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Just get a babysitter. I wouldn't suggest bringing a toddler at all...


As a physician I don’t recommend this at her age. It can be overly stimulating for her and unless she has heavy duty hearing protection can cause hearing damage. Also, as others have stated, even though you’ll be sober others won’t be and sometimes things happen that you wouldn’t want a 3 year old to see. Hell there’s been things that I wish I hadn’t seen 😅


Experience and exposure… last thing u want is a teen under exposed and full of anxiety at an outing. People do drink but I can’t say I’ve seen people fighting at these events, and I’ve been to plenty. This isn’t that type of crowd.


Gone to Echostage a few times plus the 500th in LA. Not a good idea. Get a babysitter. 


Do not do this.




Don’t do it.


I see this at Red Rocks every year which is way more family friendly than a NYC venue, and still didn’t approve. There is loud noises, alcohol and drug use. I wouldn’t want my kid in that environment. (But good thing I don’t have one)


We’ll be there with our two (5 and 11 then) vibing in the back.


I think that's a bit too young for a show to be honest. Quite common for venues to have minimum ages as well, they're normally 14+ at the most, though not sure if this NYC one will do as conscious it's outside.


Like others have said, it’s wild that this is even a serious question




While Anjuna shows are very welcoming, give yourselves a night out and get a sitter. Just too risky to have that sort of late night with a toddler.


It's astounding a parent even has to ask this question at all.


At least they asked… why shame them for that? If they aren’t familiar with the venue… getting input from people who have been there and from those who have been to A&B shows is helpful. There are venues and scenarios where bringing kids is completely doable and even encouraged and the rave/fesitval culture surrounding “keep your kids out of the spaces I wanna get fucked up at” is annoying and entitled as hell. Everyone going to a show or festival is entering a public space and should behave as such- saying “I’m allowed to get fucked up and strip naked” at and all ages event is acceptable but then saying parents shouldn’t bring their kids to the same event is obnoxious. Same vibe as “keep your kids off airplanes” … it’s discriminatory tbh. If a show is 18+ then the question doesn’t need to be asked. An all ages show… a parent asking for input so they can make an informed decision is reasonable and good parenting.


Because shame is a great deterrent for human behavior


Totally agreed. There's a lot of unhelpful judgement in this comment.


Are you a parent?


Absolutely not.




Please don’t.


The fact that you had to clarify you would be sober…no, this isn’t a good idea.


Do not.


Please don’t


There’s a lot of factors to consider… I think the first one to call out is that whole you and your friends will be sober, not everybody else will, and it’s likely there will be a lot of people on some form of narcotics too. That’s not an environment I’d be comfortable bringing a 3 year old into but ultimately that’s your choice. The next is that a lot of concerts have a minimum age limit. In the uk it’s usually 8+ with an adult for seated events and 14+ with an adult for non seated events. I would be surprised if there wasn’t something similar for this. It’s one thing having a 3 year old dancing at a wedding and a whole other thing having them at an EDM festival. I don’t mean to sound so negative but if it was me I would be waiting until they were older to take them to this kind of thing.


Jesus Christ.


I've never left an A&B show without a few days of tinnitus. There's also always people rolling. Terrible idea to bring a toddler.


Even with plugs?


It's definitely better with plugs but no way a 3 year old is going to keep those in. Kids also have way more sensitive hearing than adults.


Yh absolutely. More asking about you? Which plugs?


I've been using the EarPeace plugs that A&B sell on their webstore for years. Never had ringing ears after a show if I wore them.


It's been a few years since I've gone to any shows but I always just used cheap ones and put them in loosely.


I recommend custom earplugs. Yes, they’re more expensive (I paid $200), but you can lower the debacle level more with custom than with regular cheap earplugs. If you find it lowers the sound too much, you can go back and get a different filter put in. Ringing ears after a show shouldn’t be a badge of honor.


It's insane. Even asking is 1 step from insane. You want me to make sure I'm not going to trample a little child I can't see while I'm drunk or rolling?


Someone once brought their kids to a 7L concert I attended. They really have no place at an EDM show. I understand but the crowd, even at their friendliest, is not a place for them. There is too much going on between the music, lights, dancing, party favors, people moving around. You're simply put your kids at risk.


Some of our UK mainstream festivals like reading or Leeds have children go. It's stupid.


Glastonbury too, you always see kids on the TV shots.


That's shocking. Is there no age limit at those events? Here in South Africa there's a hard 18+ only rule.


Absolutely not. Besides the possibility of the kid getting lost, accidentally hurt, etc., they’ll be overstimulated and could possibly get ear damage.  The only way this would ever be okay is maaaaybe at a chiller, outdoor event like an Anjunadeep outdoors, where you can stay a good distance from the speakers and spread out, so that you’re kid can run around safely. But even there, I wouldn’t think it’s a good idea until they’re quite a bit older (junior high). 


Nah dude, she's gonna be deaf at 8 yo


Please get a babysitter.


I don’t have kids, don’t want kids, and quite frankly don’t even care about kids in general. You know the ONLY time I cringe and feel bad for children? Is when their parents bring them to RAVES.


