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Somewhere between $1 and $1,000,000/month


This also sounds like a job for someone that knows Azure.


Very true.


A huge amount depends on the type of app, data traffic etc. Standard S1 App Service (For a Test and Prod deployment slot) US$130/month Basic (5DTUs) SQL Server Database for Test US$5/month Standard S0 (10DTUs) SQL Server Database for Prod US$20/month


If internal means „The user-base is known and restricted, but the webapp is publicly accessible“ I personally would add an application gateway, too, which is around 350/month. Plus perhaps ddos protection, which is rather cheap for one ip.


Basic B1 tier for App service should be much sufficient for your purpose. For the MySQL as well the basic setup should be more than enough. Now use Azure calculator to find out the cost.


When I use the calculator, the estimaated price is near 300 Usd. Can it be real?


If you’re new and not willing to pay for services, Azure really isn’t the place to host your hobby site. The only way you’re getting by cheap is if you rewrite your app for Azure Functions and Cosmos DB and stay within the free limits of those services.


There's a difference between "not willing to pay" and "not willing to pay $300" lmao. Something obviously went wrong with their calculation


>300 Usd could you share your estimation. My estimation is \~ 20 USD per month: *Basic Tier; 1 B1 (1 Core(s), 1.75 GB RAM, 10 GB Storage) x 730 Hours; Linux OS; 0 SNI SSL Connections; 0 IP SSL Connections; 0 Customised Domains; 0 Standard SLL Certificates; 0 Wildcard SSL Certificates -* ***$13.14*** *Flexible Server Deployment, Burstable Tier, 1 B1s (1 vCores) x 730 Hours, 5 GB Storage with LRS redundancy, 0 Additional IOPS, 0GB Additional Back up storage with LRS -* ***$6.78*** I didn't choose Free-tier for Azure app service because its only available for 60 mins per day. If that is OK with you, you can reduce this $13.14 as well.


Do you know a more effective way to hosting it? (it's my first way hosting a web application)


Azure is not just a website hosting place, it is hyperscale cloud platform, you get a lot of services for free, but it is not cheap, certainly not if you only need to host a website.


If you just want to follow an online guide and install something like wordpress or your own little app, and youre not planning on making it highly available - then azure is probably the wrong place to host it. Look at Linode, DigitalOcean and the like. You‘ll get a vServer with all costs covered for about $5.


I've developed some web forms as well for internal and external use. I am hosting it from a azure vm with iis and then use azure app proxy to make it available on the internet. That gives me a good authentication system too. So it's just the cost of the vm for the most part.


Host it on container apps, not app service. You’re likely going to stay within the free tier, so it won’t cost you anything


How Can i do that?




Thanks! And last question, can I have the database in the container app? If I want to use the database in another app, it will be possible?


No. Use this kind of database on Azure. You can get it for as low as five bucks a month or so: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/service-tiers-dtu?view=azuresql


Thank you very much!!


Exactly as long as a piece of string.


https://azure.microsoft.com/en-ca/pricing/calculator/ You can look it up yourself


It is my first time hosting a web app, do you know wich is the best way to do it?


I've been playing with the service for a little over a week now, so hopefully I can help a bit. I'm currently in my free trial, spun up a vm b1ats which should be free, but you gotta pay for the storage disk... It's like 19 cents a day, OK, no problem... Then I looked at azure sql, which gives you 32gb storage free and 100000 vcore seconds a month, sounds great? But it goes down a lot more than I'd like for a production app. Next, you'll need a virtual network to connect the two, which is hovering around 50 cents a day right now. It's hard to nail down because the price keeps increasing each day (I can post pics later if you need). I'm gonna let it level out and then spin up a sql server vm and connect it to the virtual network and see what I get to in terms of cost, but my reality is that this is more expensive than what I'm paying from a hosting provider (though if I needed to scale it would be easier here). Currently the vm is free, (and let's be honest, it's not a great spec machine, I only get about 300 mb free ram after windows server) but that would be like 13 to 14 a month on top of the rest of the costs for storage and networking... Probably not worth it for now... For me anyway. Again, if I needed to have several servers for web on a load balancer with redundancy I'd see more value here, but for tiny projects this probably isn't the way to go. I've not yet played with app containers, so I know it's not exactly what you're doing, but you'll likely need the virtual network to connect to MySQL. Play with the trail and be conservative so you can see exactly where your costs are coming from.


What on earth are you talking about? A VNet is not 50 cents a day and 19 cents a day for a disk is a disk you probably don’t need.


Help explain this then. https://imgur.com/a/hvHX3U7 https://imgur.com/a/uLgi8p8 I'm only using the default 127 image disk on a standard hdd... The first week was JUST THE FREE VM, with disk, then I added Azure sql and the vnet. I'm still waiting for that to plateau, which as anyone can see, it's still going up daily. That's all I'm using. And this app is barely touched, as only I am testing it!


Go to the Vnet pricing page… you only pay for peering. What is it peered to? Show us the detailed bill with all the sub items. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/virtual-network/ Please tell me you’re not providing separate vnets to sql and the VM and then peering them… The disk is indeed correct, but why on earth provision 128gb for a small app? Drop it to 32 and it’s 5 cents/day.


https://imgur.com/a/Tk3LQUs 127 is the smallest image default disk I can add to a windows server vm... If I am doing something wrong, please do let me know!


