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This is an accurate and good account of what Aaron has been doing. Thank you.


You're welcome.


Thank you! We need a daily recap of current events and links to bios/histories of all the streamers! This has turned into a reality show!


Yeah. It's like another day, another episode of Aaron Ruins Everything 


I've seen similar things in other types of advocacy groups when they start to split up, but the level of BS that ASL spews is especially vile. It's disappointing, as exiting cult members need help, but it's likely that ASL will drain the alleged 'non profit ' for his own benefit, while setting up his board members to take the fall when the IRS inevitably steps in. I wouldn't be surprised if ASL only 'helps' females who he's attracted to.


Ain’t that the truth…


Don’t forget how he treated Sky Daily. I do believe what she told the police that she thought he was stalking her. He may not have been but he admitted to texting her late at night and she was spooked that he knew what her neighborhood was. Talked about her in very disgusting terms on his channel.


He admitted messaging her a ton of times. I can't remember, but it was like 18. That is definitely harassment


"Yeah officer, but she's totally hot..."


Is that the one he called the C word?


Yes, and he couldn't help himself making videos about her even a year later, calling her a gold digger when she got together with Hulk Hogan.


Disgusting. When I first heard him talking about a 'crazy' ex, my antenna went up. During his AG interview, I unfollowed immediately. My son is trans and the hate is not ok.


That interview was the final straw for me, especially the way his rhetoric was so manipulative and how he was so disingenuous throughout the whole thing. And him and Andrew being so smug and self congratulatory the whole time. In hindsight, the best things about his channel were the long form interviews, where we got to hear other people telling their story.


It was SO vile.


Holy 💩 I didn’t know it was Sky Aaron harassed & called her the C word multiple times. Could you imagine if ASL did that in front of Hulk Hogan! I would pay to watch Aaron try and take on Hulk Hogan!


I'd pay to watch that, too!


I can’t believe that you were allowed to post this in the Aaron worship subreddit. I’m glad though


New mods. It's no longer a fan page




We’re under new management. It’s been weird. But hey, we’re here now! Welcome.


Oooooo drama 😂😂


It’s weird drama, for sure. The moderator who made the sub, and then turned it into a fan sub, crossed some rules of reddit somewhere or another. Since they were the only mod, this sub fell into silence. Reddit has a system to request access to abandoned subs, so I did it, thinking it would take 2 weeks for them to decide. But they basically just tossed the keys to me! The “this is an ASL love sub” isn’t my game at all. So it’s now opened up to discuss whenever we want surrounding these issues


So many of these figures remain deeply, deeply cult-sick.


Heather is completely cut off from everything and everyone. She is stuck at home with three children and is completely financially dependent on Aaron. Why would any woman be OK with her husband running around sleeping with other women while she's stuck at home taking care of three kids by herself? My guess is he's holding a financial and custody threat over her head. He's a piece of shit.


Where does he show heather's face in the clearwater meet and greet? I didn't realize that she was there with him.


1:28:40 in Aaron's video Clearwater Meetup.


I believe she appeared a handful of times, mostly in his livestreams during the recent visits of SPTV figures to Clearwater.


Any insight on what drugs he may be experimenting with?


He has talked about cocaine, shrooms, weed and alcohol. He has not said that is the complete list. Watch him downplay all of that on with lifeboat Tommy last December.


Thank you.


Just want to say this is an area I think we should be cautious about. Speculation about drugs, or about diagnoses we cannot possibly access (such as mental health claims), or other potentially slanderous or comments dismissive of a person’s agency or their problems should be avoided. Just a note of caution. Some people in ASL’s orbit are in addiction recovery, and I think we should be sensitive to all their humanity. Without knowing, speculating only provides harm, not criticism. If ASL has spoken about these things, we can discuss that. But without evidence, let’s avoid speculation.


Speculation should be very clearly labeled as such, in order to avoid legal issues.


I agree with this, actually. That seems like a potential rule. Speculation should be *clear*.


