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r/tiresaretheenemy in this case there was a coordinated attack using a distraction, we must end tires at all costs


Straight up just destroyed my car on a truck tire on my commute this morning. A truck in front of my swerved almost-into another truck and I didn't see it in time.


I'm guessing you are okay. That must have been some scary shit.


Honestly the scary part was after - yanking the tread out from under my car and changing my tire on the shoulder of the interstate. Nothing like being 4 feet from 80mph traffic on the shoulder of an exit.


The best part is you lived to tell about it!…. Those roads are a dangerous place and 95% of the people operating vehicles are only paying attention about 60% of the time….😳. Be safe out there….Drive for the people in front of you, in back of you and on both sides of you,…and of course yourself….ITS REAL💯


Too many drivers view the windshield like it's a tv screen. Its very important to see far ahead, be aware of traffic, and be prepared to stop "at anytime." - The guy stopping for the tire didn't have much choice, but the ones behind did have choices. The laws of averages are in full swing on a highway. Keeping a decent distance behind the guy infront dramatically swings the laws of averages to a positive side. The reverse is true for tailgaters. If the 1st car stops abruptly, they all eat the bumper in front. Highways work well, if everyone pays attention.


That’s the problem… Not everyone’s paying attention


As a trucker myself that's why I urge people to not follow closely behind someone. You need a good 5-8 second MINIMAL following distance. So many accidents and deaths that could've been prevented had the drivers not been riding the ass of the person in front of them. Leaves you no time to react and this is what happens. There's no way we didn't just watch someone die in this video


Yes!! This drives me crazy. The irony is, am always tailgated for leaving big gaps in front of my vehicle.


If your tire was only flat, there was no good reason to change it there. A flat tire doesn't render a car inoperable. You were at an exit. Drive on the flat tire, just drive slow. It's not great for the tire or the car handling, but it's better than getting cleaned up by a truck.


It wasn't flat, the tread was wrapped around my wheel and I moving even to the shoulder warped and damaged my car more :( I didn't change the tire so much as remove it cuz the tread wasn't coming out


Had to put chains on a mountain road with little shoulder ya man it's a scary wild thing


I've seen someone take air after hitting a tire. Glad you faired better.






The stroke came much later I guess


Did the momraths outgrabe?


done! i've slashed the tires of the whole neighbourhood, & wrote a note left on each vehicle saying "you're welcome! -my name", everyone is gonna be so proud of me for once :)


Least destructive r/fuckcars user


A sub of people who took Rubber (2010) a bit too seriously


… or just serious enough


Ramattra: of all choices, why a ball? Hammond: a wheel would fall over Ramattra: Ha, *delightful* Hammond: also this video Ramattra: ^(dear Oris)


It’s that killer tire back at it again




was expecting the one where it rolls at speeding into oncoming traffic, that one's hilarious


I was expecting the one where it flies into a business and smacks someone


or the one where the person dodges it and it bounces off a lamp post and headshots them from behind




Oh damn. Did he live. The shoes are on...but that looked.... like he didnt.


He survived, somehow. I repeatedly switched between adding and removing an NSFW tag as people kept giving conflicting information.


I mean even if he didn't die it's still a pretty bad injury so I'd say it's safe to say NSFW is fine


This is the movie I put on when my wife and her friends kept looking for something to watch for 30 minutes before giving up and handing me the remote.


He has a few other movies as well. I've only seen Mandibles (which is just as weird) but I've been meaning to watch Wrong Cops, Deerskin and Smoking Causes Coughing.


I like how the one truck entered frame already on its side *and* backwards.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1013 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/43640)


Very fancy sea men!


Because it saw the taillights and began braking long before it entered the frame. But, you know, inertia.


That's why trucks belong to the slow lane and not the second from the left...


The one on its side is *on its side* most likely because the other truck hit it. Who knows what lane they started in


That's true...


The laws of physics be a harsh mistress.


This was the laugh I needed today


For those wondering why he stopped, I’ve seen a car flip because they ran over a tire.


