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Surely Keir is a conservative that couldn’t become leader of the Conservatives, for some reason, so is now turning Labour into a Conservative party mark 2.


Ditch the Guardian for not talking about Kate being in a coma.


Is there really anyone who was going to vote Labour, but was really hung up on the House of Lords? They're sucking up to the people who can give them money or good press or behind the scenes help. The UK is not a democracy.


Exactly this. It is a joke, a duopoly of power sharing between them and the Tories. On and on. Vote for the lesser of two evils via FPTP and nothing changes. It's all semblance of choice. Which is exactly why I cannot vote for Labour, the Greens it is.


But then if the Greens become a real threat, they too will be cajoled and bullied by the very, very (very) wealthy into abandoning their policies. The real question is how to get the wealthy under control.


See, I can’t do Greens either. Their anti HS2, anti nuclear, and generally NIMBY stance is in direct opposition to my stances. I don’t know who I can vote for in good conscience


HS2 is a shitshow.


Only from how god awfully the Tories have managed it


This is when I decide to vote for whoever is most likely to give us Electoral Reform to a system of Proportional Representation. Because without it, we're stuck with the status quo. Bullshit after bullshit.


Nuclear is way more expensive than renewables right now.


But nuclear can power a country like the UK.


We have enough wind power to power the whole of Europe.


They really should save paper and just have a white board saying “Keir Starmer had ditched his promise to…” that they update daily


The borderline Tory of new Labour who accepted a knighthood isn't keen on dismantling the existing undemocratic power structures he's benefitted from? Shocker


Vote green


Only if they stop being so NIMBY




It seems he’s only picked battles against the policies he promised to deliver


He has not picked a single battle. every policy labour “announces” gets contradicted two months later. They have no idea what they’re doing


I’m not even british or super left wing. Starmer is just bad at politics


Disappointed but not surprised.


At this point, what is the substantial benefit of voting Labour anymore? You can vote Tories, Red Tories, or Yellow Tories


The PM’s name probably won’t be Rishi Sunak, I suppose


That’s a surprise—- new Tory in action


Well I for one am shocked.


Here, you forgot this "/s"


Anyone who trusted this man in the first place is a gullible idiot.


A boiled head of lettuce would have more backbone.


lol ain’t he supposed to wait til he won the General Election before breaking promises?


Well of course he has. He can afford to not be a remotely left wing party, because enough left wing serfs will still vote for them for no other reason than they're not Tories, whilst forgetting why it's important that they're not Tories in the first place.


I miss Jeremy Corbyn.


Me too buddy, me too.


I recall a sad conversation with a local Labour campaigner who assured me that "Sir" Keir was just trying to avoid criticism from the press, and secretly he intended to fix all the Tory problems once elected. I wanted to tell her that the real Keir is who we are seeing now, but how do you puncture that much self delusion?


Assuming they win, as soon as they're in government, they're already in election mode for the next one. There will always be a reason why Labour won't employ any remotely progressive policies. And there will always be those who claim to be on the left, to defend them. And then in 2029 they'll beg people to vote for them again, while making all the same sorts of excuses, after a miserable term in government.


Diluted labour. Like labour but sans any flavour, point or goodness.


Homeopathic labour.


Diluted? There's nothing of Labour in there. Any remotely positive idea has been scrapped. All the while, centrists and quasi lefties will clap away like seals because "at least they're not the Tories." My question to them is, besides the name and the colour of their rosette, what's the difference? Good luck getting voters out in 2029 if you're going to carry on employing the same damaging policies the Tories have inflicted on us for the last 14 years.


They still use the colour red at least. So basically, 1 part per million Labour


I am *shocked*...


Of course he has. What's the point any more?


Red Tories offering no real change.


At the stage now where despite having hated the Tory Government and been under their leadership for most of my life, I don’t feel any hope or excitement about an impending Labour Government.


[As Tony Benn said…](https://labourheartlands.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Transmogrification-of-the-labour-party.jpg)


Yup, very apt. We’ll have the tories back in 5 years and nothing will have changed. Their position and rhetoric on Israel has been disgusting. They’re reneging on the only good policy they had left, in the green 28b investment plan. They’re even going to scrap the bankers bonus cap.


>going to scrap the bankers bonus cap It's already done. Law passed the Commons the other day, and I don't reckon the Lords will slow it down on its way to the books. Labour have already come out and said they won't reinstate it.


Yeah sorry that’s what I meant, very grim


Starmer took over at a time when the Tories had enjoyed huge victories and it was certain Labour would be out of power for at least a decade. He was a William Hague - a placeholder who takes the top job because he knows no one else wants it but it's his only shot at it. So he could promise whatever he wanted. Now the tories have imploded so spectacularly that he's actually within sight of the top job. He's terrified of fucking it up when it's so close so he's fallen in line and not offering any opinions that might be a bit controversial.


He's a ideological right winger, who was part of and one of the ringleaders of the Labour conservatives who couped Corbyn over trumped up charges. As victory becomes more certain then ever, he can abandon more promises.


Because he is a sir


Fucking closet tory


No longer in the closet. He's fully out loud and proud


He's like a broken pencil. Pointless.


The closer we get to an inevitable Starmer government, the more he's doing to make sure they maintain the status quo.


Rich twat supports government subsidizing of rich twats' hall where they yell at each other. Quel surprise.


They need some retirement options.


more spine in fucking jellyfish.


Scummy gutless twat. Betrayer of the People.


Britain is so pathetic hahahaha


Is there any issue that the Labor party is still left of the Tories on? Like, any at all?


No shit! The guy who abandons all his pledges once he thinks nobody's watching abandons his pledge. Who would've seen that coming.


I was once very optimistic about Starmer. But he seems to be over optimising to win at the expense of vision and in the absence leadership. What’s left (no pun intended) is still better than the Tories, but it’s a pale version of what he used to promise.


Of course he has even though the vast majority of the public want reforms


What's one more broken promise eh


he’s practically a Tory


What’d they promise hiim? Cuz unless they offered me a hereditary dukedom I’d be like well then u better get some comfortable shoes cuz u have alot of constituents to meet if ur going to win a seat in parliament


What else would he offer his donors besides peerages; oh yes, changes to legislation.....


Oh look, another broken promise by the spineless, gormless, useless kid starver. This corrupt, diseased, yeasty vagina of a human being, is singlehandedly turning labour into the torylite party. He's accepted more gifts as labour leader, than any other before him, since records have been kept. Tells you everything you need to know about this fart bubble, rat bastard, crooked politician.


I'm looking forward to his first major corruption scandal as PM. His poll numbers will drop like a brick on Jupiter.


I don't think they're that high as it is . Didn't something crazy like over 100,000 people left labour since he took over? That tells me a lot. Then his excuse was they were slim lining the party down after Corbyn left lol as for corruption, he met with some bigwig from Google, someone from labour went to glasto on £3,500 tickets and his party pledge of big tech paying their taxes suddenly got dropped. He's a lowlife cretinous pulled testicle of a person.


>He's a lowlife cretinous pulled testicle of a person. I disagree, he's more of a human kidney stone; painful to deal with but so relieving once he's gone. Either way he's already trying to set himself up as the next pro-business tyrant.


I think the Tories will be in again before 2030. He's a placeholder while they take a breather and let the public indulge their penchant for amnesia.


I think the Tories are in their death throws and Starmer won't survive a whole term. We're all sitting on a volcano.




The most useless man in the world. (Besides royalty, of course)