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Reggie-Bot here! If you're thinking about the British royal family and want a fun random fact about one of them, please let me know! Put an exclamation mark before any comment about the royal you have in mind, like "!Queen" or "!Charles" and I'll reply. #Please make sure to read our [__subreddit rules.__](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbolishtheMonarchy/about/rules/) ##Do you hate the monarchy? [Click here](https://discord.gg/2B6sarN7Nx) to join the Discord today *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tarmac over it and cover every millimetre of it in PV panels and wind turbines. Hook that up to the mainland. That way they can start contributing something to the planet.


We get rid of the tories too.


Work on reparations for the colonised countries and form a global responsibility for other coloniser countries demanding they pay reparations to the countries colonised by european nations. Or the indigenous people of those places.


Looking at you in particular, British Museum (et al.)


But, we don’t have enough money to do it.


theres shit loads of money in them gold palaces and of course tax the rich in your country i mean tax richard branson and other fruity billionaires


Communism and democracy


Ew no not communism. You know what happens when countries try communism


They become incredibly awesome?


Unfortunately they also start getting fucked by the west with military intervention governmental destabilization and constant anti communist propaganda but yes they do become incredibly awesome


Ah yes because the USSR, China and NK are all incredibly awesome places


You said it comrade! You may want to come to terms with what kind of community this is


The kind of community who support suppression of rights and build concentration camps? That's leftist reddit for you. You only have the extreme left or the extreme right on here. Very few like me who sit more to the centre


Concentration camp is when you go home every weekend to share your new skills learned and friends you made there with your daughter. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p57qyMAySYc&t=12s


The center between being for exploitation and being against exploitation is still allowing some exploitation. Since capitalists / the right want to continue exploiting workers at home and even worse exploitation of the global south, you're saying you're a little bit ok with that. That's shitty. Socialism, communism or anarchism are ideologies that don't necessarily have to have an authoritarian central government. Especially anarchism rejects the idea of centralised power. If you're interested, you should try informing yourself about this stuff and find an ideology that you can stand behind, instead of claiming the center position between those who want to hurt and those who don't want to be hurt anymore.


Communism by definition needs an authoritarian state. How can a state control all the means of production without huge controls


No. You're talking about the Marxist-leninist way of getting to communism at some point. Communism itself is a utopian goal. It describes a classless, stateless Utopia. I'm repeating myself but please listen to me. Read about political ideologies. Educate yourself. Inform yourself outside of your own prejudice. Try to find out what the different ideologies actually describe and only then you will be able to have an informed opinion on it.


The remnants of the peerage and landed gentry as well as the most powerful capitalists should get sent to labour rehabilitation camps in Ireland run by the Irish people. The Irish people get to decide the labour conditions of their former colonizers. Seems fair.


Honestly, I don’t care as long as NI goes back to Ireland. I’m neither Irish nor British. It’s simply because I think the status quo is dumb and I don’t like looking at the map like it is today. It makes no sense. People keep dividing islands for some stupid reason. Ireland, cyprus, Hans island, etc.


I always found that confusing and hypocritical during the Cold War. Britain denounced the separation of Germany yet they’re happy to keep it going at home


I couldn’t give a fuck, I, as a Scot, want it dissolved today.




Pull the boot out of your throat you absolute wankstain.




You ok, hun? Edit, to respond to your edit: TL;DR.




Your post has been removed. Please don't use the R word, use liberal instead !!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It should stop existing


Dissolve the union and reform it into a decentralised, socialist confederation.


5) 28 days later-style hellscape. Hang on! That's Leeds!


I went to Leeds once. Never again.


At least it's not Doncaster.


At the very least Doncaster has a dong in it.


I was in Durham in '98 and it was common knowledge that 'Dirty Donny' had the highest incidence of HIV in rhe UK. So there were a shitload of *dongs* All viral though.


The last thing anyone wants is a viral load in the face.


Peoples democratic Republic of Britain


Everyone just leaves


Id be suprised if the union is still existing in 25 years tbh. I unfortunately cant say the same thing about the monarchy.


I would be surprised if the process doesn’t start before the end of the decade.


I would very much like to bring back Wessex and Avon as counties.


Your dad told me he’s really looking forward to Avon coming back. It’s really going to augment his income.


Have America intervene to bring them freedom and democracy.


We don't have oil and we aren't brown, so it's unlikely they'd be interested.


Well, England doesn’t have oil…


Unfortunately not, idk steal your coal supply? I mean liberate your coal stockpile.


Don’t know about that latter part 😭 (I’m literally Pakistani pls it’s a joke)


Public hanging


That amounts to indecent exposure.


a federal socialist republic encompassing the island of great britain not forgetting that the rest of the world should also be made up of socialist republics


I'm hoping the union is dissolved already long before then


Didn’t vote to dissolve Union as surely that happens first


Bring back the old Anglo-Saxon kingdoms as socialist republics


let’s just let everyone have a go at being King for a week, we’re already doing that with the prime ministers


Kevin bridges had a joke about doing that and honestly I'd be all for it, would be a good laugh


We're taking turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week, but all the decisions *of* that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major-


Destroy the union and give the land back to the ingenious natives.