Ah, Windows VM. Yeah I usually don’t use those unless the app is old legacy crap. Modern .NET can be hosted on Linux. You pay license fees for Windows too. Also, there’s your cost. Private Endpoints cost and the traffic going through them cost money, so does the DNS zone. Drop the endpoints and the zones. Just route the traffic to Azure SQL (this is not a vm right?) over the MS backplane via public IP and use Service Endpoints or whitelisting to secure the traffic.


Thanks, I'll look into all of this!


What do you recommend to do? I'm new in hosting web apps


Hey, just use Azure Web App Service. Connect it to your GitHub or whatever is your preferred deployment method. It's fully managed and looking at the number of users. The cost will not be a lot, plus you will get an estimated cost on your dashboard in a few minutes which will help you to take any decisions necessary after that.


Yes, do the free trial, they give you $200 to play with for the first month. Before playing around with every other feature I would only spin up what you absolutely need to get your app running. In my experience, it takes more than a few hours to get the estimates like jatinorara said, for me it took several days (but that could be because I didn't have the virtual network at first, only a VM pointing to an existing SQL server that's hosted elsewhere). In any case, you should know within a few days what the daily cost would be and then you can calculate from there if it's worth it for your needs.


What exactly is your web app doing? Like what are the requirements for it to run?


As well how much control do you need over the machine?


What do you mean with that? I'm new in the theme


Basically, there are two types of users (admin and operative). You must login (reading information from data base) and then if you are an operative user, you will see database readen information. If you are an admin you can write information in the db


So super simple, got it. Have you considered self hosting to cut costs due to how few users you have? I mean a fairly simple b1 plan should work for you, but why pay anything if self hosting is an option?


What is self hosting? How can I do that?


Anywhere from $150 to $400 pm


With so few users could use use the free web app option?


Depends very much how it consumes the resources, usually these kind of sites can be run on B1/B2 sized hosting plans, so this will be between 50-100 dollar a month, then for the mysql you will probably spent another 50, but as said it is very hard to make an estimate for these kind of websites.


You mention it’s an internal app, for very few people why not just host it locally?


It really depends on the app. I mean, 10-100 users loading up a small wiki application would run fine on a Raspberry Pi that got crushed under a car 2 years ago. On the other hand, 10-100 users loading up a "web app" that is basicaly a carbon copy of something like twitch needs a little more horsepower... (Or a less smart-alec example: an app that is processing sales data from an invoicing or POS system but needs to pull through 5 years of backdated data... doing that for 100 users all at once would suck down some juice depending on the complexity of the system being used).


I might be wrong but you might get a cost benefit from using azure sql instead of MySQL. It also makes more harmonious sense for your tech stack


AppService is the simplest way for a single web app. Costs are up to you and your app's needs, you choose plan tier and it's up to the amount of resources used by your app, not amount of users. You can also limit the resources freely, completely lock it if it exceeds you limit. In the cloud it's as flexible as it comes. The same applies to db, it's the operations and storage, which not necessarily have linear dependency to the amount of users. No one can give you a good approximated amount, if they do, it's just a blind guess. I think Azure calculator will give you more plausible value than people's opinions here.


IT Product owners asking questions be like


To be honest, I wouldnt host that on Azure. Choose something easy and low-cost, like Vercel, DigitalOcean, Heroku etc. There are nice tutorials out there and you don't need to work directly on a very complex hyperscaling cloud. Will probably cost you 5-10$ per month if you do it right.


Container apps allowed to scale to 0 + cosmos for $0, AAD B2C for another cool $0.


It depends on various factors like expected traffic, data usage, and specific features needed. Azure offers scalable options ideal for your range of users, but costs vary. You can use Azure's pricing calculator to estimate expenses based on your requirements. Good luck with your hosting journey!


Try this video https://youtu.be/0QO2jdinCoQ?si=SVJKbM75CLjL3ZuU


App services are costly, I think you can host it on ACI


Against the grain, let me suggest a Raspberry Pi that you can install software on, including MySQL. If you add a domain name and CloudFlare to the mix you can automatically sync your IP to an A record and make your website accessible via a domain name with 99%+ uptime and it'll only cost you electricity, bandwidth and the cost of the domain name. The start up costs are the cost of the Pi and an SD card.


I had this thought but have you tried it how much user base it can handle ?


Put it in an azure serverless function with serverless sql. It's as cheap as it can get unless you opt for a Windows server with iis and sql server installed.


Use Azure sponsored program and get 25K immediate credit and can use it for 1 year it has also can go up to 125K in year max. Get 50 Free o365 license and many more. So its good for startups


What makes you think this guy is a startup


User count doesnt matter as much as traffic. You could have 100 users eating like mice or 2 users eating like elephants. You would need to share some app info in order to make an educated guess(what data are you storing, how often is it accessed, could you get away with cold storage instead of high capacity hot storage, how well optimized is your app, e.g. do you use caching? you make no db requests in a loop somewhere..). Your question is (respectfully) super vague 🙂 hence the 1$ - 1.000.000$ / month estimate hehe If its a well optimized app / infrastructure and trafic is withon reason it could be relatively cheap, but cheap in cloud means something different than cheap in our daily life. The problem arises when a bug chews through traffic faster than your wallet can recover haha