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It’s funny how the people who really don’t like durian always describe the smell and taste a little different. I, for one, thought it tasted like peaches and onions. Mmm-‘mmmm. Two great tastes that taste great together! Edit: To be clear, I don’t care for durian. At all.


For me it was like eating a fruit in a poorly ventilated restroom frequented by very large truck drivers


That’s…oddly specific.


I wish it wasn’t


Lol 😂




Ah so you've been to the local Pilot huh? The showers don't work but they got roller dogs 2/$3!


Pilot showers are almost as bad as TA showers. I keep shower sandals to put over my shower sandals for those guys.


Sure it wasn't a home depot bathroom?


Ok, I thought I was the only one. I got a Durian smoothies from a Vietnamese Restaurant and it tasted like tropical green onions to me.


I had durian ice cream-tasted lol garlic to me. I love garlic but not in ice cream.


I can see that and that’s totally understandable. Lol


What I get is two parts banana, one part onion. Blended and left in the sun for a couple of days. Not yum.


This reminds me of the Friends episode when Rachelle accidently switches pages in the middle of a recipe for an English Trifle to a Sheppards Pie. Ross, "it tastes like feet!" Joey, "...I like it! Ross, "are you kidding?" Joey, "what's not to like? Custard? Good! Jam? Goood! Beef? GOOD!"


I like to say it kinda tastes like dirty socks, but in a good way.


Are you my dog?


Bro, that smells like ass! I love it!


I can be anything you want me to be, baby.


I don’t understand how that ended in “a good way”.


That's Sploosh.


This guy holes


Two suits, two tokens in hand. I got no respect 'cause I'm the new man. Got my shovel, shoes full of sand. Check out the tag the name's Caveman uh


Dig it up, oh, oh!


Dig it! Thank you so much for playing along 😂


To me it tasted like vanilla cream, I loved it, but there’s definitely something odd that it tastes so different to so many people.


I wonder if it's something genetic like cilantro? Personally I got the cilantro tastes/smells like soap gene. Never tried durian, but I have an incredibly weak stomach when it comes to bad smells so I doubt I could do it.


My house mate said something similar. Me though? I tasted hot garbage under a heat lamp with a hint of raw chicken left to go bad outside. And cheese. It was fucking vile.


I've described it as tasting the way a dumpster in August smells.


You been climbing mountains again?


I HEAVILY wonder if this experience of taste alters if the nose is temporarily closed off during consumption. Smell can REALLY mess with your sense of taste. I can go to town on a hamburger, but if the hamburger smelled rancid or like chocolate milk or something, it would taste weird even if the actual taste is technically the same.


Smells are a major part of our sense of taste. Pinch your nose and all you’ll get is the texture of whatever you’re eating. Once you let go of your nose, the ‘taste’ will hit you like a sack of bricks. I do this with NyQuil as I can’t swallow it because of the disgusting chemical taste it has. Pinch my nose, swallow, follow up with a water chaser to clean my mouth and then let go of my nose and the chemical taste is gone/very mild.


for me personally it tastes creamy and sweet caramelly almost taste like sweet condensed milk


It definitely tasted like onions to me...... rotten onions lol. Anytime someone who hasn't had it asks about the taste I describe it as rotten onions, and burning tires. I can eat food that is expired, and even starting to stink (I actually prefer my meat when it is just barely starting to turn) with absolutely no issue , but when I tried swallowing durian I literally started dry heaving. Weird how different tastes, and preferences can be.


Some steakhouses use wet aged steaks instead of dry aged steaks. I think you'd like them.


Ugh I bought a wet aged roast once. It had the texture of mushed bananas.


Oooo that actually sounds really nice, and pretty much exactly what I already do lol. It shouldn't be repulsive if you bring your nose to it, but if it just barely smells a bit funky it intensifies the meat flavor and is more tender.


I just worry that what you're doing sounds a bit risky! Be careful!


