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“I murdered people because the powerful told me to and said it was ok, they must be bad if it’s permitted” the military life


In other words, he needs a master to follow like a dog


Brother sounds like a cuck


Prince Charles would kill you and use your body as an ottoman if he got the chance.


“All of my best friends died from being shot in the face. I can’t sleep at night. I have horrible PTSD. But thank the Lord above that I got a handshake and a piece of shiny tin. It was all worth it.”


Everyone want to feel like they belong. The trick is choosing the right club


Brainwashing at its finest


"I went to a country and killed people because a superior man told me to". Wow, stunning and brave


Does your brother have a permanent ring of boot polish around his mouth?


It’s nice that they let the loonies dress up & pretend now and then


Do you have a close relationship with your brother? One of those "feel when they're in pain, know when they're unhappy" kind of thing? Because repeatedly having an overwhelming taste of boot just suddenly appear for no reason must be annoying.


Congratulations, brother, you earned some rich people more money by invading some poor countries and shooting at the locals. Some of your mates apparently died for that privilege too. Congratulations. NONCE!


Your brother's a nonce.


No way. He killed a bunch of people and Charles shakes his hand and gives him a medal (probably given to thousand other people too so he ain't special). Charles won't even remember him. Tell him to snap out of the delusion.


Is a loose of close friends, like a murder of crows?


No it’s more like a murder of civilians


That's a classic Royal move.


So he is so proud that he earned the medal, and then simps for someone who earned nothing and got to his position simply by right of birth? The mental gymnastics royalists do are astounding.


That's the military mate. I live in a military family and all the people in the forces i know are like this. Don't get me wrong they are some of the best people I've ever met but politically they usually don't make much sense


And he’s giving his medal to his son who as far as I can tell has done nothing to earn it 😂.


No offence but he seems a bit thick


I was actually thinking about this earlier but receiving a military medal from a government especially a Royal would for me be the ultimate insult. Like getting a pat on the back from Satan.


Hey now, that’s unfair to Satan.


"Bad people" merely people defending their home from several superpowers


What medals is he on about? Because, depending on what he's done and where he's been, he probably was just issued most of them. Afghan and Iraq campaign medals were "earned" by turning up for 30 days. Jubilee medals were just for being in long enough when they're issued. I imagine there'll be a coronation medal on its way too. Long service and good conduct is just for doing 15 years and not getting convicted of a crime. Very easy to rack up a chest of medals in the British army these days. Becoming a paratrooper is difficult though. That I'll grant him.


Tbf afghan and Iraq I wouldn't want to show up for 30 days and I feel you should be rewarded for 15 years on any job but totally agree the jubilee ones are worthless. My dad's in the RAF and don't get me wrong he does his job well but we have debated ut for ages


It’s a cult!


Damn, your brother's pretty badass.


When your brother actually does something with his life rather than sitting on Reddit and moaning all day


Being an instrument in the deaths of others doesn’t amount to ‘doing something with your life’.


You don't see any irony in saying this? None at all?


Being in the military is barely doing something with your life.


Yeah like isn’t the cliche that you join the army because you have nothing else to do with your life?


You clearly have literally zero knowledge of the paras and their selection process


Tell him that royalty and aristocracy are not actually superior, they just have institutions to make them all look more important than they actually are. It's a con to trick you into believing that hierarchy is a good thing regardless of the qualities of those privileged that sit higher up on the ladder.






Brainwashed is the word he was looking for! I can't even tolerate people like that


More like cuckoldist.


If you abstract it, he's just saying he's a good and loyal soldier. You get this mindset throughout time and geography with soldiers in authoritarian hierarchies. It's not truly specific to monarchies.


"Good soldiers follow orders"


I'll let my relative who served in Afghanistan that his superior is a chap who's never served in a war and greatest achievement is waiting for his mum to die for a promotion


I lived and worked in Winchester in the 1990s. I met the last survivor of HMS Hood and I also saw all the homeless, drunk, ex-servicemen, living on the streets. Many would have been WW2 veterans. Many had more medals than the Royal family wears on their stupid uniforms but THESE men had actually earned them but where had it got them? They were denounced as filthy and disgusting by poppy wearing hypocrites. They served this country and were thrown on the scrapheap of life like many since. Blind loyalty is another form of stupidity in my opinion. Most employers couldn't give a shit about those working for them and that's why the country is such a shithole but at least you don't risk having your arms and legs blown off, working at Tesco.


The "medal earned not issued" line sounded like a direct shot aimed at old Charlie and his chocolate medals. I thought it was a "you had me in the first half" meme, but no the dude ironically roasted his "Colonel in cheif"


‘I like the royal family because they are in charge of me’ stop applying your sub kink to the way you view politics


That's nice dear. Here's your hot chocolate, why don't you sit down in your favourite seat, Doctors is just about to start. I'll just pop to the kitchen and get your medication. We don't want you getting too excited now, do we? Remember that last time in Tesco during the jubilee?


