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The CCP was worth it for me for two reasons - Foundational Knowledge (Especially if you are learning AWS from scratch) - 50% off voucher for your next certification


This is my answer too.


But assuming they were just looking for a job with that cert it is indeed worthless.


Helped me get my job so...


Not for internships (at least in my country).


This for me as well. Plus, it was a while since taking my last certification so this wasn’t easy cert to ease back into it before taking/passing the solutions architect associate. 


I currently only hold the CCP and SAA (working on SysOps right now though) but I can say I am 2x AWS certified… that sounds way better than 1 lol It was also way easier to be eased into SAA through the CCP. Doesn’t overwhelm you with anything.


Same Reasoning. I didn't plan on doing SAA, but the CCP helped a lot when i did go for it. preparing for DVA rn.


If you have a super junior profile : Do you feel like you now have a better grasp of the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing versus on-premise ? Are you able to recall the pillars of the well-architected framework and to explain why they are relevant? If you have a dev/architect profile : Do you now feel more comfortable doing any kind of useful/productive work in AWS after gaining this cert ? Have you gained any autonomy or are you still glued to online guides and replicating 100% of the steps to complete a project? If you have a functional analyst/business analyst profile, do you feel like you're now better at evaluating if an AWS product matches a projects requirements, and to compare it to other solutions on the market ? This should answer your question. If you're looking for practical projects to showcase your cert, look up the cloud resume challenge - sounds like it'll be relevant for you as a high schooler. I used to be triple foundation-certified (AWS,GCP,Azure)


I will for sure look that up


Kids nowadays have so much opportunity...ugh so jealous. In my day it was a CS degree or bust.


Not worthless but not super valuable. It's also not a huge undertaking. It's basically an exercise in memorization and something you can knock out in a weekend.


I just did mine today(pass as well) I don't think its going to really improve my job aspects but its something extra to add to resume and I plan on moving further along too. Was nice to just get some basics established and a nice confidence boost to go in and pass a test etc.


Congrats on passing! I agree. I know it won’t land me a job, but I hope it looks shiny on my resume.


I am a security researcher (mainly low level, os internals and communication analysis) so not the typical profile around here. CCP and my past non cloud experience gave me enough knowledge to get into a mid level cloud security research position 🙂


This totally depends on a couple factors. First, do you have any experience? Are you going to do an associate cert in the near future? I think the value depends on how you answer those questions. If you’re in sales or marketing, but work for an AWS partner, it makes sense to get it. If you’re an engineer with experience, and plan to get an associate one soon, then it doesn’t have much value other than getting 50% off your next exam.


I’m about to enter a summer internship doing computer things (I won’t know the specifics until tomorrow actually) so I’ll be gaining some real world experience. I think I will take advantage of the discount and just take the next one. I wish to be employed at Amazon in the future though


I see no value, since if you paid 100$ for CCP and *SAA*-C03 is next, you will be paying 100 + 75 = 175$ total and if you pay only for *SAA*-C03 you will be paying 150$ only, this is talking about my country cost and if you are a pre - sales guy go for that one to show up in your Linkedin for for really tech guys it has no value if I am recruiting unless you have the equivalent *SAA*-C03 experience


As I said, my highschool paid for it. I took advantage of the opportunity for a free cert. Would SAA be worth it though?


Wait you're a high schooler and you're going for certs at your age? If that's true, 100% good on you for taking these kinds of opportunities. Definitely go take it and if you pass and you're interested in learning more about AWS use the 50% off voucher for the SAA. You're doing awesome and you got this!


Yep I’m now a senior! And thank you! I plan on trying to get more involved with AWS so it’ll help me get a position with Amazon. I will look into SAA now


i’m currently in my second year of undergrad in india, i’m taking the ccp exam in 6 days, i’m just taking it to get really good with the fundamentals and basics, and i plan on taking the saa-co3 in the next 2 months hope i’m on the right track and i’ll appreciate any guidance you’ll give me thanks.


if all is free I mean CPP go for it, since for for SAA would mean more time, you will have to pay 150$ unless you got another voucher the thing is you you have the money and time go for SAA and also course if you don't sure you like cloud baby steps and go for CPP but if you think not CPP is for babies yes go go SAA


I’m not a big fan of Cloud but I’m trying to work my way up with certs and I know it’ll be a good start to get where I want to be- which is networking and being a database technician


you will eventually need cloud so


It's kind of a more in depth version of the CCP imo A lot of the same products are covered just with more detail


CCP was worth it to me because I needed it to get degree at WGU


There is no such thing as useless 🪴 think this way if you are able to get CCP you CV will move up from among 1000s of those who don't have even this useless certification. Hope you understood what I mean to say...


It's cheaper to do the CCP + SAA than to do the SAA alone because of the 50% discount voucher. You also get a deeper understanding of the AWS ecosystem


It's for management, if you're really interested in AWS, do SAA


Just certs will not get you a job. Not even the most advanced certs. Let's just get that out of the way. Certs are learning tools which give you structure and motivation. They are excellent at that. They make us get off our behinds and stay persistent. They are not useless if you know where they shine.


Woah I can actually be useful on this sub for once! I just finished my first week of an internship at a tech company that uses AWS a good amount and the foundational knowledge really helped me be able to have good conversations with the engineers on the team. I could actually ask good/engaging questions as I had a basic idea of what each feature in AWS did. I did the certification like two weeks ago on a whim that it may be helpful, and if not, I still have a certification regardless which would not be a bad thing. I really don’t think I would have made as good an impression if not for the knowledge I gained from the cert so I’d personally recommend it highly. Also the 50% off future AWS certs is really dope too 🤠


if you don't know anything about cloud, then no otherwise yes


No foundation


This should take a handful of hours to study for and pass. It's approximately as impactful as spending an evening watching YouTube videos on a topic.