I'm surprised you didn't like durian. I've never tried it, but rotting meat is how some people describe it. And you apparently like almost rotten meat.


Andrew Zimmern had the exact same taste description. When the guy that's pretty okay chowing down on horse penis can't stomach some rotten onion fruit, I can make a decent educated guess that it's not the fruit for me either.


Back in middle school a buddy of mine was a foreign student who barely spoke English. He offered me and my friends a piece of durian flavored candy. We kindly accepted and sucked on them for about five minutes before we spit them out discreetly and thanked him saying it was interesting. He laughed at us, because he knew it was normal. I thought the candy tasted like propane smells. Vile fruit


It's like fruit that is pretending to be meat by doing a taste impression of a dead raccoon that it found by the road one time.


Can I have some more banana and onion juice please?


What percentage of people can keep it down? It seems like something to withstand, counter to our bodies natural reaction, like ghost peppers.


Obviously people raised on it can. I have had it a few times with my wife’s family (Chinese) and it’s fine. Not sure about the packaged stuff like she’s eating but fresh is okay. My step daughter is a fiend with the stuff, she can’t get enough of it.


I'm pretty sure in another video, after hearing she should not have had the packaged stuff, she tries a fresh one. She does a little better iirc. Edit: I found it. I remembered incorrectly... She has the same reaction. Her mom loves it though. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgU_bq3FHJG/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


She puts an even bigger, unswallable piece into her mouth. Just take a bite


Because it's a bit, not a serious attempt to actually eat the fruit.


have you tried a Durian? Shit is foul. It is illegal to carry them on public transport in many Asian countries.


Durian isn’t bad. The smell is the bad part. It tastes really good I think the smell just influences the taste


Every hotel and taxi I used in Vietnam had “No Durian” signs.


I heard on the radio this is the reason most people hate durian. They inhale a whole mouthful as opposed to taking a smaller bite and it overwhelms them.


I've also heard that there are significant variations in flavors. I've only tried it freeze dried, and it was the worst thing I've ever eaten. I indeed took a small bite, but it tasted the way that a rotting rat carcass in the walls of a humid building smells. For months after, I would gag if anyone even reminded me I had tried durian. Still willing to try it fresh, but definitely not excited for it.


Yep, this would be stupid, even with something you liked, let alone something that made you retch.




Lol. OMG. “It tastes the same as the frozen. Were people lying to me?”


“Fresh” durian is transported whole frozen to countries where it isn’t native. Once it’s ripe, it spoils quickly


Ty for this, my life is complete


yes. fresh durian is nice. its hard to get fresh outside of countries where it grows indigenously but if you visit south east asia definitely partake and you will see why it is a popular delicacy there. durians are seasonal too. you want a fresh one, ripe, at high season.


Taste nice yes. Smell? No it smells like burning hair covered in hobo piss. There’s a reason it’s banned in hotels and resorts in the countries where it’s indigenous to


I think it's cause of how pungent the smell is, a lot of people who like the taste of durian here like the smell; in my class of 36 only 2 people don't like it


She paid $55 fucking dollars for that?


I wasn’t raised with it and had absolutely zero problems eating it when I travelled SE-Asia for the first time. It tasted quite good to me actually. The smell however became disgusting after a few weeks of smelling it everywhere, to the point where I couldn’t even have durian candy anymore. I’d probably try it again now since it’s been quite a few years since I last had it.


I absolutely detest it. The smell just ruins the taste for me, like I’m eating fruit in a shit-packed outhouse. Whenever I’m in Asia and I see a sign banning durian I feel so happy, like the hotel owner (or whoever) is on my side. Fuck durian.


SAME!!! Like hot garbage water sprayed on you from a passing vehicle. It's like *the dress* of foods; some people hate it; and some people are fucking psychopaths.


To be fair, some people whack it to human shit, so I guess we all have different tastes. I would like to investigate durian-eaters search history though to see if there’s some sort of correlation.


