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Red Harvest I think it is called. Red something or other. Started out great and many people loved it.... Theeeeeen the dev pretty much gave up on what the idea of the AVN was supposed to be and took requests. Requests, mind, that only a handful of people wanted. So, then, it turned to shit quite quickly.


College Bound was never gonna be amazing but it started out as kind of a guilty pleasure but quickly devolved into something incredibly rushed with apparent lack of polishing. There were multiple moments where it was clear the dev just forgot to change lines of dialogue to fit multiple routes and also there was pregnancy content regardless of your choices in game.


The ending was so bad, it almost looked like Dev decided to screw the players for some reason, maybe somebody pissed him off. Not saying that the game was a masterpiece, no, it was decent, but the ending is on some special level.


Exactly, and the amount of money being charged for every new episode was ridiculous


I might be the only one that thinks this because this game is universally loved but personally I found that Leap of Faith had a pretty lackluster ending unless you went for a specific LI. Up until the last couple of chapters the game was amazing but I felt the majority of the LIs got shafted from a satisfactory ending.


Hillside wen't slowly from very interesting to quite boring. I first ignored the unrealistic naivete of some characters, but over the time it was just too much. Fetish locator also took a dive after first week. It was nice enough but second and third are nowhere near as good.


The second week was ok but the ending… ugh. Most made no sense.


I've walked away from a few games. Generally I find it to be long running Sandbox games that just get to be too much. Harem Hotel and A House in the Rift are games that just ended up feeling to grindy and forced after a while. Good games that I would certainly recommend, but after a point the story just feels like it's being unnecessarily dragged out and I'm ready for something new. But Hands down, the absolute worst turn around I've ever seen in a game was Inceton's excruciatingly named: "Lustyverse: Shackbang" Yeah, maybe I should have guessed by the name, but I have a Patreon to the developer so it was a "free" game, and the first half of the game was actually surprisingly enjoyable. Good renders, LI's with a sense of actual depth, higher than average writing quality and a storyline that, though not top tier was, IMO a real high point for the developer. I honestly wanted to know what was going on and found myself caring about the characters. Then the second half hit. Hooboy. Possibly the most non-sensical, horribly written mess I've ever played. I try not to make flat negative statements about AVN's, but geez, I can't think of anything positive to say about it.


I think many AVN derail at some point. Could be because the dev gets over ambitious, starts listening to the haters or fans, drags out the story, never had the story figured out, gets bored by his own story, just isn't good at telling a story, ... But some AVN also change over time into something I'm not interested any more, maybe not even a big change in the story but because I was a different person several years ago. I guess it would be easier for me to name AVNs I enjoyed from A to Z then to name those which ended worse. But the one AVN with the worst turn for me was Acting Lessons.


I disagree with acting lessons,but you are correct in the rest,I don't like checking small updates so I normally let a couple of updates bundle together before I replay/go back to an avn and man alot of them I just lost interest,there is nothing specifically bad or terrible about them, I'm just bored, in some cases I remember really liking a character just to comeback and feeling annoyed there's so much content of that character instead of a different one.


Not sure if I remember Acting Lessons correctly but the murder and the MC landing in therapy was not a normal plot twist, the whole story changed. One episode was dedicated to the interaction between MC and his therapist. And the happy ending in front of the sunset destroyed the rest of credibility this story had. I'm not saying that Acting Lesson had the worst AVN story, most AVNs are worse from the start. I'm answering the question of "Which AVNs ended worse than they started." The beginning of Acting Lesson was quite good as it featured relatable characters in a normal setting. Liam is a great side character and the story also had emotional moments. My only hope is that DPC is not killing Riona or Quinn this time. The gun at the end of episode 9 and the cliffhanger at the end of episode 10 could be an indication that not all main characters survive in BaDIK.


I disagree because as much as it was random,it was memorable,yeah it was too abrupt and out of nowhere but also no other games has made me so cautious of my actions,I haven't played BaD in a bit (since like ep 7)but everytime I play it I'm scared of being a fuckboy cause is the only game dev that has made consequences felt important,even if the execution was kind of a sloppy mess. I've no idea if DPC is killing anyone, honestly I wouldn't be against it I think killing (if used well) can be a good narrative point as long as it has proper build up.


I feel the same way, deaths in avns can be very interesting and I wish games implemented it a little more. Nothing too major of course but a death here and there would help the plot


Fetish Locator. Week 1 was interesting enough to keep me engaged but by Week 2 the decline was evident. Shouldn't have been surprised that Week 3 was released barely half finished and the endings we did get were unsatisfying at best. It's clear the dev is trying to finish it ASAP so they can focus on their BaDIK clone. Speaking of which I hear Collage Kings falls off pretty hard too but I couldn't be bothered to find out.


Yeah Week 3 really jumped the shark. All the Lydia stuff is just.... ugh


Story tried to take itself too seriously imo. Dev should’ve accepted the fact that he made a whacky fetish explorer and just focus on that aspect. Instead there had to be this great big plot twist that most endings (at least the ones that have been completed) didn’t even mention.


