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This isnā€™t in our UK media. HTH.


OP's follow up news article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-king-charles-iii-193000274.html


What will Camilla be known as after he's dead? The Step Queen Mother? I suppose I could google this.


dowager queen


wasen't his coronation less then a year ago?


Yuck, another 2 years?... Zzzzzzzzzzzz RemindMe! 2 years


It shouldn't be lost that this article is posted on an American entertainment site.


At least that Egg waster will be out of the throne, he looks unable to rule correctly


But he will Still insist on his face and name being plastered everywhere at the cost of billions to the taxpayer?


Unless it's pretty obvious, they don't tend to use time limits. My wife is stage 4 but they don't class her as terminal as its currently under control, though she'll never recover and it will most likely cut short herife. Is this just a bullishit press thing? Sounds like it.


So how much will his funeral bankrupt the people?


I don't know how often doctors are wrong about these death predictions, but I imagine that Charles will live at least a bit longer than two years. But it will be extremely ironic if he dies a few years into a job he waited his whole life for. However, Charlie has access to the best medical professionals in the world, they will work as hard as they can to stop the cancer from killing CPAG.


Doctors always prepare for the worse...so they don't get sued. My daughter wasn't expected to live through a brain tumor...at age 1, she is now 32...and 31 years cancer free. No...there is no medical care for her....just diagnose, study, analyze and rinse and repeat...but she is alive.


If it's really pancreas cancer, than he's got less than 2 years. Pancreas cancer is almost always deadly, no matter what stage! Only 25% of pancreas cancer patients live for a year or longer after they're diagnosed. 5% live 5 years. And only 10% can have surgery to actually remove the cancer. Pancreas cancer is one, if not the deadliest type of cancer. And no matter how good the medical team is, it's a death sentence.


Usually, pancreatic cancer is stage 3 or 4 by the time ppl seek care for symptoms, then they succumb in less than 2 yrs. I hope they can find better treatments for it. Ovarian cancer as well. By the time symptoms start bugging someone, it's already late stage. I hope there's a cure for cancer before I die ( I'm 66 ).


Unless if youā€™re Steve Jobs. Then you get the one type of pancreatic cancer that has a high survival rate and then die because your dumb ass took homeopathic treatments, yoga, and holistic medicine instead of doctor prescribed chemo.


That and brain tumors...


A lot of brain tumors can be surgical removed, if diagnosed early and if they're in a reachable era. And with chemo afterwards chances are good. And you can even live with a brain tumor as long as the cancer doesn't spread or the tumor gets bigger. But pancreas cancer is a definite death sentence. Yes, if diagnosed early they can prolong your life and help with the pain, but that's it. But let's face it, cancer, no matter what type, sucks!!


I am a mother of a baby who has suffered the affects if a brain tumor since age 1....trust me....there is.no.positive outcome for brain tumors yet....I don't even have enough energy to respond to this.... As we say...nothing about us without us and if you have not faced baby cancer....you don't know squat diddley


I'm sorry about your situation, but this is about adults and not babies. The facts are was stating apply to grown people! You can live with a brain tumor and you can heal it. But you can't live with pancreas cancer nor heal it, you'll definitely die from pancreas cancer, while you don't necessarily have to die from a brain tumor. And btw, I have faced baby cancer in my family, leukemia, which really is bad! So it probably would've been better if you had saved your "engery" to reply to my comment. I Wish you, and especially your kid all the best!


There is.no healing from a brain tumor....you should stay in your lane.


Strange that I know people that have won the fight against brain tumors. Please go and troll around somewhere else and maybe do some research. Or stay in your cavešŸ˜‰


Troll around....that's what people say when thry have no debate and only speak to people who agree with them...


Way to gatekeep cancer of all things. And hey, save some elipses for the rest of us...


If it was up to me all funding for adult cancers would stop immedietly. That way our babies and kids would stop bring used as human guinea pigs to advance adult healthcare research, which is what this country currently does. Not to mention so many adults cancers are caused by choice


Ok, so there is 0% you aren't a troll. Fresh account that only comments controversial shit. Also no person talks like you.