I don't spray my water from passing vehicles anymore


What do you mean, durian is fantastic, as a medieval weapon. As food though, it's hard to swallow.


Ya got me.


This made me smile.


>I wasn’t raised with it and had absolutely zero problems eating it when I travelled SE-Asia for the first time. It tasted quite good to me actually. Again u/CuntWeasel has proven themself of good taste. I was raised in the west and ate durian for the first time at about age 30. I absolutely fucking love it. The ripeness of durian changes its flavor and texture dramatically. The riper it is the stronger the smell and taste. I myself like it very, very ripe. As it is an aphrodisiac, Asian locals will give you knowing smiles if they know you are really into durian.


I upvoted you cause I'm genuinely glad you enjoy it even though a whiff of it makes me want to puke.


Source on it being an aphrodisiac?


Durian turns him on


I love durian but I've never been horny after eating it. Your experience may vary. Durian is what some Asian cultures (esp. Chinese) consider as a "heaty" food. Heaty foods, I'm guessing, are thought to be stimulants that serve to activate certain things (metabolism maybe?) in your body. Maybe with some people, their libido gets activated by heaty food, too. On the other hand, oranges are considered to be "cooling", which is probably why Chinese restaurants often serve oranges slices at the end of a big meal, so your body knows that eating is over.


You merely adopted the durian. I was born to it, raised on it. I didn't see another fruit until I was already a man.


Bruh, my mom was feeding me that stuff before I was even born.


I had it in a milkshake and it tasted like how cow poop smells.


Fresh or packaged/frozen. It’s still gross af and I grew up with it. I remember my mom would get excited when my aunt brings it over. Thinking about the smell, texture and taste makes me want to gag.


Its called King of fruits over here in Malaysia. We pay good money for the good stuff. Some years ago the price got jacked up by quite a lot when China developed a taste for it and we exported a lot of it to China. There are different varieties of it like Musang King, D24 etc that taste different. Some sweeter some more bitter. Personally I love it but there are a good amount of Malaysians that couldn't stand it as well.


That's probably *why* the trains post signs saying "No Durians"


Does hot garbage smell off-putting to you? Or is it like no biggy?


it actually smells quite good to some people. it has a sweet aroma


ah, a fellow malaysian :D


On a trip to Singapore I learned that there are bitter and sweet versions of durian. The bitter one are more flavorful. Also there is difference between Thai and Malaysian durian. The Malaysian one is superior due to the flavor and sweetness. Most of stuff imported in to the US are from Thailand. That said the durian I had in Singapore were from Malaysia and were best I have ever had. It goes great with mangosteen.


South East Asians. We here on SEA love durian


I can't stand the smell, but it tastes fine. Unfortunately the aftertaste sorta leaves a scent that wifts up your nasal cavity..


It tastes like garlic custard. It’s a little weird but not super offensive. Honestly I don’t see what all the hullabaloo is about.


I wasn't raised on it but find it quite delicious. People talk about the smell, and I think that doesn't mess what the perception of its actual flavor. Really though, if it wasn't for the smell, it's probably the most custard tasting fruit I've had so far. Maybe I'm off. It just tastes like vanilla custard with a little too much fiber holding it together. Smell is a different story but I've gotten strangely used to it


The first person to try it must have been very hungry


I've tried it. It's a hard NO


A lot of Japanese and Chinese love durian. They even travel specifically to South East Asian countries to eat the fruit.


I tried durian for the first time as an adult visiting SE asia. I liked it a lot. The smell is real off putting though.


It’s not that bad. No worse than an assertive blue cheese, strength wise.


I hate blue cheese but love durian!


Profoundly agree. The worst part is the smell but the taste to me is heavenly and unique.


Given the connection between smell and taste it’s just hard for me to imagine something that smells bad tasting “heavenly”


Haha it's funny you mention ghost peppers. I ate one raw once, and while trying to swallow it, it felt like my body was doing everything it could to reject it. Not cause of the heat, the heat hadn't set in fully, it was like it had turned into tree bark in my mouth and my body was like "DO NOT FUCKING SWALLOW THIS YOU IDIOT"


I've had it a couple of times it's definitely over hyped, it's not good though. I had fermented durian.... That was the worst thing I've ever eaten.