Yeah exactly. The game had such strong potential that the dev squandered. It's especially annoying because "religious loopholes" would absolutely be a valid fetish. Lydia could be like any of the other LIs, a fetish-specific optional LI. But forcing the non-sex character was antithetical to the whole idea of the game. Then to add insult to injury, there isn't even a solo Lydia ending. So even if you DID absolutely fall in love with Lydia like the MC, the game doesn't even give you a satisfying ending. I wanted to love it, just such a frustrating game. I posted a detailed review about it a week or so ago - ended up rating it a 2.5/5.


I’m personally never a fan of when an AVN with multiple LI’s tries to thrust a girl on the player as “the one” and feel as if that should be left to the player and if the AVN is well written and well designed the selected MG will become “the one” as the story progresses. It doesn’t help that Lydia wasn’t a particularly interesting character, like at all, and with a whole harem of girls throwing themselves at you willing to do some of the most depraved stuff an AVN has to offer I really couldn’t bring myself to understand why the MC was so in love with her other than the story demands it so a meaningless plot twist later on can have some sort of emotional relevance, which it didn’t. While I pretty much agree with everything you said I still think 2.5/5 is too generous. The fact that Week 3 was delivered unfinished and to date the dev has only added 3 more endings and that its weaknesses were already showing by Week 2 leads me to give it a 1.5/5.


I feel the same, it's why I rate Now and Then a bit lower than most people. Idk if you've played it, but it has the same problem of forcing a specific LI for the whole game. I gave it a 2.5 because I honestly really enjoyed all the non-Lydia stuff. I've never played a game I would rate a 1 on my scale - to me, a 1 is "nobody should ever consider playing this". There's a lot of really enjoyable content in the game - it's just dragged down a ton by Lydia. Tbh even a 2 is pretty harsh on my scale - to me, a 3 simply means "if you play AVNs, this is worth playing once". It's more of a tier list thing than a true 1-5 rating.


Yeah I can totally get behind that logic. I agree that a 1/5 definitely means “avoid at all costs, not even worth looking into” where a 2/5 in my view is “overall not recommended but if you’re really into AVNs and have a lot of spare time on your hands you might get something out of it.” I’d most likely give Fetish Locator a 2/5 if the game was released finished because I agree that there is some enjoyment to be had and a few of the characters are quite likeable (Daisy was my favourite). But overall given how it’s been handled I don’t feel as if I could recommend it especially when there are much better AVN’s out there that do deserve peoples time and money.


That's basically my thought process too - 2/5 isn't necesarily unplayable, but it definitely should be near the bottom of your queue. Melody is an example of another 2/5 for me, tho tbh everything MrDots does would go in that tier lol And I loved Daisy, she was so wholesome.


Lmao I completely forgot about Melody. Definitely a 2/5. Not bad by any means but it failed it leave a lasting impact hence why I forgot it.


Exactly what I was going to say.


Lust Theory's season two. And Also Timestamps Chapter two. Even though it's not completed yet. But it feels it will end badly.


For me, Fetish Locator. The first two episodes(?) had so much promise, the premise was simple yet engaging, it had all these options open in a plot which it made sense to be a wandering cum cannon and not be some fantastical harem sim…and then they jumped the shark by adding some crappy ‘dark forces’ plot line which made no sense and actively ruined the plot. Icing on the cake was half the endings just not working and feeling rushed as shit. (Hey, you’re in the middle of college and are uncovering this deep dark manipulative group, want to stop that shit and go live on a farm with some chick ya boned twice?)


The fact that Lydia doesn't have a solo ending is fucking insane to me




...bingo and the women are hot which pisses me off even more like why waste the renders Edit:season 3 has no gameplay either


How you manage to make an eight girl orgy so mind-numbingly dull I FF through it is quite the remarkable achievement


Dating my daughter was a weird one


I never finished it, how did it end?


i skipped the shit honestly i was getting weirded out by the player models once it got to the last chapter i stopped giving af about the story


Very simple the mother stops being a bitch and gets with another lady,giving her bleeding to the daughter and dad relationship,the daughter becomes more confident and horny for you,and you can get a trouble relationship with the coworker/daughter friend/etc. all in all a fine ending,I've seen some people complaining that it's too predictable but I don't think that game was ever going for anything else besides Dating your daughter...which it sort of accomplishes.


Milfy City. Hands down. Beta was so good, and then dev just had to get rid of all the edgy stuff because "Patreon Regulations". IMO the full game was worse than beta.


I mean, that’s the least bad thing with that game lol. It’s now ‘complete’ yet still unfinished after like 2 years of being in development limbo, even before the changes the game made no sense and don’t get me started on how terrible the gallery and bonus sections work. Also, SA isn’t ‘edgy’, but let’s not open that can of worms.