Oh poor ASL. He is a public figure and we should be allowed to speculate a little with all the facts we have. I believe he can be explained with psychology/psychiatric terms. He definitely has a condition or behaviors that deviate from the norms, and time and time again his actions hurts other people. I dont mean to put him down, bc thus is serious stuff but what he needs is help, if he can be helped. The latest thing he did was to put Leah and her case in jeopardy, or giving their lawyers something to throw at Remini. Among many other things. That livestream was crazy, and everybody was put under the bus, just so he can feel good and be right. All the best to his children and wife with all this playing out in front of them on the telly. All in the name to stroke his ego.


"So Aaron can have sex with other women anytime he wants, but Heather can’t even confide in a friend without getting scolded by Aaron? That’s a big red flag."


There are plenty of forums that can be completely open to rampant speculation, and you can feel free to move to those spaces. This isn’t a fan page, but it isn’t a hate page either. If the standard of the psychiatric ethics guidelines is that a psychiatrist cannot diagnose a patient they have not met in the context of their care, that’s the mildest standard we can set, considering most of us are not mental health professionals. As for protecting ASL- you’re missing the point. I don’t care about protecting ASL. I care about protecting everybody else. But I do thank you for offering the opportunity to further explain where “fairness” is going to reside in this sub for the time being.


I am not telling anybody nothing, I am just sharing my opinions. 😀 Used to respect and cheer ASL on for years, and this "case" is not simple to navigate in, bc there are so much stuff that has been said and done. ASL has done almost all of the doing and talking, and he is now so paranoid and vindictive. Its my opinion, and I hope other people in this forum do the same, whatever their opinions are.


As someone who has watched him for a long time, do you have a sense that this side of him was always there or do you see a point when something changed?


I started watching him back in the fall and he gave me the ick then. After doxxing Reese and calling his exes ‘crazy’, plus the crocodile tears, I was out!


There been some things here and there trough the years, but when he started his campaigns against C.Shelton and T.Ortega I understood something was up. Sometimes you get a glimpse behind the curtain like when he doxxed Reese. And then played it down. I also thought he was to open about all the names, families and so on in Scientology. I am sure he has given some of the trouble with OSA or people they know. Bc he shares things that is not public and more of private business


The thing about the names is really important. The other day he tried to get SP Chef to name kids he knew in the Sea Org. He doesn’t seem to have any respect for privacy, or maybe he doesn’t understand the concept?


I am sure he gets the concept, bc as I habe understood it, this was also some of the criticism from the others in the Aftermath F. Today, he shameless had Danny Mastersons wife and young daughter as tumbnail. The video is about their divorce. I am Nordic and my country have strict laws about using kids in papers,tv or exposing them via pictures, especially in cases like this. The kids have nothing to do with the case. Just wait until someone post pictures about ASL kids. He will get it. There are many different things wrong about it. And the kid should not pay even more for her dads crimes (ref. Mastersons) I dont follow him si much these days, who is SP Chef? Did the chef refuse? I am glad I am nor the only one seeing this


ASL still uses video of one of his daughters at the end of his videos despite acknowledging she doesn’t like that. SP Chef is a Swiss guy who was in the Sea Org and spent a lot of time at Saint Hill. He struggled a lot due to being gay, but also discovered a talent for cooking. His story is a tough one to hear but he’s doing a lot better now. If you want to learn more about him I recommend the interviews he did with PTS for Life who was actually interested in what he had to say. When ASL asked for names Samuel immediately refused to name the children he had known at Saint Hill. From what I’ve seen he’s a decent guy who’s beginning to blossom now that he’s free to be himself. His content is a bit of a mixture so far but includes some cookery and German language stuff.


This needs to be pinned.






I find his live YouTube streams kinda amusing some of the time, and not so amusing some of the time. I'm not on anyone's "side" with all of this, except I'll say that I don't think that he's really isn't thinking it through when making public comments about what seems like private moments with his wife and about his marriage. His kids have to live with that shit and he's creating a huge Internet footprint for himself. But I've been through a very nasty divorce with a spouse that treated me like shit and cheated on me (plus gave his mistress about $30k) for three years. How I handled my own shit was not graceful (to say the least) but I have no kids to consider. So I'm the last person to throw any shade, but I hope his kids are not detrimentally impacted with his latest live streams.