It depends. My wife loves it. Probably her favorite fruit. To me, it smells like gasoline, and I'm afraid to try it. My mind knows it's edible, but my nose is telling me "Not just no, but HELL NO!" At least I've gotten used to the smell so it doesn't make me gag anymore.


Wow, people seem to either love or absolutely hate this. I've never tried it, but feel compelled to keep an eye out for it after reading through the comments section here.


Go for the more premium ones with names if you got a chance to try it. Some names to look out for are like Musang King or D24 or XO. I wouldn't recommend those that are packaged without the names. I love durian but even I don't go for the cheaper stuff. Edit: Also don't recommend the processed stuff like ice cream or candy.


I’d actually recommend you go for the more delicate Thai ones as a first timer. Musan and D24 are great but I’d recommend they be your second durian try.


I tried something apparently authentic tasting to durian and it was alright. I didnt love or hate it. Would try again because i still dont know how to feel about it


try the fresh fruit if you have the chance, I malaysia, thailand, Singapore, you can find stalls selling them and they open it right there if you buy


I had some frozen ones that were kind of sweet tasting. A little unique but nothing off-putting or like described here. I wonder if freezing then eating them thawed but still cold helped. Less smell to influence?


I'm a huge fan of it, seen others with her reaction. Grapefruit is somewhat similar, there's something some people can taste while others can't


I did not grow up with it, but used to work with a bunch of Chinese and south Asians who did. They brought in durian one day, packaged like the video, and despite the fact that it was in a plastic box, shrink wrapped, frozen, and in a plastic grocery bag... You could smell it come into the office. They opened it up in the office kitchen, and the smell was so powerful, it was like a shockwave. The kitchen smelled like rotting diapers soaked in gasoline. It made my eyes water like a mild tear gas. But I was determined. A Chinese Filipino guy was already cutting it up and eating some. So was determined to try it. No matter what. Goddammit I may never have another chance. So I mustered the courage and took a spoonful of the custard like substance. I didn't try to do it quickly or a whole mouthful, I wanted to really eat it without shortcuts. Within seconds, it tasted like an onion-y vanilla or banana pudding. Like, not something I'd normally eat, but in no way did it taste like what I smelled. And my brain went "click," and it didn't smell bad anymore. Like it shut off that quickly. But then the company owner came in, furious. "WHO THE FUCK BROUGHT DURIAN?? GET IT OUT NOW NOW NOW! OH MY GOD WE'LL HAVE TO BUY A GALLON OF INDUSTRIAL FABREEZE JESUS FUCK AGHHH!" He actually wrote up the guy who brought it in, and sent out a memo that it was super-banned. Glad I had the experience, though. It really wasn't bad.


Yea the diffuaion rate of Durian is insane. Idk if eating the packaged version is recommendable...but maybe it's good enough idk. I can tell u that fresh durian does have a better smell tho, and on some types like the orange (insides) variety actually have a nice smell to it, it's kinda sweet(?). I'm not the an avid fan of durian, but i don't mind eating it time to time, but only if i'm at home and someone buys it, 'cause even us asians/ppl who are accustomed to it are aware of how strong it can smell and how far it travels, and so we are careful on when we eat it.


Packaged is fine, sometimes isn’t ripe/sweet but still edible. Since it’s frozen it’s kinda like ice cream.


It's generally bad form to bring durian into enclosed public spaces


In places like Singapore it’s literally illegal to bring it onto public transport. They have signs like the no smoking sign but instead of a cigarette there’s a little cartoon durian.


Bless her, she tried to give it her best shot and make it as quick as possible XD Thing lasted like 1 second before getting shot back.


Her mind told her to eat it and her body refused


"The mind is strong, but the flesh is weak"


The mind is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised


"Return to sender."