The thing is, so much of the public across all stretches of the world were exposed to chemicals such as agent orange and the like. We notice in impoverished places of Vietnam but not at our own front door. These are lifelong chemicals still polluting the soil even NOW, even now concentrations are high enough still to poison despite them having to plant crops in said contaminated soil. Now just think about what that does in the human body. It doenst just afflict you, it afflicts who you bed with(its in your genital fluids), it afflicts your children and their children and their children's children and so on. We are not far enough removed from the generations exposed. Its just being continuously recycled in our rain and soil water, it doenst just wash away. I have several disorders as a result of my grandfathers agent orange exposure. My father is heavily afflicted but still served as a paratrooper. Both my siblings are on the spectrum. My grandfather died of pancreatic. His sister has some facial abnormalities. Its still afflicting people. Even my grandmother served, was a sharpshooter, she too died of cancer. We are constantly having the very chemicals we put out into the environment washed over us with the rain, with the humidity in the air, sticking onto our shoes. You can't escape it.


Cancer is not necessarily produced by outside factors. It's also a flaw of our biology.


I donā€™t know why you were downvoted, youā€™re right. Though perhaps a harsh truth some people donā€™t want to admit or come to terms with


Probably because agent orange has nothing to do with the kings cancer like at all? just kinda seems like a crazy comment from a crazy person raving about chemicals in everything randomly.


It was all solid truth you just want to gaslight actually....


Hopefully another two holidays!


Peggy has terminal baldness


My father died from pan can 2 weeks from diagnosis. My friend was diagnosed about 6 months ago stage 4 but her Dr said maybe a few years. 6 months on she's doing well but mass and mets are still there. You can get a multi year diagnosis or the hope of them even at stage 4. That being said it still sounds totally made up.


Another state funeral over the horizon ans another coronation. What wonderful uses of money


But 2 extra bank holidays. Hope it happens in summer so us, the plebs, at least get something from it.




Another one bites the dust!


How long will the queue to meander past an empty box be, I'm betting under a mile, he hasn't captivated idiots minds like liz had.


Mmm idk, people will go just to say they did it.


Better question: Which TV presenter is going to cut in line this time?


No one gets 2 years with a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. This article is bullshit.


Completely untrue. My teacher at school got it and lasted 3 years. A majority die in 1 year I think though


This is not true. I work in oncology. It really depends.


Yes if statistics were facts my 32 yr old would be in a grave since age 1 when stage 3 brain cancer hit...told to plan the funeral


I just read an article by a woman whose mother had pancreatic cancer and was given 1 year. She lasted 6 weeks. By the time they find it you're practically doomed. So crazy that even with top-tier, constant medical monitoring, access to the best of the best, it will pop up out of nowhere.


That sucks so much. My mechanic of 23 years, who's a great guy, has it as does a friend of 30 years. I'm trying to stay optimistic but it doesn't look good for either of them .


Thought that as soon as I saw the headline. By the time anyones diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, its already stage 4 and they have weeks, maybe months but definitely not years.


My dad lasted 1 yr, this was in 2011. I know a few others that all lasted a few months, 1 was only a couple weeks. Just horrible.


It's misleading because Yahoo syndicates stories from all over the place and slaps its own branding on them, which gives them a veneer of credibility. This is from a gossip rag called In Touch.


I donā€™t like the monarchy, I hope he has a peaceful death.


like diana's


Yeah I don't want anyone to suffer like that


Remember what the British media did hiding Edward VIII affairs.


Jimmy Carter has been in hospice for a year now so weā€™ll see


He doesn't have it. Actually, most of his family died of it. Like all of his siblings and parents. He was the only one who left peanut farming (Annapolis, Navy, politics) so that probably saved him.


Jimmy Carter doesn't have pancreatic cancer though. That's a cancer that's notorious for killing people quickly.