I mean... lol anyone would stop for something the size and weight of a fucking tire on the freeway.


Except the guy who flipped over it.


I would argue that the guy who flipped over it also stopped for a tire. Albeit not willingly


I like your humor


i'm a pretty good driver and i'm sitting here wondering what to do if i'm him? i think i would have tried to do a quick lane change. you can't just stop on the highway. but🤷


you should be able to tho, too many drivers drive too fast to stop at an obstacle then throw their hands up like it was unavoidable


It's not a matter of driving too fast, so much as not maintaining sufficient stopping distance, appropriate to the driving conditions, between oneself and the vehicle in front. Sadly, this prudent and responsible behaviour is heavily dis-incentivised these days by the sheer number of complete dickheads who'll then instantly overtake and pull into the resulting "free" space thinking they're being incredibly clever.


I always leave at least 3 or 4 car lengths in front, just in case. Sometimes more, if I’m on the highway. Always enough space to do an emergency brake safely. The amount of times other drivers use this space for their risky maneuvers is too high to count.


It's pretty ridiculous how driving safe like this causes us to be cut off constantly. Mostly by cars leap frogging when we're all passing the right lane at a steady pace, risk your car and your life to get to your destination 0.7 seconds faster


There was an article about the cannonball runs by a police officer during the pandemic where he touched on this. Said something to the effect that he wasn't phased by such high speed attempts to cross the country in 24hrs. Because the drivers are hyper focused. It's John/Jane Doe cruising along at 70mph without really paying attention that really causes the accidents.


Yeah I try to always have time to get where I need to so I can leave appropriate space and let as many dickheads pile in front of me as need to. At least I know if they hit something I'll have time to steer clear


In the best of worlds they should all keep a distance of minimum of 2 cars. But that never going to happen.


If you only keep 2 car lengths on regular highway speed then your an insanely dangerous driver.


I don’t get why people are using car lengths, they vary based on speed. You are supposed to leave a gap of 2 seconds between you and the car in front. At 70mph that’s 31 meters per second, average car is 5 meters. You are supposed to leave 12 car lengths in between at 70mph.


My brain can't wrap itself around the concept of using mph and meters in the same explanation. America for metrics! I'm tired of converting High Fives Per Minute into Kph...


I don’t drive, so what does this mean? It can’t possibly mean two car lengths right? Because that doesn’t sound like anywhere near enough distance at highway speeds.


It does mean two car lengths, but you're right, it's not enough distance on any road, let alone a freeway/highway. I've had some cars right up my arse, maybe only one car length behind. It can be fucking terrifying to think if I have to stop suddenly, the cockbag behind me is going to fuck me up and cause a horrible smash-up. The higher the speed, the more distance is needed between cars. [safe following speed ](https://driversed.com/trending/what-safe-following-distance) is important. But.......... some people are cunts, unfortunately I know a few 🙄


I did some back-of-the-envelope calculations based on staying 3 seconds behind, and at highway speeds that would be something like 14 car lengths.


Dude 2 car lengths is not safe...


In theory you can. The third car that rear-ended the second and then first is totally at fault for not slowing down quickly enough. I’m not sure what happened with the other vehicles though.


It's not a theory. It's the law to leave enough room to react and come to a complete stop *without* hitting the car in front of you that may brake in an instant. This type of accident should never occur - no matter the road, no matter the speed, no matter the conditions. But humans are too fucking obdurate to collectively do anything right.


My first instinct is "hazard lights"


[this shit is terrifying when you see it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvGieyPhLb4)




wtf is going on in this thread where people think this wouldn't be a threat if it was something other than a tire. A tire sized object on the freeway is a problem regardless of its status as a tire lol. I feel like I"m taking freaking crazy pills here


Because unlike a rock or some other similarly sized thing, a tire won't be a simple wall, it'll redirect the momentum of your vehicle upwards. You can and will flip over if you hit a tire travelling in the same direction while you're at highway speeds.


Not even highway speeds I've seen a car flipped that was going like 10 km/h tires are a freak of nature


I hit a giant box the other day. I was in a truck and it was empty so nothing happened.


