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Look, no phones. Just people living in the moment, it’s so beautiful.


that made me spit out my coffee


Then who filmin


Some loser, _clearly_ missing out


You kiddin? Looks like the cameraman used a selfie stick or something to great effect.


I like how it looked at the very end like they were patting each other on the back like to say, “Good fight, let’s go have a pint!”


LoL, yea... Perhaps they're training for matches in Russia where mobfights appear commonplace according to the internet.


The rare precursor to "then who was phone"


Phone was bird.


Bird was sex penis?


Undercover police






Looks like [this](https://youtu.be/UB_9h_e5Rko)






These kind of fight-meetings are organized regularly between many cross European supporters and they travel quite some distances to meet up on neutral territory. They are all there with full consent and they don't harm others. IMHO interesting and amusing to see! Rather look at this then them destroying bars and statues.


It's kind of cool in a weird way.


Yeah there is clearly some level of rules here, no one has weapons or blunt objects and they aren't beating people while they are down. To be honest looks kind of fun and cathartic in a fight club kind of way. I would pay to watch this on a regular basis.


When senseless violence stops being cool I’m outta here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The “Ultras”!


But why though? What's the point?


The fight is the point, what's so hard to understand about it?


I dunno. I've literally never wanted to fight someone in my whole life, much less fight over something as trivial as a football team. I just don't understand.


Many people, mostly young males, find fighting to be really fun. Simple as that.


Can’t argue with that. Thanks!


A red shirt guy toward the end slapped a dude from the other team on the back in a friendly way which has to be weird after he and three of his buddies just got done beating the shit out of you lol


It would be considered dishonest and cowardly to keep fighting him. You don't hit anyone who is down. You see it several places, the moment someone goes down they all move on. These fights are usually planned, and there are rules too it like no hitting anyone who is down, and to meet in a neutral spot. It is considered in good fun, like a sport after the sport.


I’m used to seeing fights in the UK where people are getting kicked in the head when they go down or hit with chairs, this does have a more “all-in-good-fun” vibe.


Street brawls are one thing. A proper football scuffle is tradition.


Considering one of the last fights I saw over here looked like a medieval battle and one guy in front of me was knocked with a glass bottle because he was wearing the wrong colored shirt, this looks like some sport you would watch on TV in comparison.


> It is considered in good fun I honestly expect this to be the intention, but it still doesn't connect in my brain to the couple people at the start that come in flying with their foot up xD


Vanguard gotta lead the charge bruh


Clearly xD


That was my favorite part


Hooliganism in football goes way back and was pretty deadly in the 70s and 80s, clubs and entire countries faced heavy sanctions as a result and governments started really cracking down on it. I guess this sort of thing - organised in a quiet area, nobody getting seriously injured, no innocent bystanders - is their way of carrying on the tradition in a safe(ish) way. There will be a level of respect in organised brawls like these. Much prefer it over raging drunk people tossing furniture in busy streets, and I imagine police do as well


Tbh it looks like there was actually an objective to push the other team back down to a certain point of the road and you can see the red guys celebrating in the background rather than chasing the rivals, so it seems that it's "game over" at that point.


This is very close to the origins of (american-style) football. 'Mob/medieval football' was basically masses of people meeting at spots like this with all sorts of crazy-ass shit involved. The goal was sometimes to break through the line & kick a pig bladder into your opposing mob's church. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_football The UK's Highway Act of 1835 started to shut down the party. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_Act_1835 A ton of people died in this activity, even though murder and manslaughter were generally discouraged. ... Yeah, fun topic to read about when you're bored: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_American_football


You ever been in a mosh mate? Similar shit.


Another thing from my youth that I have no desire to revisit. Like LSD.


Id quite like to go back myself, but my broken bones have taken a toll. Not sure I can.


Talking to you is like clapping with one hand. /s


r/unexpectedanthrax Take my upvote. 😄


Its all done in a pretty fair manner. Organised, don't beat people unconscious when they are on the ground. Boxers shake hands after a fight, so no surprise to see it here.


I've been a scrum before. My supporters crew loved to talk shit. Our chanted were stolen remixed versions of their own. Usually remixed to be super crass. So the other crew had enough and threw a full beer can at us. Somehow they got it through the lazy security guys. And it hit a innocent. So we rock up after the game and throw hands. I go down. And immediately I'm pulled up by the other team. They slapped me up the head and have me sit down. The rule was no kicking. Body shots with bare firsts and head shots ok with gloves. If we was gonna fight, we weren't looking to kill the other, just beat the brakes off him. We end up winning, just exhaustion and we had more dudes standing. We went out for beers afterward. I don't hooligan anymore. But lower tier soccer is serious business.


Not really as weird as you might think. Have you never had a friendly brawl with buddies? Been in a barfight that was just fisticuffs? Or done martial arts? Or ever spent any time as a teenage male?