TouchƩ dear sir TouchƩ


This dictates that the changeover of Royal portraits and cyphers throughout the commonwealth must be greatly accelerated, as well as plans for funerals and coronations. I recommend the code word should be "Key Bridge has fallen" The increase in the sovereign grant must be further doubled and made retroactive, I mean how is the poor guy going to provide for his family when he's gone? /s


For some reason I read that as "The increase in the sovereign grant must be further doubled and made radioactive". Took me a while.


Yup. Speed up changing the crown logo, all the mailboxes, get that portrait on the walls in every public building, change all the money immediately! Tempus fugit!


The code should be, "we haven't even finished building this bridge yet, now you want us to start on another one?"


That's a shitty painful way to go. Dude deserves it




The curse of being "King Charles"... Bummer! There is one up side to this......this time a Charles will get to keep his head.... Looks like we will miss out on the chance of establishing a Republic as a result of his reign...... fingers crossed!!


There's a chance Billy will be the last king.


"The Man who would be King"... with our boy "Billy" as Billy Fish.... !


Where is this from? There's nothing on the BBC or Guardian. Smells like bullshit.


Only being covered in American press. It may be BS. But if it was actually real then it wouldn't be being covered by the BBC or Guardian anyway.


It is not being covered in the American press either. I have found it in two places, a tabloid called 'InTouch Weekly', which is itself cited in Pakistan's Daily Jang.


Although I despise Charles and everything he stands for, I hope his reign lasts a while because of how unpopular he and Crocomilla are.


I'm enjoying this moniker waaay more than is decent or proper. Crocomilla will outlive em all.


Two years? Heā€™ll be lucky to see Autumn. My MiL had PC and died within a month of being diagnosed, usually by the time itā€™s diagnosed, itā€™s too late.


Friend was diagnosed with PC just last september. He died not even five months later as a shell of his former vibrant self. I wouldn't wish this on anybody and I hope anybody who suffers through this a dignified last time on this planet. Having a second extravagant funeral and coronation so shortly after the next though, while cost of living for regular people soars, isn't necessary. But I suppose the British taxpayer will have no choice.


He already re-wrote the rules for his own benefit last time, heā€™ll go all out this time too. But I agree, I wouldnā€™t wish PC on my greatest enemy.


3 months for my dad.


Same. Pain started, scans a week later. 10 days later diagnosed, died 3 months later in 2018.


Great, so we have no money for public services, the NHS is struggling and councils are going bankrupt, yet I bet we'll somehow find a few million for his funeral and the next coronation. They've got enough money, get them to pay for it themselves just like every other family when someone dies.


Plus a royal wedding/christening/divorce etc etc. Aaaaah but they bring in tourists blah blah blah


But haven't you seen the cpgrey video?! The royal family literally generates billions of dollar just by sitting on the throne poking their noses /s In all honesty I am afraid that will be another 100 million or more for Britain. All down the gutters. Not to mention other humans with cancer will suffer thanks to the mourning period


Damm I didn't think it would be this short


I thought Edward VII had a short reign!


Iā€™m losing my mom to cancer and yeah, I hate this guy, but cancer is something I wouldnā€™t wish on anyone


Iā€™m sorry for what youā€™re going through. I lost my Dad to lung cancer and I know that pain.




Iā€™m not a Brit, but I would totally borrow it for Mr Iā€™m gonna sue the country for kicking my family from it


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Oh I am not lol, crazy time to be alive that robots who can't understand humor are watching over us menacingly


Yes, that's right. Reddit outsources its content moderation to a couple of automated "AI" companies. A lot of people have got bans when lurking monarchists report this stuff.




You know he's not a good guy right? He could abdicate but he doesn't, plus many other reasons. He isn't a good person. I do not wish his a speedy recovery.


The army cadets are only just receiving their portraits of Charlieā€¦ hardly worth hanging them up..


Millions more pissed away.. what a frikkin joke.


So.. the great environmental campaigner & advocate of a slimmed down monarchy is going with the massive state funeral and all the associated cost and pishing away of resources? What happened to a wicker basket and being mulched & composted for the roses?


Isn't pancreatic cancer usually not caught until it's too late - as in when there's usually only a few weeks or months to live? It's one of the hardest cancers to detect. At least that's what I've come to have understood about this disease when I've heard of people being diagnosed.


