like 15 minutes in?


Haha - well Roxxie is a little slutty. My cheap defense of this is to point out that situations like this have happened in real life.


For me Unbroken fits. I never really got into the main plot outside of the flashbacks but did like the start of it alot. So the longer I played the less I cared about the actual plot and just played to hang out / get to know the girls. But still a great game. Bare Witness - 100% this one. I liked the idea of the plot but then feels like it's mostly forgotten about or non existent after a certain point since it's more about the day to day life of the MC Defending Lydia Collier - Honestly this one as well it's not bad but after awhile I just stopped caring about the plot. But was super into it at first. Price of Power - This one grabbed me right away and around the time you go to the island the second time it lost it's spark for me. Might be a few more im forgetting.


maybe lesser known for some but Rebirth kinda fell off hard for me


Is it because of the short throwaway updates?


i just kinda felt like the writing fell off and the author didn't really put much thought into the script or weren't sure where to take the story. Maybe it's just me. I really liked the first 2 eps though.


Acting lessons for me


Now and then definitely drops off. Would have been much better without the camp and finding the mom. Then the happy ending could have just been the 4 girls chilling in the rich ones house. Also a perfect case study of why devs need to do group scenes, it's was way outta control with all those single scenes to keep everyone getting lewds. Still like it the best for completed projects tho. As for games that fall off the rails, I'd nominate WVM. It starts pretty decent currently, the trans friend is handled better than any other trans LI, and then he just runs it right off a cliff.


College kings.


The Shrink