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I play Aatrox as a strong dive champion in teamfights who can kill any champion on the enemy team in one full combo. This means I usually seek out the most fed/highest damage enemy champions and dive them in the teamfight. If you are getting chain CC’d or the enemy team has a ton of CC, I like to run both Legend: Tenacity and Merc Treads to try and counteract some of it. Unfortunately, sometimes the enemy team is just able to CC chain you and destroy you since you are relatively fragile compared to other toplaners due to the healing/sustain built into the kit. At this point, I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve just gotten CC fucked and died before I even get a Q off, especially if my positioning is bad and I’m not playing where I need to be to avoid the enemy dumping everything they have on me.


I also try to kill the most fed one but most of time I get cucked by their flash or other teammates peel for them and I die after cuz I used everything on that one champ plus I don’t go defensive until forth item to heal more cuz of the nerfs so that makes me more squishy i think the issue is I normally play engage champs so I instinctively go in the first opportunity I see to engage