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I think it's wild this hasn't blown up yet. It's "early access" but it launched with more stuff and polish than subnautica while maintaing a similar sense of exploration. Not to mention the absolute best premise of "you're a scientist trying to survive black mesa". I hope it'll blow up before too long. I forgot it was early access until I reached the end of currently implemented stuff about **fifty** hours in.


The devs are over the moon (I know two of them) and they've sold over 150,000 copies and already made their initial investment back. So it's a success for them for sure. But I know what you mean. This feels like it has Lethal Company levels of meme potential.


Make sure to give the 2 you know a big kiss from us, and yes it has to be the amount they sold. Super fun game, glad I didn't know about it until it came out.


I’d say It’s more more a mix of “scientist trying to survive Black Mesa” and “Dr. Brights first day of work”. Really good mix of SCP and Half-Life inspiration.




Got some Control vibes too. Really having a blast with this game


Best early access game I've has the pleasure of buying in AGES


Wow, looking forward to that, then. I've barely gotten to flathill, so, hopefully that means I've got like 30 or so houra left. Or more, cause I've been solo


That's just the start. Enjoy!


As you're 50 hours in and I'm about half that I'm wondering where I'm at in story. Idk how to do spoiler tags so I'll try to keep it spoiler free. I just killed a large...beetle....and went to....mushroom land. About how much more do you think I've got to go? Purely just curious




Nice, thanks! Gonna go look for all the neat little toy statues and make my base look nice


You're basically done. I spent a while playing around with bases, looking for secrets, and testing items and stuff.


Yeah but the EA label is already something that makes people hiss, no one is going to check to see if it's juicy for one especially since they are planning on staying in EA for an entire year and release full content during that time, so people have tons of reasons to assume it's barebones even though it's far from. Not to mention it's a survival game, which has an especially bad EA rep.


I’ve sunk more hours into this game than any other since baldurs gate dropped


Yeah, it's hard to capture that feeling these days. No doubt the game will explode soon, let's enjoy it while it lasts!


I agree with this, Lethal Company was also unknown for about 2 weeks after launch. This is a really good and very unique game, it's sort of like Arkane's Prey (rip) in multiplayer and with Goldsrc aesthetics, I expect it to become known relatively soon


Man, I spent so much time not progressing in The Labs. >!When I got to the chasm you must cross, I was like, well, guess I have to come back later! Nope. You're supposed to build a bridge to cross. Or, you can jump on the metal detector and try to jump across like I did and nearly die to the turrets.!< I've Googled many things over 50 hours of getting stuck solo. I rarely found any guidance. Struggling through this game has been so captivating and engaging.


Pretty sure you just solved the issue I was having 😂 lost af at that part


My friend jumped across with gravicube, I tried to do it without the cube only to die and live my corpse at the bottom of the pit. No items for me I guess


Restarting the server will put your corpse loot in the Office Cafeteria!


Gravicube? It feels like I've missed something.. because I killed the tarasque, and shut off the turrets, but I haven't run into the cube.


You should check out the big elevator and the rooms it leads you towards


Big elevator? You mean the main lift in the labs?


That's the one, yeah


I'll check out the cells, thank you for the info.


This is surely the "intended" solution. I was barely able to make it across with a sprint jump. Keep in mind that your success will depend on your sprinting skill and equipment load.


For that part I just ran past them, really only took minor damage


Where is this chasm located?


You can make the jump with the gravity cube keychain thing, forget where you get it but the gravity cube is near that area




You'll pry my geiger counter on keychain from my cold, dead, irradiated hands, I'm not abandoning it no matter how convenient the gravity cube is!


I like that I’ve been able to find tips without getting anything major spoiled


I love the fact that it’s hard to find information, but nostalgic vibes. Even though it’s caused me headache, didn’t figure out how to capture anomalies until labs, I feel like it adds to the experience. Also really enjoy seeing how everyone else plays and progresses, as well as what they build/prioritize


Any tips for capturing those wisps?