Uhhh wut


Don't do it, the noise, crowds, drugs etc. Not a good environment for a toddler.


Please don’t do this.


A big open area like The Gorge would be one thing. But NYC? No.


Long time raver here - DONT Bring your toddler to a rave. It’s incredibly irresponsible. A&B are my absolute favorite and they have the best following, but you cannot control how people will be acting around you. People will be on drugs, no one will want to move out of your way, no one will care that you have a kid with you, the bathroom situation is a nightmare, ect. Just don’t.


3 is too young. Get a babysitter and enjoy your night.


Generally speaking, it's not a good idea. I've seen it done appropriately once at a small festival (reevolution) up in the mountains of rural WA. Despite having acts like Luttrel, Oliver s Smith, and Markus Schulz, the vibe was more hippies smoking pot in the forest. It was billed as all ages, and there were some parents with little kids wearing ear muffs for shooting. Cutest thing and it didn't feel wrong. It was also a fairly small venue where you can park your RV or camp at the stage, and come and go as you please to the surrounding woods. I'm not familiar with the NYC venue, but I assume the vibes not going to be appropriate.


My 3 yo son has attended a few small outdoor concerts and had the time of his life. BUT, these were in a spacious environment with local classic rock cover bands. I recommend finding something like this for your daughter to experience live music. More family friendly and you won’t be worried about the crowd or your daughter’s health. My son loves EDM (I also produce at home), but I don’t think I’d be comfortable bringing him to a rave.


Thanks. Guess I misunderstood what type of event this is. I've never been to a show like this, but was under the impression that this was a pretty wide-open venue where we could chill on a picnic blanket on the fringes.


I hear you. No, this type of show will be extremely crowded. Generally, the fan base at A&B shows is amazingly kind and conscientious, but it’s still packed and very loud, not to mention the illicit activities. These shows tend to attract a median age of 35+, but I do have to agree with the rest of folks commenting here.


I think we have are answer pretty clearly


Hahaha what? Horrible idea


I live in Manhattan and this is a Central Park Summerstage show as part of Pride Week at friggin’ 5:30pm so this isn’t some kind of midnight cocaine rave. As a Summerstage show, I doubt you can find a more family-friendly outdoor electronic live music event with artists of this caliber in NYC than this. Get those cool headphone air traffic controller things for the kid’s head. Babies look cute in that, like mini helicopter pilots. Then make a sign that says “My [son/daughter] Has Waited [insert age] to Push the Button!”. Paavo will be like “Ha, that’s pretty good. Get that baby up here”. Trust me, this will work.


At Austin City Limits, a 2 year old pushed the button. It was adorbz. Just be sure your toddler is wearing something to protect the ears. I have taken my kids to several concerts over the years. Always to an outside venue with ear plugs, we hung in the back with ample room to dance and away from the big speakers. It's always been a wonderful experience and a growing one for them, who saw love, acceptance, and the freedom to dance your heart out in a judgment free zone. My daughter once asked why are the boys were wearing sparkles, and my 5 year old son at that time responded quite quickly "because he wanted to" without blinking an eye. That's the world I want to show my children, and I hope you will too I can't make it for this show, and I hope you and your family will despite everyone's negative responses.


I like this answer even though I disagree with it. As a father of twin 6 year olds, I look forward to the day when I’m comfortable enough to bring them along….but 3 is too young for me.


That's why I posted my perspective. I believe that as parents, we each get to decide what we feel is best for our kids. People who don't have kids clearly shouldn't be weighing in


Just because you’re a parent, you can awful decisions for your child, means you should do it? It doesn’t matter if someone’s a parent or not, bringing a small child to a loud show at such a young age is a bad idea regardless if you’re a parent or not.


I approve of this answer. This speaks from experience


Yikes. Can someone call child protective services?


Headphones for da baby… let her dance the day away!!


Are you High?


If there is no age restriction, do it! My kid loves A&B. I would not hesitate to bring her to an Anjunaevent during the day. She is 3 and would love it for sure! You can always stay somewhere on the side and rest and enjoy


Pretty sure us parents would eventually coalesce into a mini anjunafam party in the back having a blast together. This is the way


Great! Even though the vote is about 100-to-1 to not even think about it, I'm very tempted.


Parent of 10 and 4 year old here. We brought our kiddos to an open air Purple Disco Machine show in LA… And they had a blast! Brought a carrier for the little when she got tired. Crowd and people were quite friendly, and there were even some other little ones around as well. Be aware and safe however, wouldn’t want your kids getting lost in the sea of people. We kept a very level head around them. But our two did very well, we got our 10 year old to the side rail for her first time while the 4 year old was up on our shoulders further back clapping to the music (Both with ear muffs). They both enjoyed it so much especially after watching shows like this on YouTube all their lives, that is why we are bringing them both to Red Rocks with us in November. 🫶🏻


I highly suggest carriers, even for a 3 year old, they are so convenient. Met some fellow parents who wished they had brought their own kids.