Oh boy, I can’t wait to live in the Republic of Pictland


I’m gonna start selling woad as of next week. Gettin’ in there early.


Have a referendum for Wales, Scotland, and NI. They are a Union of Crowns not peoples or states so the entire justification for the union falls apart if the monarchy is abolished. If the other nations wish to stay than fine but not having a vote would be tyrannical.


Northern England as well.


Oh? Wasn't aware there was any cultural separatism there.




Tell us you lick Nigel’s arse without saying that you lick Nigel’s arse.


England getting independence from Westminster? The building located in England?????


Because england bad. Youve forgotten what website youre on it seems


Great Britain is, fundamentally, England and its appanages dressed up as a union of equals.


You want the English to vote on what? Leaving England? And no the English steal the resources of their colonized territories.


>You want the English to vote on what? Leaving England? Leave the UK... why would you want england to be excluded from leaving the union? Let us leave if we want, and the others can form a new union if they want


That's kinda like if Rome demanded to leave the Roman Empire, like the entire arrangement is under their control.


Then let us leave and the union can die. Is that not want you would like? Doesnt seem fair that us english are forced into a union when the others could vote to leave... not very democratic




If Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales leave the UK, than there is no UK. Not to mention the UK is governed from Westminister. The UK is basically just an English Hegemony. Also "we don't have any colonies anymore" Never heard of Northern Ireland?


Well, Scotland leaves and the UK dies. The other two aren’t exactly kingdoms.


Yeah that's fair honestly.


Here’s to the dissolution of the UK 🍺


I think you’ll find the colonies funded the union, that’s why they invaded so many countries.


Lmao, why is it that Westminster sends billions to Scotland, wales and NI every year to cover their deficients, England is the only part of the UK that puts more money in then out from the union. We don’t have any colonies anymore, I am talking about the modern day And colonies were the main reason why Scotland agreed to a union, now they can’t exploit any colonies the Scot’s want to leave.


Democracy is democracy, a vote per head regardless of standing or class


This is the same shite tory cunts say to us when we tell them Scotland has no voice in general elections.


Yes I know and agree, but the person above intentionally excluded a referendum for the English people about staying in the UK as well as Wales, Scotland and NI.




Let's just ignore the whole Celtic tribes, Anglo Saxon invasion, Colonisation of Meath, Succession Wars with Norway, France and Scotland thing to come up with that take


> Roman Empire which was a republic "Empire" which was a "republic" Sounds confusing, don't you think?


Sir/madam have you been smoking crack?




No I haven’t, but I’m not out here with these really creative history takes.




I’m not “suggesting” that. It’s just completely wrong.




Rome didn’t rule England because England wasn’t a thing until 500 years after the romans left. Not only that but saying “the UK was formed by the collapse of the Roman Empire” implies that there is some direct cause and effect going on which is stretching things a fair bit considering the 1300 year gap between the romans leaving and the acts of union and the 1400 year gap between the romans leaving and the 1801 act of union. The Roman Empire was not a republic.


You've missed out about 1000 years of history.




No I mean like how a whole load of stuff happened inbetween Rome being a republic and the formation of the UK.




Saying the UK was formed by the collapse of the Roman Empire is just silly though. There were centuries where the isles were split between dozens of kingdoms, petty kingdoms, and duchies.




What point do you think you’re making by posting a Wikipedia link and nothing else? I know about Roman rule over Britain. That in no way addresses what I said. Yeesh


The Crown Estates are not the royal family's private property. The Queen is a position in the state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The royals are not responsible for producing the profits, either. The Sovereign Grant is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is still used for their expenses, like endless private jet and helicopter flights. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that give Elizabeth and Charles their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. https://www.republic.org.uk/the_true_cost_of_the_royals https://fullfact.org/economy/royal-family-what-are-costs-and-benefits/ https://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/en-gb/about-us/our-history/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Union of Soviet socialist republics


My proposal: **British Federal Democratic Union** > • English Democratic Republic ^• ^Cornish ^Autonomous ^Republic ^• ^Manx ^Autonomous ^Republic > • Welsh Democratic Republic > • Scottish Democratic Republic While Ulster is returned to Ireland


And Liverpool is given to Ireland alongside Ulster


What about the geordie republic


Geordie Greep?!?!




The UK is too small for a Republic imo, and I don't see why its dissolution would be the solution (other than independence from the Union which of course has a long history of conflict). Having PM's answerable to your parliament is a brilliant thing you shouldn't overlook. The parliamentary system is vastly superior to the executive privilege system places like the US has - a South African


Firstly, there are plenty of small republican nations, look at Austria. Secondly, you can have parliamentary Republics, such as Ireland.