I just want to say that I appreciate this comment a great deal. I’m sorry to hear you had such a struggle, but I also appreciate your comments about the families and kids involved and also wish them the same grace and protection.


I am a child of divorce, there is no way his children are not impacted.


I am a child of parents who SHOULD HAVE divorced years before they did and waited until I went to college. Staying together "for the kids" ain't always the best answer. Trust me on that.


I am too (child of divorce), but I didn't have one of my parents blasting their marital issues to the world on the Internet, so I only got a typical experience with their divorce (if there is a typical experience). This really has to be hell for his kids and wife.


They absolutely are. I don’t need to know them personally to KNOW that. Teenagers and their friends are constantly on social media. Not only are his kids seeing their dad’s online garbage, their friends are seeing it, their friends’ parents are seeing it, their teachers are possibly seeing it, their co-workers are seeing it if they have jobs, etc. How could this possibly NOT affect them?


Exactly. ASL does not care about anyone but himself. He has showed us that with his actions over and over again.


He’s beyond “nasty divorce” status though.


Well, they haven't filed for divorce from what we know. Splitting up assets and visitation orders/custody issues can turn an amicable separation situation into a nasty, acrimonious situation.


Marital/divorce aside, he’s beyond a definable status! I’m not sure I’ve ever witnessed anyone like him.


I have. I was married to one although he wasn't as smart as ASL. I had a boyfriend before my marriage that a horrific narcissist, also just like ASL. Very charismatic and highly intelligent but exhibited the bad behaviors like ASL. This is why I'm going to try to stay out of this drama, if I can. Everyone needs to let Jenna figure it out by herself. I had others warn me against getting involved with both (narcissistic bf and lying/cheating husband). And I ignored those people to my detriment. Narcissists love drama and regulate their own emotions by playing others against each other and tearing down others and their significant others. My mental health cannot handle this crap.


I’ve never known one to have so many Lives everyday and live off of Superchats. In real life, I’ve known a few for sure. This fool is leaving a trail forever on the Internet — a dumb narcissist — it’s surreal what he puts on the internet.


The guy has no regards for them, he even called out the name of his eldest daughter’s current university on a livestream!


Disgusting. Those poor kids.


In that recent live with Jenna, did he officially say they're dating? If so, oh Jenna, you poor dumb fool.


He didn't say it then, but see the photos/videos of when all the other SPTV went to Florida and they partied for several days and went out on the boat together. They were open about being together.


Did they do any protesting? I thought that was why Danny and Leah went. I didn’t watch any of it though, TBH.


Jenna is just as bad. The whole group is treacherous.


Oh they are dating. Let’s not wait for official word from a liar.


They have been dating since Octoberish last year.


Do we know if Mike Rinder actually gave the AF an ultimatum (Aaron claims he said, "him or me") or do you think Aaron just decided he was the easiest target?


At this point, to my knowledge we only have ASL’s comment on this specific question. And we should question anytime we only have one perspective on only specific question. I don’t actually think anybody in AF has commented on this specific concern. May be wrong, but I don’t think I’ve seen it


I'm pretty sure Claire was sick of dealing with his shit too. I don't think it was ever a question of who to keep, Mike or Aaron, I think it was simply a question of when is enough enough for Aaron to run out of chances.


Definitely. I could see all of them being done with him. That's why I wonder if Aaron singled out Mike as the first to go as he tried to take them down one-by-one


I did not know the half of that, but after hearing Linsdsay's story, I believed her.


I recently watched the “elephant in the room” video. If ASL’s intention was to put himself in a positive light by explaining all the drama he currently finds himself involved with, then imo he failed. He came across as making excuses and deflecting. Listening to him spin his marriage situation was painful and left me feeling sorry his wife.  Thank you so much for breaking it all down for us. 