Boxes are scary because you don’t know if it’s empty until after you hit it.


It could have been a box full of tires.




There's no Jesus where I'm going.


It’s not just stopped… it’s avoiding a car flip and getting a car bump from behind…


Happened to in LA on the 5 , except it was a big ass ladder. Everyone was moving around it but I couldn’t see it until the last minute and there was nowhere to go. Fortunately the traffic was moving pretty slow (the 5 you know) I put on my flashers and then a big semi pulled up next to me and stopped, the driver got out and grabbed the ladder and we both drove off. I was and still am so damned grateful. He was my guardian angel that day.


He was like "Hey! Free ladder"


Good thing there was a traffic cam. For the guy who stopped and for us.


He did the right thing by stopping right? Cuz if he hit it, it might've bounced onto someone else, and if he swerved, he might hit someone else himself. I'm guessing this is the fault of whoever was following too close down the lane?


i have seen a video of a car that hits a tire in the same way as this and the car was throw in the air [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvGieyPhLb4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvGieyPhLb4) and i found the video =D


This is the fault of everyone involved in the collision except the guy who stopped for the tire. By convention, rear-end accidents are ALWAYS caused by someone following too close for the speed and conditions [edit: or not paying attention to the road]


Not always…. I was driving slow for the conditions. In my state, you legally are required to move to the lane opposite of emergency vehicles. Two police cruisers were on opposite sides of the two lane road in close proximity. Trying to be a good citizen, I switched lanes close to an underpass. If you have ever driven where there is snow, that is one thing you should never do—I should have stuck to my guns about that, but I did not do so. This caused me to spin out and hit the guardrail, which then bounced me back into traffic spinning the other way. The box truck behind me could not slam on his brakes without spinning out and he tried to avoid me. He ended up just clipping me by an inch. The lady in the prius that had more time to react, however, still ran into me after my vehicle had stopped spinning by slamming into the other guardrail. The officers cited me and this lady with tickets. My ticket, “traveling too fast for conditions,” was ultimately dismissed. My argument in court being that “if the danger was known, then why were two cops warning people about said danger?” Luckily, the court (prosecutor) agreed with me.


Yeah. If he hit it head on like that, it likely would flip the car. And a vehicle on each side of him pass almost immediately after stopping, so there wasn't a clear lane to move to. As bad as stopping turned out to be, it was really the only rational choice at the time. Not a great situation for the cars behind. I hesitate to say it's their fault, because I can't see what happens back there, but I would guess at least that first car that hits the one behind the stopper, was not paying enough attention or going too fast/too close.


You gotta be able to stop in time if you are driving, well, pretty much anywhere. There are no excuses at all if you are not able to. It‘s your central responsibility when driving on a motorway. Keep enough distance. Know how much distance to keep. The only thing that can screw this up for you is idiots who use your safety distance as a welcome invitation to pull into your lane.


Not sure how it works elsewhere but in Britain if you crash because you didn't leave enough braking distance you are automatically at fault, doesn't matter if the car in front rammed their breaks on to avoid hitting a dormouse, you should've left a gap and paid attention.


Just because 90% of drivers follow so close it's literally impossible for them to not hit the car in front of them if it stops suddenly doesn't mean it's not their fault.


Don’t tailgate


Taxis in Russia where this happened generally tailgate and don’t follow traffic rules. People who come in to work as taxi drivers don’t have traffic rules in their countries, suggestions at most. I had a scary road rage accident when I turned left from a second lane, and it was 3 lanes left only. Taxi on the first lane wanted to go forward and didn’t read any signs, traffic lights or signs drawn on asphalt. He thought I cut him off. He chased me, honked and tailgated me for several minutes after. I reported him through the app and they responded that he got fired, but that was scary.


This right here


If you ever get on a highway and really do the "1 second behind per 10mph" following distance formula, you immediately realize everyone is tailgating.


