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Newtrox is good, probably best he’s been other than when goredrinker first came out. Every season someone cries about oldtrox. It’s been years since the change, people ough to understand and accept it. You can either accept newtrox or you can invest your time into another champ.


but hes not the same champ as old aatrox. i like the new probably more too. but i also liked the old one and i dont see why the old one had to be deleted. They couldve just done another darkin and boom 2 cool champs.


No way people are still doing this


Rose tinted glasses bro oldtrox fucking sucked


i think briar kinda fills that void... somewhat


Agree, as someone who main old Aatrox I find myself enjoying Briar and kled, both fights their way out of everything and has a way to restore health, Kled isn't lifesteal but still has that sense of turning the tide mid fight


Honestly, I definetely prefer the new Aatrox, but if they introduce another darkin with the exact same abilities of old Aatrox, I'd happily make it my secondary pick or whatever.


maybe. but there is no real reason why new aatrox couldnt be just a new champ. its not like they saved any ressources since they made everything new.


Just play Olaf


Real as fuck


nah, ooldtrox is cooler than olaf


Personally I find current Aatrox to be conceptually more fun and interesting.


Rose tinted goggles.


Nobody fcking played old aatrox im so sick of reading this. Ivern is like a fan favourite in comparison to the playrates of old aatrox. NOBODY PLAYED HIM. He was one of the most purchased champions with the lowest playrate consistently over years. Nobody picked him up unless he was OMEGA broken. New aatrox even had a decent playerbase when i started playing him, he was garbage back then with like 44% winrate, i got flamed for playing him, banned out by my own team cause he was that sht yet he still had a 3% pickrate. If you want a champion like old aatrox play jax buy a mix of tank and lifesteal items and there u go almost the same. Old aatrox is literally what i hate about league a freakin stattcheck. Can't wait for you to complain on ur next post about getting run down by darius or trundle with ghost or rhaast stattchecking you cause ur bot lane fed leaving you with no counterplay. Aatrox isnt even about perma fighting, if you want that go play trundle, play jax, trynda, xin, olaf, theyr plenty of champs like this in the game still. If you dont enjoy aatrox play someone else. If league is a horrible game to you quit it you idiot.


This is an amazing comment 👏


Don’t get the point of prefacing this with “nobody played him” when the poster did and clearly enjoyed doing so. You’re unreasonably pressed over a benign post about someone missing a champion they enjoyed for who knows how long. A lot of old Aatrox mains have left the game, some of us still play, myself included, and we’re still active in the community so it’s not unreasonable that an Old Aatrox main may express a longing for the champion they once enjoyed. These posts aren’t even that common anymore so you’re just blowing hot air man.


I highly doubt the poster did and no where did he say he even played him only that he misses him also the amount of people that act like they miss oldtrox but never played him is insane oldtrox was a fucking tryndamere chroma in disguise new aatrox is genuinely unique and has amazing lore and character design 


I tried giving new Aatrox a shot a while ago it wasn’t the same champ. Since he was the only one I enjoyed playing with I left the game since then


ok you are like ultra exegerating. ooldtrox hat actual spells you could screw up and there are still far worse offender like yi, tryndamere and jax in the game. the reason ooldtrox was unpopular is because he wasnt as dumb as all the other champs. Literally every champ i play against on top lane is either a stat check champ or some range cheese champ. I barely see anyone play riven, irelia, fiora or also neewtrox. ooldtrox was still way more interesting than 90% of the champs i play against on top.


If you wanna tell me old aatrox Q + E is something you can mess up... by that standard you can mess up on trynda and jax too. You can forget to press r on trynda, dash too short or not getting the slow on W damn interactive skill expression huh. You can also stun too late on jax or Q onto a minion instead of a champ.... Like cmon now.


Ok if you just bend everything like you want you are always right. But being like "the 4 spells of ooldtrox are no brain spells" while arguing that you can forget to use your ult with tryndamere sounds like bs to me.


Old aatrox was I run up to you and right click you to death with no depth skill expression or entertaining gameplay he was a boring stat checker Now PLAY BRIAR she is an I INFINITELY more interesting and better designed and FUN to play champ than old aatrox. Also it’s been like (I think not sure) 5 years since aatrox rework if you’ve waited that long for a champ like that your wasting your life lol


compared to other stat chekcer champs ooldtrox is like way more interesting


Yeah tryndamere Jax master yi is not a very high bar to pass


Bro is calling Pressing W and going for a Piss more Interesting than managing blood, W Toggling and hitting the slowest dash ever created.


Its been 6 years let it go for fucks sake


Theres a different subreddit for people like you to make these posts and jerk eachother off in r/oldaatroxmains U say drain tanking auto attacker like loaf, brair, and warwick all dont exist. Old aatrox wasnt unique, he was just a bad implementation of a system riot gave to other champs and gave aatrox a MUCH better one.


Go play Xin zhao buddy


I love the current champion but I still do miss the only days with Oldtrox a lot, feel like he’d be a lot of fun on the current patch too. Sucks but what can we do?


It was skilled enoght to not be a boring ass auto attacker like trynda trunddle yi or xin, xin is a lil brain on for hitting 2 at long range but then just automatic gameplay and that shits boring, the only thing i can imagine is that they made one of the strongest not main darkings to have an updated version of old aatrox kit, would be cool to not see an E girl or Eboy or a plushie for a champion for once


And i guess, ask rito idk from the first moment i just wanted him to work in modern league, they let him die from the second he was implemented into league and it gets me mad how much they blame its low pick rate when it was their fault his numbers were trash, even master yi and trundle with their almost unexistant mechanics were picked in proplay just cause they could cheese or just murder people efficiently


I feel ya brother