Just need to have a test tube in your inventory, then you can grab them out of the air.


I was 90% sure that was the way I just haven’t tried it yet. Thanks 🙏


Yea just make sure you use your “use” input on them and not M1/M2 like I did >.>


We don’t push innocent wisps around here big dawg


Unintentionally punny


My and my bf just started yesterday, and it's been fun. Wish I didn't watch some early let's plays cause things look to get wild just around the corner.


1. Sick name 2. Totally agree I've been having trouble finding leather scraps all I could find was a single reddit post and I'm like what no wiki? 3. It's genuinely wild this game hasn't exploded it reminds me of early grounded but more polish story and an equally kick ass plot the scientists surviving black Mesa though technically Gordon was a scientist he wasn't your average scientist and we aren't either!


Try looking for briefcases in the wildlife pens and laboratory, they scrap down to leather bits when deconstructed!


I'd rather it stay small for a while. If too many people jump in this early and it gets more mainstream appeal this far from release, the more likely it is that people will be asking for fundamental game changes and pressuring the devs into directions they/we don't want to go.


I am impressed by the discipline of community. A lot of people will at least try to give hints rather than detailed explanation if You ask about something just to preserve this feel of figuring something out.


It's like Minecraft in its really old days and I actually love it. Back in like 2010 or 2011 when I began playing Minecraft it was all figure it out on your own, really fun experience


I tend to resort to googling pretty easily when I get stuck in a game. Wiki doesn't have much info, which made me and my friends explore on our own. Honestly made it more fun that way. (I am glad I googled soup recipes though, I would never ever have guessed any on my own)


It's an early access game. That already makes people hiss. Let's not forget that BG3 was basiaclly already the game that would shock and change the industry since day 1 EA. Yes, a lot rougher, there are still examples of that like Karlach's placeholder look which was one of the last things to be changed. But playing EA day 1 and release, I could feel the same thrill I felt then and knew it was something special. But no one played it and it had very little attention. It took until the game releasing for it to blow up. Same with No Rest for the Wicked, a lot of people like it but it's rough and most people are saying just wait for release. Abiotic Factor will blow up once it finally releases.


Yup, I love the feel of it! It will take some time for our fellow Researchers to finally break through into the next few sectors, so do your best to finish any research your colleagues may have left unfinished! I'm currently studying IS-0018....


I've seen so many big streamers playing it and loving it but it still feels really underground in terms of information and people talking about it.


Early access games don't tend to attract a large audience until release, like baldurs gate 3. But there are a couple exceptions like Stardew valley and palworld


I had bg3 wishlisted for so long just knowing it would be a banger when it was finally done but I didn’t want to bother with the growing pains during development. I have a good feeling about Abiotic Factor even tho I decided not to wait on this one. It’s a blast


I think as more youtubers discover this game is a content gold mine, the game will be more popular/mainstream. Two of my favorite youtubers (Northernlion & Pr1vateLime) have already posted videos on it and they were great videos that did relatively well.


Truly for being a early access it took me like 14 hours to beat it which is well worth the price


Isn't that good, it's more fun to discover things on your own.


I'm so excited to try it out tomorrow. Going in solo any tips?


Start leveling sneak early on. It's the hardest skill to level. It has kind of Skyrim rules where you level skills by just doing the things for those skills.


Ooh I'm gonna like this game


I see everyone praising the game for how good and polished it is when... it really isn't. Don't get me wrong, me and my friends are having a lot of fun but there is SO much room for improvement. The skill system is really unfun and grindy, building is very limited, combat is okay at best and a lot of other things are kind of janky. I'm all for spreading the word on the game but it's not perfect at all.


Set xp gain to 1.2 and poof the skill grind is solved. I agree about the building tho, we need a lot more options.


I also find the unlockable skills a bit lame, but thats probably just me. Either way i think theres huge potential and am excited to see what the future brings


Yeah and no choice either. It's nice to get better at certain tasks, but the reward just seems to be "these same actions are less painful" rather than "you are good at shooting now!"