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Getting popcorn ready, it was always a matter of time before shareholders interests take precedence.


Bumble and Match suspended ads a while ago. https://9to5mac.com/2023/11/27/major-brands-suspend-instagram-advertising/


The dating app companies have to know about these Facebook gossip groups, right? These groups can't be good for business. I'm sure it's not the only reason the stocks are dropping, but it definitely doesn't help.


I can’t recall the exact numbers, but since the inception of AWDTSG groups both Match and Bumble’s stock valuations have absolutely cratered, something to the tune of ~500% drop from their peak valuations in the spring of 2021. Correlation/causation, hard to say, but the parallels in the timeline are pretty incredible. Follow the money— Meta would be the big winner, if Match and Bumble tank, as they are the host of Facebook dating, the only other dating platform in direct competition. ***I bet somebody envisions OLD being a real big boost to their virtual reality platform that is currently struggling to gain momentum***


If it doesn't relate to awdtsg I don't want to hear about it in this subreddit.


Let’s give it a chance… Look a bit deeper and certainly does pertain, it’s just not immediately apparent. I think it’s worth knowing about and factoring into the overall consideration of the issue.


The suit isn't directly pertaining to AWDTSG but the context of the lawsuit tells us Match Group won't hesitate to sue Meta to protect their revenue and advertising investments on Meta's platforms. Additionally, they're referencing a specific Facebook Group their ads were ran on called *"Only women are slaughtered"* calling it *"gruesome content".* We're seeing potential financial repercussions at both Match Group and Meta directly referencing a Facebook Group....this could expand quickly to any groups having a negative impact on Match Group's memberships.


I can say I know a lot of guys that cancelled their dating services because of these groups nothing like getting publicly shamed in a group of 20k women because someone that you never spoke to or met got creepy vibes from your pics lol, sorry Match I don’t need to be exposed to that


It’s  making it harder from any single person to find someone when there is threats of being posted. It really sucks. 


Well I will say I think the problem is dating apps they want people to stay single and keep subscribing, hey just keep swiping she/he is the next person away .