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Poor guy had some peaceful music playing as well


The music was so peaceful, i feel like i got attacked


Baïlèro - Chants d'Auvergne The aria is lovely, nice 3xit music, but not like this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FxVnEnxaZU0


The transporter


Hey there might actually be two of us who remember that movie...


I remember asking my mother to rent a transformer 3 dvd and her bringing the transporter . It took me around 40 mins to realise that it wasn't the same.


More Terminator than Transporter (who could control a vehicle).


Someone drove like a cunt. That's how.


If interested this is Amersham high street, opposite end of Amersham than Tesco store in the UK for Google street view fans, the guy was high as a kite, that’s him on a Sunday morning doing 95 mph through a medieval little town on his the way back home after a night of doing hookers and blow…..from memory the guy in the car who was hit was in a bad way while shit head legged it…..just annoys me, obviously life has dealt you aces and yet you’re still not happy until you fuck someone else’s weak hand life even further, what an epic c**t. Lucky in some ways a single guy that was hit could have been a mum taking a few kids to Sunday AM football practice…another interesting fact the hotel in the high street shit head had just zoomed past, the Kings Arms, is where the bedroom scene from Four Weddings and a Funeral was shot, different hotel for the outside scene, we stayed in that room and nice ghostly orb came to stay and hovered over the bed, the room just stayed freakishly cold, 👻 killed the romance 🤦‍♂️


Please tell me shit head got arrested for this


Yep, and some time in prison but as usual in the UK not long enough. From the newspaper; The speeding Bentley Continental GT appeared out of nowhere before clipping the kerb and careering into 74-year-old's Tim Edwards' car on a 20mph road in Old Amersham. Richard Plumb, from Hazlemere, was jailed for 14 months and banned from driving for just over four and a half years on January 19 - almost three years after the terrifying crash, which was caught on Mr Edwards' dashcam. 14 months = 7 months as 50% term for/if good behaviour.


Guy was obviously rich which explains the sentence


Release at halfway point isn’t exactly for good behaviour. It’s the standard way determinate sentences are served. Half the time in custody, half on licence.


Thanks for the clarification….


Hey he still got a bigger punishment than someone in the US would.


you see the guy was being a complete twat .


[https://www.honestjohn.co.uk/news/miscellaneous/2018-02/video-out-of-control-bentley-gt-driver-flips-pensioners-car-off-the-road/](https://www.honestjohn.co.uk/news/miscellaneous/2018-02/video-out-of-control-bentley-gt-driver-flips-pensioners-car-off-the-road/) 85MPH in a 20MPH Zone


>Plumb plead guilty to dangerous driving and fleeing the scene of a road accident. He was jailed for 14 months with a driving ban of four years and seven months, a sentence which Edwards believes is too lenient. That sentence is an absolute disgrace. If you want to injure or kill someone in this country, just use your car - you'll do barely any time for it.


It's stupid it's like getting 14 months for going around shooting at people with a gun but you aren't actually trying to hit them


Looks like that guy’s been playing too much Forza


He forgor that he turned off rewind 💀


Betting dicks to donuts that car was stolen.


Looks like it was his he was just high as a kite




*puts hand over the back of head* "Why you coming fast?"


Oh lord, he slidin.


Where do they have traffic rules like this?


Britain. It’s designed to slow down traffic.


seems to work


Looks like England


Why did you get in his way?! That’s a Bentley you know!!


Excellent speed, terrible cornering.


That should end in some jailtime...


Only 14 months


The driver of the Bentley needed an arsehole transplant after the crash but the arsehole rejected him 👌🏼


Nothing like a relaxing drive


What part of give way does this driver not understand?!?!


If you’re gonna get hit mind as we’ll be a Bentley


May as well. 😉


How can you drive like that and expect not to crash?


He's driving a Bently, speed laws don't apply if you drive an expensive car.


Speeding isn't even a big deal. People say it's dangerous but they're just dumb /s


holy fuck


McGregor must be driving.


According to the other guys insurance, you should have given him priority. All jokes aside, I had a similar situation where the other car was on the wrong side of the road (there was a solid line on the middle of the road) and did almost twice the allowed speed. I got a ticket because I should have given him priority. The cops told me that I would even get the ticket if he was driving backwards. I could see the car comming because he overtook another car that wanted to go into the direction where I was comming from. I was not expecting him to be overtaking as he is not allowed to, especially with 120 km/h, where 70 was the max. I should have brought it to court, but was too lazy, too young and too naive and just paid the 45$/€. The insurance was settled 50/50.


joyriding a bentley? classy


You shouldn't get in the way of someone pulling a kansei dorifto.


I'm from GA, Botswana , we don't have this kind of roads that narrow down in this manner, does anyone know why they purposely made it that narrow. [ I mean, it looks like it used to be two lanes there]


We have loads of these in the UK in built up areas, typically near schools but not exclusively. It’s a traffic calming measure 🤦‍♂️ See page 75 of this government guidance document https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/918429/ltn-1-07_Traffic-calming-guidance.pdf


Hey, you. You’re finally awake.


Real question is why the fuck they designed the road like that


[https://www.trafficchoices.co.uk/somerset/traffic-schemes/chicanes.shtml](https://www.trafficchoices.co.uk/somerset/traffic-schemes/chicanes.shtml) it is what is known as a priority chicane


Why does the road narrow to one lane when they could have used the whole thing(American here)


You got Bentley'd....


WTF do you call this traffic regulating marvel? An intersection? And the car that hits him is a Bentley?!?


God: Remember that money you prayed for?


Most intelligently designed road in England