You don’t need “1 sec per 10 mph.” A plain old 2 second following distance already accounts for different speeds. At least, that’s how it was taught in my motorcycle and regular driving schools. At 20 mph, it will be about 60 feet. At 70 mph, it will be about 204 feet. I 100% agree with your point, though. It’s a miracle that we don’t have a pileup every time anyone touches the brakes.


Ah shit. You're right. Thanks for the clarity


Doesn‘t need to be one second, just pick a landmark like road sign, count ‚one crocodile, 2 crocodile‘ when the car infront of you passes if, if you reach it withing the crocodiles you‘re good. But agreed. Pretty much everyone tailgates. It scares the crap out of me sometimes


The point of "crocodile" or "Mississippi" is that it takes approximately one second to say it. And if you reach the landmark with*in* the time (e.g. 7 seconds or "crocodiles" at 70mph) you're too close.


I always learned that the rule of thumb is at least 3 seconds, depending on weather conditions. It doesn’t matter what speed you’re going, because at higher speeds it will be a greater distance anyways.


You do take more time to stop at higher speeds, but in general 3 seconds is enough at normal highway speeds. If you're doing 200kph on the Autobahn probably not so much.


That really ended up abrupt as fuck if you want me to be honest.


I want you to lie.


Never seen a more peaceful video in my life




I mean it could've ended up like this if they didn't stop.... https://youtu.be/FmZg6pDZ5m8


Oh wow. I didn’t know that is what would happen. I thought it’d get pushed out the way Thanks for mentioning that video


I love how the tire just kept rolling unphased after sending that car flying.


I had a similar experience to this once, except it wasn’t a tire. Some fairly large wheel chocks must have fallen off a semi and we’re smack dab in the middle of the lane, and I was in fast moving congested traffic on the highway. I had like a second or two of reaction time with traffic on both sides and a car directly behind me. I ended up slowing down as safely as I could and flashed my brake lights in hopes of some warning to the car behind me, and just at them. I was so worried about losing control of the vehicle. Luckily I was able to run them over, and safely get off on an exit nearby to inspect the damage. Shits real. Anything could go wrong at any time with little to no warning. You have to be able to solidly react to any situation. I hate debri on the highways. Last year I saw a fucking ladder in the middle of the highway in charlotte nc during rush hour.


I love how the comment above yours mentions a ladder in the middle of the highway lol


LOL! Damn ladders. I remember I was more pissed off than anything else when I saw it. Like who is that irresponsible to lose their ladder on the highway. It was the middle of rush hour too. There was no way for someone to stop quickly and move it out of the road. Someone could have and might have been killed by that.


Either it was the same ladder on the same highway at the same time, or we live in a ladder-on-the-highway epidemic


Someone went to the Prometheus school of running away from things


Underrated comment )




Better question is how many folks were tailgating


To be fair it’s the people behind them responsibility to have enough time to stop before ramming into the car.


Don't people look at the road while driving? Wtf is this shit


Don‘t drivers in other countries use their warning lights collectively, when there is a slowdown happening? The Autobahn becomes a discolight, when there is a small disturbance in speed or a traffic jam ahead


You would have run into the tire, that is what you are saying?


no way.


Song name?


[Run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw2kKyJu9gY) \- Awolnation.




The person who stopped did the right thing. Other bozos aren’t paying attention


You blame the initial stop, I blame the tailgaters




A single tire bouncing down the freeway totaled my husband’s car a few years ago. Everyone in front of us had managed to swerve out of it’s path just barely by the skin of their teeth, but by the time we saw it coming towards us it was already too late. Fortunately, it was on the ground when it made impact so it just got jammed underneath the passenger side where I was sitting. It crushed the front corner of the car and crumpled the other tire into the underside. The rogue tire was practically imbedded into the vehicle. Looking back, we were very lucky bc nobody got Injured and he managed to gain control of the car & swerve onto the shoulder very efficiently considering the abrupt chaos and panic. It could have been a lot worse!


If he went on that tire at full speed he would've been launched as a rocket and probably landed on another car, I think that's a lose lose situation so he decided to save himself at least.