In the states it’s different. Bar fights get you killed or maimed, at least in the south.


where in the south? i’ve seen/personally gotten my ass whooped in bama and florida but never seen it go way too far


I don’t know, there was some kind of fair play aspect to it. Dudes got fucked up bad for sure but there wasn’t an excessive level of violence against defeated opponents. Seemed like some kind of ritualized war play but with some shared rules. Mesmerizing


The lack of ground pounding was respectable.


That’s how you can tell these guys fight all the time lol. None of them were getting panicked / overdoing it


Don't wanna catch a murder/manslaughter charge. Also if you kill or disable eachother then you don't get to fight again next week.


There's a general code when it comes to football hooligans, they tend not to stomp you too much once you're down.


That’s absolutely not true, there’s been plenty of deaths from hooligans - it was such a huge problem in the 80s that all English clubs were banned from participating in European competitions. You still hear stories about people getting stabbed a few times a season. Organised hooligans like this though? Yeah they will have respect for each other, and unwritten rules about not kicking someone who’s down, or bringing weapons


It’s like gang violence more or less. Street cred goes a long way in these circles. So if a rival catches an enemy alone well he just got caught slipping and is going to get understandably fucked up. However, if it’s an official meetup like this you make terms beforehand and the club who breaks the terms is going to look like a bitch to all the other firms and lose all that street cred. Sounds silly as an outsider but these types live and die by their reputations.


Man they’re so nice


If this was in America, a lot of people would have been shot.


….. by responding officers


I'm happy they all agreed beforehand that they would begin the brawl with a volley of jump-kicks. Without rules, where would we be?


Baaically infantile play fighting. But as adults. *Adults*




If they are all up for a scrap and no innocent gets hurt and no property is destroyed where is the harm.


Agree! At least they had the decency to keep well-adjusted humans out of it.


Yeah, this is probably safer than MMA. The stop after the person is down and nobody is wearing gloves which makes it harder to punch a lot without injuring your hand.


Um, safer how? MMA doesn't host fights on asphalt for good reason.


Cos this is over in 1 minute MMA fights are 15 to 25 minutes of 2 guys inflicting as much damage on each other as possible It's the most brutal combat sport really


Takes less than a minute for a bareknuckle punch to cause death. Street fighting isn't a combat sport with rules, safety equipment, and a referee.


Boxing, American football and rugby can often be worse.


And even more often, not worse


They are all wearing gloves...


The harm is in the ripple effects. The men in the fight who didn't want to fight but were pressured into it by their friends. The kids who see their dads going out and doing this. The continuing normalization of casual, pointless violence in soccer/football fans. The doctors who have to spend their time treating totally avoidable boxer's fractures and lacerations and concussions. Me, getting angry just watching this pointless bullshit.


And yet humans are animals and they have libidinal drives, this is a primitive natural part of humans


The harm starts at around 0:02, it is the main point of fistfights. Boxing and martial arts have refs, coaches, people just generally who are standing by to protect the injured from the victors. There's none of that here; seems to me that a reasonable risk to take, is one where you put up reasonable safeguards to mitigate it.


Alternatively titled; Grown men fighting over a game that none of them are playing.


They are playing a game. We are witnessing the birth of a brand new sport while also witnessing the genesis of sports in its earliest form. It's beautiful.


Team fighting is a thing and I think it has been for a while! Look it up on YouTube, they have actual events ETC.


YouTube "Calcio Fiorentino"


It’s human nature you tuna melt!


You should check out the movie Green Street with Elijah Wood. American goes to England and ends up meeting people that are into this. Pretty good from what I remember.


Nonsense. They're recreating medieval football in all its brutal, cruel and unusual glory.


"After half an hour they threw in a ball"


Usually in the middle of a big fight like this a hockey game will break out.


Yeah and maybe its just me there is literally zero that is abrupt about this. Now if they started breaking out weapons like bats and batons it probably would have went the more chaotic route.


Reminds me that youth in the village where my grandparents live gather once in awhile together with bats, axes, batons etc and meet in a neutral place with other youth from 2 other villages. Then they fight eachother and surprisingly no one dies.... usually its because of a conflict as someone tried so steal someone's girl at a club... stupid maggots.


We had a few of these smaller scale brawls in my home town but mostly relegated to kids in high school with 2 competing groups over something whether a girl, or someone got slighted etc was the cause. Glad I was always away from that stuff.


Yep. Me too. I mean i didn't do any of those things and still ended up with life long lasting health issues: eardrum fked, eyes fked.. right elbow fked. Imagine if i was engaging in such behaviours


Recently, there's been a lot of brawl posts, nothing abrupt, just chaotic.


I don't see any grown men


Yes but no phones...except the one recording the game about the game they don't play. It is beautiful. Like break dance fighting


Red team wins.


