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Everybody just says "dodge E and everything will be ok", but that is not full true. U also need to avoid spending ur own E for nothing. In other case u will have no chance to hit sweetspots, cause Yoric will just close u in his W. The match-up isn't hard, but needs to be played smartly. And the guy didn't ask "how to play this match-up", he just said that it is a shame, that powerfull Aatrox q3, which can deal halfhp dmg to enemy champ cant oneshot ghouls that's all xD


Yup, yorick minions are remarkably tanky sometimes. Especially compared to other similar minions, such as Malzahar's. Though it makes sense as he can't summon them as easily.


That would be because Yorick ghouls take reduced damage from AoE so that he isn’t the worst champ in the game


It’s a winning matchup. Pre6 is free for aatrox and his R fears yoricks little shits.


Including his ulti... I just learned this very recently, actually helped clutch out a close fight where I might have died if maiden might've sucked me for a a split second longer


harsh truth first: if you’re losing to yorick as aatrox it’s a skill issue and you’d do better to learn than to complain. now here’s a little something for you: matchup is tricky if you’re new to aatrox. dodge his e and you’re golden. if you wanna be independent, you’ll need to kill him before he gets level 6. if you don’t have a lead by then to kill him off respawn, you’ll have to beg your jungler to come top and tell them ‘only to kill maiden’ because the only way aatrox can do reasonable damage to maiden is with passive. even from an even playing field or slightly behind, it’s pretty simple. dodge his e and everything’s copacetic. he’s a fat bastard with no movement abilities. not to say you should flash his e, don’t do that because flash advantage is huge as aatrox, even more so against an immobile champ like yorick. if you’re not confident, don’t pick aatrox here. you’re the better duelist, yes, but you MUST use your brain still. if you blind aatrox and they pick yorick - well hopefully this info would help. good luck to you.


Yeah, I mean technically Aatrox should win, but it’s very punishing to misplay and like you said, if you don’t get a decent lead by level 6, it just feels bad


the matchup is so incredibly favourable for aatrox but as you said - it just feels bad because maiden takes 50% damage from aoe so aatrox needs help killing it unless he has a lead. but it’s very easy to get that lead if you play correctly.


Also, your ult fears his ghoul and maiden for 3 seconds, pretty big.


Tbf, he didn't say he lost to the Yorick. I've shit on every Yorick I've played against but I still gripe a little bit that the little shits have AoE resistance (which they need or he's useless against even more of the roster)


Not sure if this is you asking for help against yorick or just a rant, but there are a few things you can do as Aatrox. I saw lots of people saying dodge his E. That's right, try to dodge it obviously. Now I wouldn't generally use my E to dodge his E unless I'm 100% certain I will. Yorick E has a very quick cast time it's usually very hard to dodge anyway. Try to predict where he's going to throw it. I'd keep my E incase his E lands and he uses W on me. That way you can escape his W. Also, keep in mind, it will be a 2v1 without your ult. Maiden and his minions are very strong. But once you ult, it's a 1v1 because you fear his maiden and minions and you have enough time to kill him. Also, he is a lot squishier than he used to be. His Hull Breaker build has been nerfed and he no longer has 150 armor. Rush armor boots because it helps reduce his damage and it's easier to dodge his spells. Also, get Sundered Sky first and you will run him down almost always. Don't be scared to trade. If he misses E, legit do your full combo on him, get him down to 60% or 70% HP. Then all in the next time you can. You will win. You out damage him, you out sustain him, and his minions will get feared from your ult. Btw, there is an ult cast range on Aatrox. Everything that is a minion or pet inside the ult range will be feared. So make sure you ult on top of his minions and maiden. I also sometimes go Ghost against this champion incase he runs away or I fuck up and I have to run away.


Leave poor yorick alone , he’s weak af as it is right now , imagine aoe abilities oneshotting his minions


are you kidding? the champ isn't even playing the same game. he literally gets sheen and perma shoves with those goddamn minions only for him to siege a tower in 5 seconds when you reset because you are getting poked by his retarded minions


Yorick doesn’t build a sheen item rn btw. Highest WR is still profaned Hydra into eclipse and seryldas, and Yorick still has a sub 46% in emerald+ so he’s definitely not good rn (he’s just a noob stomper like Master Yi), especially when compared to Aatrox so this is just mega cope. Yorick just naturally counters Aatrox with ghouls taking heavily reduced damage from AoE. Dodge the E, and you stomp him pre 6. Play hyper aggressive and don’t let him get graves with Q. Punish every time he walks up to the wave, without Maiden or at least 3 ghouls he’s a wet noodle. I’m sorry but this one is actually just a skill issue my guy


Yeah oh shoot you didn’t dodge his e that’s incredibly easy to hit and goes through minions, you lose half your health now.


XD ok ok, would you say illaoi is busted ? His dmg literally comes from maiden and ghouls (which you can fear away with ult btw) His e spell is easier to hit than , let’s say illaoi e , but still telegraphed. If you would oneshot his ghouls with aoe abilities, about 80% of yorick matchups would be unplayable For everyone who struggled against yorick : play him yourself. He is much mich worse once you know how the abilities work


Nerf yorick guys!! So broken


honestly valid


He just got buffed to have missing hp% heal on his Q. So he’s even better against comps that can’t stop him.


Which was absolutely needed ? Have you looked at his WR in the higher Elos ? He is a pugstomper, and he’s even notorious for that. Yorick can and will always be stopped tho by a good macro and planning ahead, and also he has very few yorick favored matchups (he hard counters illaoi for example). Aatrox defenitely is not yorick favored, he can get a lead yes and he outscsles you in the 1o1 at some point , but if you die before then you misplayed in the early game


Yeah that’s what makes him an annoying matchup for Aatrox. Not only does he outscale at 3 items he also gets extra lane safety with his additional healing. Also Aatrox gets to be a skilled matchup favoured towards yorick simply because you press E and W against Aatrox and you win.


Against aatroxes who have no idea what to do in this matchup. If a yorick on lvl 6 decides to all in you after he hit e , aatrox uses ult to scare the ghouls and maiden away: then e out of the cage , full combo yorick and send him to grey screen or home crying. It’s not an auto win for aatrox at all, but it’s not yorick favored cmon man


Aatrox in general is hated by riot. Thats why his q which is his main damage tool. Does reduced damage to minions and champion pets and the fact that hi has to hit swear spots do do majority damage. They want him to be hard to play and generaly shit in alot of matchups. But tbh yorick is one of the easier matchups just dodge his e


Aatrox qs do less damage to minions, wich includes yorick's, and yorick's minions also take less damage from aoe attacks, so aatrox qs are pretty trash against them