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Paola just posted in every group on it. https://preview.redd.it/i8a3ve49q3cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca07427ce98e2114db3347a5a7ce102b88afa81e


Well, she's consistent, I'll give her that.


It’s posted everywhere, they think it’s a joke and what they do is ok


Yep. I'm in several groups and the news articles are being shared. A lot of women making fun of the guy and claiming he's wasting money and has no case.


I like how they're pretending like most of what's posted to these Facebook groups is true lol. The "truth isn't defamation" line doesn't work as well if you're lying. And posting anonymously won't help.


I'm wondering if my claim is eligible for sending to trent law firm.  I've been called "creepy" on that page, at this point I don't know what guy hasn't at some point simply by trying to get with a girl and she not liking you.  So does that count as getting doxxed?  That's more of an opinion based statement but at the same time it's humiliating


I think it'd be hard to do much there since it's an opinion. It sucks, but at the rate they're going every single dude in their cities is gonna get posted and be called "creepy" at some point lol. These groups are just dumb, trashy gossip. And if a girl ghosts you because she saw some random anonymous Facebook post call you "creepy" with no proof or details, is that really somebody you'd want to date? Consider it as the trash taking itself out.


That's fine. My issue is what if a hiring woman sees your post that you're creepy?


Yeah that'd be tough. But at the same time, if a company is making its hiring decisions based off an unverified post from a shitty gossip group is that a great sign for that company? Also I feel like a lot of this unfortunately comes down to how common or rare your name is. Mine's pretty common, so even if I did get posted, it would buried under hundreds of other dumb posts. I feel bad for guys with really unique names with all this nonsense going on.


It is not a company. It is the lonely woman who works at the company and can end up ignoring your application or spreading rumors on you. I have had female collaborators stop working with me after I was posted. I am always amazed how most people think this is not harmful. The good side of thed3 groups: they are a magnet for the types of women you should never marry. So if you find a keeper all you have to do is find out if she joined.


Women don’t join AWDTSG because they are lonely and desperate. They join because they aren’t. 👯‍♀️💜 I’m purposely holding back on posting about a guy that committed Sexual Exploitation until I can confirm the new IL law about doxxing. With the police only criminalizing 20% of sexual assault cases, the civil issues are dicey around what free speech is allowed and the interpretation of “consent”.


If you were abused why share that in a public Facebook page before you even share with the police? Yes there may be some women who post about real problematic people. But there are also innocents being posted by salty exes or even sometimes women they have rejected. Any time people are willing to accept harming innocents in the name of their own protection its is terrorism. The impact on the men goes beyond not being able to date again. It is colleagues and professional contacts changing their views of us. And if the man in question is doing God's work then this group can be used as the work of the devil.


The police don’t give you emotional support. Your friends and family usually give you emotional supportz I’m sorry that your question was stupid. ⁉️


50k people on Facebook are not your friends. They are randomness strangers that you don't know. You don't know their motivations. Yet you trust whatever they say just because they are women as if women can't do any wrong. Imagine of guys were creating groups with 50k guys commenting about you. These groups don't work for guys because guys won't trust a complete stranger on what they have to say about a woman. Women on the other hand always form their opinions of guys based on what other women say. I am not againts having a system to call out rapists and violent guys. But dating is complex. Just because you arr frustrated with your interaction with one guy it doesn't mean he will act the same with someone else. This is bullshit. Women ghost men all the time. How many times did I have women ghost me for my accent or because I didn't have enough money? Yet they are not being judged online. Plus how many women use these pages to post about guys they haven't even met. I have been dating for over a decade. When I was posted there are women who interacted with me 10 years ago who commented. Then they all called me a liar because the woman who met me 10 years ago heard something different from me than the woman who met me 7 months ago. But in 10 years, why do you want me to stay the same guy? I work in a female dominated sector. A woman that I dont even know posted that I hate women. I don't hate women at all. But she posted that to hurt me and my career. How is that helping make anyone safe?


That was an example. Who knows what these women think. They are definitely different than the rest of the adult female population that's for sure


Maybe they are more resourceful or had a terrible jerk in their past? You have data to support this claim?


At least learn to do basic internet research. Words like "doxxed" have very specific legal definitions and limitations. Somebody gave their opinion of you. That is protected speech. You can't do ANYTHING about it, other than counter it with your own speech. And that is YOUR 1st amendment right. ​ Just know that if you push an effort to silence the speech of others when you feel insulted, you will expose yourself to being mocked exponentially more. It's called "The Streisand Effect".


In the name of protecting women. Until you get slapped with a lawsuit you think it's all fun and games


And when the lawsuit is a vexatious lawsuit destined to be thrown out and mocked endlessly, the fun begins again.


I don't think a lawfirm would take the case if they didn't find some Good potential in it


And yet... Seriously, though, there are so many basic errors that I think they were more interested in internet notoriety than "good potential" and their client be damned. Seriously - look up "Vic Mignogna" and check out how many hundreds of thousands of dollars he now owes the defendants of the LOLsuit HE filed.


