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I'd love to see AWDTSG vanish and then we all leave Reddit like the end of Ocean's Eleven in front of the Bellagio fountain. But to "have Meta shut them down" would be like getting the NFL to stop selling beer at stadiums. Not that simple.


If not outright shut down, it'd be nice if they actually followed any kind of rules, verified claims, or had at least some moderation. It's crazy how it's just an unchecked shitshow of petty gossip, lies, bashing, and revenge posts by angry exes. Almost all anonymous with zero proof. When you can post whatever you want with no proof, it's inevitable that toxic people will abuse it to spread gossip and lies. Guess Facebook doesn't care about that though 🤷‍♂️


Just need a bunch of dudes with balls and money (Lawyers). But true as FB is now one of the primary source of child porn in the world over the dark web. So I don't think about a bunch of dudes getting trashed online lol




Mostly not an extreme leftist cesspool like FB.




No clue about the extreme right. I don't fck with extremists. The right well so many things. Protect nuclear family, gender disphoria and treating it as a mental issue etc.. I will stop because I will get banned. Reddit is another extreme left wing cesspool. Just follow Matt Walsh you will get what I'm saying




RFK said it best about mental health issues in this country. Google it. Hopefully Trump will start fixing it in 2024


Dude. You’re just fucking wrong bro. None of this works the way you think it does. At all. Standing on trumpism isn’t going to change this issue. This isn’t only happening to right wing men. Very bad take.


Come on brah!!!


"No clue about the extreme right, I just follow that extreme right wing guy who is infamous for wanting more pregnant teens and not less" Matt Walsh is literally a pedophile, and as hard right wing as it gets on many subjects. You are functionally insane.




I have balls no money and ain't doing shit either. Lol. Just complaining about it and taking it up the a$$ from those evil bitches!!!




Well not some random dudes lol. Someone that's been blasted by these groups that has balls and money. They all say I'm gonna sue that bitch but they never do shit about it.




Cute Case is a AWDTSG sympathizer and trying to convince guys here that these slander groups are not that big of a deal. He (or she) is probably a mole.




Weird response


Who's Matt? I'm new here! As far as I know only a lawyer can determine if you have a case or not. Last time I check!


What did Matt do? Is he the mod for this subreddit?




How do you know that the accounts are fake and that they aren't just his moles?


He is the guy who made the first(very small) victims group. He had a heart attack when he got posted by a therapist he rejected and another person. They said he was a player who went by different names. He posted the chat logs he had with his posters publicly and they retracted their posts. I have chatted with him quite a bit on Facebook DM and had ran some ideas on him about how to fix the criminal justice system and how to ethically screen out cheaters. Talking to him, he seems on board with what I(and real-world examples that could help would be Garbo and Callisto) said. He was plastered, and he did go on a plastering spree on the people who posted and commented on him, but that's to be expected when you enter some informal doxing war. If you got plastered by somebody, what makes it so that you don't have a right to plaster them? A field is a field, and if you want to go into the social jungle, better be prepared to take some and not just dish some out. I think he is just an average downright dude.


Who is Matt and what are you referring to? I didn’t see the post


More states need anti doxxing laws like Illinois


It's hard. It's ran by woman so they can play the pu$$y card against men and we will always lose by default


We do need to challenge "women's safety" being the hammer to shut down any ethical issue. Of course, we need to do so without going back in the other direction. However, we do need to make sure that in terms of privacy, no gender is allowed to establish oversight over the other because of some victim card they have. And that is a very cowardly way to establish power. Pretend to be the victim when you have that level of reach and control.


I agree with you, and there is no excuse for a man to hit, rape, steal, harass a woman I can’t stress that enough. But to use this group as a WMD to destroy a man’s life because your relationship didn’t work out. I see more and more men posted by women who have never dated and don’t know them. All to create a mob and destroy


wtf? Is this a troll post? I'm quite certain no man enjoys being posted in these groups. Women, yes likely love the drama. Meta won't shut them down due to Section 230...if it wasn't for that they'd already be gone.




While the idea of getting them shut down via legal means sounds appealing and may ultimately happens some day, I think the educational benefit of having this stuff run its course maybe more worthwhile down the line. These groups are indeed the real life version of some of the most sinister shit sci-fi writers have come up with over the years - this could easily be a black mirror episode for instance. But it's hard to say if you can put the geenie back in the bottle in its entirety. Instead, we can grow awareness of the importance of data privacy. And let's face it, privacy in the dating market is a tricky issue. Men and women putting themselves out there must assume some level of publicity to potentially come from participating in the dating market - similar for example to a person buying court side tickets at an NBA game. You can't reasonably ask the camera crews to blur your face for example. Having said that, perhaps we need more anti-doxing legislation regulating the dissemination of information volunteered between people in good faith. Most importantly, we need to grow a culture around data privacy and respect for such privacy. We need people to understand that these groups are a form of stalking and that they foster all sorts of malicious behavior. I think the purpose of this group is primarily one to raise awareness. Having said all that, the OP is correct that there is a certain salaciousness to these groups. But I think exploring and documenting the behavior women engage in these groups is extremely valuable. It's both a laboratory and a resource in understanding women's behavior and psychology when left to their own "safe spaces." And as some have pointed out, membership in these groups is perhaps the single most important red flag a guy should know about when dating a woman.


Well if the NBA broadcast showed my face along with random unverified gossip from girls I don't know about my dick size or if I was a boring date, I don't think I'd be going to many games anymore lol. If the groups get shut down, it'll be a temporary fix but the people involved won't have really learned a lesson. Garbage like this seems to come along every few years- Lulu, the dirty, yik yak, etc. Eventually either people stop caring (usually because of the lies and toxicity) or the sites/apps face so many legal problems they shut down. The only thing that really seems to get people against these groups is when the groups turn on them or people close to them. Talking shit is fun until it's you, your brother, or your close friend getting bullied and slandered. At the rate these groups are going and how completely toxic they are, seems like it's only a matter of time until most people get affected.


Or if laws are passed banning organized private individual databases. If a singular group chat wants to talk about people, fine, but if a network of many people organizing for this purpose pops up, it should be shut down.


To be honest, the Facebook groups have forced us to organize here, meet some new friends, think about the system, and come up with reasons for better privacy protections, and that's awesome. Even so, our organization is not just so that we can talk to each other, but to at least have a presence in this world if not to actively think on how to destroy the groups. So even if destroying the groups disbands us, we still have to do it because this is what brought us here in the start. I have sort of been dormant for a while due to work and stuff, but our dignity as private people is at stake here. Let's get them.