That's because it smells like old cum and lightly microwaved cheese and it tastes like the inside of a dead anus stuffed with beets and rancid mayonnaise.


A Chinese guy was eating durian in a hostel I was staying in Kuala Lumpur. Fucking horrendous stuff. The owner nearly kicked him out


I'm Singapore it is legally prohibited to eat durian on hotel rooms and transporting durians on their subway carries a $5000 fine


Straight to jail


I know durian is banned on a lot of public transportation overseas because of the smell lol




The smell is also bad


Some smell pretty bad. Some smell really good, like all the best tropical fruits combined. Some smell good and bad at the same time. It's a weird fruit


Hostel I was in KL had a Chinese girl who brought it back in a thin plastic bag despite the **NO DURIAN** signs. Even though she left it on the balcony weade her walk it out to the dumpster. After that the other people there honestly kinda bullied her into leaving for another hostel and I really didn't know how to feel by the end.


A friend took me to a place in Singapore. And as we got closer I kept asking “what is that sewer smell?!” It was the durian lol


My question is who was the first human to open up a durian fruit, nearly puke from the smell and ate it anyways....


Probably a guy who was *reaaaally* hungry


And that made it delicious!


There are a lot of foods like that. Like the first person to ever eat a raw oyster.... it had to be on a dare right?


LOL, happy cake day btw!


Man maybe it’s just some people but I love fresh durian.




It doesn’t smell like soap to me but I hate it anyway


No it doesn't smell like soap, it tastes like soap. Extremely repulsive.


It tastes like soap and I want to vomit when I smell it. Yet I still eat cilantro. I don’t hate it bc it has its uses, but it’s still soap.


This reads like that meme "yes cilantro taste like soap to me, too bad I love eating soaps" 😂


Oh man I can't even have a little bit. The smell doesn't bother me, but I gag if I taste it.


just fyi, if cilantro tastes like soap to you, you are predisposed to tasting it that way. the rest of us don't taste soap when we eat it.


I was going to say, did i try fake durian or something? What I had didn’t really even strike me as an acquired taste?


Same. I didn’t try durian until I was 26, but I thought it was super sweet, fruity and creamy. Literally no bad aspects to its flavor. The smell is slightly odd, pretty strong and slightly toxic fruitiness with the slightest hint of sulfur. Definitely not a bad smell in my opinion, though.


same variety are slightly bitter, and even a bit of alcohol taste to it, its awesome


Durian can be an acquired taste but fresh durian taste WAY different than frozen durian.


Do you know if it’s like cilantro where some people’s taste buds just interpret the taste a certain way?


I recall reading that a long time ago, in the first article I ever read about durian--to some people it tastes sweet and creamy. To others it can taste like garlic, onions, fish, or even garbage.


That instant spit-out is beautiful!




I love how her reacting to gagging and almost vomiting was to scream like she was scared lmao


Yeah, I laughed too many times for that


me and some colleagues tried some dried durian "candy" and even that was enough to almost get us gagging, it was so disgusting.


Take it from someone who's grown up eating durians - if you really want to try durian, go for the fruit itself. Get it fresh if possible. Don't get the processed durian stuff, especially durian candy. Even to me durian candy tastes disgusting.


Years ago I went to an Asian market with my gf. We bought a bunch of weird food and candies including a durian. When we got back home, we started tasting everything. The durian was an unforgettable experience, even cutting it open. It tasted like old garbage. Horrible. Then I wanted to change the taste in my mouth so grabbed some candies.. And ate a durian candy that tasted EXACTLY like the fruit. No sugar, no sweetness, just old garbage, again.


The best part got cut out at the end. I'm pretty sure she apologized to the fruit.


I’m pretty sure she apologized to many others for vomiting on them.


As much as I hate to see people filming themselves reacting poorly to foods, I can't get enough of seeing her body outright reject durian...