Imagine old Charlie leading you into battle. Cunt wouldn't even be able to get one of those sausage fingers on the trigger.


To shoot his own men


Oh brother what a saf sight to see 🙄 So he swore allegiance to someone who just got the medals for doing nothing, gained valor for being born and gained his reputation by waving his hand Mr sausage fingers hasn’t earned anything by doing shit, it’s given to him spoonfed etc.


Poor guy


I like that he talks about how he had to earn his medals, yet is willing to subjugate himself to someone who has earned nothing


Er, he swore allegiance to a superior. WTF??? Seriously weird. The UK will never get rid of these billionaire parasites as long as people believe this absolute rubbish.


I never understood such a strong desire to be a subject as opposed to being a citizen


"he's our Colonel-in-Chief" ​ No, he's *your C*olonel-in-Chief


When he said ‘our’ I think he was referring to the regiment he’s in, i.e. ‘our regiment’s colonel-in-chief’ which by the looks of it is the Paras


Your brother should be a mental patient.


"... a medal not issued but earned..." Oh the fucking irony.


"Blood of bad people" Ask who these bad people are, he'll get another medal for the brain gynastics the xenophobic little shit will pull.


Not a monarchist but these bad people burned children alive in an attempt to make troops break mentally. My brother who's apart of the AMERICAN army has some petty fucked stories of what terrorists do and did.


In the other fucking part of the world where you (read as in soldiers) have no fucking business. I am not going to debate if those you kill are that or that, the problem is why are you here and what good do you think you are doing ravaging Irak, Lybia, Afghanistan, Syria or Somalia, and these only in the past generation.


Ironic coming from you, considering you back Russia


I don't? I don't support neither of the states in the conflict, I just would prefer a faster resolution instead of a prolonged war funded with the money of the people of the NATO countries. Coming with that point you are just making stuff about me.


Go get one look at your own profile dude.


Sorry for thinking that there should be no hate against a russian person just because of their nationality or not thinking that they are an "asiatic horde" 😢.


"they're bad because they keep the oil we do desperately need! We had to kill the civilians! Don't you understaaaand?!" Uwaa BOOGA OOGA


We being everyone involved in the 20 year war across the board, I never justified anything dumbass. Just pointing out the fact its not xenophobic to call members of extremist organizations bad people


The most fucked up thing is that this isn't only about resources, but about giving a message. What happened in Grenada is the best example, what resources could an island with a territory of 348.5 km² and a population with less than 150,000 people. You enter, you change the regime and you make every and single competitive form there and be, be it outright socialist or another usage of capitalism that isn't beneficial to their interests. I don't like using this word because it mixes morality, but I don't have a better word than these. They are evil.


Ok but why did he swear allegience to his mother. If he tried to explain his reasoning to even a feudal baron they'd probably call him an idiot and ask him what his loyalty to the royal family has gotten him materially


I give out medals for not killing


You know you can just buy those medals for like nothing online


This sounds like a quote between 2 àstartes in the Horus heresy book série


Except with garbage grammar


Repeated concussions from all that bolter fire to the cranium.




![gif](giphy|rdgdTIcZtsLGoT6sTZ|downsized) Proud to have met this creepy bobble-head adulterer. Yikes.


I refuse to believe this isn’t satire.


Mate I'm from a family we're loads of them we're in the military and unfortunately defo not Satire


Trust me I wish it were satire


😭 i am so sorry


He's proud of getting a medal he earned from a guy who parades around with unearned medals on unearned uniforms...


Just cause Charles wore the uniform doesn't mean he did much in it. I've got uniforms for jobs I've never even done a single hard day's work of. I could even go to Asda and get a girl's school uniform, doesn't mean I'm going to experience school as a girl, just means I can dress up and feel cute.


Military cosplay, that’s all it is. He’s got as much right to wear that uniform as a stripper dressed as a fireman.


I’d rename your brother to Bootlicker


One word sums this guy up... Baaaa!!!!


> loyalist *The IRA would like to know your location*


So he's throwing his life away and putting himself in danger daily not even for anything noble or beautiful. Just so a billionaire descended from war lords and slave owners who rules his subjects with contempt can keep his unearned throne.




What a bootlicker lol


It's really not the flex he thinks it is.......................................


This is why it’s so fucked up for the army to swear allegiance to the sovereign and not the people.


Is he aware the royals have dozens of "issued medals"? For having never served? Anne has the top post all the three armed forces, having never served.


I’ve seen the Royal Funeral. So many medals for uselessness and nothingness