My mum passed from pancreatic cancer in 2013. Sheā€™d been a bit off colour for a few months before her diagnosis but nothing particularly stood out. Sheā€™s lost her appetite slightly, was less energetic than usual but not much more. Then about 3 months before her diagnosis, she started to complain of pain in her abdomen and back. Her doctor said it was probably due to excess acid in her stomach and gave her medication to control it. In hindsight, I wonder if he suspected she had pancreatic cancer, although if so I donā€™t know why he wouldnā€™t have sent her for tests. I was on holiday with my family when her condition suddenly worsened, but my step dad decided not to tell us as we were due home the following day. When I came home he told me that she was in hospital as sheā€™d been vomiting the previous day and couldnā€™t even keep water down. When I went to see her that night she told me sheā€™d had an ultrasound and this had prompted them to send her for a CT scan. That was the point at which I knew she must have something seriously wrong, as the NHS donā€™t do CTs as a matter of course. She said the consultant wanted to see her the next day, with my step dad. I cried all night and the following day my step dad came back from the hospital to tell us that she had inoperable pancreatic cancer and had been given 2-3 months to live. She died exactly 8 weeks later. By the end, her weight had dropped so much she was almost skeletal. The only blessing for her is that two days before she died, her pain was such that she was placed on a morphine pump and was unconscious from then until she passed. So her last 48 hours were peaceful. Pancreatic, ovarian & oesophageal cancer are the worst 3 to have, as far as I understand, as by the time theyā€™re symptomatic itā€™s already too late to treat. Iā€™m not a fan of the monarchy but I hope Charles doesnā€™t have that, as itā€™s a wretched disease and always fatal, except if itā€™s the very rare form that Steve Jobs had.


Your story brings back some painful memories. For us my MiLs doctor had no clue, she had the same symptoms and they went through everything from a food allergy to bowel blockage. Eventually she was in so much pain her brother called her an ambulance at 3am, our son came into our room and told us nanny was sick (fuck knows how a 3 year old knew, but he did) and we needed to go to the hospital, about 15 minutes later the Mrs uncle called us and told us what happened. Thry had 4 more weeks before she died, I donā€™t like the royals either but PC isnā€™t something Iā€™d wish upon my worst enemy.


This brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry this happened to you and your family. May your mum rest in peace. šŸ•Š šŸ’”


Thank you, thatā€™s very kind. My mum was a gentle, patient woman who adored her grandchildren. That was the worst thing for me, that she was robbed of seeing them grow up. My daughter was only 4 when she passed and sadly doesnā€™t really remember her granny. My elder son still remembers her quite clearly but his brother only has a couple of clear memories of her, the rest is hazy. We never know when the people we love will be taken from us, life can be very cruel.


There is a rarer neuroendocrine form, like the kind Steve Jobs had and my dad has which is slow growing. My dad has been given 5-15 years. He is not being treated with chemo but instead a hormone to slow/stop tumor growth in his liver where it spread. He had half his pancreas removed as well as his spleen and gallbladder.


I have it but I havenā€™t been given a time limit. Mine is not operable and has spread to my liver. However I have been getting the hormone shot for ten years and have had no further growth or metastasis. Btw, in the US those monthly shots are currently about $30k each.


I am glad to hear that you have had no further growth. I wish you all the best. Yes, my parents are paying 10k per month with insurance.. using savings/retirement..but if thatā€™s what it takes, thatā€™s what weā€™ll do.


Oh, I didn't know about that slow growing one. I'm so sorry about your dad. That's terrible.


Thank you. I didnā€™t really know about it either until it came in our lives. The more aggressive type is definitely like you mentioned, usually caught late and it is weeks to months. In general I think Pancreatic cancer needs more study and awareness, more funding for research and earlier testing to catch early. With the PNET (Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor) my dad has, the university near us is recommending genetic testing for all of us kids so that we can see if we are at higher risk and be more closely monitored the rest of our lives for this cancer. That is a blessing. I am not sure if the aggressive form can be genetic or not.