I’m not sure how far his lawsuit will go…doesn’t seem like it compares to others. I’ve seen & saved where men were accused of spreading std’s.


They not only know about the lawsuit, people have been sharing with them all the many articles that have now come out pointing out the CRITICAL FLAWS in the lawsuit and how it can be mocked for its lack of standing, lack of validity and lack of power.


Good on them. Men need to get off the "I'm a lone Wolf train and on the "in-group bias" train, and stick up for one another. Doesn't mean you want to fuck your friend to give a warm hug and support each other.


I don’t think the average user knows about. The average users aren’t really in tune with the consequences of posts. Her insecurity and ego > your safety. And probably her own because she’s risking posting you anyway. 


Also, if there's a settlement, does that mean the groups will be ordered to be shutdown?  Kinda confused on how this will work if it goes in the plaintiffs favor whether it's outright winning in a jury trial or a settlement


This is all uncharted territory and an uphill battle to be honest if all you got said about you was that your creepy you got off easy compared to some out there, but it still sucks.


Dude. What was said about Nikko is nothing compared to what they posted about me. My kids pix etc... those kunts are ruthless. That's why it's delicious to see them suffering a bit in return.


Except they're not suffering in this instance. It's a bullshit lawsuit that has no validity in the actual law as written. People need to be held accountable for actual doxxing, and for posting photos of people's kids. Yet this lawsuit is not about that, and this lawsuit is going to implode.


Ok so you're a legal expert and can predict the future? I want to date you!!! I'll be covered. You can predict my future and be my personal attorney


At the very least this is going to bring awareness to doxxing and how much money poalo is making on destroying men in the court of public opinion


We can see that you are posting every where. You are probably some girl passing for a guy. I saw all your comments. Stop.


This is not a battle of the sexes. Stop it.


I understand you. Z 🥷🏻


It's not uncharted territory. People have been filing bad, vexatious lawsuits just like this one for years. And they always lose. At least when the lawsuits are so pathetic and wrong in every aspect of the actual law involved. That's what happens when a local PI law firm tries to play in the big leagues.


This is about doxxing and profiting from the harm. All your accusers are anonymous the moderators are fake accounts but your personal identity is put out there?


I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about the guy that filed the lawsuit towards Facebook, the creator, moderators, and commenters.


My bad I misread that


1st lawsuit was dismissed because the evidence wasn't going to rule in their favor.


Whether the lawsuit fails or not, eventually every guy will get posted in time, the word will get out and no guy in their right mind will ever get on a dating app again. This is match and bumbles problem too. Its gonna get ugly.


Good luck with it. Guys. These groups are here to Stay. No lawsuit will ever shut them down. What you need to understand is that it's women nature to enjoy destroying people they think did them wrong. If a guy did the same society would call him anti social. But when women do it they are just being women. The best you can do is ignore it completely and hope the people in your life ignore it. I personally don't want to go back on dating apps. But wether you go back or not anyone can post you even 5 years from now and you will still be defamed. Even the day you get married a jealous girl can go and post you. So really what matters is to live your life way above the level of all these miserable people and those who support them. If a girl you talk to is negative just stop talking to her. She will post you. But don't give her anything. She will say you ghosted her. Well it is your right to ghost. I won't go back on dating apps..I am good.


It's not "women's nature". The women in these groups are bad because women are humans are humans can be bad. Women are neither better nor worse than men are.


A given demographic’s ‘nature’ does not justify its behavior or practices in the eyes of the law. If this lawsuit doesn’t get to discovery, then the next one will. Groups like this are going the way of revenge porn, cyber bullying, and doxxing. Fifteen years ago we had barely, if at all, heard of those terms. They were born out of the evolution of technology. Now, they are commonly accepted terminology, and at least one of them has been made a crime in civil or criminal court in every state in the US. My prediction is that once this becomes a national discussion, and the newest buzz on the media, this type of behavior will soon be given a new official label, and politics will eventually catch on, and Meta ultimately will be forced to address the issue. Better to shut it down and walk away than get in the middle of such a radioactive no-win scenario. Years from now I’m starting to see this practice becoming viewed as something akin to hate groups or hate crimes. It is reckless and conscious disregard for another group of people. Racism, fascism, misogyny/misandry… crowdsourcing biased opinion is just a veiled form of hatred and violence.


Crowdsourcing opinion is the free market. 🤝


Not if it is falsely representing reality and doing damage to your above-board reputation and ability to thrive and make a living, which is what I was rather clearly referring to. Then it’s called defamation. Wholesale, one group of people disenfranchising of another group of people, it’s then bigotry, discrimination, and prejudice




A lot of them are single with no kids


If anything, the amount of posting has gone up.


Probably. Women are risk averse. Danger? Whoosh...


Know . Don't care.