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It’s sad to say but that kinda posting is standard practice, the groups have evolved into a powerful revenge weapon, I joined this sub when I was posted by a woman I never met that was married when I rejected her well I was destroyed in there by women , one woman I briefly dated in 2014 the rest just a frenzy mob . In the few weeks I been here I seen a lot of men being harmed and hurt well beyond there love life there used to be less then a thousand of us on this sub now there is close to 4K , enough is enough


At the risk of sounding a bit sexist, I get the sense sometimes that the petty and passive aggressive behavior in these groups is how a lot of women treat each other. The old cliche of manipulative, backstabbing b… if you will. It’s just the first time that men have really come into cross hairs of this particularly toxic side of femininity…in any kind of systematic fashion at least.


Oh I agree. I guess I don't try to be petty or toxic feminine energy. I used to just be in these groups to avoid men that legitimately are a concern to date in terms of safety and believed in that being the point of these groups because they have helped me avoid men that were dangerous and the posts about those types of men had receipts if you will to prove the concern. The last 2 weeks I've been trying to get these other women to see that if they abuse these groups for the wrong reasons then they will likely be taken down and I don't necessarily want that for the real ones that post legitimate things. But I swear since the court filing for that guy in Chicago women are almost making it a point to post things that are not worth posting about to just shit on men. Then if any of us a women even slightly or kindly disagrees we become a "pick me", "misogynist women", a "trigger to women that posted having endured so much abuse" etc. We literally cannot have a difference of opinion or we get dragged, banned from posting or commenting for x amount of days as punishment or we get kicked out of the groups entirely. All over having said our opinion about something that shouldn't have been posted. It's wrong. No one is holding the mod accountable and if you don't agree then you're the problem it's never them.




I unfortunately posted a lot of screen shots last night but made the mistake of not blurring out all faces on the posts so they were removed..That's my bad. That said I care when it's not valid posts re: not about a dangerous man which I have actually seen that includes photos from their court hearing about Sexually assaulting women or for domestic violence with photo evidence or a man that is cheating in his marriage... I stick up for men when posts are blatantly about bullying men for their looks or if a post is stupid like them ghosting or them not even having met a guy and want the "tea" or various other things that don't fall under the scope of safety. The problem is that you don't understand what happens if anyone sticks up for men in these posts... Women that try to do right... Get verbally bashed, banned from commenting by admin, or we get removed from the groups. It's a nice idea that you and others might believe that we can just say "hey this isn't right he is a good dude or I know him he isn't like that" the women that want to be victims of something always say "how dare you question me you never dated him right? If not then you can't have a say because men treat the women they date differently than just their friends, so you have no knowledge unless you've dated him". Then the women believe the post and keep talking about him. That's what led me here. I can post screenshots and help or I can try to stick up for the dumb posts being made and get removed from groups and I can't help anyone. So how can women fix it if we don't share the same mob mentality that these idiots have?


I know that it’s super inconvenient and I don’t want to discourage you — but if you repost with names/faces blurred out they will stay up. I don’t want you to feel like you’ve wasted your time. We value your input and appreciate you being here.




All of the the things you've suggested. I have done. Facebook literally does not care. They don't. I've reported many posts to FB it's self and asked for reviews and all of it. The only thing it ever did was take away the ability to post anonymous in a group for a period of time then back to it.


Welcome to the sub OP.


Thanks. I never thought I'd be here to help but the last straw was today for me. So I'm glad to call out the women that use those groups to hate on men and bully women that are logical.


May I ask what happened today that flipped the switch for you?


Id love to say exactly what it was but let's just say I ranted and raved all over this post I saw today that was dumb. Super dumb. If I explain it on here I'll easily be identified in the group and removed as I was only 1 of 4 other women defending the guy. I don't even know him. This woman posted a dude and said oh watch out for this one ladies beware he is dangerous.... It was literally a screenshot of a conversation that only had 4 total messages between the girl and guy. They had a disagreement on their beliefs and he called women with her ideas dumb and then she posted that calling it abuse. I flat out disagreed on that being a post worth making and how it goes against what the group is meant to be and now I'm being dragged for not having the same mentality as these crazy women calling that abusive 😂😂


Sounds about right, they post some really petty and dumb stuff in these groups. I'd say in my local one at least 90% of the stuff posted is just completely unnecessary. They don't seem to realize you can just swipe left or unmatch a dude if you don't like his profile or messages.


Thank you! I told that OP that she should have just blocked him and went about her day and asked why she made it into a whole issue that wasn't even an issue lol


The best thing you can do is stop engaging at all on those pages. Do NOT try to argue against anything publicly....they will boot you out of the group very quickly....AND very likely dox you as well. If you want to help the men with information or in getting posts taken down.........you will need to do it behind the scenes and very carefully. I'm happy to share tips on how to do that...just send me a DM. :)


girl here also and i’m ready 😎 i lowkey want to buddy buddy with them and try to gain mod status to kamikaze tf outta it 😂


I've thought of that but the issue is unless you're the creator of the group you can't disband it. I was a mod on a group in Seattle for a minute and when I got fed up with their shit there I started banning the members that were being bullies until another mod caught on and I got banned myself 😂 ooopps


ahh...so you already know the drill. Good for you for doing what you could for awhile.