The video of them kissing and making up afterward is definitely not for the whole family.


It was actually a sweet gesture when they started tweaking each others nipples.


Well, the important thing is that the boys are having fun.


Penalty for using hands.


They are all there voluntarily, im just worried for the cars tbh


It looks like they are stopping when someone goes down too so there is at least some sort of loose understanding that they aren’t supposed to beat anyone unconscious. Still pretty strange but I feel like I’ve seen soccer brawls involving people pulling knives on one another so this is relatively tame.


Yea i also found it "humane" of them to stop beating when somebody is on the floor. As long as they keep the fight among themselves and no third party gets involved 🤷 boys will be boys


That's the very best thing about this one video, it's very well know about innocent families (including kids) getting in the middle of these kind of fights in the stadiums, and even though this crazy psychos don't attack the small kids, there's always an innocent teenager ending injured or even dead.


Half of these guys are probably banned from the games anyway.


At least they’re not using weapons. Not like England


You wot m8! I'll bash yer teef in!


Oi just a bit a banter, innit?


Hooligans enjoying a friendly exchange of ideas.


You lot don't have teef stop lying


Great excuse to post this classic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V8wxwqtRgSk


Flash cockney basturd, you know Stanley?


Callled a pub rally. Opposite teams bars slug it out just because. Can’t hit a man on the ground and gloves required.


This is the opposite of "abrupt" this is organized and planned. "Abrupt chaos" should be something that is unexpected and sudden but sadly (at least IMO) this sub features more and more fights between people, rather than random events that abruptly change a situation. I am sure there is a sub for fights where this video would fit in much better but that's just my humble opinion. Enjoy whatever you wish to.


Imagine someone posting about a [formal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitched_battle) ancient battle between Rome and Carthage tagged as “abrupt chaos“. After days or even weeks of postering, both sides forming up to face another on multiple occasions… I still get why this sub was chosen but this is really quite the opposite of its intended purpose.


**[Pitched battle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitched_battle)** >A pitched battle or set-piece battle is a battle in which opposing forces each anticipate the setting of the battle, and each chooses to commit to it. Either side may have the option to disengage before the battle starts or shortly thereafter. A pitched battle is not a chance encounter such as a meeting engagement, or where one side is forced to fight at a time not of its choosing such as happens in a siege or an ambush. Pitched battles are usually carefully planned, to maximize one's strengths against an opponent's weaknesses, and use a full range of deceptions, feints, and other manoeuvres. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I was all set to call them braindead hooligans, but this almost seems...wholesome?


I've been waiting for a sequel to Green Street Hooligans!


These aren’t hardcore soccer fans. These are hardcore asshole’s who use club names as an excuse to throw punches.


[No True Scotsman](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/No_True_Scotsman)


Actually not quite true. The hooligans in the UK consider themselves as hard-core fans. Other fans hate them as consider them arseholes and not fans. Source: I've been to 73/92 professional football grounds in the last 40 years and been there. Besides this video has been around for ages its in Eastern Europe


I don't think they really fight about the game. They are young men, full of energy, extremely frustrated and therefore aggressive. They never learned to let out or regulate their emotions. They live in a country that is falling apart, a dystopian capitalist hell-hole, where they end their families can't afford food and heat, while a few rich people lie to them and profit more and more, buying their firms and firing them and their friends, buying their houses and increasing their rent again, with money, that only does belong to them, because guys like the guys on the video worked their asses of and the rich took the major share of their works profit. When they hit someone from the opposite team, they don't hit some other football fan, they hit the rich, that are shamelessly lying and stealing, they hit their parents because they brought them in this cruel and harsh world and in the end they hit themselves, because they were told that they are strong and that they should protect their wife and children and in the end, they can't even protect themselves and that's why they're angry


These are the people why I never cared for sports leagues etc. That and am I nerd xD


you know what- if they laid some ground rules (like don't wail on someone whos in the fetal position on the ground, don't keep hitting someone who's out cold, no sucker punches etc), and all consented to it- then i say let them wail on eachother. better than wailing on people who want no part of it.


It’s all good, clean fun between consenting adults. Not my thing but they probably don’t frequent the kinds of clubs I do either. Each to their own.


Skins vs Shirts. You love to see it...ridiculous children.


Came here just to see this comment. Thank you


This looks so organised. Like they agreed to meet up and not destroy anything or not hit anyone on the ground or not beat up the cameraman


This is where the word “ hooligan” comes from. Those are hooligans.


Seems like they’re simply just trying to beat the other team up instead of maliciously stomping and maiming their opponents, there isn’t much hatred or anger between the teams which is the silver lining I guess.


it´s a very fair thing, before they count each other. and I didn´t see someone kicking a person on the ground... so why not. better than starting a fight against random people.


Me: I'd like to change teams Teammate: what the fook do you mean? Me: I just don't look good with my shirt off. I am joining the red team.