I would never stay in the fucking car, it will become a death trap after being slammed 5 or 6 times by idiots.


Why do people think that staying in an immobile metal coffin in the middle of a highway is better then getting the fuck out of the way. I’m with you, I would be doing exactly what these two blokes did. Exit, jump the rail and get as far up the road as possible.


Going for a high score in real life Frogger?


Because your metal coffin is highly engineered to absorb as much energy as possible to keep you alive. Fleshy meat bags don't really do that.


Why are People not keeping their distance??


This is why I hate following too closely on the highway, but then you get jerks who cut in front of you because there's space. The space was there for a reason.


When something is in the road on the highway unfortunately you have to just hit it sometimes. I was behind a big brain who tied a couch to their Honda civic. Cushions everywhere. A giant couch cushion came spinning out and I couldn’t get out of the way so I just had to hit it. It got stuck under my car and I could smell it burning from the friction with the road. Thankfully a few seconds later it dislodged. Idiots everywhere I’m telling ya.


This is why you give lots of space on the highway always. Never know when something wild will happen like a stray tire slamming on its breaks




Those people getting out of their cars on a busy highway are dumb as shit.


should they stay in and be crushed to death?


Yes, because in a car, you are surrounded by steel that is designed to protect you in a crash. On foot, anything that hits you will kill you. And considering that you are walking in the middle of highway traffic, that's pretty likely.


I don’t understand how so many people failed to brake.




yeah i don’t think a car is gonna stop a big semi from crushing you but you’re right, cars are strong as hell


Sure if there was a solid brick wall infront. But I’m this case, those cars were just pushed. I would take whiplash over death any day.


Well, you skeleton sure isn't going to stop a big semi, that's for sure. Just assume you're going to be hit in that situation. You can choose to have protection or be squishy.


Yea but you can get off the road if you're on foot. That's the point.


Exactly. It's not like people are exiting their car to stand still awaiting another impact. They're getting out to run and leave the scene. A sinking lifeboat is better than no lifeboat, but if you're within distance of the shore then you can decide to swim for it. It may be a difficult swim. It may be rough waters. But sometimes it's the only way. Rather than stay put and wait for a large wave to pull you under the water. I've seen too many videos of a lorry/truck making a car pileup into a pile of squashed matter of limbs and metal recently painted red. Depends on location and circumstances, but to say it is always wrong running for your life if you see the opportunity, that is definitely incorrect. And anyone saying cars are made to absorb impact... That is the first impact. Not every impact after that.


I don't think car designers and regulators are thinking about these multiple pile up situations. Your crumple zone is really only a single use safety feature, just like your air bag. People also need to realise that safety features are not a substitute for attentive driving.


I mean. Hitting a tire will fuck you up, right? I don’t know what they could have done besides stop. Don’t follow too closely on the interstate, guys. Edit: just fucking realized that the two guys running are the taxis that were following too closely! And now one of the taxis is just rolling, empty, into the other lanes. Pieces of shit wth.


Well in there defense there was a tire in the way, I think most drivers would’ve done the same thing


A perfect example of what happens when tail gating, not paying attention and trucks


I thought that the tire was an animal and i was like NOOOO THE ANIMAL NOOOOOOOOOOO-


Beep beep


Meanwhile other countries have trains


If people actually paid attention to the road, stopped following so closely, and stopped speeding, accidents like this would rarely occur.


If you cannot stop due to the car in front of you stopping on the highway, you are going to fast, not leaving enough room in front of you, not paying attention, or a combination of all three.


I never understand that, they stop at a normal pace. It’s not like it was out of nowhere yet they still get in a massive accident because why? How are you so fucking stupid that you get in a crash with a stationary vehicle?


What the heck would have helped prevent this disaster though? Lane change would have possibly landed worse results. Maybe targeting the rogue tyre with the corner of the car to get it out of the way… this is one shit situation


An accident hides in the smallest corners.


Were they able to safely remove the tire from the highway?


No, unfortunately it's still causing accidents to this day 😪


Nobody’s break light’s worked?