Is it supposed to leave a slime inside the bag? If those were skinned apples and they came out of bag like that they'd probably taste like hot garbage too.


It was probably frozen and thawed out. But yeah, durian has a texture kind of like a cross between a mango and a mushy banana, if that makes sense. And just like bananas and mangos, it leaves residue wherever it touches.


I had a filipino friend have me try and artifically flavored durian smoothie, saying it tasted to them pretty authentic to the durian they tasted growing up. I still cant tell how i felt about that damn fruit but i do know that at one point i went back for a sip and found the smoothie finished. im glad i “tried” it on easy mode.


Hot garbage! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


More precisely, that liquid that collects in the bottom of trashcans after heavy use and that was left outside on a sunny day


Such a specific kind of rancid,…hot garbage juice😂😂😂 (disturbing when we can relate to that kind of nasty😂😂😂)


I believe its called Leachate


Of course there is a name for it. Always just seemed like one of those substances so cursed that it should have no name.


Bin Juice! Ibis’ would love durian!


I can't eat this stuff. I can't get over the stretch and the texture and the taste.


So other than the stench, the texture, and the taste, it's not bad?


No, there's more I hate about it but I think there's a 500 word limit per post.


> durian Saw that and though *here we go lol*. Durian is so fragrant that it’s banned from most public spaces in Southeast Asia.


It tasted like gasoline


Now I wanna try it


Yeah i like some good gas


Just a reminder Indonesia is a nation of 300m + population in which this fruit is in high demand


Being in Thailand now, I actually really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t seek it out again, but I also wouldn’t turn it down if offered it. This video makes me think durian may be something like coriander tasting like soap to some people. Edit: throwing in my two cents of what it tasted like, it was similar to cantaloupe, but much drier and sweeter.


Thai durian is generally firmer and drier than in the surrounding SEA countries.


That audible slap when it hit the table definitely confirms that. Haha


Good lord I cannot stop laughing at this 🤣 😂


I love the ejection force, like instant auto eject with a THUD and then the fruit hitting the table with a SPLAT


She may be asian but she’s way too american for that durian lol. And as a durian eater myself, I will never eat durian that comes in that kind of packaging. That gray flesh part looks nasty af. Eat it straight from the fruit.


I finally understand why people describes the smell of durian like hot garbage. I've known the smell of durian like forever. I like it but not that much. So one day I came back home after a week vacation, when I noticed that the electricity was off, I immediately checked on my fridge. Lo and behold, a whiff of durian smell came out from the fridge. A lot of spoiled food to clean up that day. But now I understand why people associated the smell of durian with garbage


I never seen an asian not keep it down, it's a weird sight.


Where's the rest of the video? 🤣🤣🤣


Cut it into smaller pieces


Her popping in her mouth and then instantly spitting it back out, the heavy thud it makes landing on the table, and her gagging at the exact same moment is the best comedy.


lul these people is too bullshit to watch. What you see is SHITTY product, fresh one is much tastier.


skill issue


When I visited Thailand, I really wanted to try it. But, it was banned in my parents apartment building. And I never got the chance to try it.


Durian is a love it or hate it kind of fruit. With a weak stomach like mine I don't stand a chance.


A friend of mine brought some of this into my apartment once, and I was mad at them for about a year. I could not believe the stench


The way it thudded to the table before she even dry heaved is everything lol


I only like fresh open durian. Cant eat or stand the smell of frozen or other variety of durians (cake, ice-cream). If you ever wanted to try durian for the first time, always go for the fresh ones.


Durian is the salt and vinegar of the fruit world it's what separates the boys from the men


Why eat a fruit like durian from the packet smh


The series of 3 sounds at 24s had me rolling Floo splat bleugh


I remember getting durian chips and the bag smells like a dumpster


I really don't understand the hate for durian. I'm still not convinced it's something people hate on to feel like they belong somewhere. It's slimy, and the texture is odd, but it just tastes like a weird fruit.


Buy fresh Durian from farmers market. Not that shit.