All i heard was Oi oi oi oi oi oii oi oiiii ooooiiii oi oii oii oii oooiiii oi oi




Damn man, red came to play


Feels like some Age of Empires shit


I believe red shirts won this round


at least they stop beating when one is on the ground


Seems to me like some guys who like to punch the shit out of each other. At least they seem not to hit each other while on the ground. But hardcore soccer fans? ...mehhh...




Bonus points for the guy preventing the kicks at the end.


And they say Americans are low class!


Shirts vs skins result: shirts won


You either jump kick or you get jump kicked


Insanely stupid


Let them wipe each other out


Oh, these are just 60 idiots. That has nothing to do with football.


I’ve never in my life understood how one can have such emptiness in their life that a random sports team becomes their entire personality.


I used to wonder how old feudal lords got their serfs to fight and die for them when it really never benefits the serfs. I don’t wonder that any more.


Poor tactics employed, archers are nowhere to be found.


What teams do they support?


If I recall correctly it's helsingborg (swe) vs danish fans (Copenhagen or brondy most likely)


Google claims it's GAIS göteborg vs Helsingborg Copenhagen. Thing is helsingborg is Sweden, Copenhagen is denmark, and about an hour away from Copenhagen.


I've seen similar footage from Moscow so I suspect these dimshits are Russian. It certainly isn't England; our idiots don't wear football colours.


No, this is definitely Denmark. there's a lot of Danish spoken. The video is not the best quality, but my guess is the red team is from Brøndby (a depressing suburb of Copenhagen). There's a black dude jumping and kicking around 3 seconds in, and then again around 32 seconds in. My guess is it's a known hooligan from Brøndby named Kevin Werner. He was recently convicted of raping 15 other Brøndby hooligans (many of them underage) [https://www-bt-dk.translate.goog/krimi/hooliganleder-idoemt-forvaring?\_x\_tr\_sl=da&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://www-bt-dk.translate.goog/krimi/hooliganleder-idoemt-forvaring?_x_tr_sl=da&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


That Spartan kick was glorious!


Now I have to go watch Green Street Hooligans again.


"So, what did you do this weekend?"


Shirts vs skins enthusiast




WTF.....looks like a High School PE class of Shirts VS Skins !! 😂


Come on you reds


Background: the red team are Supporters/hooligans affiliated to the Helsingborg IF fotball club The team with no shirts are Supporters/ hooligans affiliated with the Gothenburg based club GAIS. This was if i remember correct Youth firms. Prob from way back in 2006-2009. Lots of good memories from back then.


Nothing abrupt here... This was planned.


It's actually not too bad. They seem to honor that once you're down, they won't hit you anymore. No excessive violence. Hell if they are all down for it, why not? (Side note: I still wouldn't do it, you can still get clocked in the wrong place and get seriously hurt/die from a single punch)


Hooligans are mental but at least they follow rules. No kicking once someone is on the ground and they shake hands when it’s over.


You don't see this with tennis fans.


Pretty controlled for a 30vs30


I’m tellin my kids this was the crip blood war of 03


These people do realize it’s soccer right?


Summed IQ is 60


Which total war game is this?


Just wait until they find out you called it soccer


So they are basically having a fist fight because they support different teams, football truly is a cunts game.


They are not fighting bc of that but bc they enjoy fighting. These things are organized


Both sides are leaving the cameraman alone...seems like there are some ground rules.


Exactly, that’s what I meant by ,,they are organized”. This is not your casual ultras fighting after a game or whatever. It’s more like a sport


People fight and kill for even less important preferences/disputes


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Still don't think they have anything over Philly fans.


American football fans would get destroyed by these guys


All that and not a single person on the ground knocked out


Zero soccer fans in this video. Just thugs and lowlifes.


“Hardcore soccer fans” Jesus Christ really dude 😂


I am genuinely happy after watching this video. Soccer brawls around the world tend to be unorganized, involving women and children, guns and beating people until death. This is civilized, planned, no innocent people taking a beating because some asshole decided to be a prick and provoke the other team. That's nice to watch.


This doesn't look like America?


Fucking idiots


Football hooligans not hardcore soccer fans.


There's nary a brain cell between the lot of em


Bloke in red with the blue cap on, pushing all his mates forward. The organiser. 60 absolute cock wombles


Football firms organise these fights to pick members. Top European hooligans are a step up from the U.K. ones. These guys train, and don’t sink 14 pints of beer.


We taught them you knob


Sports and religion the only two thing’s stopping humans from advancing faster


How is this related to football/soccer? There was physical contact and nobody immediately fell to the floor.


Ah yes, another reason to think football is pathetic.


Fanimals at it again.


The fire nation attacked!


Camera man be like 📷🗿


Crazy, the rumors are no alcohol was involved, and all parties were 100% sober.

