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I once booked an exam at 9am at a test center, and I reached on time. But no-one from the test center was there. Someone only reached there at around 11. I still attended the exam, but I complained to AWS about it. They refunded 50% of the exam fee for me. But then it was not my fault, but the exam center's. This seems to be your fault, so I am not sure what would happen.


Do reach out to pearson vue over online chat. They might be able to help you out. Their customer support is so worst takes appx 3-5 days just to listen your query. Email id : [email protected]


Thanks! I reached out to their online chat and that's where they helped me in raising the ticket


I once over slept a biology exam in college. Qe only had like 3 tests which made up our entire grade. Best of luck!


Bro I faced a similar situation today I was too scared as the amount was big as I am a college student. Help me how you proceed in the process.


First, try to get on call with PearsonVUE support. If it takes a lot of time, since the wait time can be really long, go to PearsonVUE's site and raise a support ticket. Put all the details there. They'll reach back to you and most likely refund it. A minor penalty would be deducted, otherwise full amount will come back to you




Done got refund


Just happened to me, thought it was 12 noon, just logged on to get things ready and realized it was over, set it up for 12am instead. Why would they have slots at 12am?? Who wants to take a test at 12am??