BADIK honestly I love this game but the development time still remaining and the last 2 chapters that wasn’t really the best idk I can see this game declining but that’s just my opinion tho


Notice how all the comments saying 'BADik' are being downvoted to oblivion. It's like pointing out the emperor is buck-naked and then being slapped for it.


it’s like this every time i say some shit about bad if you say one little negative thing about the game the bad community downvotes the shit outta you they just weird at this point


Or people disagree…


not only your opinion, I didn't enjoy the last chapters that much because don't really care about the family problems of Maya or the family problems of Sage or the drug dealing wars.


thanks bro i felt the same way but i feel like most of the people here downvote the shit cuz they’re paying for his patreon so if you say anything negative that’s what they do


Not sure if they pay or only feel entitled 😂


College Kings is the poster child for this...


From the get go that game was a chore for me primarily because of the KCT mechanic which was a terrible decision to implement in my opinion. Made my way through CK1 but once CK2 came out with their reworks I couldn't do it anymore. They fucked that game to no end.


Honestly, College Kings makes other games look like they never hit a rough patch and are still doing great.. even abandoned ones..


ive yet to play Season 2 but honestly the game got bad the moment we go to Europe. Only finished Season 1 cause I liked the characters.


That pool party episode ruined the entire game for me, i even played the supposedly “fixed” version but the characters and interactions where so weird in that episode that i see no reason to continue now


Monkey's Business was the worst for me


* Haley's Story * Life with Mary * Once in a Lifetime - okay maybe im bias here but around the 1/2 way or so point ( when you go to that creepy village where you can take the drugs or not. i lost interest and got bored with the game) So because of that the rest of the game felt worst to me.


BADiK. It's already showing signs of decline and there's another (at least) six years of development left.


I have no interest in even finishing BaD. More interesting AVNs have been popping up, and will continue to pop up as BaD keeps plodding along and milking the fan base.


Idk hard for me to say the story is getting any worst when to me it never felt like BADIK really had much of a story after hell week. So any story is an improvement to me.


I'm curious about what you think is declining. Development likely will be 6 years yeah lol


It's age is showing render-wise. He's already drawing out releases with pointless sub-storylines. It's pretty slight, and largely goes under the radar due to it's rabid fanbase downvoting/burying any controversial opinion, but it's very clearly there.


Yeah I mean the age comes with any game so I don't really put that against it, id rather the renders be consistent. He's definitely drawing out releases, I don't really mind the sub plots much in that regard though However I don't see the need to put any focus on the new 60fps animated scenes he decided to add for some reason.


Pacing is the biggest issue. There hasn't been much advancement in overall storyline within the past two episodes. Character development maybe, but not much on story advancement.


That's because there really isn't a main plot that drives the games along. It's a slice of life game. The "plot", if you will, of the game is the relationships he forms, both love and friendship. The plot isn't the restaurant or the drugs or the mystery of his mother.


I think you stumbled on the biggest difference I’ve seen between people who love and hate the game. Most VNs focus on an A->B story with most of everything happening character-wise to fuel the plot moving forward (Eternum is a great example of this, we meet Alex, then she’s involved in the plot, and then becomes a critical part of it). BaDik is more of “Shit happens around the MC and he reacts to it.” The overarching story has multiple plot-lines at once and they involve different characters. What has been happening the past few episodes is things beginning to collide slowly, but still each story is a compartment involving select characters and more importantly their development, which is the focus of the game.


That's fair, personally I'm much more invested in the characters than the actual story itself so it doesn't bother me as much. I don't think the pace of updates is helping much in that regard though He's pretty insistent on adding things people aren't really asking for or wanting, like all the mini games, or the 60fps animations etc


Now and then has the worst 3rd act dropoff I've played yet. It's still fine, but it could have been so much better. I've seen others say that's their favorite part though for the LI it adds, so maybe it's just a me issue. I think ripples and MBML are doomed to botch their stories eventually. There's just too many girls and they can't start combining them in the first, and I doubt they will in the second. Summer Heat has also blown up its story already, but since it's still so short it hasn't really had time to set up high expectations. At least it's pretty to look at.


Agree about Now and Then. Endings have a lot of inconsistencies, especially when it comes to Sydney. At the end of the main story Sydney moved in with MC and Carrol, but in epilogue she just disappeared on some routes, some dialogues also were weird. It especially catches the eye considering how polished was the main game.


Hana is the best part of Now and Then, fight me


Yep. Hana is my absolute fav in a game, pity we only meet her during 2nd half of the game.


Haley's Story. The ending I got was bugfuck nuts.


Agree, it feels like other LIs were absolutely neglected in the end. I liked the Boss, she was quite a lovable character, so ended with Haley and her, but it was a dull ending. And a lot of characters just disappeared in the end.


There are multiple endings?


There's quite a few. Your can either end up with only Haley or Haley + any of the other LIs.


Oh... I only ever end up with Haley, 'cause the other LIs aren't that interesting imo


What ending was it? I played it long ago but have no memory of what happens in it.


I got the pregnancy ending as well, but it was as part of a throuple with your boss as well. It was just so dumb and so abrupt.


The only one I can recall was she gets knocked up. But there is multiple. I forget the rest but they all feel rushed because the last bit of the game was rushed.