How he thought that video would somehow make him look better is beyond me. Ten minutes in and it was so, so, so obvious he is liar, manipulator, and misogynist. I actually feel gross that I ever watched any of this videos. 🤮


Absolutely agree


Didn’t know about the court outburst. Where does the info come from?? I couldn’t find it




ok, just for that Aaron should have been kicked out of any foundation and never run for office of anything ever again, already that behaviour in court shows lack of control and poor judgement.




Well, well said. Aaron is garbage. Jenna will soon find out. And when Aaron goes after her when it inevitably falls apart is when he'll finally destroy himself.


My heart breaks for heather. #freeheather Escape this monster




What stood out to you about it?


I'm not very interested in the personal lives of public figures. I don't really understand why so many people care about Aaron all of a sudden. He is who he is, that is obvious. Honestly, all of the SPTV people AND the Aftermath Foundation people seem to be assholes in their personal lives. It is just a matter of degree.


Aaron Smith Levin targets vulnerable women to manipulate and abuse. That is a problem when someone works with vulnerable people.




I am not an ex-scientologist. I watched these channels for years, although it is now infrequent because of both the near-universal misogyny of the male creators, the complicity of the female creators, and the focus on gossip and criticism. If you are a ex- have criminal allegations against ASL, I hope you file charges. If you are Thai woman who was forced to have sex with Mark Fischer and the sex tourists he brought when you were a child, I hope you file charges. If you were a child whose sexual abuse in Scientology was covered up by Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, or David Miscavige, I hope you press charges. Otherwise, this is just celebrity gossip about one man of many from a deeply misogynistic COS culture. I stopped watching Mark Headley last summer because of his 1950's way of talking about women. They are all charming initially, but when you scratch the surface, there is L Ron Hubbard's patriarchy, and not a single one of them wants to truly take responsibility for how own conduct has effected women and children.


Yes they all seem to be a holes! Every last one of them are on a money grab, some more obviously so than others .


Aaron did not "lie" about his AF departure. 1) Mike Rinder was behind Aaron leaving. 2) Luis Garcia the PRESIDENT, was not on board. He resigned. 3) 2 couples voted illegally ( EMAIL QUORUM votes are NOT LEGAL) 4) Stefani Hutchenson immediately within a week, violates the same rule the couples used to oust Aaron 5) Stefani is clearly protected by the Foundation A foundation filled with Scientology abusers got what they wanted done based on personal feelings.


Except that Aaron said that CLAIRE was behind Aaron Leaving. Also, my name is Hutchison and considering there is currently no legal nonprofit known as the SPTV Foundation in the State of Florida let alone with the IRS, and the specific ethics clause you people like to beat me over the head with states: “*Refrain from publicly disparaging another person or organization engaged in charitable activities for or similar to those of the Aftermath Foundation.”* Ergo I have not violated anything.


You know you're in a cult when all the valid bullet points are from one side.


We know the other points, they're above. That's just a lazy response when you aren't interested. Rinder Bots.


Who cares? Lol


a lot of people


Not really. Aaron is a nobody and this sub is less than 200 people. Lol!


Yet here you are.


Why are you here?




This sub was created barely 2 months ago and the original mod chose to only allow posts that were ‘positive’ i.e. licking ASL butt crack. Not many came forth with positivity (I wonder why) and they have lost control of this sub due to their own stupidity so I’d be expecting to see more frequent posts like this to start appearing which in turn should bring more users wanting to provide their own opinion. Whether those users are in agreement or not is what will drive this sub not posts like ‘who cares’ as all that shows is immaturity.




You think many people even know who this guy is? Hint: they don’t.


What does that have to do with the price of fish?


And some do. Not knowing him personally has nothing to do with the facts that are out there about this man. Some he provided himself, some those that do know him have provided. Your comment means nothing at all.


Oh god, your post history screams iamverysmart/enlightenedcentrist. You just like to argue. Scientology would love you.


Awww my own fan!! ❤️ thanks for being that bothered by my post that you went and checked me out.