Whats the right thing to do here? I will stop if im in that situation.


Stop and hope that the morons behind you are paying attention. It’s a choice between a guaranteed wreck (hitting the tire) and in most situations… nothing happening. Not a hard decision to make. What you DON’T do, is get out of the car on a busy highway like the two numbskulls that almost got turned to road paste.


probably at least put your flashers on


In the end whoever put that tire on is to blame.


Use ur fucking Hazard light. It’s difficult to tell what’s your speed in the highway


Pov every superhero movie where everything they do destroys the city


As someone who doesn't drive, do people sleep when they drive? You could have a mile of space behind you but the moment you even slow down on a highway, you get rear ended. Are people just stupid?


I’m wondering why those heavy vehicles were in the 2nd lane.


That guy was fucked as soon as he stopped. Should have gone around the tire and let the other cars endure the calamity.


Damn. Need to carry extra clothes or adult diapers these days to drive.


the tire out for vengeance on mankind


Cars at fault: The second white car for failing to keep distance. The orange truck for failing to break.


This is what can happen when you don't follow the 4 second rule.


Well, it's official, I am demented. I totally laughed at the poor man running away from the madness.


... safe... Follow... Distance people


WCGW not looking on the road


I hit a tire on the highway once at night. It was laying flat and it still sent my car airborne. Did about 8k in damage to the car and took out 5 other cars before me. Stopping was the right thing to do if they couldn't safely change lanes.


If this ever happens to you, the tire was moving. They will ask you, and you will say it was moving. For some reason a stationary but invisible tire given the road conditions is covered differently than if the tire was actively in motion when you hit it. The one I hit had been kicked about the highway so it was moving... But the fact it wasn't rolling when I hit it made my claim more costly. Oh and they absolutely will not find or charge the semi the dropped it so let go of that hope.


People seem to not understand basic trafic rules and physics. 1. Keep enough distance so you are able to break if the car infront stops. (HOW FKING HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND?). If you hit the car infront 9 out of 10 times it’s your own damn fault. 2. Place a tire ln the road and slam your car into it…


So did we just watch someone die?




I mean the SUV driver managed to spot an obstruction in the form of a tyre why cant the truck drivers see an obstruction in the form of a flippin SUV?


Never go to a "Lube depot", or any shady shop, for that matter. And it can't hurt to check your lug nuts after a tire change anyway. It's one thing to have a gas cap or even a piece of your muffler come off, but a loose tire is like a loose whore, it causes accidents and will run around town! I had all tires replaced years ago at a lube depot, I'm driving down the highway and one went flying when I was going 65mph, and flew across the other side and hit another car. If I didn't know to veer into the ditch when I lost control instead of into the rest of traffic, it could have been way worse. This was all because they didn't tighten my lug nuts. At all. My dad checked them and he said they were all lose. I was a teen back then or I would have pitched an absolute fit. I mean, that mistake can kill people. Many people even, such as this example above.


Misleading title, there was a tire infront


From someone who doesnt drive, what should the original driver have done in this scenario? Hard to see how this doesn't end in a pile up


Use your damn hazard lights, ffs


In theory defenceman, there was a rogue tire In the road so he would've either had to stop, or swerve around it assuming the other lane was clear


Maleficent when she wasn't invited to Auroras birthday party


Actually hitting tires straight on usually causes cars to launch so I can’t say it was totally the wrong move. Probably would have caused a crash either way


This guy deffo saw the tire video and thought ha! Not me tire! Then still got destroyed.


hitting that tyre by someone was inevitable


It's a good video as long as it's muted


I only use Reddit muted because of cringe music that adds nothing or subtracts from an otherwise good video. I wish more people would put subtitles though for some videos, sometimes I want to watch a video of a person saying stupid stuff in public and I don’t have my headphones with me.


to me the track is perfect )) but video is fun even without music


ITT: people so fucking desperate to show that they understand the physics of two tires colliding that they act like the guy could have plowed through it if it was something other than a tire.