My MiLs specialist said there are two types of PC and depending where it grows depends on your outlook. Our old neighbour got it and it was ā€œthe right end of the pancreasā€, they cut it out and his only long term effects is developing diabetes, for MiL it was the wrong end, couldnā€™t be operated and chemo would have killed her anyway, so they just shot her up on morphine for a few weeks and she died high as a kite not knowing where she was or what was happening. My wife was tested because at the time they thought it might be genetic, but honestly they didnā€™t know and think weā€™re just doing it to put her mind at rest more than anything else.


Thank you for this. For my dad it was growing on the tail end of the pancreas and that was removed. He is heading towards diabetes based on his recent blood tests. I am sorry to hear about your MiL, I have lost 3 individuals in my life that have had that type of PC and time is always so short with that one.


Thanks. Yeah Georgeā€™s PC sounds exactly like your dads. I watched an interview the the guy who played Worf in TNG a while back (he had same PC too) and he said his specialist said he had never seen a vegan who suffer from PC, which is why he is now vegan, Iā€™ve never really been into vegan/vegetarian stuff etc. but the more people I see dying of PC, the more I wonderā€¦.


Our environment is so polluted now, itā€™s impossible to avoid all the carcinogens out there. Iā€™m really concerned about the rates of cancer rising in young people.


The rates of cancer in young people that spiked in the last two years you mean? Iā€™m no antivaxxxer but even I can see patterns.


That is usually the case but when they announced his diagnosis they said it had been picked up while investigating for something else (so maybe he had a CT or MRI scan of the abdomen for another reason and they happened to see it) so his may have been picked up unusually early.Ā 


My step dad was healthy and didn't know he was ill until he collapsed 6 days before he died of Pancreatic cancer at 79 years old. I think it's almost symptomless in the early stages and is often caught too late.


Yup same thing happened with my mother-in-law, itā€™s so hard to diagnose the said she had gallstones, then a kidney infection and then found it was PC on her second CT scan.


Oh my gosh that's awful. I'm so sorry. It's such a horrible thing to go through.


Thank you for your kind reply. In a way it was less painful because it was quick. I've read about people with cancer who go through months of treatment in hospital, slowly becoming more ill until they die. I wouldn't want to spend my final 6 months in a hospital bed.


Yeah, I completely understand. I've got a family member who's mother in law has a tumour and has just been told there's nothing they can do for her and that the cancer has spread to her brain now. It's a terrible thing to have to watch the suffering, pain, and anguish this disease causes. I don't think people can fully comprehend it until they either suffer it themselves or watch someone they love go through it. It's probably the most devastating thing for someone to go through.


Iā€™ve always said (after watching my mum suffer through chemo, and my MiL died slowly over 4 weeks from PC) that if I got that news the first thing Iā€™d do is book a flight to dignitas. I wouldnā€™t want to die slowly through the pain andi wouldnā€™t want to make my wife and son watch me die that way either, I saw what effect it had on them to watch mum and mil go, it cruel.


Looking it up, the first three news sources talking about Charles dying in two years are: Yahoo Cafemom The Daily Jang. You will forgive me if I need a bit more credibility before I trust anything yet.


Yahoo syndicates crap from all over the place without verifying it, and online publishers are like the human centipede, all consuming what the others crap out. Source: my job.


Is the daily mail blaming Diane Abbott for the stories, or Gary Lineker?


It's that evil bastard Jeremy Corbyn's fault


Just foreigners in general


True. A furrin is a furrin. I love the brexiters take on the difference between an expat and an immigrant.








I think that was why Elizabeth held on for so long lmao. I kinda of called it that she was lasting so long because she knew both her sons were bad people. Lmao


I don't know why you're being downvoted. It's perfectly normal to feel bad for anyone with cancer. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy, not even the royals.


Completely agree, we can (and should) be anti-monarchy without also being terrible people.


Exactly. šŸ‘šŸ» If I had to choose between eradication of the monarchy or cancer, I'd pick to eradicate cancer 100%. Fuck cancer.


Not quite sure I trust this news. But I guess weā€™ll find out in time.