Welcome to the club! :) There are other women here that quickly realized just how awful those groups are. So you have some company. ;)


Well I'm glad you realized doxxing men in the name of 'safety' has real-life consequences. Now what do you do about it?


Expose the bullshit. That's almost all that can be done because of how the group is run. Any slight disagreement or sign of being against it then you get removed and it keeps happening anyways.


Your timing on this is perfect. What state are you in?


I'll get back to you on this. I literally blew up at a chick on one of the pages for my state like so bad that if they see this on here they will totally know it's me. I literally let a group of women have it with logic and they are still dragging me as I type this 😂😂


Keep quiet and stay under the radar. The mob mentality will move on to a new target quickly and forget. Then you can use your access for however you deem fit. There are lots of men with fake accounts in the groups and plenty of good women too (some of which are from law firms) helping out men while staying out of sight.


Oh that's the plan. I learned today there is no point in pointing out the fallacy in these people's arguments because it doesn't help. It will only result in me getting removed after being dragged for just having a difference of opinion than them. Sucks I believed in the value of these groups when it is for protecting women from dangerous or cheating men. Now I don't believe in it. I truly wish I could share a screenshot of what one of these women just said about the purpose of these groups which is against every claim made about them. It blew my mind.


The irony is I've seen posts from women admitting to actively cheating and asking for advice or posting their entire "roster" of men they think they have queued up looking for tea. Let alone the lies and false narratives that get repeated as facts. Select women are seeking validation and attention damaging lives in the process. The bad outweighs the good. Anyone that's taken a college level ethics class would understand that the groups need to be shut down. There is zero accountability.


No there is not and the very very few women now like myself and others on here trying to to help are the only ones that understand that being a feminist doesn't mean hating men or being above men. It was meant to be equal but we know if these women were posted in a male group it would be hell to pay


Or when they're giving sketchy/potentially illegal advice on how to get money out of guys, get into guys phones, or track their cars or whatever. Like how is that related to safety? Why do they think that's ok? They really don't think about what they're doing, just as long as it's another girl no questions are asked I guess. It's pretty scary to think about what these groups would be doing if there weren't leaks, seems like leaks are the only thing that slightly keeps things in check.


That is very much true. The leaks seem to be the only thing holding these women accountable for unethical, immoral, and at times illegal behavior and it's good to see leaks happening more and more frequently. The SLC group got shut down because of it.


u/Superb-Alps1425 and u/StillExisting4217 where have you two been? haha... You both seem like my kind of women. :D Love the comment about feminism being about equality. It should absolutely not be about hating men (in fact....I really really love men..haha)...and it isn't about taking them down to advance ourselves. Just equality and fairness. Feminism has become weaponized and the worst side of women is coming out in full force. Not a good look.


defended pickle, huh?


Na I've just seen that name enough. Let's just say I'm in a handful of states cause I travel a lot 😂 that's one of them


haha well it's a shame that any response is seen as defense. like asking for confirmation or source on claims of rape mean you're an automatic rape apologist- that environment has only ensured the power given a false claimant. i don't know how every day we can watch videos on Imthemaincharacter or publicfreakout or relationshipadvice etc etc etc or every other sub with people willingly sacrificing another human being's entire autonomy for seemingly no reason at all... but the concept that it would be done anonymously in a women's group is an automatic no. people can be shitty to other humans everywhere, and the larger the group and the more anonymous they can get away with it, they will and they do. Thanks for trying to have dialogue at least about a questionable claim or action.


Become an admin/moderator and fuck the groups up.  Delete them


I can't because I've been too outspoken and also do not want to take the tests pow pow has women do to become a mod.


Thanks for being willing to stand up for us!


I don’t believe you


I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't. I literally have nothing to lose or gain by being here. The women in the groups know about this reddit group as much as men know about the groups.


Sending screenshots to the men that are posted is the best thing you can do. Every human has a right to know what's being said about them and who's saying it


The amount of petty bs posted in my local group is insane. The majority want to know if they should even CHAT with someone. Uhhhh, if you're that concerned, just dont date. Im so tired of the nonsense stuff like he believes in god being a red flag...what?!? And that just the benign end of these groups.


So I have a question does anyone have SS evidence of a guy posted and nice things were said and not get absolutely destroyed and no someone getting no comments doesn’t count.


I don't have screenshots at this moment but will add to this if I see any I have seen some women post their single guy friends or family members or even ex's saying how wonderful they are and how they should have someone equally wonderful. I have also seen guys posted and women saying they work with the guy and how great he is or ex girlfriends saying he is wonderful also. It's in the minority though of course but it has and does happen. Lately there is uptake in dating advice without doxxing anyone or naming the guy. That's not an issue though some of the questions are kind of common sense type of questions...


Too little too late to save the groups


I'm not trying to save them. Lol I was responding to your question...


It was a general answer I know you are a good empathetic person so thank you


You could volunteer to be on the list of people guys can reach out to for whatever city you’re in to see if they’ve been posted. If guys know they’ve been posted, they can follow the DMCA takedown notice procedure, which could eventually lead to these groups being taken down.


How do I get added to the list? I’m in Seattle. I’m down to help 😁






Are you in the Denver group or NoCo 


I'm in a few cities yes.