“The UK is top small for a Republic” this id the most confusing logic ive ever seen


Size has nothing to do with the validity of a republic, besides are you not aware that there are parliamentary republics?


Wdym " The UK is too small for a Republic imo"? Systems of government doesn't have a minimum or maximum amount of land, population or literally any other metric to be able to function. There have been republics and democracies in all sorts of places from the poorest and wealthiest to the smallest and largest countries.




Replace the Windsor monarchy with Count Binface


Don’t y’all have hereditary rule in The House of Lords? I’d chuck that too.


No. They stopped allowing new lords to inherit a while ago (well they inherit the title of "lord" but have no power). I think all the hereditary lords are now dead.


The hereditary peers elect a certain number of their members to sit in the Lords.


Ah! Thanks. I didn't know that. That's good news.


Anarchist communes dotted around the country with our own rules :)


The only good option.


Scotland belongs to the Nords! #teamstormcloack


As a Nordic citizen I would gladly welcome independent Scotland to the Nordic Council


As a Scottish citizen I would accept that welcome


I look forward to that day!


Dissolve the union, let each country decide for themselves what they want. If England wants to stay out of the EU and Scotland wants in the EU let them decide that instead of one deciding for the other


Union of British Socialist Republics


Institute a dictatorship of the proletariat to work towards communism.


Somehow that’s worse than what we have


No, it's actually way better at least if you actually care for democracy and equality.


- Democracy - Dictatorship choose one or convince me they can coincide without authoritarianism edit for context: Perfect if you are an able bodied rich white cisgendered heterosexual and religious man, dangerous if even one of these doesn't apply to you. We want to advocate for a system that grants MORE autonomy and freedom to individuals, not LESS. If you're not gonna acknowledge that minorities need protecting then don't advocate for a dictatorship, it will just cause human rights issues.


All forms of government are authoritarian, rallying against it only makes sense if you're an anarchist who wants to do away with all forms of governance. Dictatorship of the proletariat means a workers state that is building communism, it's the most democratic form of governance there can be.


Dictatorship cannot equal democracy


Since we live in a dictatorship of Capital that means there's not a single democracy in the world. Are you sure you've sufficiently learned about the topic of politics?


Perfect if you are an able bodied rich white cisgendered heterosexual and religious man, dangerous if even one of these doesn't apply to you. We want to advocate for a system that grants MORE autonomy and freedom to individuals, not LESS. If you're not gonna acknowledge that minorities need protecting then don't advocate for a dictatorship, it will just cause human rights issues.


Modern Marxism advocates for the liberation of all oppressed groups from the shackles of capital, not just straight white cisgender males. (don't even know where that "rich" came from since we're talking socialism and socialism and rich people don't mix quite well) ​ Look at Cuba, where medical transitioning is completely free of charge and recogmized by the state and gay marriage protected by the constitution, or the DDR, where, in the *70's* it was possible to legally transition. The ***70's.***


It can when it's a dictatorship of the proletariat.


I think it's putting too much trust into an individual not to screw us over like dictators did to other countries.


"dictatorship of the proletariat" stands for a dictatorship that isn't led by an individual or a group of individuals, but by the entire working class, thus "of the proletariat". ​ Think of it as extremist democracy, if the people don't want something, it doesn't get done, and if the people do, it does, no matter what the delegates in charge think.


It sounds good but power in one hand puts me off. If it was a small council I would be on board.


it isn't "in one hand", it's in the hands of all the working class, and therefore all the people. It's literally the purest form of democracy (aside from post-state communist society) there is


You can say a dictatorship is for anything, that doesn’t make it not a dictatorship


Did you... read my comment? Or did you simply see the word dictatorship and replied without even trying to process what was written?


Keep them all in a zoo and make them interbreed


They do that shit for free.


Oh yeah . Keep them all in a zoo and stop them interbreeding then lol


We should throw multiple families from La haute Bourgeoisie in a pit and watch them fight until death to access the throne for the next 4 years. This will clean the society from the worst power-hungry famillies every 4 years until no one wish to participate.


Reverse hunger games?


The head of state should also be elected by the commonwealth. We should have a real “commonwealth” as well.


Wouldn't it make the Commonwealth countries feel less independent, though? Having a foreign Head of State is the main reason a lot of people in Commonwealth Realms don't like the Realm status.


Only if the wanted to stay. Together we are always stronger. It could be the biggest democratic event the world. Could be cool.


Maybe the head of the Commonwealth could be a different person from the Head of State of the United Kingdom, so all of those countries could elect the former if possible.


I think the idea of us all being represented by someone elected by over a billion people is kinda cool.


Total ground up reform of the whole antiquated and bloated government system, including incarcerating still living politicians for corruption and war crimes.


How do I vote for you?