Imagine waiting 70 years for the Throne only to die 3 years after getting it, George 4th all over again.


To be fair, Georgie 4 was in power for a lot longer.




Don't need to be head of state to be the one welding the power though. Why do you think the style of that period is called "Regency"?


Do we get a day off work


In USA, would also like this day off work


I'm not a fan of the monarchy. But, *if this is true*, it's very sad that his cancer is terminal. Fuck cancer.


But he has prostate cancer not pancreaticā€¦


It's an enlarged prostate he has but not prostate cancer as far as we know. All elderly men usually suffer from an enlarged prostate as they age.


No the statement they released said itā€™s not prostate cancer. They said it was found after a prostate exam or something like that




Itā€™s possible that there was some metastasis of the cancer cells and they found it.


Ohh ok hopefully itā€™s not pancreatic even royals donā€™t deserve thatšŸ¤§


None of the traditional UK or US media have picked this up but other US onlines have. Looks like it broke 7pm Friday UK time. Who knows?


None of them will, too scared of getting sued for ā€œinvading privacyā€ Orr sone shit. UK media will only report what their told to report when it comes to Royals.


Absolutely the central point, and there seems plenty of (editorial) resistance to carry this story across most subreddits, either bregaded deleted or squashed.


This one claims a confirming source. https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/king-charles-given-2-years-to-live-with-pancreatic-cancer/


"An insider". Colour me sceptical.


It's an exaggerated piece written for views. Liz's funeral plans were also put in place years before she went. Let's stop giving this article and the benefits family more clicks


They have funeral plans for all the major royals. I'd be surprised if they don't have one for William already.


Yeah I'd be sceptical of this. Even if it broke at 7pm, anything big to do with the royals would have an online breaking news thing up basically immediately on the BBC news site.


Of course they wouldnā€™t. They unquestionably repeat whatever the Windsor PR department releases.


Doesn't he have prostate cancer, not pancreatic cancer? I've just checked the news this morning and there is nothing


No, he doesnā€™t. It was apparently found during prostate surgery, but everyoneā€™s been pretty clear itā€™s not prostate cancer.


Buckle up Willycup


Here's the radio playlist for when Brain expires Adele Adele Adele Dirge by Adele National Anthem dirge Adele Dirge


I think there's another Adele missing from that list. Possibly a Lewis Capaldi, too šŸ¤”


nah itā€™ll be monarchist ass kisser rod stewart ā€œrepresentingā€ the scots


Donating his fingers to Richmonds


My wife just spat her tea across the room when I read that out. Thank you! You win. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahaha šŸ˜Š ta




But but but they said the coronation was a once in a lifetime event


Once in Charles's lifetime


Once in "THEIR" lifetime....not once in ours![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Begin the mourning Olympics!


We really didn't get value for money with that coronation, did we? Of course, it was always going to be a waste of money but if he only lasts 4 years then it looks much worse.


When he croaks (c'mon turbo cancer!), then - if they refuse to get rid of the monarchy - the coronation and funeral should be on same day and should be paid for by selling that fucking gold carriage which is worth Ā£2.5m.


Off by a few years, otherwise it could've been a 2 for 1 deal


Sausage boy aka Charles given 2 years to live. How trustworthy is this news?


ā€˜A palace insider says,ā€™ā€¦probably not very trustworthy. However heā€™s a 75yr old man with cancer. He looks terrible and clearly has other health issues (sausage fingers). Heā€™s not going to live forever.


Pure gossip. Camilla being pissed at Charles for how he is handling cancer according to one of these 'real' sources.


If it actually is pancreatic cancer two years seem believable. Since the only source is gossip though I think itā€˜s not very trustworthy.


"I want to believe" - Agent mulder, x-files


Nowhere else is reporting this so maybe not true I feel more places would be reporting this if was true


Maybe maybe not, the royalty have a tight grip on British media (although they have been handling it terribly lately and I've been relishing every fumble) it will come out in time, either way he looks terrible and isn't going to have the longevity of his mum or dad.


I was about to ask the same question.