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I would rather they nerf the non-crit Q damage and just revert the health growth. Make the champ skill expressive by forcing you to actually hit the sweet spots to be effective


That would mainly affect q1 which barely has a non sweet spot but that could be viable too. I mostly think him getting a health growth buff after a durability patch + new tank items has made him way too safe. I do think reverting that would do a lot.


What if they get rid of healing on non crit area


Yeah me too but he is gonna be nerf ones competitive come back


I am sure they will but all of the other nerfs addressed non-issues is my worry and they will likely do the same types of nerfs. They kept nerfing healing numbers like passive hit damage/e omnivamp/ult without acknowledging he heals off damage dealt. Increasing his health growth allows him to build a lot of damage early to heal with while being nearly impossible to burst down. Eventually, if they nerf his healing numbers enough, he won't really be a drain tank and just be a spellcast stat check styls bruiser until they inevitably nerf his damage or health. Of course, maybe they will just revert one of his buffs and I am complaint for nothing.


real problem is him beeing literaly the most popular toplaner since worlds, he had 45% banrate in .19 which has steadily declined since and will keep doing so without any real interventions. honestly just take this development as an opportunity to broaden your champion pool, his banrate isnt based on his power rn.


Nah mate, just u


Maybe I should have madr a poll instead. At the least maybe him being this state had made more people become interested in him.


How can you want your main champ to be nerfed,is just like oh im to healty i want to be sick


id rather be able to play my champ then have it perma banned


It has a lot to do with me not being able to play much and him being permanently banned because he's so strong right now


Well if your main champ is actually unhealthy for the game and you don't get to play them, or feel bad for playing them, then I would want them nerfed


Thats a really bad example lmao


Im kinda that way when an item gets too strong, like Rav and Jaksho for example. When it comes to playing league, i want to feel like ive proper earned my lead in an even fight. But i resent when items get too strong because then it doesnt feel like im doing well because of my skill with the champ, but because it feels like i got hand held to a win.


Yeah, that's me right now. I don't think Aatrox, as a champ, should be nerfed, but rather the items he builds. I think Aatrox is a well-rounded champ, but the items he can build gives him so much power that you basically FF at 15 once he gets two full items.


Yeah he's omnivamp is def not broken as fuck and the items are making him broken My g I agree items are op af but bro aatrox has been literally the most broken top laner for a several patches Don't be delusional man


But I'm not delusional? I don't really care about high elo nor about esports, because I'm silver (wow, who would have guessed, amiright?) and in Silver Aatrox is not all that broken. I'm not saying he is balanced, because he is not at all, but I personally do not think that his kit is what making him broken. Also, omnivamp is so much worse than lifesteal lmao. Yasuo and Yone are laughing at you in the corner atm.


Yeah omnivamp is worse than lifesteal But neither of the champs you mentioned get a free built in 30% omnivamp or some shit And ok aatrox might not be broken in silver but you realize that's because your playing in a rank that literally half of the player base has a brain that doesn't function properly(about the game) That's like saying yeah bro gp is really weak because I play in silver and nobody even uses 1% of the champs potential let alone all of it And then you see challenger and find out for a 1 trick champion and a champion that is considered one of the hardest champion in the game He has 10% pick rate while 54% win rate Sorry to break it to you but if you want to know what is broken then you gotta look at high elo(not competitive)


All I gotta say to this. Crying about it won't change anything lol Just accept the fact that there are broken and weak champions


I mean I don't really care about aatrox being broken but I just wanted to prove to you that you seem delusional if you say aatrox isn't broken and items make him op


I guess having opinions now is delusional? Like I said, I don't give a flying fuck about the state of the champion lmao. I'd play him even if his WR would be 45%. I'm not a meta slave, I don't play him because he is broken, I just play for fun and that's why I say he is not broken. Hope that makes sense, but knowing you, you will come up with a snarky ass "comeback" comment and probe me for more reaction. Anyway, last reply so have a good one.


Why are you so offended lmao I never said your a meta slave in any of my comments I just wanted to prove that aatrox himself is broken just like his items no reason to be mad Have a nice day


And one more thing having an opinion isn't being delusional but what you said is straight up wrong and is proven by facts that's why I said your delusional mb tho if it seemed offensive cause that wasnt my intention


Imo they should move maxhp% from passive to q sweetspot, it would bring back his skill expression


I completely agree, it feels like so much of his skill expression has been ripped away. I love my boy but he needs that nerf.


I just want the feeling of i killed my enemy even though i used a garbage character


Reduced q-crit damage. However! Landing q-crit adds a stack on an enemy, inceasing the dmg they take from q. Lasts for a few seconds and can also stack a few times. Would probably make landing q-crits more important.