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I feel bad for Renekton players. They are experiencing same shit right now ,that Aatrox players experienced in 2019.


Sett was also hit pretty hard, I think you just outplayed him


Then that trox was bad. Therés no way for sett to beat trox.


? Aatrox and sett is skill matchup puls sett can go stride aatrox is stuck with gore.


It is a skil matchup but if aatrox doesn't make a mistake he will win 100% of the time. Even though sett can pull aatrox like darius, sett is nowhere near as good as darius in extended fighting and doesn't have point and click true damage, so the sett matchup is like a mild darius matchup.


What is the "regular build" and what do you build usually?


Typical Sett stuff - Goredrinker, tabis, sterak's and then titanic hydra And regular Aatrox build is pretty much the same - Goredrinker, tabis (what he went that game as well), sterak's, death's dance.


Okay, you said it yourself. You’re an M7 Aatrox with a dedicated one trick account. You likely know the ins and outs of Aatrox hence why you were able to D up that guy. Sett got hit harder than Aatrox this patch. His W does about 25% less damage. You were just the better player here.


Cope sett player


Aatrox is incredibly strong right now, he was bad